33 research outputs found

    The Indicative System of Assessing the Level of Ecologization in the Context of the Region's Sustainable Development

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    The article over views the evolution of the term “ecologization” and provides the authors' interpretation; it discusses basic aspects of creating the indicative system of assessing the level of ecologization of the region's economy as an element of assessingthe region's sustainable development. The dependence obtained by the authors enables one to easily determine the state of the region's ecologization. The analysis provides the possibility to track the progress of both positive and negative changes. The ranges of integrated indicators will signal about the qualitative condition of the level of ecologization of the region. If there are negative tendencies, regional development programs require revision in order to improve the situation and reach the reference value of the indicator. Keywords: Ecologization; economy ecologization; assessing the region's sustainable development; the indicative system of assessing ecologization; the level of ecologization of the region's economy. JEL Classifications: Q01; Q

    Application of Risk Assessment Methodology for Substantiation of Measures Complex on Provision of Safe Functioning of Mobile Laboratories of Specialized Anti-Epidemic Teams

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    A set of risk assessment methods was used for substantiation of safe functioning of mobile laboratories (ML) of specialized anti-epidemic teams (SAET). The utilized methods were borrowed from diverse spheres of activity and recommended for evaluation of biological hazard and risk associated with work with pathogenic biological agents. The obtained data represent the basis for biorisk management in SAET` ML functioning

    Substantiation of Proposals on Improvement of Normative and Legal Regulation in the Field of Pathogenic Biological Agents Handling in the Russian Federation

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    Presented are the results of assessment of the national regulatory framework in the field of pathogenic biological agents handling in comparison with the same foreign one and WHO recommendations. Shown is the necessity of timely introduction of amendments or revision of the national regulatory documents. The topical issues requiring decision are specified. The proposals on improvement of normative legal regulations are submitted. The development of the common regulatory document integrating the issues of biological safety provision seems to be advisable


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    The work has evaluated the impact of intraoperative cryotherapy on the coagulation indicators and the risk of hemorrhagic complications development after liver resection, depending on the original (preoperative) functional state of the organ and the resection method. 24 patients with liver lesions, aged 20 –55, have been operated; of them 9 patients had liver disorders prior to the surgery and 15 patients had no disorders. Half of the patients have undergone liver resection with cryotherapy, the remaining part of the patients have been exposed to conventional resection. The material for the research was venous plasma. According to the research findings, the post-operative dynamics of the coagulation indicators in the patients with liver lesions proves the advantage of using cryotherapy for minimizing the risk of hemorrhagic complications emergence. Thus, a tendency towards normalization of factors V, XI and XII content in blood plasma is more prominent after cryoresection of the liver, than after the conventional resection method (without cryotherapy). The international normalized ratio (INR) in the post-operative period exceeds the norm, regardless of the resection method and the functional state of the liver prior to the surgery. However, among the patients who had original liver disorder, INR is more than 2.0 before the surgery, whereas after the operation, despite the decrease, it remains above 1.4, which indicates significant hypocoagulation and high risk of hemorrhagic complications following the deficiency of the extrinsic coagulation pathway. Activated partial thromboplastin time after the surgery goes down, however, like before the surgery, it remains within the range of the commonly accepted reference values, regardless of the functional liver state and the resection method.В работе оценивали влияние интраоперационного холодового воздействия на показатели коагуляционного гемостаза и риск развития геморрагических осложнений после резекции печени в зависимости от исходного (до операции) функционального состояния органа и метода резекции. Было прооперировано 24 пациента в возрасте от 20 до 55 лет по поводу очаговых поражений печени. Нарушение функций печени до операции наблюдалось у 9 больных, у 15 пациентов функциональных нарушений не было. У 50% больных была выполнена резекция печени с применением криовоздействия, у остальной части пациентов – традиционная резекция. Материалом для исследования служила плазма венозной крови. Согласно полученным результатам, динамика показателей коагуляционного гемостаза у больных с очаговой патологией печени после резекции органа доказывает преимущество применения криовоздействия для минимизации риска возникновения геморрагических послеоперационных осложнений. Так, в период после криорезекции печени тенденция к нормализации содержания факторов V, XI и XII в плазме крови является более выраженной, чем при использовании традиционного (без криовоздействия) метода резекции. Международное нормализованное отношение (МНО) в послеоперационном периоде превышает норму вне зависимости от метода резекции и функционального состояния печени до операции, однако у больных с исходно нарушенной функцией печени до операции МНО выше 2,0, а после операции, несмотря на снижение, сохраняется выше 1,4, что свидетельствует о значительной гипокоагуляции и высоком риске геморрагических осложнений вследствие нарушений внешнего (тканевого) пути активации свертывания крови. Активированное частичное тромбопластиновое время после операции снижается, но (как и до операции) сохраняется в пределах общепринятых референсных значений вне зависимости от функционального состояния печени и метода резекции

    Chronic Exposure to the Herbicide, Atrazine, Causes Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Insulin Resistance

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    There is an apparent overlap between areas in the USA where the herbicide, atrazine (ATZ), is heavily used and obesity-prevalence maps of people with a BMI over 30. Given that herbicides act on photosystem II of the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts, which have a functional structure similar to mitochondria, we investigated whether chronic exposure to low concentrations of ATZ might cause obesity or insulin resistance by damaging mitochondrial function. Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 48) were treated for 5 months with low concentrations (30 or 300 µg kg−1 day−1) of ATZ provided in drinking water. One group of animals was fed a regular diet for the entire period, and another group of animals was fed a high-fat diet (40% fat) for 2 months after 3 months of regular diet. Various parameters of insulin resistance were measured. Morphology and functional activities of mitochondria were evaluated in tissues of ATZ-exposed animals and in isolated mitochondria. Chronic administration of ATZ decreased basal metabolic rate, and increased body weight, intra-abdominal fat and insulin resistance without changing food intake or physical activity level. A high-fat diet further exacerbated insulin resistance and obesity. Mitochondria in skeletal muscle and liver of ATZ-treated rats were swollen with disrupted cristae. ATZ blocked the activities of oxidative phosphorylation complexes I and III, resulting in decreased oxygen consumption. It also suppressed the insulin-mediated phosphorylation of Akt. These results suggest that long-term exposure to the herbicide ATZ might contribute to the development of insulin resistance and obesity, particularly where a high-fat diet is prevalent

    Normative Provision of Biosafety of the Specialized Anti-Epidemic Teams Functioning

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    Analyzed were normative and methodical documents which were in force at different stages determined as regards current tasks, staff schedule and the equipment table of the specialized anti-epidemic teams (SAET). Substantiated was the necessity to develop the new regulatory document, comprising requirements of biosafety provision of the specialized anti-epidemic teams functioning. Determined was the way of further improvement of normative and methodical provision of biosafety under conditions of practical realization of the conception of SAET modernization. It included the development of the set of regulatory documents specifying the fulfillment of the main provisions of the Standing Оrder and elaboration of management system based on risk analysis

    Clinical case of combined correction of children's psychotraumatic experience and distress in the development of cancer

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    The article describes the results of applying the combined correction of the consequences of childhood traumatic experience, which served as the trigger that launched the onset of cancer distress. A patient with oncopathology (breast cancer) had signs of a sensitive, anxious-phobic personality. In the absence of the ability to cope with children's fears, a distress associatively occurs – a negative emotional state that did not allow finding a way out of the created conditions. The main prerequisite for the development of distress can be considered children's traumatic experience gained in the early stages of ontogenesis, amplified by negative memories of the loss of parents, loss of moral support for loved ones; the formation of a chronic state of loneliness, continuous anxiety regarding personality changes, depressed mood and mental activity. The clinical example described in the article illustrates the close pathological relationship of childhood traumatic experience and the occurrence of the disease, and also confirms the presence of a nonspecific psychosomatic disease in the framework of the diathesis-stress model. The psychological rehabilitation of the patient included the initiation of post-traumatic growth, self-knowledge, development of stress tolerance, activation of creative potential, finding a life goal, and finding harmonious interpersonal relationships. It is shown that the psychotherapeutic techniques used in the framework of the adapted diathesis-stress model (psychosynthesis, short-term analytical psychodrama, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy) allow us to determine a behavior strategy in overcoming the traumatic situation that occurred in the early stages of childhood, in order to form the skills of the correct expression of our emotions, avoiding this deconstructive "coping" – strategy