22 research outputs found


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    Genus Spatuloricaria (Loricariinae, Loricariidae) comprises 12 species which are not very precisely characterized, because morphological data are incipient and no karyotype information is available. In this work, was made the first cytogenetic characterization of a Spatuloricaria species of the Xingu River. Chromosomes were analyzed with conventional staining techniques, C banding, CMA3, DAPI, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) with telomeric probes and rDNA18S. The results show that Spatuloricaria sp. has 2n=66 (6st/7sm/4m/16a) and a fundamental number (FN) of 92. The C-banding pattern revealed a distribution of heterochromatin in the centromeric and pericentromeric regions of the chromosomes and on the short arm of pair 15, coinciding with the DAPI labeling. FISH with rDNA 18S probes painted the terminal portion of chromosome pair eigth, corresponding to the CMA3 labeling, and a heteromorphism between the genomic blocks of this region was observed. The data obtained shall serve as cytotaxonomic markers for a better understanding of this group and its relationships within family Loricariidae, allowing inferences about the chromosomal evolution of the genus and its relations with other loricarids.Keywords: Loricariinae; cytotaxonomy; FISH; rDNA and telomeric probes.O gênero Spatuloricaria (Loricariinae, Loricariidae) compreende 12 espécies com caracterização pouco precisa, com dados morfológicos insipientes e nenhuma informação cariotípica disponível. Neste trabalho foi feita a primeira caracterização citogenética de uma espécie de Spatuloricaria do rio Xingu, utilizando técnicas de coloração convencional, bandeamento C, CMA3, DAPI, hibridização in situ fluorescente (FISH) com sondas teloméricas e DNAr18S. Os resultados mostram que Spatuloricaria sp. apresenta 2n=66 (6st+7sm+4m+16a) e número fundamental (NF) 92. A heterocromatina constitutiva (HC) está presente nas regiões centroméricas e pericentroméricas dos cromossomos e no braço curto do par 15, coincidindo com as marcações de DAPI. A FISH com sondas de DNAr 18S marcou o par cromossômico oito em sua porção terminal correspondente à marcação de CMA3, sendo observado heteromorfismo de tamanho dessa região. Não foram observadas sequências teloméricas intersticiais. Estes dados poderão servir como marcadores citotaxonômicos para a melhor compreensão do grupo e suas relações dentro da família Loricariidae, permitindo traçar inferências sobre a evolução cromossômica do gênero e suas relações com outros loricarídeos.Palavras-chave: Loricariinae, citotaxonomia, FISH, sondas DNAr, sequências teloméricas

    Karyotypic diversity within the genus Makalata (Echimyidae: Echimyinae) of Brazilian Amazon: Chromosomal evidence for multiple species.

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    The genus Makalata is a taxonomically complex group of rodents on which few cytogenetic studies have been performed. Most of the published karyotypes were described based only on conventional chromosome staining. Here, we studied the karyotypes of Makalata from two Brazilian Amazonian states, Amapá and Pará, by Giemsa-staining, G- and C-banding, AgNO3-staining and FISH with 18S rDNA and telomeric sequences probes. We observed 2n = 66/FN = 124 in the Pará state population in Makalata sp; and 2n = 72/FN = 128 in the Amapá state population in M. didelphoides. Multiple chromosome rearrangements may have given rise to these karyotypes, which differ significantly from each other and from those reported in the literature. The chromosomal differences among the described Makalata karyotypes can act as a barrier to gene flow; since they are also associated with geographic barriers (e.g., rivers) and numerous molecular differences, they could be seen as evidence for reproductive isolation of populations from genus Makalata. Our data suggest that the genus is chromosomally diverse and the karyotypes may belong to different species. These karyotypes may prove useful as taxonomic markers for these rodents

    The Biological Role of Sponge Circular RNAs in Gastric Cancer: Main Players or Coadjuvants?

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    Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a new class of long noncoding RNAs able to perform multiple functions, including sponging microRNAs (miRNAs) and RNA-Binding Proteins (RBPs). They play an important role in gastric carcinogenesis, but its involvement during gastric cancer (GC) development and progression are not well understood. We gathered miRNA and/or RBPs sponge circRNAs present in GC, and accessed their biological roles through functional enrichment of their target genes or ligand RBPs. We identified 54 sponge circRNAs in GC that are able to sponge 51 miRNAs and 103 RBPs. Then, we evaluated their host gene expression using The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database and observed that COL1A2 is the most overexpressed gene, which may be due to circHIPK3/miR-29b-c/COL1A2 axis dysregulation. We identified 27 GC-related pathways that may be affected mainly by circPVT1, circHIPK3 and circNF1. Our results indicate that circHIPK3/miR-107/BDNF/LIN28 axis may mediate chemoresistance in GC, and that circPVT1, circHIPK3, circNF1, ciRS-7 and circ_0000096 appear to be involved in gastrointestinal cancer development. Lastly, circHIPK3, circNRIP1 and circSMARCA5 were identified in different ethnic populations and may be ubiquitous modulators of gastric carcinogenesis. Overall, the studied sponge circRNAs are part of a complex RBP-circRNA-miRNA-mRNA interaction network, and are involved in the establishment, chemoresistance and progression of GC

    New karyotype for Mesomys stimulax (Rodentia, Echimyidae) from the Brazilian Amazon: A case for species complex?

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    Abstract Mesomys Wagner, 1845 (Rodentia, Echimyidae, Eumysopinae) currently has four recognized species, three of which occur in Brazil: Mesomys hispidus (probably a species complex), M. occultus, and M. stimulax. Mesomys leniceps is found in montane forests of northern Peru. Mesomys stimulax, the focus of the present study, has a distribution that is restricted to the central and eastern Amazonia south of the Amazon River, extending from the left bank of the Tapajós River to the right bank of the Tocantins River, and south to the southeast portion of Pará State. The genus presents karyotypes with diploid number 2n = 60 and Fundamental Number (FN) = 116 for M. hispidus and M. stimulax, and 2n = 42, FN = 54 for M. occultus. We studied the karyotype of a female specimen of M. stimulax collected from the Tapirapé‐Aquiri National Forest, Marabá, Pará, Brazil, in the Xingu/Tocantins interfluvium. The obtained karyotype (2n = 60 and FN = 110) differs from that described in the literature for both M. stimulax and M. hispidus by exhibiting more biarmed chromosomes, probably due to pericentric inversions and/or centromeric repositioning, and exhibiting differences in the amount and distribution of constitutive heterochromatin (CH). These results suggest that, similar to what has already been proposed for M. hispidus, M. stimulax may represent a species complex and/or cryptic species. The mechanisms of chromosomal diversification in Mesomys and the biogeographic implications are discussed reinforcing the need for broad systematic review for Mesomys

    Sociobehavioral, Biological, and Health Characteristics of Riverside People in the Xingu Region, Pará, Brazil

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    This study aimed to evaluate the sociodemographic, behavioral, and biological profile and its relationship with the emergence of chronic non-communicable diseases in riverside populations in the Xingu region, Pará, Brazil. Characteristics related to health indicators and which risk factors are considered most important were analyzed. This is a cross-sectional, exploratory, and descriptive study. The sample consisted of riverside people of over 18 years of both sexes. The sample size (n = 86) was calculated with a confidence level of 95% and a sample error of 5%. The K-means clustering algorithm was adopted through an unsupervised method to divide the groups, and the values were expressed as a median. For continuous and categorical data, the Mann-Whitney and chi-square tests were used, respectively, and the significance level was set at p p p p < 0.05), and waist–hip ratio, with values above the expected being observed in both groups. The factors considered important so as to be considered to have good health condition or not were the educational and social conditions of these communities, and one part of the riverside population was considered healthier than the other

    Extensive Chromosomal Reorganization in the Evolution of New World Muroid Rodents (Cricetidae, Sigmodontinae): Searching for Ancestral Phylogenetic Traits.

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    Sigmodontinae rodents show great diversity and complexity in morphology and ecology. This diversity is accompanied by extensive chromosome variation challenging attempts to reconstruct their ancestral genome. The species Hylaeamys megacephalus--HME (Oryzomyini, 2n = 54), Necromys lasiurus--NLA (Akodontini, 2n = 34) and Akodon sp.--ASP (Akodontini, 2n = 10) have extreme diploid numbers that make it difficult to understand the rearrangements that are responsible for such differences. In this study we analyzed these changes using whole chromosome probes of HME in cross-species painting of NLA and ASP to construct chromosome homology maps that reveal the rearrangements between species. We include data from the literature for other Sigmodontinae previously studied with probes from HME and Mus musculus (MMU) probes. We also use the HME probes on MMU chromosomes for the comparative analysis of NLA with other species already mapped by MMU probes. Our results show that NLA and ASP have highly rearranged karyotypes when compared to HME. Eleven HME syntenic blocks are shared among the species studied here. Four syntenies may be ancestral to Akodontini (HME2/18, 3/25, 18/25 and 4/11/16) and eight to Sigmodontinae (HME26, 1/12, 6/21, 7/9, 5/17, 11/16, 20/13 and 19/14/19). Using MMU data we identified six associations shared among rodents from seven subfamilies, where MMU3/18 and MMU8/13 are phylogenetic signatures of Sigmodontinae. We suggest that the associations MMU2entire, MMU6proximal/12entire, MMU3/18, MMU8/13, MMU1/17, MMU10/17, MMU12/17, MMU5/16, MMU5/6 and MMU7/19 are part of the ancestral Sigmodontinae genome

    APC gene is modulated by hsa-miR-135b-5p in both diffuse and intestinal gastric cancer subtypes

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    Abstract Background Several genetic and epigenetic alterations are related to the development and progression of Gastric Cancer (GC), one of those being the deregulated microRNA (miRNA) expression profile. miRNAs are small noncoding RNAs that negatively regulate the expression of thousands of genes, including oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Our group identified, in previous studies, some miRNAs that are differentially expressed in GC when compared to the gastric mucosa without cancer, including hsa-miR-29c and hsa-miR-135b. The aim of the study was to modulate the expression of the miRNAs hsa-miR-29c-5p and hsa-miR-135b-5p and evaluate the expression of their target genes in 2D and 3D cell cultures. Methods hsa-miR-29c-5p and hsa-miR-135b-5p expression profiles were modulated by transfecting mimics and antimiRs, respectively, in 2D and 3D cell cultures. The expression of the proteins coded by the genes CDC42, DNMT3A (target genes of hsa-miR-29c-5p) and APC (target gene of hsa-miR-135b-5p) were measured by Western Blot. Results Results showed that mimics and antimiRs transfection significantly altered the expression of both miRNAs, increasing the expression of hsa-miR-29c-5p and reducing the expression of hsa-miR-135b-5p, especially in the 3D culture of the cell lines. When analyzing the proteins expression, we observed that AGP01 and AGP03 cell lines transfected with mimics had a reduction in the levels of CDC42 and DNMT3A and all three cell lines transfected with antimiRs had an increase in the expression of the protein APC. Conclusion We concluded that three-dimensional culture can be a more representative in vitro model that resembles better the in vivo reality. Our results also showed that hsa-miR-29c-5p is an important regulator of CDC42 and DNMT3A genes in the intestinal subtype gastric cancer and hsa-miR-135b-5p regulates the APC gene in both intestinal and diffuse subtypes of GC. Dysregulation in their expression, and consequently in their respectively signaling pathways, shows how these miRNAs can influence the carcinogenesis of different histological subtypes of gastric cancer