3 research outputs found

    Cable Distribution systems - an essential element of the global information society

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    Not long ago, before the advent of cable operators, here in Macedonia, especially in the smaller towns in this area in the developed countries was overwhelming. In Shtip were able to follow only two or three programs in the Macedonian Television. Later, in the nineties of the last century, there have been two more programs to private local television stations. Admission to these programs is done through external antennas. Nevertheless, due to the specific configuration of the terrain and tall buildings, it was not possible quality reception of TV programs in all parts of the city. On the other hand, this way of receiving television programs by external antennas (and several antennas for each family) and brings other problems. Among other things, in terms of aesthetic appearance of buildings resembling a "forest" of antennas. With the advent of cable operators, this picture changes significantly. At the beginning of its development, the cable operators only offered a service to its customers - analog TV. Today, cable operators offer more services, ie services, and are called Multi Service Operators (Multi service operator - MSO). They invest in quality and expensive equipment that receive and distribute to end users a number of TV and radio channels channels with high quality. Users however, relatively inexpensive monthly fee can enjoy the quality of TV channels, radio channels, internet, telephony and other interactive services. Today through KDS can carry more than 70 (seventy!) Analog television and radio programs as well as a much larger number of digital TV and radio channels. Additionally through KDS enables fast digital communication, access to high-speed, broadband Internet and fixed telephony. Modern cable distribution systems represents a form of electronic communication networks. Electronic communications networks other than cable can be partially or completely wireless

    Електромагнетен смог на територијата на град Штип

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    Краток извадок: Во модерниот свет, речиси да не постои човек кој повеќе или помалку не е изложен на нејонизирачко електромагнетно зрачење кое потекнува од модерните електрични уреди што ги употребуваме во секојдневниот живот. Радиофреквентното електромагнетно зрачење е невидливо, но, кога би можеле да го видиме, тоа би изгледало како магла насекаде околу нас, со посебно густи „облачиња“ околу луѓето кои зборуваат преку мобилни телефони. Особено густи облаци од континуиран електромагнетен смог „би забележале“ околу антенските столбови преку кои се емитува радио и ТВ програма, како и околу антените на базните станици за мобилна телефонија. Ваквото нејонизирачко електромагнетно зрачење понекогаш го нарекуваме „електромагнетен смог“. Зборот смог е изграден од два англиски збора: „smoke” - што значи чад, и „fog” - што значи магла. Како и вистинскиот смог, електромагнетниот смог исто така може да има сериозно негативно влијание по здравјето на луѓето и живите организми, особено ако јачината на електромагнетното зрачење е поголема од препорачаната гранична вредност. Во текот на изработката на овој магистерски труд, направив голем број мерења на јачината на електромагнетните зрачења на повеќе точки во градот Штип. Резултатите од овие мерења, анализа на добиените вредности, како и нивна компарација со законската регулатива се составен дел од овој труд. Клучни зборови Електромагнетен смог, Реадиофреквентно зрачење, Електромагнетно загадување, Електромагнетни бранови, Радиофреквентно загадување, Загадување, Зрачење, Мерење, Електромагнетна изложеност, Електромагнетен спектар, Изложеност, Нејонизирачко зрачење, нејонизирачко загадување, Јачина на поле, Електрично поле, Јачина на електрично поле, Ниво на зрачење, Штетно зрачење, Спектрална анализа, Стандарди, Марија Пенова, Штип, Македонија, ФПТН, 5 ELECTROMAGNETIC SMOG in Shtip, Republic of Macedonia Abstract: In the modern world, nearly all of us are exposed to weak non‐ionising electromagnetic radiation from all sorts of modern electrical appliances which we use in everyday life. If we could see it, it would look like a fog over almost everything, with particularly dense patches around people using mobile phones and “Dect” cordless phones. There would be other dense patches hovering permanently over GSM base stations, Radio and TV transmitter antenna towers and Wi‐Fi routers. Such non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, sometimes we call it “electromagnetic smog”. The word “smog” coming from two English words: “smoke” and “fog”. Like real smog, it can have serious effects on our health, especially if electromagnetic radiation level is greater than the recommended limit. In this master`s thesis, I have measured the level of that RF-electromagnetic radiation in many characteristic points and public locations in Shtip, Republic of Macedonia. The results and analysis of those measurements as well as their comparison with the legislation, are part of my master`s thesis in this paper. Keywords: Electromagnetic smog, measure, RF radiation, Electromagnetic radiation, RF pollution, Radio frequency radiation, Radio frequency pollution, Pollution, Electromagnetic exposure, RF pollution, EMF, SAR, Specific Absorption Rate, Non-ionizing radiation, RF Field strength, Electromagnetic field strength, measure, measurements, Spectrum analyzer, RF spectrum, electromagnetic spectrum, GSM, ICNIRP, Shtip, Stip, Macedonia, Republic of Macedoni

    Design of Information Systems monitoring, record and control

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    Abstract - Logistics management information system is essential to provide management with the knowledge to exploit new markets, make changes in the design of packaging, make a right choice in store to raise or reduce inventory, to determine the profitability of customers and establish profitable level of customer service, choose transporter and determine which system of processing orders will be automated. To bring these strategic decisions management must know how you are changing costs and revenues dependent on appropriate alternatives would be selected. An advanced system for order processing is able to provide much information to different departments in the organization. Terminals for access to data can be made available to logistics management, production and marketing department. The system can provide a variety of regular reports and reports on the current situation upon request. The design of logistics information systems begins by examining consumer needs and determination of standards features to meet those needs. Next you need to make is the need for consumers to compare with the current capabilities of the company, and to explore current operations in order to identify areas that require monitoring. It is important at this level to interview different levels of management. In this way the company can determine what strategic and operational decisions are made and what information and in what form is needed for decision making. The next step is an examination of current possibilities for data processing companies in order to determine what changes are needed. Finally, the database could be created and the reports should be designed taking into account management costs and Uses of each report. Good system design must be of benefit to management and to provide movement of information from where they are collected to the appropriate level of management. Phones, and teleprinter connections between computers are just a few of the materials which can transfer information. For additional information processing computerized information system must possess capabilities to store data. Data of logistics information systems may come from multiple sources from which the most important are the following: System processing orders; Statements of the company; Data from the farm; Data from management