22 research outputs found

    Orientacje sprawcze i wspólnotowe współczesnej młodzieży

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    The primary aim of the article is a discussion on the youth's orientation in the social aspects of life in theoretical and empirical perspective. The research subject raised in this article is to show the image of the today’s youths from the perspective of peers by the designation of some aspects, especially social orientations, that are being only fragments of the necessary conditions to seize the situation of young people

    Wyniki badań naukowych a scenariusz filmowy, czyli od danych empirycznych do fabuły filmu

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    This article is an attempt to show the relationship between the findings and the scenario film in the results of research conducted by Jacek Kurzępa and the film Piggies directed by Robert Gliński. This is an exemplification contribution to the debate on the role of film in education and educational function of the film, which can be an attractive and effective means of communication.This article is an attempt to show the relationship between the findings and the scenario film in the results of research conducted by Jacek Kurzępa and the film Piggies directed by Robert Gliński. This is an exemplification contribution to the debate on the role of film in education and educational function of the film, which can be an attractive and effective means of communication

    Society Oriented to a Global Change in the Consciousness of Young People

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    The primary aims of the article are the evaluation of the peers’ generation by a group of young people and the views and opinions of the researched group on society in constant global change. Young people constitute a social group that is particularly involved with the reality of permanent change. Aside from changes existing in the outside world, young people are challenged by a number of changes coming from their inner psychosocial state. Young people are therefore, so to say, in a double situation of being ‘in-between’ – the inner and the outer one. It is a difficult task for young people to find permanent ‘land’ in the ‘liquid sea’ of omnipresent changes. Because of those issues, young people of secondary schools became the object of the theoretical analysis and the research process, the choice made due to developmental changes of adolescence corresponding to the idea of research.3018921111Studia Edukacyjn

    Contemporary Youth Perception of Similarities and Differences in Self-Peer Relations

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    This article is devoted to theoretical considerations and research on the process of interpersonal comparison, which is based on the perception of similarity and distinction along the line I – other people, through the self – discovery which helps crystallize one’s own identity. The analysis refers to the youth category, as interpersonal comparisons are particularly intense in adolescence, when individuals are aware of their distinct shape of personal and social identity, making self-assessment on the basis of information about themselves whose source are other people. Research showed a positive image of students as shown to their peers; students confirmed the image of youth as an age group that sees itself as being valuable and having a number of socially desirable traits, a social group representing perspective the driving force of modern society. At the same time it revealed a tendency to emphasize the young people’s individuality and separateness against peers and the propensity for portraying themselves in a more favorable light as compared to evaluate their peers.391131297Studia Edukacyjn

    Lifestyle in Times of Individualization. Free Choice as a Criterion of Social Differentiation

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    This article is a theoretical reflection on the changes of the quality of living “everyday life”, a category of lifestyle, on the background of the socio-culturally based individualization. Apart form customization, another analyzed category of this study is the concept of a “lifestyle”, the subject of interest of many scientific disciplines which highlight the different constitutive features. Today’s conditions of postmodernity based on flexibility, change, a lack of stability and predictability, are not part of mainstream thinking about a lifestyle as a category closely-determined by external factors, even such as class membership. For considering the changes in individuals’ daily lives, the subjective aspect should take into account internal factors, such as free will or choice. Consumerism is no doubt a contemporary trend which especially strongly changes postmodern societies, leading to changes in the quality of daily life of individuals. This area of human activity has become a defining force in a lifestyle, weakening the importance of class.3263775Studia Edukacyjn

    Causative and Community Orientations of Contemporary Youths

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    The primary aim of the article is a discussion on the youth's orientation in the social aspects of life in theoretical and empirical perspective. The research subject raised in this article is to show the image of the today’s youths from the perspective of peers by the designation of some aspects, especially social orientations, that are being only fragments of the necessary conditions to seize the situation of young people.21351518Kultura-Społeczeństwo-Edukacj

    Contemporary Youth as a Subject of Social Life

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    The primary aim of the article is a theoretical discourse about contemporary young people participating in modern life, an important part of social life. In light of the considerations presented in the article, young people are seen as a subject of social life. This is an important component of the debate on current and future socio-cultural aspects of life in modernity.351131306Studia Edukacyjn

    Freedom of Choice in Creation of Your Own Life Style of Modern Youth

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    This article is dedicated to reflection on the lifestyle of contemporary young people, which is formed on the basis of freedom of choice. This is due to the specific nature of the globalized reality of sociocultural, in particular popular culture and consumerism, which are the main element of youth lifestyle emphasizing the role of unlimited possibilities in shaping their own identity and way of life of the elements that once were dependent mainly on class membership.4219120311Studia Edukacyjn

    The importance of the categories trust and risk for contemporary youth

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    This article presents theoretical considerations on the category of trust and risk as constructs particularly important for an individual participating in contemporary socio-cultural realities, especially for young people. Theoretical analyses of the concepts of trust and risk are presented. The basis for these analyses was the concept of the sense of ontological security set in the context of contemporary socio-cultural conditions and globalization processes. Trust and risk are categories of particular importance to young people at present, which is why this age group was emphasized in the theoretical analyses undertaken.This article presents theoretical considerations on the category of trust and risk as constructs particularly important for an individual participating in contemporary socio-cultural realities, especially for young people. Theoretical analyses of the concepts of trust and risk are presented. The basis for these analyses was the concept of the sense of ontological security set in the context of contemporary socio-cultural conditions and globalization processes. Trust and risk are categories of particular importance to young people at present, which is why this age group was emphasized in the theoretical analyses undertaken