25 research outputs found
Experimental Study of the Transition of Two Types of Wedge Gate Valves
The object of research is the type of power valves – gate valve or wedge valve. Gate valves or wedge valves take a leading place among power valve. It has minimal hydraulic resistance, an almost linear dependence of the flow rate on the degree of opening, and is widely used on general-purpose pipeline systems. One of the problem areas of such valves is the loss of tightness or the transition of wedge gate valves. In addition, a more complex design increases the likelihood of failure of such valves. To solve this problem, it is proposed to carry out an experimental study of the gate transition depending on the effort of their closure, as well as research the trend of this dependence.The studies are carried out on a bench that provides air pressure up to 3.0–3.5 MPa and is equipped with cast-iron and brass valves. Air transition is measured in a volumetric manner, displacing water from the measuring cell. To create a force on the rod that closes the valve, we used a KD-230 torque wrench (Russia) are used, which allows to measure torque up to 230 N⋅m. The experimental technique is as follows. The valve is closed with the necessary force wrench, then the compressor was turned on and the required pressure is reached. Air transition is measured by filling the measuring cell over time, fixed by a stopwatch.Processing of the obtained experimental data allows to obtain the following dependences of the relative gap of the valve on the magnitude of the torque for the cast-iron gate valve: Q/√ΔP)=3458∙M(–1,069and for the brass valve: (Q/√ΔP)=6893∙M(–2,435). It is shown that gate valves as well as previously studied valves have one trend: (Q/√Δ)P=С∙M(–g). The degree of torque shows that the larger it is in absolute value, the better the locking characteristics of the valve. So, to ensure the same air transition, the torque on the cast iron valves should have greater values than for the studied brass gate valve
Optical-acoustic effect in laser optics investigations
Parameters of the acoustic signals (AS) excited in the massive Al, Be and Cu mirrors by TEA CO2- and Nd : glass-laser pulses were investigated. Correlations between the AS parameters and an emergence of different types of laser-induced damage such as evaporation of heat insulated defects, melting and optical breakdown off irradiated surface have been found. The possibility to make a nondisturbing prediction of the metal mirror resistance to laser-induced damage has been shown
Optical-acoustic effect in laser optics investigations
Parameters of the acoustic signals (AS) excited in the massive Al, Be and Cu mirrors by TEA CO2- and Nd : glass-laser pulses were investigated. Correlations between the AS parameters and an emergence of different types of laser-induced damage such as evaporation of heat insulated defects, melting and optical breakdown off irradiated surface have been found. The possibility to make a nondisturbing prediction of the metal mirror resistance to laser-induced damage has been shown.Les paramètres des signaux acoustiques générés par des impulsions de lasers TEA-CO2 et Nd-glass dans des miroirs massifs en Al, Be et Cu ont été étudiés. Nous avons trouvé des corrélations entre les signaux acoustiques et l'apparition de dommages variés induits par laser tels que l'évaporation de défauts isolés thermiquement, la fusion et le breakdown optique des surfaces illuminées. La possibilité de faire une prédiction non destructive de la résistance de miroirs métalliques à l'endommagement laser est démontrée
Optical stochastic cooling for RHIC using optical parametric amplification
We propose using an optical parametric amplifier, with a ∼12 μm wavelength, for optical-stochastic cooling of ^{79}Au ions in the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. While the bandwidth of this amplifier is comparable to that of a Ti:sapphire laser, it has a higher average output power. Its wavelength is longer than that of the laser amplifiers previously considered for such an application. This longer wavelength permits a longer undulator period and higher magnetic field, thereby generating a larger signal from the pickup undulator and ensuring a more efficient interaction in the kicker undulator, both being essential elements in cooling moderately relativistic ions. The transition to a longer wavelength also relaxes the requirements for stability of the path length during ion-beam transport between pickup and kicker undulators
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Laser excited pulsed, electron beam systems that operate at energies from 1 MeV up to 5 MeV and pulse width from 0.1 to 100 ps are described. The systems consist of a high voltage pulser and a coaxial laser triggered gas or liquid spark gap. The spark gap discharges into a pulse forming line designed to produce and maintain a flat voltage pulse for 1 ns duration on the cathode of a photodiode. A synchronized laser is used to illuminate the photocathode with a laser pulse to produce an electron beam with very high brightness, short duration and current at or near the space charge limit. Operation of the system is described and preliminary test measurements of voltages, synchronization and jitter are presented for a 5 MeV system. Applications in chemistry, and accelerator research are briefly discussed
В статье представлено прогностические факторы развития перинатальной инфекционной патологии у новорожденных раннего неонатального периода на основании изучения анте- и интранатальных факторов риска, клинических особенностей раннего неонатального периода, морфометрических показателей плаценты.В статье представлено прогностические факторы развития перинатальной инфекционной патологии у новорожденных раннего неонатального периода на основании изучения анте- и интранатальных факторов риска, клинических особенностей раннего неонатального периода, морфометрических показателей плаценты.В статті представлені предиктори розвитку перинатальної інфекційної патології у новонароджених раннього неонатального періоду на підставі вивчення анте- та інтранатальних факторів ризику, клінічних особливостей раннього неонатального періоду та морфометричних показників плаценти
Opportunities short hospital stay (day sergery) in abdominal surgery
Широкое внедрение лапароскопических технологий в абдоминальной хирургии началось с конца XX века. Уменьшение травматичности доступа явилось предпосылкой к сокращению длительности послеоперационного реабилитационного периода. Как следствие, сокращаются сроки стационарного лечения. С 2009–2011 гг. в ВМКЦ ЮР 603 пациента прошли лечение в хирургическом стационаре по программе " хирургии одного дня". Выполнены следующие лапароскопические вмешательства: 442 холецистэктомии, 125 аппендэктомий, 4 крурорафии с фундопликацией по Ниссен, 14 герниопластик паховых грыж, 15 герниопластик вентральных грыж, 3 операции по поводу некроза жирового подвеска. Использование лапароскопических технологий предельно сокращает стационарное лечение пациентов, что позволяет более эффективно использовать мощности хирургических стационаров.Широке застосування лапароскопічних технологій в абдомінальній хірургії почалося з кінця XX століття. Зменшення травматичності доступу дало можливість скоротити тривалість реабілітації в післяопераційному періоді. Як наслідок, скоротились строки стаціонарного лікування. У період 2009–2011 рр. у ВМКЦ ПР 603 пацієнта пройшли лікування в хірургічному стаціонарі по програмі "хірургії одного дня". Виконані наступні лапароскопічні втручання: 442 холецистектомії, 125 аппендектомій, 4 крурорафії з фундоплікацією за Ніссеном, 14 герніопластик пахових гриж, 15 герніопластик вентральних гриж, 3 операції з приводу некрозу жирового підвіска товстої кишки. Використання лапароскопічних технологій максимально скорочує стаціонарне лікування пацієнтів, що дозволяє ефективно використовувати потужності хірургічних стаціонарів.Wide introduction of laparoscopic technologis in abdominal surgery begun at the end of XX century. Reduction of damage of surgical access was the precondition to reduction of duration of the inpatient department. In 2009–2011 years 604 laparoscopic operations performed in "short term department". Performed laparoscopic operations: 442 cholecystectomies, 125 appendectomies, 4 Nissen fundoplications with reconstruction of the diaphragmatic hiatus, 14 hernia repairs of inguinal hernias, 15 hernia repair of ventral hernias, 3 surgeries for necrosis of appenditial epiploiceas. The use of laparoscopic techniques ultimately reduces inpatient department, allow more efficient use of surgical hospitals power