1,335 research outputs found

    Pairing in exotic neutron rich nuclei around the drip line and in the crust of neutron stars

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    Exotic and drip-line nuclei as well as nuclei immersed in a low density gas of neutrons in the outer crust of neutron stars are systematically investigated with respect to their neutron pairing properties. This is done using Skyrme density-functional and different pairing forces such as a density-dependent contact interaction and a separable form of a finite-range Gogny interaction. Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov and BCS theories are compared. It is found that neutron pairing is reduced towards the drip line while overcast by strong shell effects. Furthermore resonances in the continuum can have an important effect counterbalancing the tendency of reduction and leading to a persistence of pairing at the drip line. It is also shown that in these systems the difference between HFB and BCS approaches can be qualitatively large

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    An introduction to Bootstrap for nuclear physics

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    This guide aims at providing a general introduction to bootstrap methods. By using simple examples taken from nuclear physics, I discuss how such a method can be used to quantify error bars of an estimator. I also investigate the use of bootstrap to estimate parameters of a simple liquid drop model. In particular, I investigate how the method compares with standard techniques based on likelihood estimator and how to take into account correlations to better evaluate confidence interval of parameters

    Sectoral Shifts, Diversification and Regional Unemployment: Evidence from Local Labour Systems in Italy

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    Using Local Labour Systems (LLSs) data, this work aims at assessing the effects of sectoral shifts and industry specialization patterns on regional unemployment in Italy over the years 2004-2008, when huge worker reallocation caused by changes in the international division of labour occurred. Italy represents an interesting case study because of the high degree of spatial heterogeneity in local labour market performance and the well-known North-South divide. Furthermore, the presence of strongly specialized LLSs (Industrial Districts, IDs) allows us to test whether IDs perform better than highly diversified urban areas thanks to the effect of agglomeration economies, or vice versa. Building on a semiparametric spatial auto-regressive framework, our empirical investigation documents that sectoral shifts and the degree of specialization exert a negative role on unemployment dynamics. By contrast, highly diversified areas turn out to be characterized by better labour market performances.unemployment, sectoral shift, diversification, spatial dependence, nonparametrics

    Parallel batching with multi-size jobs and incompatible job families

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    Parallel batch scheduling has many applications in the industrial sector, like in material and chemical treatments, mold manufacturing and so on. The number of jobs that can be processed on a machine mostly depends on the shape and size of the jobs and of the machine. This work investigates the problem of batching jobs with multiple sizes and multiple incompatible families. A flow formulation of the problem is exploited to solve it through two column generation-based heuristics. First, the column generation finds the optimal solution of the continuous relaxation, then two heuristics are proposed to move from the continuous to the integer solution of the problem: one is based on the price-and-branch heuristic, the other on a variable rounding procedure. Experiments with several combinations of parameters are provided to show the impact of the number of sizes and families on computation times and quality of solutions

    Linear response theory in asymmetric nuclear matter for Skyrme functionals including spin-orbit and tensor terms

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    The formalism of linear response theory for a Skyrme functional including spin-orbit and tensor terms is generalized to the case of infinite nuclear matter with arbitrary isospin asymmetry. Response functions are obtained by solving an algebraic system of equations, which is explicitly given. Spin-isospin strength functions are analyzed varying the conditions of density, momentum transfer, asymmetry, and temperature. The presence of instabilities, including the spinodal one, is studied by means of the static susceptibility

    Raffaello CESCHI, Parlare in tribunale. La giustizia nella Svizzera italiana dagli Statuti al Codice penale

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    Organisée en six chapitres et précédée d’un prologue, l’étude proposée par Raffaello Ceschi, un historien suisse disparu en juin 2013, parcourt une étape importante de l’histoire du droit et de la justice pénale, à savoir celle du passage de la procédure inquisitoire à la codification pénale. L’historien tessinois scrute avec attention les anciennes terres lombardes sujettes des cantons, unifiées et intégrées à la Confédération helvétique, en 1803. S’éloignant de l’histoire quantitative de la..
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