1,699 research outputs found

    Systematic Review of the Literature on Family Farming and the Social and Solidarity Economy in Brazil and Latin America

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    Concerned with the increase in hunger worldwide as well as unemployment and the lack of equity in the distribution of income the United Nations began to address genuinely Latin American scientific categories in its agendas assemblies and task forces The two main categories are Family Farming with the recent establishment of the Family Farming decade 2019-2028 and the Social and Solidarity Economy as a tool for transposing the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs in the Territories Together these categories can be responsible for achieving the SDGs in 78 of the world s territory There is a need however to clarify whether the science produced in Latin America also presents trends of intersection in the search for the theoretical construction of a new paradigm of production and consumption In this sense the objective of this study was to identify trends in scientific production on the categories Family Farming and Social and Solidarity Economy An adaptation of the PRISMA method was developed as a systematic literature review to identify these trends in the scientific field in Latin America After executing the PRISMA method we arrived at 244 articles from Family Farming and 56 articles from the Social and Solidarity Economy between 2016 and 2020 categorized into Areas of Study and Knowledge Macrocategories and Microcategories There are consolidated trends in the intersection between Family Farming and the Social and Solidarity Economy in productions on Productive Inclusion Sustainable Development and Sustainability Indicators and with evident growth in the areas of productions on Food Security mainly in the Organic Foods and Agroecology microcategories and productions on Public Policies in microcategories such as the National School Feeding Program Social Transformations and Social Technologies We conclude that the relationship between Social and Solidarity Economy and Family Farming is reciprocal in terms of granting cohesion to the scientific production network extrapolating the borders of Brazil and integrating not only Latin America but also Iberoamerica as a path to the expansion of both the categorie

    Healthcare Critical Knowledge Monitor System Model : healthcare critical knowledge ontology component

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    “Proceedings of Safety, Health and Environment World Congress, ISSN 2317-3173. Vol. 13, nr. 1 (2013)”Healthcare organizations manage with personal information concerning to patients from many sources that, typically, are supported by computer-based systems therefore, demands cautious when there are ethical and legal aspects involved. Since not all clinical knowledge managed by healthcare organizations could be considered critical (or much critical) we need to define the value of clinical knowledge for further handle in risk management. With the key aspects of InfoSec: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability and Privacy we intent to achieve the core critical knowledge that will be the source of the healthcare critical knowledge ontology. Critical knowledge ontology should be tailored to the healthcare organization in focus to comply with multiple factors, such as: organizational culture, terminology used, health department specifications, among others. With topic model approach we intent to automatically driven document topics and match with critical healthcare knowledge from ontology, thus, give value to the documents concerning its critical knowledge.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the Competitive Factors Operational Program – COMPETE and Portuguese national funds through FCT – Fundação para a ciência e tecnologia in project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER- 022674

    Critical Knowledge Monitor System Model: healthcare context

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    In order to provide a better service, sharing knowledge with partners and communities is becoming part of the healthcare organizations culture. Data, information and clinic knowledge require specific cautious, because it involves ethical and legal issues. The constant evolution of Information and Communication Technologies brings new opportunities with multiple forms of communication (web 2.0), therefore, new ways of sharing knowledge. Further, there is a wide knowledge sources: patient’s feedback; knowledge from Internet sources; knowledge from decision support systems; and inference knowledge (e.g. Knowledge from Data Mining techniques) justifying the use of knowledge management systems to get its benefits. The Critical Knowledge Monitor System Model, proposed here, allows knowledge sharing in a controlled ambient and could be a part of the answer to this paradigm that healthcare organizations face. To implement the Critical Knowledge Monitor System model we’ll need to apply knowledge engineering techniques such as ontology construction, text mining, techniques, Information retrieval, among others. Since not all knowledge manage by healthcare organizations could be considered critical (or much critical), it’s necessary to define constructs to classify clinic knowledge. To achieve this, we’ll implement a focus group approach with the use of risk management techniques to classify knowledge as critical and its critical level to driven ontology with the class and terms used by the healthcare organization under study. Essentially, these are the motives of this research.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the Competitive Factors Operational Program – COMPETE and Portuguese national funds through FCT – Fundação para a ciência e tecnologia in project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022674

    An ontology based approach to data surveillance

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    Nowadays the terrorist threat took proportions that concern governments and the national security organizations, all over the world. A successful terrorist incident usually brings catastrophic results. However if a terrorist attack can be predicted and characterized, it may be possible to organize a proper intervention in order to avoid it or to reduce its impact. The management of information is becoming an important issue in the domain of security information systems. The information access and association, analysis and assessment, and finally exploitation have become the focus for all security information services and governments. Current surveillance approaches are not very efficient leading innocent citizen to the confrontation of law enforcement services. One reason for this, result from the difficulties of the current system to extract knowledge or concepts abstracted from massive databases of information. Knowledge based methods, such as ontologies can integrate data surveillance, and enable a proper data analyse improving the performance of the security information services. This paper intends to present a perspective about the use of ontologies in the context of data surveillance, and present its importance in the current security services domain.(undefined

    Diversidade morfológica e chave de identificação para variedades locais de cará na Amazônia Central

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    The objective of this work was to select an optimal set of morphological descriptors, in order to characterize the phenotipical diversity of Amerindian yam (Dioscorea trifida) landraces cultivated in the municipality of Caapiranga, in the central Amazon region of Brazil, and to develop a botanical identification key for them. A collection of 140 accessions and an experimental plot with a representative sample of 20 landraces were used to test 64 morphological descriptors for the aerial and subterranean plant parts. Forty-eight descriptors were selected, of which 13 were for tubers, 12 for stems, 14 for leaves, and 9 for inflorescences and seed. A cluster analysis based on the morphological data showed the formation of two landrace groups with greater similarity: white and purple pulp tubers. The results provide tools for in situ and ex situ conservation and for plant breeding programs, considering the importance of maintaining and recognizing the value of Ameridian yam as an important native genetic resource for food security in the region.O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar um conjunto ideal de descritores morfológicos para caracterizar a diversidade fenotípica de variedades locais de cará (Dioscorea trifida) cultivadas no Município de Caapiranga, na região da Amazônia central, e desenvolver uma chave de identificação botânica. Uma coleção de 140 acessos e um cultivo experimental com uma amostra representativa de 20 variedades regionais foram utilizados para testar 64 descritores morfológicos para as partes aéreas e subterrâneas da planta. Foram selecionados 48 descritores, dos quais 13 para tubérculos, 12 para caules, 14 para folhas e 9 para inflorescências e sementes. Uma análise de agrupamento baseada nos dados morfológicos mostrou a formação de dois grupos de variedades locais com maior similaridade: tubérculos de polpa branca e de polpa roxa. Os resultados fornecem ferramentas para programas de conservação in situ e ex situ e de melhoramento, considerando-se a importância de manter e reconhecer o valor do cará como recurso genético nativo importante para a segurança alimentar na região

    Conceito Estratégico Nacional : uma necessidade imperiosa

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    O autor analisa os objetivos e componentes estruturantes do Conceito Estratégico Nacional reconhecendo este instrumento da governação como definidor de uma Grande Estratégia Nacional para atingir os objetivos fundamentais do Estado: segurança, prosperidade e bem-estar. Esta orientação de natureza estratégica deve incluir os objetivos nacionais permanentes, as principais ameaças, a avaliação do potencial nacional, as orientações para as estratégias gerais e o Estado final que se pretende atingir. O autor defende a natureza estrutural do conceito estratégico de defesa nacional, a sua essência inclusiva integrando atores nacionais e os cidadãos, a sua substância abrangente e o seu caráter consensual e orientador da ação do Estado.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proposta de estrutura para lançamento de produtos com foco no mercado de aços longos utilizando a metodologia seis sigma

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    Orientador:Pedro Jose Steiner NetoMonografia (Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Estratégia e Gestão Empresaria

    Rotação de culturas. VII. Efeito de culturas de inverno sobre o rendimento de grão e algumas características agronômicas das plantas de soja, no período de 1979 a 1985

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    During a six-year period at EMBRAPA/Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Trigo (CNPT) at Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil, the productivity and some agronomic characteristics of soybean plants in succession to winter crops were assessed. Soybeans were direct seeded on oats, rapeseed, flax, lupine and wheat stubble. The winter crops followed a rotational schedule and were arranged in a complete randomized block design and replicated four times. Both sowing and harvesting were mechanically done in plots with 120 m2. The means for soybean yield, plant height and insertion of the first pods were not affected by winter crops, nevertheless, yield components such as number of legumes, and number of grains were influenced by the preceeding winter crops. Soybeans seeded after wheat showed the highest yield. Durante seis anos, foi avaliada no Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Trigo (CNPT), em Passo Fundo, RS, a cultura da soja em sucessão à aveia, à colza, ao linho, ao tremoço e ao trigo, quanto ao rendimento de grãos e algumas características agronômicas. A soja foi estabelecida através de semeadura direta, obedecendo a um esquema rotacional previamente arranjado, num delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. A semeadura e a colheita foram feitas mecanicamente, em parcela com área de 120 m2. O rendimento de grãos, a altura de plantas e altura de inserção da soja, em média, não foram afetadas pelas culturas de inverno. Os componentes do rendimento (número de legumes e número de grãos) foram influenciados pelas espécies de inverno que antecederam a soja. Esta, após trigo, em valor absoluto, mostrou o maior rendimento de grão.

    A questão dos municípios como entidades federativas na constituição federal de 1988 : uma análise histórica e comparada

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    Orientador: Fabricio Ricardo de Limas TomioMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Curso de Graduação em DireitoResumo: Os municípios na constituição de 1988 foram elevados ao status de entes federativos. Junto a isso, para assegurar sua autonomia, suas competências tributárias e repasses constitucionais foram elevados. O presente trabalho visa primeiramente demonstrar historicamente como foi a formação do município brasileiro, em segundo lugar, analisar as consequências da elevação do status do município brasileiro a ente federativo. Nesse sentido, demonstramos que em razão do grau de autonomia e do alto grau de competências legislativas ocorreu um fenômeno de emancipação de municípios a partir da promulgação da CRFB/88 até a edição da EC 15/96. Demonstramos, ainda, que o arranjo institucional brasileiro favorece o movimento emancipacionista, pois é vantajoso a uma comunidade se emancipar em razão do novo município gerar empregos (principalmente públicos) e da desnecessidade gerar receita. Outro fato apontado no presente trabalho é que em razão das competências legislativas dos municípios serem extensas os TJ’s estaduais passaram a ser atores políticos importantes, tendo em vista que estes realizam o controle concentrado de constitucionalidade das leis municipai