106 research outputs found

    Nutrition education in medical schools (NEMS) project: Promoting clinical nutrition in medical schools – Perspectives from different actors

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    Background & aims: Nutrition education is not adequately represented in the medical curriculum, and this prompted the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) to launch the Nutrition Education in Medical Schools (NEMS) Project in 2017. The aim of this original paper was to describe the perspectives of different actors in the promotion of nutrition education in medical schools. Methods: On 11 November 2021, an online meeting was held on this topic, where nine representatives from different backgrounds participated in the scientific programme. More than 640 participants registered to this webinar. Results: The different models of Nutrition Education in Medical Schools were introduced by Prof. Cristina Cuerda (Spain) and Prof. Maurizio Muscaritoli (Italy). The students' perspective was given by Ms. Alexandra Archodoulakis (Germany) and Ms. Sila Gürbüz (Turkey), representing the European Medical Students' Association. The dietitian's perspective was given by Dr. Kirsten Berk (The Netherlands), whereas Dr. Matti Aapro (Switzerland) gave the medical doctor (oncology)'s perspective. Ms. Clare Farrand (Australia) gave the WHO perspective and Dr. Kristiina Patja (Finland) explained the healthy lifestyle teaching to medical students. Lastly, Prof. Michael Chourdakis (Greece) and Prof. Zeljko Krznaric (Croatia) hosted the round-table discussion. Conclusions: There was strong agreement among the representatives from different settings joining this ESPEN initiative that increasing nutritional knowledge and skills of young doctors is now possible and will launch a virtuous cycle that will proactively involve all the other healthcare professionals working in the nutritional field

    Terveydenhuollon palveluvalikoiman priorisointi

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    Selvityksen tavoitteena on terveydenhuollon priorisoinnin kansallinen kehittÀminen. Priorisoinnilla tarkoitetaan tÀssÀ yhteydessÀ kaikkia niitÀ toimintoja, jotka pyrkivÀt terveydenhuollon resurssien kohdentamiseen. SelvityksessÀ on kuvattu terveydenhuollon priorisoinnin oikeudellisia reunaehtoja sekÀ haettu tietoa eri maiden priorisoinnin kehittÀmisestÀ ja niiden vaikutuksista. Hankkeessa tehtiin myös kyselyjÀ ja työpajoja eri sidosryhmille. Suomessa toivotaan kansallisia avoimia ja lÀpinÀkyviÀ periaatteita priorisoinnin tueksi. TÀllÀ hetkellÀ kansalaiset ja ammattilaiset eivÀt hahmota terveyspalvelujen kokonaisuutta ja todellisia kustannuksia. Jotta priorisoinnista tulisi hyvÀksyttyÀ, on 1) alettava toteuttaa systemaattista viestintÀstrategiaa osallistamisen mahdollistamiseksi ja 2) osallistettava eri sidosryhmiÀ priorisoinnin periaatteiden kehittÀmiseen. TÀmÀ vaatii myös 3) kansallisten rakenteiden ja prosessien luomista periaatteiden muodostamiseen sekÀ niiden jalostamiseksi kriteereiksi ja menetelmiksi sekÀ 4) lainsÀÀdÀnnön kehittÀmistÀ. Perustuslain tulkinnassa on painotettu yksilön oikeuksia. Perustuslaki jÀttÀÀ kuitenkin liikkumavaraa kehittÀÀ priorisoinnin oikeudellista ohjausta myös vÀestöterveyden ja yhteiskunnan taloudelliset voimavarat nykyistÀ selvemmin huomioon ottavaan suuntaan.Sivua 18 on pÀivitetty 29.8.2022 ja aineisto korvaa aikaisemmin, 24.8.2022 julkaistun version. TÀmÀ julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa (tietokayttoon.fi). Julkaisun sisÀllöstÀ vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikÀ tekstisisÀltö vÀlttÀmÀttÀ edusta valtioneuvoston nÀkemystÀ

    Maternal educational level and risk of gestational hypertension: the Generation R Study.

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    We examined whether maternal educational level as an indicator of socioeconomic status is associated with gestational hypertension. We also examined the extent to which the effect of education is mediated by maternal substance use (that is smoking, alcohol consumption and illegal drug use), pre-existing diabetes, anthropometrics (that is height and body mass index (BMI)) and blood pressure at enrolment. This was studied in 3262 Dutch pregnant women participating in the Generation R Study, a population-based cohort study. Level of maternal education was established by questionnaire at enrolment, and categorized into high, mid-high, mid-low and low. Diagnosis of gestational hypertension was retrieved from medical records using standard criteria. Odds ratios (OR) of gestational hypertension for educational levels were calculated, adjusted for potential confounders and additionally adjusted for potential mediators. Adjusted for age and gravidity, women with mid-low (OR: 1.52; 95% CI: 1.02, 2.27) and low education (OR: 1.30; 95% CI: 0.80, 2.12) had a higher risk of gestational hypertension than women with high education. Additional adjustment for substance use, pre-existing diabetes, anthropometrics and blood pressure at enrolment attenuated these ORs to 1.09 (95% CI: 0.70, 1.69) and 0.89 (95% CI: 0.50, 1.58), respectively. These attenuations were largely due to the effects of BMI and blood pressure at enrolment. Women with relatively low educational levels have a higher risk of gestational hypertension, which is largely due to higher BMI and blood pressure levels from early pregnancy. The higher risk of gestational hypertension in these women is probably caused by pre-existing hypertensive tendencies that manifested themselves during pregnancy

    The Epidemic of Hip Fractures: Are We on the Right Track?

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    Background: Hip fractures are a public health problem, leading to hospitalization, long-term rehabilitation, reduced quality of life, large healthcare expenses, and a high 1-year mortality. Especially older adults are at greater risk of fractures than the general population, due to the combination of an increased fall risk and osteoporosis. The aim of this study was to determine time trends in numbers and incidence rates of hip fracture-related hospitalizations and admission duration in the older Dutch population. Methods and Findings: Secular trend analysis of all hospitalizations in the older Dutch population (≄65 years) from 1981 throughout 2008, using the National Hospital Discharge Registry. Numbers, age-specific and age-adjusted incidence rates (per 10,000 persons) of hospital admissions and hospital days due to a hip fracture were used as outcome measures in each year of the study. Between 1981 and 2008, the absolute number of hip fractures doubled in the older Dutch population. Incidence rates of hip fracture-related hospital admissions increased with age, and were higher in women than in men. The age-adjusted incidence rate increased from 52.0 to 67.6 per 10,000 older persons. However, since 1994 the incidence rate decreased (percentage annual change -0.5%, 95% CI: -0.7; -0.3), compared with the period 1981-1993 (percentage annual change 2.3%, 95% CI: 2.0; 2.7). The total number of hospital days was reduced by a fifth, due to a reduced admission duration in all age groups. A possible limitation was that data were obtained from a linked administrative database, which did not include information on medication use or co-morbidities. Conclusions: A trend break in the incidence rates of hip fracture-related hospitalizations was observed in the Netherlands around 1994, possibly as a first result of efforts to prevent falls and fractures. However, the true cause of the observation is unknown

    Lack of Association between Measles Virus Vaccine and Autism with Enteropathy: A Case-Control Study

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    Background: The presence of measles virus (MV) RNA in bowel tissue from children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances was reported in 1998. Subsequent investigations found no associations between MV exposure and ASD but did not test for the presence of MV RNA in bowel or focus on children with ASD and GI disturbances. Failure to replicate the original study design may contribute to continued public concern with respect to the safety of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine. Methodology/Principal Findings: The objective of this case-control study was to determine whether children with GI disturbances and autism are more likely than children with GI disturbances alone to have MV RNA and/or inflammation in bowel tissues and if autism and/or GI episode onset relate temporally to receipt of MMR. The sample was an age-matched group of US children undergoing clinically-indicated ileocolonoscopy. Ileal and cecal tissues from 25 children with autism and GI disturbances and 13 children with GI disturbances alone (controls) were evaluated by real-time reverse transcription (RT)-PCR for presence of MV RNA in three laboratories blinded to diagnosis, including one wherein the original findings suggesting a link between MV and ASD were reported. The temporal order of onset of GI episodes and autism relative to timing of MMR administration was examined. We found no differences between case and control groups in the presence of MV RNA in ileum and cecum. Results were consistent across the three laboratory sites. GI symptom and autism onset were unrelated to MMR timing. Eighty-eight percent of ASD cases had behavioral regression. Conclusions/Significance: This study provides strong evidence against association of autism with persistent MV RNA in the GI tract or MMR exposure. Autism with GI disturbances is associated with elevated rates of regression in language or other skills and may represent an endophenotype distinct from other ASD

    Bladder and upper urinary tract cancers as first and second primary cancers

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    Background Previous population-based studies on second primary cancers (SPCs) in urothelial cancers have focused on known risk factors in bladder cancer patients without data on other urothelial sites of the renal pelvis or ureter. Aims To estimate sex-specific risks for any SPCs after urothelial cancers, and in reverse order, for urothelial cancers as SPCs after any cancer. Such two-way analysis may help interpret the results. Methods We employed standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) to estimate bidirectional relative risks of subsequent cancer associated with urothelial cancers. Patient data were obtained from the Swedish Cancer Registry from years 1990 through 2015. Results We identified 46 234 urinary bladder cancers (75% male), 940 ureteral cancers (60% male), and 2410 renal pelvic cancers (57% male). After male bladder cancer, SIRs significantly increased for 9 SPCs, most for ureteral (SIR 41.9) and renal pelvic (17.2) cancers. In the reversed order (bladder cancer as SPC), 10 individual FPCs were associated with an increased risk; highest associations were noted after renal pelvic (21.0) and ureteral (20.9) cancers. After female bladder cancer, SIRs of four SPCs were significantly increased, most for ureteral (87.8) and pelvic (35.7) cancers. Female bladder, ureteral, and pelvic cancers associated are with endometrial cancer. Conclusions The risks of recurrent urothelial cancers were very high, and, at most sites, female risks were twice over the male risks. Risks persisted often to follow-up periods of >5 years, motivating an extended patient follow-up. Lynch syndrome-related cancers were associated with particularly female urothelial cancers, calling for clinical vigilance.Peer reviewe

    Behavioural Risk Factors in Mid-Life Associated with Successful Ageing, Disability, Dementia and Frailty in Later Life: A Rapid Systematic Review.

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    BACKGROUND: Smoking, alcohol consumption, poor diet and low levels of physical activity significantly contribute to the burden of illness in developed countries. Whilst the links between specific and multiple risk behaviours and individual chronic conditions are well documented, the impact of these behaviours in mid-life across a range of later life outcomes has yet to be comprehensively assessed. This review aimed to provide an overview of behavioural risk factors in mid-life that are associated with successful ageing and the primary prevention or delay of disability, dementia, frailty and non-communicable chronic conditions. METHODS: A literature search was conducted to identify cohort studies published in English since 2000 up to Dec 2014. Multivariate analyses and a minimum follow-up of five years were required for inclusion. Two reviewers screened titles, abstracts and papers independently. Studies were assessed for quality. Evidence was synthesised by mid-life behavioural risk for a range of late life outcomes. FINDINGS: This search located 10,338 individual references, of which 164 are included in this review. Follow-up data ranged from five years to 36 years. Outcomes include dementia, frailty, disability and cardiovascular disease. There is consistent evidence of beneficial associations between mid-life physical activity, healthy ageing and disease outcomes. Across all populations studied there is consistent evidence that mid-life smoking has a detrimental effect on health. Evidence specific to alcohol consumption was mixed. Limited, but supportive, evidence was available relating specifically to mid-life diet, leisure and social activities or health inequalities. CONCLUSIONS: There is consistent evidence of associations between mid-life behaviours and a range of late life outcomes. The promotion of physical activity, healthy diet and smoking cessation in all mid-life populations should be encouraged for successful ageing and the prevention of disability and chronic disease.This work was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), invitation to tender reference DDER 42013, and supported by the National Institute for Health Research School for Public Health Research. The scope of the work was defined by NICE and the protocol was agreed with NICE prior to the start of work. The funders had no role in data analysis, preparation of the manuscript or decision to publish.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLOS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.014440
