567 research outputs found

    The semantic fields of German loanwords in Polish

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    Tematem artykułu jest związek znaczenia leksykalnego i procesu zapożyczania leksykalnego. Prezentuje on analizę pól semantycznych wszystkich poświadczonych zapożyczeń niemieckich w historii pisanej/standardowej (literackiej) polszczyzny na podstawie klasyfikacji używanej pierwotnie do porównania typologicznego (Haspelmath and Tadmor 2009c). W artykule dokonano, po pierwsze, porównania wyników z klasyfikacją prawdopodobieństwa zapożyczeń opracowaną na podstawie studiów typologicznych (Tadmor 2009). Widoczne różnice w stosunku do niej wskazują na potrzebę skorzystania w analizie związku znaczenia i procesu zapożyczania zarówno z podejścia onomazjologicznego, jak i semazjologicznego. Po drugie, rezultaty porównano z impresjonistycznymi sądami na temat pól znaczeniowych niemieckich zapożyczeń w języku polskim. Chociaż większość tradycyjnie wyróżnianych pól semantycznych jest dobrze poświadczona, nie brak również innych ważnych pól, które są dowodem na to, że niemieckie zapożyczenia nie ograniczają się wyłącznie do specjalistycznych terminów fachowych. Analizę będącą przedmiotem tego artykułu podzielono ponadto ze względu na: a) różne okresy czasowe zapożyczeń oraz b) lepsze lub słabsze ich udokumentowanie. Badania wykazały, że niektóre pola semantyczne są typowe tylko dla pewnych okresów czasowych, podczas gdy występowanie innych należy uznać na przestrzeni czasu za stabilne. Dla niektórych pól znaczeniowych charakterystyczna jest wysoka frekwencja słabo poświadczonych zapożyczeń, co sugerowałoby, że niektóre z pól semantycznych są podatne na bogatsze ilościowo, ale mniej intensywne kontakty językowe.This study is dedicated to the relationship between lexical meaning and lexical borrowing. It presents an analysis of the semantic fields of all documented German loanwords in the history of Polish written/standard language, following a classification scheme which was originally used for typological comparison (Haspelmath and Tadmor 2009c). Firstly, the results are compared to a hierarchy of borrowing probability which was developed on the basis of typological studies (Tadmor 2009). The apparent differences to that hierarchy underline the need for both onomasiological and semasiological approaches in studying the connection between meaning and borrowing. Secondly, the results are compared to impressionistic judgments on the semantic fields of German loanwords in Polish. Although most of the traditionally mentioned semantic fields are well attested, there are other prominent fields as well, which shows that German loanwords are not limited to specialized terms of professional fields. The analysis is furthermore divided depending on: a) the time period and b) how well the loanwords are documented. It will be demonstrated that some semantic fields are typical for certain time periods while the contribution of other fields remains stable. Some semantic fields have a high quantity of poorly documented loanwords, suggesting that some fields are prone to extensive, but less intensive language contact

    What are the possible moiré patterns of graphene on hexagonally packed surfaces? Universal solution for hexagonal coincidence lattices, derived by a geometric construction

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    We present a systematic investigation of two coinciding lattices and their spatial beating frequencies that lead to the formation of moire patterns. A mathematical model was developed and applied for the case of a hexagonally arranged adsorbate on a hexagonal support lattice. In particular, it describes the moire patterns observed for graphene grown on a hexagonally arranged transition metal surface, a system that serves as one of the promising synthesis routes for the formation of this highly wanted material. The presented model uses a geometric construction that derives analytic expressions for first and higher order beating frequencies occurring for arbitrarily oriented graphene on the underlying substrate lattice. By solving the corresponding equations, we predict the size and orientation of the resulting moire pattern. Adding the constraints for commensurability delivers further solvable analytic equations that predict whether or not first or higher order commensurable phases occur. We explicitly treat the case for first, second and third order commensurable phases. The universality of our approach is tested by comparing our data with moire patterns that are experimentally observed for graphene on Ir(111) and on Pt(111). Our analysis can be applied for graphene, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), or other sp(2)-networks grown on any hexagonally packed support surface predicting the size, orientation and properties of the resulting moire patterns. In particular, we can determine which commensurate phases are expected for these systems. The derived information can be used to critically discuss the moire phases reported in the literature

    Einkristalline Metallfilme als Substrate für das Wachstum von Graphen

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    Konzeption und Realisierung eines Sensor-Frameworks für mobile Anwendungen und Integration von Sensorinformationen am Beispiel einer mobilen Fragebogen-Applikation

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    Es gibt eine Vielzahl möglicher Einsatzbereiche mobiler Anwendungen mit Sensorunterstützung. Einige Anwendungen können durch die zusätzliche Integration von Sensordaten verbessert werden, während viele neue Anwendungsbereiche durch den Zugriff auf Sensordaten überhaupt erst ermöglicht werden. Viele unterschiedliche interne sowie externe Sensoren sind für die Verwendung mit mobilen Geräten verfügbar. Es existiert jedoch keine einheitliche Schnittstelle zum Zugriff auf diese Sensoren. Sensoren unterscheiden sich dabei nicht nur in ihrer Verbindungsart, d.h. ob es sich zum Beispiel um Bluetooth- oder USB-Sensoren handelt. Vielmehr sind darüber hinaus für jeden einzelnen Sensor unterschiedliche Kommunikationsprotokolle, Interaktionsmuster und Datenformate zu beachten. Dies erschwert insbesondere die Entwicklung von Anwendungen, die mehrere verschiedene Sensoren unterstützen sollen. Um dies zu ermöglichen wurde in dieser Arbeit ein Sensor-Framework konzipiert und entwickelt, das es Entwicklern mobiler Anwendungen ermöglicht über eine abstrakte, einheitliche Schnittstelle auf unterschiedliche interne und externe Sensoren zuzugreifen. Außerdem wurde eine mobile Anwendung aus dem medizinisch-psychologischen Bereich unter Berücksichtigung zusätzlicher Anforderungen auf Android portiert. Diese stellt ein Beispiel einer mobilen Anwendung dar, die durch die zusätzliche Integration von Sensordaten profitieren würde

    Poly[[μ-1,4-anhydro­erythritolato-di-μ-aqua-sodium(I)] monohydrate]

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    In the title compound, {[Na(C4H7O3)(H2O)2]·H2O}n, the sodium ion is octa­hedrally coordinated by two bridging 1,4-anhydro­erythritolate ligands, unexpectedly coordinated by the ring oxygen and four water ligands. This bonding pattern leads to one-dimensional anti­tactical polymeric chains along [010]. One of the exocyclic O atoms of the anhydro­erythritolate group is an acceptor in four hydrogen bonds, giving further evidence that it is deprotonated

    The Semantic Fields of German Loanwords in Polish

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    This study is dedicated to the relationship between lexical meaning and lexical borrowing. It presents an analysis of the semantic fields of all documented German loanwords in the history of Polish written/standard language, following a classification scheme which was originally used for typological comparison (Haspelmath and Tadmor 2009c). Firstly, the results are compared to a hierarchy of borrowing probability which was developed on the basis of typological studies (Tadmor 2009). The apparent differences to that hierarchy underline the need for both onomasiological and semasiological approaches in studying the connection between meaning and borrowing. Secondly, the results are compared to impressionistic judgments on the semantic fields of German loanwords in Polish. Although most of the traditionally mentioned semantic fields are well attested, there are other prominent fields as well, which shows that German loanwords are not limited to specialized terms of professional fields. The analysis is furthermore divided depending on: a) the time period and b) how well the loanwords are documented. It will be demonstrated that some semantic fields are typical for certain time periods while the contribution of other fields remains stable. Some semantic fields have a high quantity of poorly documented loanwords, suggesting that some fields are prone to extensive, but less intensive language contact

    On the Origin of Metallicity and Stability of the Metastable Phase in Chemically Exfoliated MoS2_2

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    Chemical exfoliation of MoS2_2 via Li-intercalation route has led to many desirable properties and spectacular applications due to the presence of a metastable state in addition to the stable H phase. However, the nature of the specific metastable phase formed, and its basic charge conduction properties have remained controversial. Using spatially resolved Raman spectroscopy (~1 micrometer resolution) and photoelectron spectroscopy (~120 nm resolution), we probe such chemically exfoliated MoS2_2 samples in comparison to a mechanically exfoliated H phase sample and confirm that the dominant metastable state formed by this approach is a distorted T' state with a small semiconducting gap. Investigating two such samples with different extents of Li residues present, we establish that Li+ ions, not only help to exfoliate MoS2_2 into few layer samples, but also contribute to enhancing the relative stability of the metastable state as well as dope the system with electrons, giving rise to a lightly doped small bandgap system with the T' structure, responsible for its spectacular properties.Comment: 34 pages, Main manuscript + Supplementary Materia

    Primary Hemiarthroplasty for Proximal Humeral Fractures in the Elderly: Long-Term Functional Outcome and Social Implications

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    Background:: Primary shoulder hemiarthroplasty is an established treatment modality for complex fractures of the proximal humerus. Long-term functional outcome is often disappointing. However, little is known about social implications particularly in the elderly. Methods:: A single-institution case series of consecutive geriatric patients (age > 70 years) treated with shoulder hemiarthroplasty for complex fractures of the proximal humerus between 1994 and 1997 was analysed. Postoperative morbidity, long-term function, radiological outcome and social implications were evaluated. Results:: Seventy-seven patients fulfilled the study criteria. Median age at the time of operation was 80 years (range 70-93 years). Systemic and local postoperative complications were observed in 8% including 2 patients (3%) with revision surgery. Postoperative mortality was 1%. Forty-eight patients (62%) were available for follow-up (median 49 months, range 25-80 months), 22 (29%) died from causes unrelated to hemiarthroplasty before follow-up and 7 patients (9%) did not attend follow-up examination. Median Constant-Murley score was 41 points (range 17-77 points). Long-term results concerning pain were satisfying. The Oxford shoulder score ranged from 14 to 40 (median 30). Forty-one patients (85%) still lived in their original environment and managed their daily life independently despite poor shoulder function. Four patients (8%) lived in a retirement home and 3 (6%) in a nursery home. Eighty percent of our patients were still able to use public transportation, do the daily shopping and wash their whole body by themselves. Conclusion:: Most patients managed their daily life independently despite poor shoulder functio