89 research outputs found

    Book Review

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    Reviewing Deborah Z. Cass, The Constitutionalization of the World Trade Organization: Legitimacy, Democracy, and Community in the International Trading System (Oxford University Press, 2005

    Journal Staff

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    There is an international tendency toward increased demand for both cost-efficiency and high reliability of power distribution systems. To meet these demands, asset management methods, including reliability analyses, have been developed. These reliability analyses often utilize only mean values and hence do not take into consideration the consequences of severe events. This paper proposes a framework for more detailed quantitative risk analysis methods. The aim is to allocate resources more cost-effectively. The suggested framework is exemplified and evaluated by implementing it within the analyses of a real power distribution system. The main concept is to divide comprehensive projects into minor analyses and then in a final step compile the results. The proposed analysis framework can be used independently or combined with earlier proposed vulnerability methods. The latter provides a two-dimensional analysis framework. It is shown that totally different investment alternatives could be preferred depending on whether a traditional analysis method using average values is employed compared with the proposed analysis framework, which also considers severe system states. This demonstrates the risks involved in using average values and the strength of the proposed method. Furthermore, it is shown that already available information can be used for improved asset management decision support. In addition, the performed case study gives combined reliability and weather statistics useful as reference material.QC 20150123</p

    New Empirical Evidence on 'Economic Convergence'

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    This paper provides a mapping and sample of recently developed risk assessment techniques that are available for the distribution system operator. Three estimates on the value of more detailed risk analysis are desccribed. I.e. component reliability importance indices can be used to divversify the maintenance efforts, gaining better expected system performance at no cost. Furthermore, components that are assumed to be relatively harmless (based on average values) are identified as critical for longer interruptions. Finally it is shown that losses in a transformer are critical in the decision on transformer lifetime.QC 2011070

    Проект участка механического цеха по обработке деталей комбайна самоходного кормоуборочного КСК-600 «ПАЛЕССЕ FS60» с разработкой технологического процесса механической обработки детали колесо червячное ПКК 0104202 и анализом методов формирования элементов зацепления деталей червячных передач

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    This paper provides an overview of risk and reliability assessment techniques, some which are available for distribution system operators, and others that are in the process of development. The main contribution of this paper is showing the possibilities and benefits of detailed risk and reliability analysis. Six samples of findings from research developed over the last decade within the RCAM group (Reliability Centred Asset Management) at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden, are presented. The research is directly associated with risk and asset management applied to power systems. The first three examples are within developed research, followed by three areas where great potential is seen: 1) The value of accurate thermal models of transformers; 2) The impact of tariff regulation on asset management decisions; 3) Detailed interruption studies; 4) Dynamic rating; 5) Combined risk and reliability analysis of primary equipment and control equipment; 6) Systematic diagnostic measures for asset management.QC 20130718</p

    Component reliability importance indices for maintenance optimization of electrical networks

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    Maximum asset performance is one of the major goals for electric power system managers. To reach this goal minimal life cycle cost and maintenance optimization become crucial while meeting demands from customers and regulators. One of the fundamental objectives is therefore to relate maintenance and reliability in an efficiently and effectively way, which is the aim of several maintenance methods such as the Reliability Centered Maintenance method (RCM). Furthermore, this necessitates the determination of the optimal balance between preventive and corrective maintenance to obtain the lowest total cost. This thesis proposes methods for defining the importance of individual components in a network with respect to total interruption cost. This is a first step in obtaining an optimal maintenance solution. Since the methods consider several customer nodes simultaneously, they are especially suitable for network structures that serve many purposes/customers e.g. transmission and distribution networks with more than one load point. The major results are three component reliability importance indices, which are applied in two case studies. The first case study is based on a network in the Stockholm area. The second case study is performed for one overhead line system in the rural parts of Kristinehamn. The application studies demonstrate that the indices are possible to implement for existing electrical networks and that they can be used for maintenance prioritization. Consequently these indices constitute a first step in the overall objective of a maintenance optimization method. The computations of the indices are performed both with analytical and simulation based techniques. Furthermore, the indices can be used to calculate the component contribution to the total system interruption cost. The approach developed for the importance indices can be utilized in any multi-state network that can be measured with one performance indicator.QC 2010113

    Maintenance optimization for power distribution systems

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    Maximum asset performance is one of the major goals for electric power distribution system operators (DSOs). To reach this goal minimal life cycle cost and maintenance optimization become crucial while meeting demands from customers and regulators. One of the fundamental objectives is therefore to relate maintenance and reliability in an efficient and effective way. Furthermore, this necessitates the determination of the optimal balance between pre¬ventive and corrective maintenance, which is the main problem addressed in the thesis. The balance between preventive and corrective maintenance is approached as a multiobjective optimization problem, with the customer interruption costs on one hand and the maintenance budget of the DSO on the other. Solutions are obtained with meta-heuristics, developed for the specific problem, as well as with an Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. The methods deliver a Pareto border, a set of several solutions, which the operator can choose between, depending on preferences. The optimization is built on component reliability importance indices, developed specifically for power systems. One vital aspect of the indices is that they work with several supply and load points simultaneously, addressing the multistate-reliability of power systems. For the computation of the indices both analytical and simulation based techniques are used. The indices constitute the connection between component reliability performance and system performance and so enable the maintenance optimization. The developed methods have been tested and improved in two case studies, based on real systems and data, proving the methods’ usefulness and showing that they are ready to be applied to power distribution systems. It is in addition noted that the methods could, with some modifications, be applied to other types of infrastructures. However, in order to perform the optimization, a reliability model of the studied power system is required, as well as estimates on effects of maintenance actions (changes in failure rate) and their related costs. Given this, a generally decreased level of total maintenance cost and a better system reliability performance can be given to the DSO and customers respectively. This is achieved by focusing the preventive maintenance to components with a high potential for improvement from system perspective.QC 2010081

    Maintenance optimization for power distribution systems

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    Maximum asset performance is one of the major goals for electric power distribution system operators (DSOs). To reach this goal minimal life cycle cost and maintenance optimization become crucial while meeting demands from customers and regulators. One of the fundamental objectives is therefore to relate maintenance and reliability in an efficient and effective way. Furthermore, this necessitates the determination of the optimal balance between pre¬ventive and corrective maintenance, which is the main problem addressed in the thesis. The balance between preventive and corrective maintenance is approached as a multiobjective optimization problem, with the customer interruption costs on one hand and the maintenance budget of the DSO on the other. Solutions are obtained with meta-heuristics, developed for the specific problem, as well as with an Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. The methods deliver a Pareto border, a set of several solutions, which the operator can choose between, depending on preferences. The optimization is built on component reliability importance indices, developed specifically for power systems. One vital aspect of the indices is that they work with several supply and load points simultaneously, addressing the multistate-reliability of power systems. For the computation of the indices both analytical and simulation based techniques are used. The indices constitute the connection between component reliability performance and system performance and so enable the maintenance optimization. The developed methods have been tested and improved in two case studies, based on real systems and data, proving the methods’ usefulness and showing that they are ready to be applied to power distribution systems. It is in addition noted that the methods could, with some modifications, be applied to other types of infrastructures. However, in order to perform the optimization, a reliability model of the studied power system is required, as well as estimates on effects of maintenance actions (changes in failure rate) and their related costs. Given this, a generally decreased level of total maintenance cost and a better system reliability performance can be given to the DSO and customers respectively. This is achieved by focusing the preventive maintenance to components with a high potential for improvement from system perspective.QC 2010081

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    Component reliability importance indices fo