48 research outputs found

    Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project

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    In the last few years the amount of manuscripts digitized and made available on the Web has been constantly increasing. However, there is still a considarable lack of results concerning both the explicitation of their content and the tools developed to make it available. The objective of the Clavius on the Web project is to develop a Web platform exposing a selection of Christophorus Clavius letters along with three different levels of analysis: linguistic, lexical and semantic. The multilayered annotation of the corpus involves a XML-TEI encoding followed by a tokenization step where each token is univocally identified through a CTS urn notation and then associated to a part-of-speech and a lemma. The text is lexically and semantically annotated on the basis of a lexicon and a domain ontology, the former structuring the most relevant terms occurring in the text and the latter representing the domain entities of interest (e.g. people, places, etc.). Moreover, each entity is connected to linked and non linked resources, including DBpedia and VIAF. Finally, the results of the three layers of analysis are gathered and shown through interactive visualization and storytelling techniques. A demo version of the integrated architecture was developed

    Current activities of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation in the ambulatory setting of the Lombardy Region

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    In the present work, the current activities of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation and Prevention (CRP) in the ambulatory setting of the Lombardy Region (Italy) are described. Based on the 2012 Legislation, ambulatory CRP is delivered by means of three programme categories (MAC 6, 7, and 8) with different degrees of intensity. The patient evaluation of global cardiovascular/clinical risk, comorbidity, and disability is the cornerstone for MAC prescription. Following the organization of MAC activities, a survey on 327 patients was carried out by the regional network of the Italian Society of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation (GICR-IACPR). Globally, acute coronary syndromes (with or without coronary revascularization) constituted the main access group to CRP. More than 60% of patients displayed a condition of high risk, comorbidity, and disability. The outcome of ambulatory CRP by means of MAC 6 and 7 was satisfactory, while in the 'less intensive' MAC 8 patients with complete drug up-titration and achievement of secondary prevention targets were no more than 70%.  Riassunto La Cardiologia Riabilitativa e Preventiva (CRP) storicamente riconosce nei percorsi ambulatoriali un importante setting per l’erogazione dell’intervento. In Regione Lombardia negli ultimi anni le attività di CRP sono state oggetto di una profonda riorganizzazione, con il contributo di esperti GICR-IACPR attivi presso lo specifico tavolo tecnico attivato presso la Direzione Generale Sanità. Dal 2012 sono attive le Macroattività Ambulatoriali Complesse e ad alta integrazione di risorse (MAC), che riguardano anche la sfera della CRP. Le MAC si sono poste come integrazione e alternativa al percorso degenziale e sono state classificate in tre livelli a complessità decrescente (MAC 6, MAC 7 e MAC 8 nel nuovo nomenclatore delle attività ambulatoriali). Il network GICR-IACPR ha quindi successivamente condotto una survey su 327 pazienti in tre Centri di CRP, di cui vengono esposti i risultati. Complessivamente, le condizioni di accesso alle MAC più utilizzate sono stati gli esiti di sindrome coronarica (con o senza rivascolarizzazione) e vi è stata una robusta rappresentazione (oltre 60%) di situazioni cliniche a medio/alto rischio clinico, complessità e disabilità. L’outcome dell’intervento in regime di MAC (in termini di recupero funzionale, titolazione della terapia di cardioprotezione e raggiungimento dei target terapeutici) è stato globalmente soddisfacente, seppure minore (non superiore al 70%) nel MAC 8 meno "intensivo"


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    O presente trabalho apresenta, por meio de uma revisão da literatura com abordagem qualitativa, o panorama atual das questões voltadas à sustentabilidade e os aspectos relativos às tecnologias para emprego de energias limpas. Nessa ótica, as análises visaram prospectar a inserção das fontes alternativas de energia na matriz atual, investigando as tecnologias já existentes para melhor entendimento da sistemática. Através das observações feitas é possível verificar que o Brasil possui em sua matriz energética, mais de 50% da energia produzida oriunda de energia limpa. Além disso, muitas fontes alternativas afloram, como a biomassa que possui retorno energético em detrimento da eliminação ambientalmente correta dos resíduos. Apesar disso, muito se tem à evoluir para alcançar uma efetiva instauração de fontes como a eólica e solar que ainda buscam espaço em meio à tecnologias não limpas, como é o caso das termoelétricas.

    Precisiones conceptuales acerca del trabajo psíquico de simbolización sobre la construcción del marco teórico: parte I

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    La propuesta de este trabajo es presentar avances teóricos conceptuales del equipo de investigación formado por docentes y adscriptos de las cátedras Psicología Evolutiva I y Psicología Clínica de Niños y Adolescentes de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, integrantes del proyecto de investigación “El jugar como actividad sublimatoria. Procesos de simbolización en niños y adolescentes de la ciudad de La Plata: un estudio exploratorio”, bajo la dirección y codirección de las profesoras Andrea Mirc y Roxana Gaudio. Dicho proyecto tuvo como propósito indagar la actividad de elaboración simbólica en la infancia y en la adolescencia, ligada al jugar y al mecanismo defensivo de la sublimación, en su relación con los modos culturales. La obra freudiana constituye un aporte esencial para pensar los procesos de simbolización en la infancia ligados a los destinos defensivos posibles para la pulsión. Sigmund Freud propone un concepto cercano a la noción de simbolización: el concepto de simbolismo. Por su parte, Wilfred Bion elabora una teoría del pensamiento mediante la cual permite incluir el desarrollo de pensamientos y el desarrollo del aparato para manejarlos. Ambos desarrollos están determinados por la cualidad de las experiencias emocionales que los enmarcan. Este autor tomó como base para la capacidad de simbolización el pensar, así como Donald Winnicott hizo de la experiencia del jugar un espacio psíquico ligado a la creación.Facultad de Psicologí

    Precisiones conceptuales acerca del trabajo psíquico de simbolización sobre la construcción del marco teórico: parte I

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    La propuesta de este trabajo es presentar avances teóricos conceptuales del equipo de investigación formado por docentes y adscriptos de las cátedras Psicología Evolutiva I y Psicología Clínica de Niños y Adolescentes de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, integrantes del proyecto de investigación “El jugar como actividad sublimatoria. Procesos de simbolización en niños y adolescentes de la ciudad de La Plata: un estudio exploratorio”, bajo la dirección y codirección de las profesoras Andrea Mirc y Roxana Gaudio. Dicho proyecto tuvo como propósito indagar la actividad de elaboración simbólica en la infancia y en la adolescencia, ligada al jugar y al mecanismo defensivo de la sublimación, en su relación con los modos culturales. La obra freudiana constituye un aporte esencial para pensar los procesos de simbolización en la infancia ligados a los destinos defensivos posibles para la pulsión. Sigmund Freud propone un concepto cercano a la noción de simbolización: el concepto de simbolismo. Por su parte, Wilfred Bion elabora una teoría del pensamiento mediante la cual permite incluir el desarrollo de pensamientos y el desarrollo del aparato para manejarlos. Ambos desarrollos están determinados por la cualidad de las experiencias emocionales que los enmarcan. Este autor tomó como base para la capacidad de simbolización el pensar, así como Donald Winnicott hizo de la experiencia del jugar un espacio psíquico ligado a la creación.Facultad de Psicologí

    Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation “3.0”: From acute to chronic phase. Position Paper of the ltalian Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (GICR-IACPR)

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    Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is the subspecialty of clinical cardiology dedicated to the treatment of cardiac patients, early and in the long term after an acute event. The aim of CR is to improve both quality of life and prognosis through prognostic stratification, clinical stabilization and optimization of therapy (pharmacological and non), management of comorbidities, treatment of disability, as well as through the provision and reinforcement of secondary prevention interventions and maintenaince of adherence to treatment. The mission of CR has changed over time. Once centered on the acute phase, aimed primarily at short-term survival, the healthcare of cardiac patients now increasingly involves the chronic phase where the challenge is to guarantee continuity and quality of care in the medium and long-term. The aim of the present position paper is to provide the state-of-the-art of CR in Italy, discussing its trengths and weaknesses as well as future perspectives

    ICAROS (Italian survey on CardiAc RehabilitatiOn and Secondary prevention after cardiac revascularization): Temporary report of the first prospective, longitudinal registry of the cardiac rehabilitation network GICR/IACPR

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    Hepatic encephalopathy after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt Incidence and risk factors

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    Forty-seven consecutive patients were prospectively evaluated to study the incidence of hepatic encephalopathy as well as modifications in the PSE index after TIPS, Various clinical, laboratory, and angiographic parameters were also recorded to identify risk factors for the development of post-TIPS hepatic encephalopathy (HE), Mean follow-up was 17 +/- 7 months. During follow-up, six patients died and one underwent transplantation, All other patients were followed for at least a year, Fifteen patients (32%) experienced 20 acute episodes of precipitated HE (hospitalization was necessary in 10 instances), and five patients (11%) presented a continuous alteration in mental status with frequent spontaneous exacerbation during follow-up, Both precipitated and spontaneous HE occurred more frequently during the first three months of follow-up, Moreover the PSE index was significantly worse than basal values one month after TIPS, thereafter returning to near basal values, HE was successfully treated in all patients but one who required a reduction in the stent/shunt diameter. Increasing age (>65 years) and low portacaval gradient (10 mm Hg to avoid an unacceptable rate of HE after TIPS

    Comparative immunohistochemical staining of atherosclerotic plaques using F16, F8 and L19: Three clinical-grade fully human antibodies

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    OBJECTIVE: F16, F8 and L19 are three fully human monoclonal antibodies, specific to splice isoforms of tenascin-C and fibronectin, which stain sites of active tissue remodeling and which are currently in Phase I and II clinical trials as radio-immunoconjugates and immunocytokines in patients with cancer and arthritis. The characterization of atherosclerosis using these antibodies may open novel pharmacodelivery options for the imaging and treatment of cardiovascular conditions. It may also allow a better assessment of the corresponding immunoconjugates in polymorbid patients with atherosclerotic plaques. METHODS: We performed a comparative immunohistochemical analysis with the F16, F8 and L19 antibodies in 28 freshly frozen human carotid plaques and in 11 normal arteries. Furthermore, we assessed the localization of the antibodies in relation to the infiltrating macrophages, vasa vasorum and Ki67-positive proliferating cells of the plaque. RESULTS: The F16 antibody, specific to the extra-domain A1 of tenascin-C, stained plaques with a selective and intense pattern, while F8 and L19, specific to the EDA and EDB domains of fibronectin, respectively, exhibited a less selective and intense staining. In immunofluorescence, F16 was found to bind regions rich in macrophages, vasa vasorum and proliferating cells, while showing no detectable vs. weak staining of normal arteries and of quiescent plaque structures. CONCLUSION: The human monoclonal antibody F16 stains areas of active tissue remodeling in atherosclerotic plaques and may thus deserve to be investigated as a suitable building block for the development of radiopharmaceuticals for plaque imaging or for the antibody-based targeted delivery of therapeutic agents to atherosclerotic lesions