31 research outputs found

    Übersetzung pejorativer Personenbezeichnungen

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    This paper investigates the translation of pejoratives referring to persons. The corpus is comprised of literary dialogues in the collection of short stories about the First World War by Miroslav Krleža. The dialogues describe the relationship between officers and soldiers. Soldiers are not well prepared for the war and are the trigger of officers’ anger. Therefore, the dialogues are rich with emotionally loaded outbursts resulting in swearwords. Swearwords relate to the intellect and skills of soldiers, and can be divided into absolute and relative pejoratives. Absolute pejoratives refer to the words that carry the negative meaning as the basis, whereas relative pejoratives are those that gain the negative meaning in a certain context. They derive from names of occupations and zoonyms. The analysis comprises the emotional embedment of swearwords, their metaphoric character and the strategies of translation from the Croatian into the German language

    Idiomi u hrvatskim i njemačkim novinskim tekstovima o koronavirusu

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    Pandemija koronavirusa je leta 2020 povzročila številne spremembe v življenjskem slogu in vedenju ljudi. Nanjo so bile vezane tudi teme v časopisnih člankih v obdobju med marcem in junijem 2020 in prav na podlagi teh je bil oblikovan korpus za to raziskavo. Časopisni članki so se osredotočali na boj proti virusom, odzive na zaprtje, gospodarstvo po zaprtju in načine spopadanja s krizo v EU in svetu. Analiza temelji na teoriji konvencionalnega figurativnega jezika in je uporabljena z namenom raziskovanja, kako so omenjene teme v izbranem hrvaškem in nemškem korpusu predstavljene z idiomi oz. metaforičnimi izrazi. V izhodišču so bila postavljena raziskovalna vprašanja o tem, pri katerih s koronavirusom povezanih temah se pojavljajo idiomi, kateri ciljni koncepti so v njih izraženi, katere metafore in izvirne koncepte je mogoče v njih prepoznati in ali obstajajo podobnosti med hrvaščino ter nemščino. The coronavirus pandemic in 2020 led to a number of changes in people’s lifestyles and behaviour. These were the topics covered in newspaper articles in the period between March and June 2020, which created the corpus for this investigation. Newspaper articles focused on the fight against viruses, reactions to lockdown, the post-lockdown economy and how the EU and the world were coping with the crisis. The analysis in this paper is based on the Conventional Figurative Language Theory (CFLT) in order to investigate how these topics are represented by metaphorical idioms in a selected Croatian and German corpus. The research questions in this paper are as follows: In which topics related to coronavirus do idioms appear? What target concepts are expressed using idioms? What metaphors and source domains can be identified in idioms? Are there any similarities between Croatian and German

    A Loanword as a Marker of Spatial Movement: The Case of Špancirfest

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    V prispevku je analiziran odnos med osnovnimi prostorsko-časovnimi in kulturnimi značilnostmi Špancirfesta, uličnega festivala, ki ga tradicionalno prirejajo v Varaždinu na severozahodu Hrvaške, in besedo, iz katere je izpeljano ime festivala – špancir ‘sprehod’. Prispevek sledi teoretični diskusiji o možnostih raziskovanja različnih tipov prostorov, ki so relevantni za sociolingvistično analizo, s tem pa ponuja pregled uličnih festivalov kot posebnih tipov javnega prostora, pa tudi vpogled v nemški jezikovni vpliv na severu Hrvaške, kar je osnova za analizo besede špancir kot nemške izposojenke. Korpus je sestavljen iz leksemov, povezanih s Špancirfestom, ki jih najdemo v časopisnih člankah iz let 2010–2016. Izvedena raziskava vključuje tudi uporabo vprašalnika med prebivalci Varaždina.This article analyzes the relationship between the basic spatiotemporal and cultural characteristics of Špancirfest, a street festival traditionally held in Varaždin in north-western Croatia, and the lexeme that the festival’s name is derived from: špancir ‘stroll’. Following a theoretical discussion of options for investigating various types of spaces relevant for sociolinguistic analysis, the article offers an overview of street festivals as particular types of public space, as well as insight into the German linguistic influence in north-western Croatia, serving as a basis for analyzing špancir as a German loanword. The corpus consists of lexemes related to Špancirfest found in newspaper articles in the period from 2010 till 2016. The conducted research also includes the application of a questionnaire among the residents of Varaždin


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    Istraživanje provedeno u ovome radu ima za cilj prikazati upotrebu modificiranih frazema u jeziku mode. Moda je (kultura odijevanja) oduvijek bila važna društvena pojava. U skladu s time razvio se i poseban žargon, jezik mode. Jezik mode u ženskim časopisima pokazuje upotrebu različitih jezičnih sredstava kojima treba privući pažnju čitateljica i zainteresirati ih za modne trendove. Frazemi su pogodni za takvu upotrebu, posebno kada su popraćeni slikama koje ističu modifikacije frazema. Ispitivanje provedeno na čitateljicama ženskih časopisa potvrđuje da su kombinacija slike i frazema, posebno krilatica, sredstvo privlačenja pažnje.This paper investigates modification techniques and the use of modified idioms in Croatian and German language of fashion. Fashion journalists present fashion trends not only with photos but also with effective idiomatic expressions. The language use in Croatian and German magazines shows many similarities as well as a number of equivalent modified idioms. Proverbs and catch phrases are mostly modified and used in titles in order to draw readers’ attention. They are used quite often in the media so we can remember them faster and recognize them easily. Two modification techniques are present in the corpus: formal with semantic modification (achieved first and foremost with lexical substitution) and semantic without formal modification (achieved with photos). A short survey among Croatian and German female readers of magazines shows that they recognize modified proverbs and names of popular films and songs. We can thus conclude that journalists successfully apply idiomatic modifications in the language of fashion

    Emojiji u njemačkim i hrvatskim Facebook komentarima za vrijeme svjetskog nogometnog prvenstva 2018. godine

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    V spletnem sporazumevanju se za nadomeščanje nebesednega sporazumevanja uporabljajo grafična in stilistična sredstva. V razpravi raziskujeva emotikone z vidika obraznih izrazov (prim. Wahyuni in Budi 2018: 194), ki se po svoji funkciji nanašajo na določeno sporazumevalno naravnanost, tj. na čustveno podkrepitev izražanja oz. pomoč pri rekonstrukciji sporazumevalnih okoliščin. Osredinjava se zlasti na možnosti podkrepitve čustvenega izražanja. Gradivo sestavljajo emotikoni, ki so se pojavljali v komentarjih na Facebooku med svetovnim nogometnim prvenstvom leta 2018, in sicer v nemškem časopisu Bild ter hrvaškem časopisu 24 sata. S pomočjo evalvacijske teorije so primerjani emotikoni in njihova raba v hrvaščini ter nemščini. In internet communication, grapho-stylistic tools are used to replace the elements of non-verbal communication. In this paper, emojis are explored as facial expressions (cf. Wahyuni and Budi 2018: 194) and they also have functions that relate to a particular communicative attitude, i.e. to emotionally enhance the statement and help reconstruct the communication context. It is precisely the possibilities of emotionally reinforcing the statement that are the focus of this article. The corpus consists of emojis in Facebook comments on the 2018 World Cup in German newspaper Bild and Croatian newspaper 24 sata. The aim of this article is to compare emojis and their use in Croatian and German based on the theory of evaluation