11 research outputs found

    Observations on some teratological Braconidae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea) from Brazil

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    Three teratological specimens of Braconidae, one female of Orgilus sp. (Orgilinae), one male of Bracon sp. (Braconinae) and one female of Donquickeia sp. (Doryctinae), all from Brazil and deposited in the collection of the Departamento de Ecologia e Biologia Evolutiva da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (DCBU) in São Carlos, SP, Brasil, present malformations in one of the antennae and in one of the compound eyes; these are illustrated

    A new species of Phaenocarpa Foerster (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Alysiinae) from Brazil parasitizing Neosilba perezi (Diptera: Lonchaeidae)

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    This paper provides the description of Phaenocarpa neosilbae sp. n. (Braconidae: Alysiinae) reared from larvae of Neosilba perezi (Romero Ruppel, 1973) (Diptera: Lonchaeidae) in Brazil. Diagnostic characters are figured and the key to the Neotropical species of Phaenocarpa (Arouca Penteado-Dias, 2006) is modified to include the new species.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Instituto Nacional de Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Hymenoptera Parasitiides da Regiao Sudeste Brasileira (INCT - HYMPAR/Sudeste

    Diversity of Braconidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera) of the Parque Natural Municipal de Porto Velho, Rondonia, Brazil

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    Braconidae is a highly diversified family of Hymenoptera and usually known by their role in biological control both in agricultural and natural ecosystems. Despite of that, little is known about its diversity in the Amazon region. The present work inventoried the braconid fauna of an Open Ombrophylous Forest with Palm Trees of the Parque Natural Municipal de Porto Velho, RO. Insects were collect from June/2008 to May/2009 using six Malaise traps in different parts of the reserve. A total of 377 wasps were captured, 17 subfamilies and 56 genera identified. Braconinae, Microgastrinae, Doryctinae and Rogadinae subfamilies were very abundant, and also the genera Aleiodes, Bracon, Capitonius, Compsobracon, Heterospilus, Hymenochaonia, Opius, Pedinotus, Rogas and Stantonia. The calculated Shannon diversity index was 2.15 and 3.3 for subfamily and genera, respectively, which were, generally, higher than the values found for other regions in Brazil. Generally, parasitoids were more abundant during the rainy season. The present work contributes with new genera records and faunistic data of Braconidae in Rondonia State, western Amazon

    Bolivar brasiliensis Nunes & Penteado-Dias & Souza-Gadelha & Zaldívar-Riverón 2016, sp. nov.

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    <i>Bolivar brasiliensis</i> Nunes sp. nov. <p>Figs 1 A–F.</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> <i>Bolivar brasiliensis</i> sp. nov. is morphologically similar to <i>B. risaraldensis</i>. These two species are distinguished from the remaining members of <i>Bolivar</i> by having a poorly defined propodeal areola, only slightly distinct basally, and propodeum strongly areolate-rugose on apical third. However, the new species can be distinguished from <i>B. risaraldensis</i> by having a body mostly brown to dark brown (with a yellow-dark brown colour pattern in <i>B. risaraldensis</i>), precoxal sulcus running along basal 0.8–0.9 of mesopleuron (about 0.7 in <i>B. risaraldensis</i>), and males usually with an evident protruding lateral area above the pronotal groove.</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> Female. <i>Body length</i>: 4.5 mm. <i>Colour</i>: head brown to dark brown; face and area surrounding eyes light brown; scape and pedicel brown, with a lateral dark brown stripe. Flagellomeres light brown at the base, turning dark brown to apex, preapical eight (right flagellum), nine (left flagellum) flagellomeres white, apical two brown. Pronotum brown dorsolaterally, light brown to yellow ventrally; propleuron light brown to yellow; mesoscutum, propodeum and first metasomal tergite black; mesopleuron black to dark brown dorsally, light brown ventrally; venter of mesosoma light brown to yellow. Wings slightly dusky; veins and stigma brown; tegula light yellow. Legs light brown to yellow. Fore and middle coxae white, hind coxa dorsally yellow to brown, middle and hind femora brown. Third to fifth metasomal tergites brown, second and sixth light brown, remainder dark brown. Ovipositor brown, strongly sclerotized at apex; ovipositor sheaths light brown.</p> <p> <i>Head</i>: vertex and frons finely striate with granulate microscultpure; face slightly transversally striate; temple and gena smooth; clypeus smooth to slightly granulate. Eye 1.2 × higher than wide. Malar space height/eye height ratio 0.4. Temple/eye length ratio (dorsal view) 0.25. Distance between eye and ocellus 2.2 × diameter of lateral ocellus. Flagellum 29-segmented.</p> <p> <i>Mesosoma</i>: pronotum smooth, slightly coriaceous laterally. Pronotal groove wide, deep and slightly scrobiculate, smooth posteriorly. Propleuron slightly striated anteriorly, slightly coriaceous posteriorly. Mesoscutal lobes coriaceous. Notauli deep, scrobiculate anteriorly, not joining, reaching base of scutellum in a sub-parallel line. Scutellar disc slightly coriaceous. Scutellar sulcus with three longitudinal carinae. Subalar sulcus wide, shallow, scrobiculate dorsally, smooth medially and ventrally. Mesopleural sulcus shallow and scrobiculate, joining scutellar sulcus. Mesopleuron smooth to coriaceous dorsally, coriaceous medially and ventrally. Precoxal sulcus shallow, striated, running along basal 0.8 of mesopleuron. Venter of mesosoma coriaceous. Metapleuron coriaceous to coriaceous-rugose distally. Propodeum coriaceous within the two lateral longitudinal carinae, areolate-rugose with coriaceous microsculpture posteriorly and laterally. Propodeal areola not defined, only slightly distinct basally. Length of propodeal areola about 0.5 × maximum length of propodeum.</p> <p> <i>Wings</i>: fore wing length 3.1 mm, length/width ratio 3.5; vein m-cu interstitial to vein 2RS; vein cu-a interstitial to vein 1M; veins 2RS/2M ratio 0.6. Hind wing vein 1cu-a interstitial to vein 1M; vein M + CU 0.4 × length of vein 1M.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i>: fore tibia with a row of various spines. Mid tibia with a row of at least five spines; hind femur and coxa finely coriaceous. Hind femur length 4.0 × its maximum width.</p> <p> <i>Metasoma</i>: length of first tergite 2.0 × its maximum apical width, coriaceous basally, longitudinally costate with coriaceous microsculpture at apex. Basal sternal plate/length of first tergum 0.6. Second tergite entirely striate.</p> <p>Suture between second and third median tergites distinct and straight. Remaining tergites smooth and polished. Ovipositor 0.8 × length of metasoma.</p> <p> <b>Variation</b>. Body length 3.5–6.0 mm. Mesopleuron dark brown to black, light brown to yellow ventrally; first metasomal tergite dark brown to black, second one light brown to yellow; legs light brown to yellow; hind coxa light brown to brown apically. Temple/eye length ratio in dorsal view 0.2–0.28. Flagellomeres 23–31-segmented; with 6–10 preapical white and 1–2 apical dark flagellomeres. Postero-median area between notauli with or without various longitudinal carinae. Scutellar disc slightly granulate to smooth. Precoxal sulcus running along basal 0.8–0.9 of mesopleuron. Hind femur length 4.0–4.5 its maximum width. First metasomal tergite 1.75–2.0 its maximum width. Basal sternal plate 0.55–0.65 × length of first metasomal median tergite. Ovipositor length 0.8–1.1 mm.</p> <p> <b>Male</b>. Similar to female. Usually (> 80% of specimens) with a distinct, smooth to slightly coriaceous protruding lateral area above pronotal groove. Lateral protruding area of pronotum yellow to light brown. Precoxal sulcus running along basal 0.9 of mesopleuron. First tergite 2.3 × the apical width; second tergite width 0.7 × its length.</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> <i>Bolivar brasiliensis</i> sp. nov. occurs along the Atlantic coastal region in Brazil, from the states of Pernambuco to Santa Catarina (Fig. 2). Most of the specimens were collected in Atlantic rain forest (“ Mata Atlantica”).</p> <p> <b>Biology.</b> Unknown.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> This species refers to the country where the new species occurs, Brazil.</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> <i>Holotype</i>: female (DCBU). Brasil, SP (São Paulo), Salesóplis, Estação Biológica de Boracéia, Trilha dos Pilões (23°37'51"S 45°52'11"W), 10ª Bosque, Moericke, Biota-Fapesp, 1–3.iv.2001, S.T.P. Amarante e equipe col. <i>Paratypes</i>: 29 specimens, 21 females, 8 males (CNC, DCBU). 1 female, Brasil, Curuaru, PE (Pernambuco) 900m, iv.1972 (CNC); 1 female, Brasil, PE, Recife, Pq. (Parque) Est. (Estadual) de dois irmãos, ponto 9, bosque, Mata Atlântica, Moericke, Biota-Fapesp, 18–21.vii.2002, S.T.P. Amarante e equipe col. (DCBU); 1 females, 3 males, Brasil, AL (Alagoas), Quebrangulo, Res. (Reserva) Biol. (Biológica) Pedra Talhada, trilha, Mata Atlântica, Moericke, Biota-Fapesp, 08–11.ix.2002, Penteado-Dias e equipe col. (DCBU); 1 female, Brasil, ES (Espirito Santo), Sta. Teresa, Est. (Estação) Biol. Sta. Lucia, pto 20, Mata Atlântica, Varredura, 867m, Biota- Fapesp, 8.iv.2001, C.O. Azevedo e equipe col. (DCBU); 1 females, 1 male, Brasil, RJ (Rio de Janeiro), Santa Maria Madalena, Parque Estadual do Desengano, Varredura, Biota-Fapesp, 18.iv.2002, Penteado-Dias e equipe col. (DCBU); 2 females, Brasil, RJ, Nova Iguaçu, Reserva Biológica de Tinguá, Moericke, Biota-Fapesp, 6–9.ii.2002, S.T.P. Amarante e equipe col (DCBU); 1 female, Brasil, SP, São Carlos, Fazenda Canchim, Mata, 11.viii.1983, S. Soares col. (DCBU); 1 male Brasil, SP, São Carlos, Fazenda Canchim, Mata, Varredura, 10.x.1985, A.S. Soares col. (DCBU); 1 female Brasil, SP, São Carlos, Vale do Quilombo, Malaise, 01.xii.2006, Shimbori col. (DCBU); 2 females, Brasil, SP, Rio Claro, Usina Parque do Corumbataí, 22º27'06" S 47º35'32 W, Mata Ciliar, Malaise, 26.viii.2008, A.M.P. Dias col. (DCBU); 1 female, 1 males, Brasil, SP, Salesóplis, Estação Biológica de Boracéia, Trilha dos Pilões, Varredura, Biota-Fapesp, 01.iv.2001, S.T.P. Amarante e equipe col (DCBU); 1 female, Brasil, SP, Ubatuba, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Bosque, Varredura, Biota-Fapesp, 22.i.2002, N.W. Perioto e equipe col. (DCBU); 2 males, Brasil, SP, Ribeirão Grande, Parque Estadual Intervales, Base Barra Grande, Trilha do mirante, Varredura, Biota-Fapesp, 13.xii.2000, M.T. Tavares e equipe col. (DCBU); 2 females, Brasil, PR, Morretes, Parque Estadual do Pau Oco, Mata Atlântica, Moericke, 8–11.iv.2002, M.T. Tavares e equipe col. (DCBU); 1 female, Brasil, PR, Jundiaí do Sul, Fazenda Monte Verde, Lev. Ent. Profaupar, Malaise, 11.vii.1988. (DCBU); 1 female, Brasil, PR, Antonina, Reserva Spitanduva, Lev. Ent. Profaupar, Malaise, C.I.I.F, 17.ix.1986. (DCBU); 2 females, Brasil, SC (Santa Catarina), São Bento do Sul, CEPA-Rugendas, trilha, Mata Atlântica, Biota-Fapesp, Moericke, 16–19.x.2001, Penteado-Dias e equipe col. (DCBU); 2 females, Brasil, Guanabara, v.1972, M. Alvarenga (CNC).</p> <p> <b>Additional material examined.</b> We also examined other 136 specimens belonging to <i>B. brasiliensis</i>, 86 females and 50 males, which were collected with same techniques in the above localities. All these specimens are deposited in the DCBU.</p>Published as part of <i>Nunes, Juliano Fiorelini, Penteado-Dias, Angelica Maria, Souza-Gadelha, Sian De & Zaldívar-Riverón, Alejandro, 2016, A NEW SPECIES OF Bolivar Zaldívar-Riverón et Rodríguez-Jiménez (BRACONIDAE, DORYCTINAE) FROM BRAZIL, WITH NEW RECORDS OF THE AMAZONIAN B. ecuadorensis Zaldívar-Riverón et López-Estrada, pp. 245-250 in Zootaxa 4109 (2)</i> on pages 246-248, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4109.2.9, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/261537">http://zenodo.org/record/261537</a&gt

    FIGURE 9. Neocarus paraplatensis n in Redescription of Neocarus platensis Silvestri, 1905 (Acari: Opilioacaridae) and a new species from the syntype series

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    FIGURE 9. Neocarus paraplatensis n. sp. Male. (A) Dorsal shield, (B) lateral view of chelicera, (C) sternitogenital area, (D) ventral view of subcapitulum, (E) anal region. Abbreviations: oc = ocelli; sv = sternal verrucae, pgc = pregenital capsule, pg = pregenital area; g = genital area.Published as part of Araújo, Marcel Santos De, Palma, Antonella Di, Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio & Penteado-Dias, Angelica Maria, 2023, Redescription of Neocarus platensis Silvestri, 1905 (Acari: Opilioacaridae) and a new species from the syntype series, pp. 209-224 in Zootaxa 5230 (2) on page 220, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5230.2.5, http://zenodo.org/record/755353

    FIGURE 8. Neocarus paraplatensis n in Redescription of Neocarus platensis Silvestri, 1905 (Acari: Opilioacaridae) and a new species from the syntype series

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    FIGURE 8. Neocarus paraplatensis n. sp. Female (A) Phase contrast microscopy of sternitogenital region, (B) detail of ovipositor projections; differential interference contrast of (C) ovipositor, (D) palp tarsus. Arrows: ovipositor projections.Published as part of Araújo, Marcel Santos De, Palma, Antonella Di, Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio & Penteado-Dias, Angelica Maria, 2023, Redescription of Neocarus platensis Silvestri, 1905 (Acari: Opilioacaridae) and a new species from the syntype series, pp. 209-224 in Zootaxa 5230 (2) on page 219, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5230.2.5, http://zenodo.org/record/755353

    FIGURE 10. Neocarus paraplatensis n in Redescription of Neocarus platensis Silvestri, 1905 (Acari: Opilioacaridae) and a new species from the syntype series

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    FIGURE 10. Neocarus paraplatensis n. sp. Male. (A) Palp ventral and dorsal view (tarsus omitted), (B) details of palp tarsus.Published as part of Araújo, Marcel Santos De, Palma, Antonella Di, Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio & Penteado-Dias, Angelica Maria, 2023, Redescription of Neocarus platensis Silvestri, 1905 (Acari: Opilioacaridae) and a new species from the syntype series, pp. 209-224 in Zootaxa 5230 (2) on page 221, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5230.2.5, http://zenodo.org/record/755353

    FIGURE 1 in Redescription of Neocarus platensis Silvestri, 1905 (Acari: Opilioacaridae) and a new species from the syntype series

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    FIGURE 1. Collection sites of N. platensis, N. paraplatensis n. sp., N. entrerios, N. misiones and undescribed Neocarus species.Published as part of Araújo, Marcel Santos De, Palma, Antonella Di, Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio & Penteado-Dias, Angelica Maria, 2023, Redescription of Neocarus platensis Silvestri, 1905 (Acari: Opilioacaridae) and a new species from the syntype series, pp. 209-224 in Zootaxa 5230 (2) on page 210, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5230.2.5, http://zenodo.org/record/755353