30 research outputs found

    Online but off-topic: Establishing common ground in small learning groups

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    There is not yet a great deal of research in formal online learning environments focusing on the seemingly “off-topic” conversations that small groups engage in as they complete learning tasks together. This study uses the theory of common ground as a framework to explore what participants are talking about when not discussing the concepts to be learned and how participants negotiate common ground in distance learning environments, including their use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools. The email, discussion forum, and chat transcripts of ten small groups comprised of experienced distance learners were investigated using computer-mediated discourse analysis, particularly attending to functional moves exchanged while completing tasks. Findings were as follows. First, groups talked more about off-topic issues such as logistics, social and technology concerns than they did the concepts to be learned. Second, they used the discussion forum more than chat or e-mail, but they did not vary much in their choice of mode for talking about particular topics. Finally, the groups established common ground through being explicitly responsive, responsible, and relational. Implications are that highly structured learning tasks should be balanced with more open-ended discussions that require less attention to logistic detail, students should be encouraged to attend to grounding strategies and should remain in the same groups long enough to develop such strategies

    Approaches to case analyses in synchronous and asynchronous environments

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    Computer-mediated communication (CMC) tools can be used to integrate time-intensive tasks, such as case study analyses, more easily into the teacher education curriculum. How students talk together online for learning purposes in CMC environments is an area that has not yet been thoroughly investigated. This paper extends findings from a previous study by comparing two groups of four preservice teachers analyzing cases in a synchronous and asynchronous environment. A case study and computer-mediated discourse analysis approach was taken to make sense of the discussion transcripts and participant reflections. Booth and Hulten’s (2003) taxonomy of learning contributions is used as an analysis framework. Asymmetrical participation patterns were found in both modes, with more participatory contributions to establish presence made in the asynchronous mode. More interactive moves were contributed in the synchronous mode. Reflective contributions, mainly to agree, were present in both modes. One group chose the asynchronous and the other the synchronous environment to analyze the final case of the course. Implications for the design and analysis of case discussion tasks in CMC environments are discussed

    “I’m Not Sure I Even Know”: Therapists’ Tentative Constructions of Autism

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    Autism has historically been constructed within and through biomedical discourses and practices. Therapeutic interventions have focused on “treating” and “curing” the individual diagnosed with autism, with therapists positioned as the “experts.” In this paper, we report findings from a discourse analysis informed by discursive psychology of eight interviews with therapists of children with autism labels. While the therapists were frequently positioned as “experts” with presumed “stocks of knowledge,” they were reluctant to definitively name autism as something with clearly defined characteristics, thereby making evident the shifting nature of knowledge surrounding what autism “really is.” We discuss implications for practitioners and others, as well as point to the importance of engaging in social constructionist studies of the discourses surrounding autism

    The Ideological Dilemmas Inherent in Informal Learning Spaces: A Discourse Analysis of Preservice Teacher Talk

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    Informal learning spaces, such as summer reading programs, have the potential to both motivate children and provide opportunities for preservice teachers to try out new practices. However, there is little research on the talk that occurs in these informal learning spaces, particularly those intended to function as third spaces. Audio recordings of meetings between preservice teachers and high school students talking together about young adult literature in a space intended to function as a third space were analyzed to explore how discourse choices shaped the participants\u27 practices. We found that the participants both resisted and reproduced the traditional classroom in their talk, suggesting that the successful design of third spaces is a complex endeavor

    Extending the conversation: Qualitative research as dialogic collaborative process

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    Collaborative research is often refers to collaboration among the researcher and the participants. Few studies investigate the collaborative process among researchers themselves. Assumptions about the qualitative research process, particularly ways to establish rigor and transparency, are pervasive. Our experience conducting three collaborative empirical research studies challenged and transformed our assumptions about qualitative research: (a) research planning taught as concrete and linear rather than as emergent and iterative, (b) data analysis conceptualized as individual discovery rather than collaboratively-constructed meaning, and (c) findings represented as individual product rather than as part of an ongoing conversation. We address each assumption, including how our collaborative research diverged from the assumption and how this divergence has impacted our own practice

    Reflexivity, Transparency and Collaboration with Digital Tools

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    Conversations around the use of technology in support of qualitative research has frequently been limited to data collection, transcription and data analysis software. However, new tools also have the potential to enable greater researcher reflexivity, transparency of research decisions, and collaboration among researchers and researchers and participants. We present a conceptual framework for considering the affordances and constraints of the new tools in the context of qualitative inquir

    Course Innovation: A Graduate Course on Digital Tools for Qualitative Research

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    There are few ways for novice qualitative researchers to systematically learn about new tools. We describe a graduate qualitative research course developed at the University of Tennessee designed to highlight the affordances and constraints of new tools and how they can support the qualitative research process. Graduate students and the instructor will discuss the design, development, and experience with the course, and share recommendations for those interested in designing similar courses

    The Art and Craft of Digital Tools for Qualitative Research

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    Computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software packages can support the art and craft of qualitative research well beyond the analysis of data. This session will use ATLAS.ti to illustrate how software can be useful across the entire research process. As not everyone has access to commercial software, we will also introduce free digital tools that can be used and engage the audience in a discussion around the affordances and constraints of such tools in our research work. To learn more about their book, Digital Tools for Qualitative Research, please visit its web page

    Online Learning: Patterns of Engagement and Interaction Among In-Service Teachers

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    Language teacher education programs attempt to foster collaboration amongst pre-service and in-service teachers. The approach is in place in an online teacher education program in a Midwestern university where the current study was undertaken. Collaborative interactions are an essential element of any pedagogy which assumes that good learning is collaborative and that understanding comes through modeling, participation in, and reaction to the behaviors and thoughts of others. This study was conducted with the following objectives: (a) to analyze the patterns and types of collaborative interactions taking place in three online classes; and (b) to use these findings as a guide in the design of instructional interventions. Our goal is to understand the practice of collaborative teaching and learning so that assistance can be provided to support instructor efforts to include collaborative interactions in their courses. We used Garrison, Anderson, and Archer's (2001) "practical inquiry " model as a framework for the study. Without instructors' explicit guidance and "teaching presence, " students were found to engage primarily in "serial monologues. " Based on the findings, we propose three intervention strategies that may hel

    Collaborative Mentoring: The Discourse Analysis Research Team

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    Collaborative mentoring is a powerful model for keeping doctoral students connected during their dissertation work. Current and former members of the University of Tennessee Discourse Analysis Research Team will share their experience of collaborative mentoring. DART was conceived by graduate students enrolled in the 2007 discourse analysis course as a way to support each other as they began their own studies. Tips for creating a collaborative mentoring practice will be shared