5 research outputs found

    Extending the range of validity of Fourier's law into the kinetic transport regime via asymptotic solution of the phonon Boltzmann transport equation

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    We derive the continuum equations and boundary conditions governing phonon-mediated heat transfer in the limit of a small but finite mean-free path from the asymptotic solution of the linearized Boltzmann equation in the relaxation time approximation. Our approach uses the ratio of the mean-free path to the characteristic system length scale, also known as the Knudsen number, as the expansion parameter to study the effects of boundaries on the breakdown of the Fourier description. We show that, in the bulk, the traditional heat conduction equation using Fourier's law as a constitutive relation is valid at least up to second order in the Knudsen number for steady problems and first order for time-dependent problems. However, this description does not hold within distances on the order of a few mean-free paths from the boundary; this breakdown is a result of kinetic effects that are always present in the boundary vicinity and require solution of a Boltzmann boundary layer problem to be determined. Matching the inner, boundary layer solution to the outer, bulk solution yields boundary conditions for the Fourier description as well as additive corrections in the form of universal kinetic boundary layers; both are found to be proportional to the bulk-solution gradients at the boundary and parametrized by the material model and the phonon-boundary interaction model (Boltzmann boundary condition). Our derivation shows that the traditional no-jump boundary condition for prescribed temperature boundaries and the no-flux boundary condition for diffusely reflecting boundaries are appropriate only to zeroth order in the Knudsen number; at higher order, boundary conditions are of the jump type. We illustrate the utility of the asymptotic solution procedure by demonstrating that it can be used to predict the Kapitza resistance (and temperature jump) associated with an interface between two materials. All results are validated via comparisons with low-variance deviational Monte Carlo simulations.United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Science (Solid-State Solar-Thermal Energy Conversion Center Award DE-SC0001299)United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Science (Solid-State Solar-Thermal Energy Conversion Center Award DE-FG02-09ER46577)Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technolog

    Monte Carlo study of non-diffusive relaxation of a transient thermal grating in thin membranes

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    The impact of boundary scattering on non-diffusive thermal relaxation of a transient grating in thin membranes is rigorously analyzed using the multidimensional phononBoltzmann equation. The gray Boltzmann simulation results indicate that approximating models derived from previously reported one-dimensional relaxation model and Fuchs-Sondheimer model fail to describe the thermal relaxation of membranes with thickness comparable with phonon mean free path. Effective thermal conductivities from spectral Boltzmann simulations free of any fitting parameters are shown to agree reasonably well with experimental results. These findings are important for improving our fundamental understanding of non-diffusive thermal transport in membranes and other nanostructures.United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Science (Solid-State Solar-Thermal Energy Conversion Center Award DE-SC0001299/DE-FG02-09ER46577

    Thermal transport in nanoporous holey silicon membranes investigated with optically-induced transient thermal gratings

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    In this study, we use the transient thermal grating optical technique \textemdash a non-contact, laser-based thermal metrology technique with intrinsically high accuracy \textemdash to investigate room-temperature phonon-mediated thermal transport in two nanoporous holey silicon membranes with limiting dimensions of 100 nm and 250 nm respectively. We compare the experimental results to ab initio calculations of phonon-mediated thermal transport according to the phonon Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) using two different computational techniques. We find that the calculations conducted within the Casimir framework, i.e. based on the BTE with the bulk phonon dispersion and diffuse scattering from surfaces, are in quantitative agreement with the experimental data, and thus conclude that this framework is adequate for describing phonon-mediated thermal transport through holey silicon membranes with feature sizes on the order of 100 nm

    Thermal transport in suspended silicon membranes measured by laser-induced transient gratings

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    Studying thermal transport at the nanoscale poses formidable experimental challenges due both to the physics of the measurement process and to the issues of accuracy and reproducibility. The laser-induced transient thermal grating (TTG) technique permits non-contact measurements on nanostructured samples without a need for metal heaters or any other extraneous structures, offering the advantage of inherently high absolute accuracy. We present a review of recent studies of thermal transport in nanoscale silicon membranes using the TTG technique. An overview of the methodology, including an analysis of measurements errors, is followed by a discussion of new findings obtained from measurements on both "solid" and nanopatterned membranes. The most important results have been a direct observation of non-diffusive phonon-mediated transport at room temperature and measurements of thickness-dependent thermal conductivity of suspended membranes across a wide thickness range, showing good agreement with first-principles-based theory assuming diffuse scattering at the boundaries. Measurements on a membrane with a periodic pattern of nanosized holes (135nm) indicated fully diffusive transport and yielded thermal diffusivity values in agreement with Monte Carlo simulations. Based on the results obtained to-date, we conclude that room-temperature thermal transport in membrane-based silicon nanostructures is now reasonably well understood