497 research outputs found

    Quasirelativistic quasilocal finite wave-function collapse model

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    A Markovian wave function collapse model is presented where the collapse-inducing operator, constructed from quantum fields, is a manifestly covariant generalization of the mass density operator utilized in the nonrelativistic Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) wave function collapse model. However, the model is not Lorentz invariant because two such operators do not commute at spacelike separation, i.e., the time-ordering operation in one Lorentz frame, the "preferred" frame, is not the time-ordering operation in another frame. However, the characteristic spacelike distance over which the commutator decays is the particle's Compton wavelength so, since the commutator rapidly gets quite small, the model is "almost" relativistic. This "QRCSL" model is completely finite: unlike previous, relativistic, models, it has no (infinite) energy production from the vacuum state. QRCSL calculations are given of the collapse rate for a single free particle in a superposition of spatially separated packets, and of the energy production rate for any number of free particles: these reduce to the CSL rates if the particle's Compton wavelength is small compared to the model's distance parameter. One motivation for QRCSL is the realization that previous relativistic models entail excitation of nuclear states which exceeds that of experiment, whereas QRCSL does not: an example is given involving quadrupole excitation of the 74^{74}Ge nucleus.Comment: 10 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    How Stands Collapse II

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    I review ten problems associated with the dynamical wave function collapse program, which were described in the first of these two papers. Five of these, the \textit{interaction, preferred basis, trigger, symmetry} and \textit{superluminal} problems, were discussed as resolved there. In this volume in honor of Abner Shimony, I discuss the five remaining problems, \textit{tails, conservation law, experimental, relativity, legitimization}. Particular emphasis is given to the tails problem, first raised by Abner. The discussion of legitimization contains a new argument, that the energy density of the fluctuating field which causes collapse should exert a gravitational force. This force can be repulsive, since this energy density can be negative. Speculative illustrations of cosmological implications are offered.Comment: 37 page

    Singularity-Free Electrodynamics for Point Charges and Dipoles: Classical Model for Electron Self-Energy and Spin

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    It is shown how point charges and point dipoles with finite self-energies can be accomodated into classical electrodynamics. The key idea is the introduction of constitutive relations for the electromagnetic vacuum, which actually mirrors the physical reality of vacuum polarization. Our results reduce to conventional electrodynamics for scales large compared to the classical electron radius r02.8×1013r_0\approx 2.8\times10^{-13} cm. A classical simulation for a structureless electron is proposed, with the appropriate values of mass, spin and magnetic moment.Comment: 3 page

    Collapse models with non-white noises

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    We set up a general formalism for models of spontaneous wave function collapse with dynamics represented by a stochastic differential equation driven by general Gaussian noises, not necessarily white in time. In particular, we show that the non-Schrodinger terms of the equation induce the collapse of the wave function to one of the common eigenstates of the collapsing operators, and that the collapse occurs with the correct quantum probabilities. We also develop a perturbation expansion of the solution of the equation with respect to the parameter which sets the strength of the collapse process; such an approximation allows one to compute the leading order terms for the deviations of the predictions of collapse models with respect to those of standard quantum mechanics. This analysis shows that to leading order, the ``imaginary'' noise trick can be used for non-white Gaussian noise.Comment: Latex, 20 pages;references added and minor revisions; published as J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. {\bf 40} (2007) 15083-1509

    Hidden variable interpretation of spontaneous localization theory

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    The spontaneous localization theory of Ghirardi, Rimini, and Weber (GRW) is a theory in which wavepacket reduction is treated as a genuine physical process. Here it is shown that the mathematical formalism of GRW can be given an interpretation in terms of an evolving distribution of particles on configuration space similar to Bohmian mechanics (BM). The GRW wavefunction acts as a pilot wave for the set of particles. In addition, a continuous stream of noisy information concerning the precise whereabouts of the particles must be specified. Nonlinear filtering techniques are used to determine the dynamics of the distribution of particles conditional on this noisy information and consistency with the GRW wavefunction dynamics is demonstrated. Viewing this development as a hybrid BM-GRW theory, it is argued that, besides helping to clarify the relationship between the GRW theory and BM, its merits make it worth considering in its own right.Comment: 13 page

    The Hilbert space operator formalism within dynamical reduction models

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    Unlike standard quantum mechanics, dynamical reduction models assign no particular a priori status to `measurement processes', `apparata', and `observables', nor self-adjoint operators and positive operator valued measures enter the postulates defining these models. In this paper, we show why and how the Hilbert-space operator formalism, which standard quantum mechanics postulates, can be derived from the fundamental evolution equation of dynamical reduction models. Far from having any special ontological meaning, we show that within the dynamical reduction context the operator formalism is just a compact and convenient way to express the statistical properties of the outcomes of experiments.Comment: 25 pages, RevTeX. Changes made and two figures adde

    Quantum correlations in the temporal CHSH scenario

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    We consider a temporal version of the CHSH scenario using projective measurements on a single quantum system. It is known that quantum correlations in this scenario are fundamentally more general than correlations obtainable with the assumptions of macroscopic realism and non-invasive measurements. In this work, we also educe some fundamental limitations of these quantum correlations. One result is that a set of correlators can appear in the temporal CHSH scenario if and only if it can appear in the usual spatial CHSH scenario. In particular, we derive the validity of the Tsirelson bound and the impossibility of PR-box behavior. The strength of possible signaling also turns out to be surprisingly limited, giving a maximal communication capacity of approximately 0.32 bits. We also find a temporal version of Hardy's nonlocality paradox with a maximal quantum value of 1/4.Comment: corrected versio

    On classical models of spin

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    The reason for recalling this old paper is the ongoing discussion on the attempts of circumventing certain assumptions leading to the Bell theorem (Hess-Philipp, Accardi). If I correctly understand the intentions of these Authors, the idea is to make use of the following logical loophole inherent in the proof of the Bell theorem: Probabilities of counterfactual events A and A' do not have to coincide with actually measured probabilities if measurements of A and A' disturb each other, or for any other fundamental reason cannot be performed simulaneously. It is generally believed that in the context of classical probability theory (i.e. realistic hidden variables) probabilities of counterfactual events can be identified with those of actually measured events. In the paper I give an explicit counterexample to this belief. The "first variation" on the Aerts model shows that counterfactual and actual problems formulated for the same classical system may be unrelated. In the model the first probability does not violate any classical inequality whereas the second does. Pecularity of the Bell inequality is that on the basis of an in principle unobservable probability one derives probabilities of jointly measurable random variables, the fact additionally obscuring the logical meaning of the construction. The existence of the loophole does not change the fact that I was not able to construct a local model violating the inequality with all the other loopholes eliminated.Comment: published as Found. Phys. Lett. 3 (1992) 24