21 research outputs found

    Alimentación, Higiene y Salud: Manual para Maestros

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    Si estás interesado en el libro consíguelo en www.amazon.esLa mejor garantía para lograr un buen estado de salud y bienestar es adoptar una dieta saludable, seguir las oportunas medidas higiénicas y mantener un adecuado nivel de actividad física. De ahí que la formación en alimentación, higiene y salud de los educadores resulte tan importante, puesto que la escuela se ha convertido en un lugar clave para que el niño adquiera los hábitos saludables que van a perdurar a lo largo de toda su vida. Este manual pretende ser una guía sobre la educación en hábitos saludables para los docentes, que en su quehacer diario debe cumplir una importante función: educar para la salud a las generaciones futuras, fomentar una infancia y una adolescencia saludables, para que tengan una vida mejor y más larga. En sus manos está el desarrollo de una población más sana, más longeva y con mayor calidad de vida. Todos los temas se abordan desde una perspectiva eminentemente práctica, para que el docente pueda adquirir los conocimientos necesarios y sea capaz de organizar actividades en el aula para trabajar estos contenidos con sus alumnos. Para ello se incluyen las secciones denominadas «Consejos para el aula» y «Actividades para el aula», con recomendaciones y ejercicios para desarrollar en clase la temática de cada capítulo

    Improving future teachers’ digital competence using active methodologies

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    Contemporary society demands a university education based on active and participatory educational models that enable the development of competences, with digital competence being amongst the most demanded ones. This work presents the results of an educational innovation at the university level. It intends to analyse whether the implementation of an active methodology supported by technological tools in a virtual classroom contributes to students’ digital development. A quantitative methodology with a pre-experimental pretest-posttest design was used. The sample comprised 30 students studying the Curriculum Design module on the Biology and Geology Specialism of the Master’s in Teacher Training at the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. The results show an improvement in the five areas of the digital competence specified by the Common Framework for Teachers’ Digital Competence (MCCDD) established by Spain’s National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (INTEF), with a large effect size. It is concluded that the educational experiment implemented has enabled an increment in the level of digital competence of future teachers

    High glycine concentration increases collagen synthesis by articular chondrocytes in vitro: acute glycine deficiency could be an important cause of osteoarthritis

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    Collagen synthesis is severely diminished in osteoarthritis; thus, enhancing it may help the regeneration of cartilage. This requires large amounts of glycine, proline and lysine. Previous works of our group have shown that glycine is an essential amino acid, which must be present in the diet in large amounts to satisfy the demands for collagen synthesis. Other authors have shown that proline is conditionally essential. In this work we studied the effect of these amino acids on type II collagen synthesis. Bovine articular chondrocytes were cultured under a wide range of different concentrations of glycine, proline and lysine. Chondrocytes were characterized by type II collagen immunocytochemistry of confluence monolayer cultures. Cell growth and viability were assayed by trypan blue dye exclusion method. Type II collagen was measured in the monolayer, every 48 h for 15 days by ELISA. Increase in concentrations of proline and lysine in the culture medium enhances the synthesis of type II collagen at low concentrations, but these effects decay before 1.0 mM. Increase of glycine as of 1.0 mM exceeds these effects and this increase continues more persistently by 60–75%. Since the large effects produced by proline and lysine are within the physiological range, while the effect of glycine corresponds to a much higher range, these results demonstrated a severe glycine deficiency for collagen synthesis. Thus, increasing glycine in the diet may well be a strategy for helping cartilage regeneration by enhancing collagen synthesis, which could contribute to the treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis

    High glycine concentration increases collagen synthesis by articular chondrocytes in vitro: acute glycine deficiency could be an important cause of osteoarthritis

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    Collagen synthesis is severely diminished in osteoarthritis; thus, enhancing it may help the regeneration of cartilage. This requires large amounts of glycine, proline and lysine. Previous works of our group have shown that glycine is an essential amino acid, which must be present in the diet in large amounts to satisfy the demands for collagen synthesis. Other authors have shown that proline is conditionally essential. In this work we studied the effect of these amino acids on type II collagen synthesis. Bovine articular chondrocytes were cultured under a wide range of different concentrations of glycine, proline and lysine. Chondrocytes were characterized by type II collagen immunocytochemistry of confluence monolayer cultures. Cell growth and viability were assayed by trypan blue dye exclusion method. Type II collagen was measured in the monolayer, every 48 h for 15 days by ELISA. Increase in concentrations of proline and lysine in the culture medium enhances the synthesis of type II collagen at low concentrations, but these effects decay before 1.0 mM. Increase of glycine as of 1.0 mM exceeds these effects and this increase continues more persistently by 60–75%. Since the large effects produced by proline and lysine are within the physiological range, while the effect of glycine corresponds to a much higher range, these results demonstrated a severe glycine deficiency for collagen synthesis. Thus, increasing glycine in the diet may well be a strategy for helping cartilage regeneration by enhancing collagen synthesis, which could contribute to the treatment and prevention of osteoarthriti

    Food and Nutritional Education in degree studies of future teachers in Spain

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    Es evidente que en las últimas décadas hemos asistido a un cambio social que ha conllevado importantes modificaciones en los hábitos alimentarios de la población española. La incorporación de la mujer al mundo laboral, la urbanización creciente o el desarrollo de los medios de transporte y de comunicación son factores que han propiciado el fácil acceso a la comida rápida, la escasez de comidas en familia o el abuso de comidas fuera de casa. Los hábitos alimentarios se comienzan a adquirir en torno a los 3-4 años, consolidándose a partir de los 11 años. La escuela se ha convertido en un ámbito obligado de educación para la salud y el maestro en un agente de educación para la salud, con la enorme responsabilidad de influir en los hábitos saludables de los niños. Pero, ¿están realmente preparados para ello? En este trabajo se analizan los planes de estudio del Grado en Maestro de Educación Infantil y Primaria con el objetivo de comprobar si nuestros futuros maestros adquieren a lo largo de sus estudios la formación suficiente como para inculcar hábitos alimentarios saludables en los niños.It is obvious that in the last decades, we have suffered social changes that have led to important modifications in the Spanish population’s eating habits. The incorporation of women in the working world, the rising urbanization and the development of transport and communications are just some of the factors that have led to easy Access to fast food and drop in family meals and an increase in eating out. Eating habits start to be acquired at the age of 3 or 4, and they are consolided at around 11. Due to this, school has become an essential area in health education, where the teacher has also become and agent in health education with great influence on the acquisition of healthy habits by children. But, are they really prepared for such a task? In this Project we analyze the study plan of degree studies of future teachers of pre-primary and primary education to find out whether these future teachers acquire enough knowledge during their education to inculcate healthy eating habits to their pupils

    Future Teachers Seek to Avoid Climate Emergency With a Virtual Escape Room: Can a Virtual Escape Room Generate Positive Emotions in Students?

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    Students often show negative attitudes and emotions towards the study of science. It is important to design learning situations that achieve positive emotions among students, since it has been shown that these favour the learning process. The aim of this study was to implement a virtual escape room in the subject of Knowledge of Natural Sciences in the Degree of Primary Education at the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) in an entirely online environment and to analyse the self-perceived emotions of the students and the degree of satisfaction with the learning experience. The results show that the experience has a positive impact on learning, the emotions experienced, and the satisfaction of the students. It is concluded that virtual escape rooms are presented as a way of approaching learning through different creative challenges, which allow for the creation of a positive emotional environment in which the teaching and learning process is more attractive

    Glycolysis activity in flight muscles of birds according to their physiological function. An experimental model in vitro to study aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis activity separately

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    An experimental system in vitro is presented to assess the activity of the entire glycolysis in tissue extracts, which allows determining aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis activities separately. Glycolysis activity has been measured in pectoral and supracoracoideus muscles of the homing pigeon and the domestic fowl. These muscles support different aspects of flight in the two birds and are representative models of the two kinds of basic movements, endurance and sprint. The results obtained showed that in type I red fibers (pigeon pectoral), glucose produced a high glycolytic activity, while it was a poor substrate for type IIb white fibers (fowl pectoral and the two supracoracoideus). White fibers, however, attained its maximum glycolytic activity with phosphorylated glucose as substrate. These results demonstrated the validity of the experimental system as a method for assaying the two kinds of glycolytic activity in tissues, and supply new information about the biochemical and physiological features of these types of fibers

    Glycine can prevent and fight virus invasiveness by reinforcing the extracellular matrix

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    The extracellular matrix, mainly composed of collagen, is a mechanical barrier against infective agents, including viruses. High glycine availability is needed for a healthy collagen turnover. Glycine produced by human metabolism is much lower than the cell's needs giving a general glycine deficiency of 10 g/day in humans. This effect was tested for three years in 127 volunteers who had virus infections usually once or more times every year. 85 of them took glycine 10 g/day; 42 did not take glycine. Among those who took glycine, only 16 (12 of whom had infections two or more times each year) had the flu just in the first year -but much reduced in severity and duration- while those who did not take glycine, were infected as often and as severely as before. Glycine intake at the afore-mentioned dose prevents the spread of viruses by strengthening the extracellular matrix barriers against their advance

    Efecto del flipped learning en la competencia socio-emocional de futuros docentes

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    Diversos estudios han demostrado que los alumnos con mayor éxito educativo poseen un mejor nivel de competencia socioemocional y que, por el contrario, la baja adaptación social se relaciona con un rendimiento académico deficiente. Asimismo, se ha demostrado que el profesorado con un alto nivel de competencia socioemocional promueve la correcta gestión de las emociones de sus alumnos, ncrementando su aprendizaje académico, su integración social y, por tanto, mejorando la calidad educativa. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el cambio en la autopercepción de las competencias socioemocionales de futuros docentes, alumnos del Máster de Formación de Profesores de la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, tras la implementación de una intervención educativa basada en el modelo Flipped learning en la asignatura de Diseño Curricular de la especialidad de Biología y Geología. La muestra se compone de 48 estudiantes, un 40% son hombres y un 60% mujeres, con una edad media de 30,64 años. Para valorar si la intervención realizada ha incidido en el nivel de competencias socioemocionales se les aplica la escala validada previamente por otros autores, al inicio y al final de la intervención. Dicha escala consta de 4 dimensiones (autoconocimiento, autocontrol, conciencia social y conducta prosocial y toma de decisiones responsable), dentro de las cuales encontramos un número variable de ítems valorados según una escala tipo Likert (1-Totalmente en desacuerdo a 5-Totalmente de acuerdo). Los resultados de este estudio muestran que el nivel autopercibido de competencias socioemocionales del alumnado al inicio de la intervención es bastante alto (4,1 sobre 5), habiéndose producido una mejora en cada una de las dimensiones analizadas al final de la intervención. Además, el alumnado ha manifestado una elevada satisfacción con la experiencia de aprendizaje (4,45 sobre 5). Como conclusión indicar que la intervención realizada, basada en el modelo Flipped learning, ha incidido de forma positiva en la competencia socioemocional de los futuros docentes