3,025 research outputs found

    Work-related allergic rhinitis: a contemporary review of the literature

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    Adverse health effects have been reported in workers exposed to inhaled allergens. Allergic rhinitis is a heterogeneous disorder that significantly affects daily activity, work productivity, sleep, learning, and quality of life in all generations. Occupational-ly-related hazards which contribute to the development of allergic rhinitis represent an important avoidable cause of morbidity. The occupational exposure to chemicals or biological agents is the cause of high incidences of allergic rhinitis and this risk is high when the organization and preparation are inadequate and there is a lacking or insufficient information, education and communication. The prevalence of work-related rhinitis, which encompasses both occupational rhinitis and work-exacerbated rhinitis, is estimated to be 31-61%. Data on occupational rhinitis itself are scarce. Although work-related asthma and allergies are a huge burden for society, investigation of oc-cupational exposures in early work life using an unexposed reference group is rare. Occupational allergic diseases are likely to worsen or become intractable as a result of continuous exposure to high concentrations of causative antigens, and are socioeco-nomically important diseases with which the patients might sometimes lose jobs due to work interruptions. It is important to adequately assess, communicate and manage risks in occupational chemical exposure settings with the aim to protect workers and the necessity to introduce periodic health examinations programs focusing on workers to monitor health and well-being and improve working conditions and the working environment

    A method for minimizing the magnetic cross-talk in twin-aperture cos-theta superconducting dipoles

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    We present an analytic method to minimize the magnetic cross-talk in twin-aperture cos-theta dipoles. In the single-aperture cos-theta layout, the coil design can be performed with an analytic approach, based on a sector coil approximation. This method allows a fast evaluation of the field harmonics and an almost exhaustive scan on the positions and dimensions of the sectors, for coil layouts made of a different number of sectors. This increases the probabilities to find the coil shape which best fits the specifications. In a twin-aperture arrangement, the magnetic cross-talk can be not negligible and, to the aim of an analytic minimization of the unwanted multipoles, an extension of the single-aperture sector model is required. This is the case of the recombination dipole D2 for the High Luminosity LHC and of the 16-T bending dipole for the Future Circular Collider (FCC). This analytical method has been used to find alternative coil designs for both dipoles.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, 5 table

    Palliative care and covid-19 pandemic between hospital-centric based approach and decentralisation of health services: a valuable opportunity to turn the corner?

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    Italy was the first Western EU country to have dealt with the severe effects of the widespread Covid-19 virus since the pandemic began. Many healthcare services were negatively affected, and the delivery of palliative care has been no exception. The Italian healthcare system has suffered more than others due to public spending cuts. The hospital-based approach has not allowed all patients to receive appropriate care. This situation was brought about not only by the pandemic emergency but mainly by pre-existing shortages due to the cut in financial resources before the Covid-19 pandemic. For countries similar to Italy, it is necessary to develop territorialised health care, decongestion hospitals, and strengthen the Third Sector, particularly the voluntary sector

    Work-related noise exposure in a cohort of patients with chronic tinnitus: analysis of demographic and audiological characteristics

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    Work-related noise exposure is one of the major factors contributing to the development of adult-onset hearing loss and tinnitus. The aim of this study was to analyze, in patients with chronic tinnitus and long-term occupational noise exposure, (A) characteristics of hearing loss, tinnitus, comorbidities, demographic characteristics and a history of work-related noise exposure and (B) differences among individuals employed in occupations with high and low risk of developing work-related noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). One hundred thirty six patients with chronic tinnitus and at least a 10 year-long working history were divided into two groups based on the risk of their profession to induce NIHL. Individuals employed in jobs at high risk for NIHL were mostly males and exhibited a poorer hearing threshold, more evident in the left ear. Tinnitus was mostly bilateral; the next largest presentation was left-sided; patients described their tinnitus as buzzing or high-pitched. Correlation between age, length of tinnitus and worse hearing was found. Patients with a higher degree of hearing impairment were mostly males and were more likely to have a family history of hearing loss and at least one cardiovascular comorbidity. Our study shows some differences in individuals with tinnitus and a history of a profession associated with increased exposure to NIHL compared to those without such a history

    Human enhancement: questioni biogiuridiche

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    Human Enhancement is a modification aimed to improve human’s characteristics and capabilities through scientific or technological interventions in the human body, starting from an ‘integrity condition’ and not from a state of disease. Therefore, we need to value if the enhancement is harmful of the human dignity or if it’s an useful tool to improve the human life’s condition. Methods: At first we focused on the bibliographic research dedicated to the HE’s classification through the analysis of health’s and enhancement’s definitions, confronting with the bio-juridical perspective as for example the possible negative effects over a person’s dignity, identity, freedom, equality; and comparing scientific and humanistic theories. We later examined in detail the national and the supranational legal framework of the last ten years, from the Science and Technology Options Assessment’s Human Enhancement Study to the Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica’s opinions. Starting from this classification we located and analyzed some typologies of enhancement, using a medical social methodological approach and deepening each subject matter from both doctrinaire and jurisprudential profile. Results: Doping, cosmetic surgery and prenatal genetic enhancement’s prohibition are techniques already disciplined. Smart drugs and deep brain stimulation are techniques already disciplined for therapeutic purpose, but sometimes their application lies outside the disease’s therapy. Military and biological enhancementare techniques in an experimental phase. We have represented the particular difficulties inidentifying the limits of lawfulness of each of these typologies of enhancement. Conclusions: We could hypothesize a ‘case by case’ law’s approach, because it’s ductile and able to adapt on the peculiar characteristics of every single form of enhancement, evaluating at the same time political, legal, ethical, social and safety impact, in a context of inhomogeneity of the Human Enhancement Technologies that it doesn’t allow an uniform normative framework able to fully satisfy individual and collective needs.Background: Il potenziamento umano consiste in una modifica volta a migliorare caratteristiche e capacitĂ  umane attraverso interventi scientifici o tecnologici sul corpo umano, partendo da una “condizione di integrità” e non da uno stato di malattia. Occorre pertanto valutare se il potenziamento sia lesivo della dignitĂ  umana oppure strumento utile a migliorare le condizioni di vita dell’uomo. Metodi: In un primo momento si Ăš proceduto alla ricerca bibliografica dedicata all’inquadramento dello HE mediante l’analisi dei concetti di salute e potenziamento, affrontando gli aspetti di pertinenza biogiuridica come ad esempio i possibili impatti negativi su dignitĂ , identitĂ , libertĂ  ed uguaglianza, e mettendo a confronto teorie scientifiche ed umanistiche. In un secondo momento si Ăš proceduto all’analisi dettagliata del quadro normativo nazionale e sovranazionale degli ultimi dieci anni, dallo Human Enhancement Study dello Science and Technology Options Assessment ai pareri del Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica. A partire da tale inquadramento sono state individuate e trattate alcune tipologie di potenziamento, utilizzando un approccio metodologico medico sociale ed approfondendo ciascuna tematica sotto il profilo sia dottrinario sia giurisprudenziale. Risultati: Doping, chirurgia estetica e divieto di selezione eugenetica sono tecniche giĂ  disciplinate. Smart drugs e deep brain stimulation sono tecniche giĂ  disciplinate per utilizzo a scopo terapeutico, ma talvolta il loro utilizzo esula dalla cura di patologie. Potenziamento militare e Potenziamento biologico sono tecniche in fase sperimentale. Di ciascuna di esse sono state rappresentate le peculiari difficoltĂ  nell’identificazione dei limiti di liceitĂ . Conclusioni: Sembrerebbe ipotizzabile un approccio “case by case” del diritto, poichĂ© duttile ed in grado di adattarsi alle caratteristiche peculiari di ogni singola forma di potenziamento valutandone al contempo l’impatto politico, legale, etico, sociale e di sicurezza, in un quadro di disomogeneitĂ  delle Tecnologie di Potenziamento Umano che non permette una cornice normativa unitaria in grado di soddisfare pienamente i bisogni individuali e collettivi

    Quality of life in workers and stress: gender differences in exposure to psychosocial risks and perceived well-being

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    Background. Quality of working life is the result of many factors inherent in the workplace environment, especially in terms of exposure to psychosocial risks. Objectives. The purpose of this study is to assess the quality of life with special attention to gender differences. Methods. The HSE-IT questionnaire and the WHO-5 Well-Being Index were administered to a group of workers (74 males and 33 females). The authors also used Cronbach’s alpha test to assess the internal consistency of both questionnaires and the Mann–Whitney test to evaluate the significance of gender differences in both questionnaires. Results. The HSE-IT highlighted the existence of work-related stress in all the population with a critical perception regarding the domain “Relationships.” Furthermore, gender analysis highlighted the presence of two additional domains in the female population: “Demand” ( = 0,002) and “Support from Managers” ( = 0,287). The WHO-5 highlighted a well-being level below the standard cut-off point with a significant gender difference ( = 0.009) for males (18, SD = 6) as compared to females (14, SD = 6,4). Cronbach’s alpha values indicated a high level of internal consistency for both of our scales. Conclusions. The risk assessment of quality of working life should take into due account the individual characteristics of workers, with special attention to gender

    Babies under 1 year with atypical development. Perspectives for preventive individuation and treatment

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    A baby's first year of life is a time of immense development and cerebral plasticity. Following today's research and clinical observation, the period of the first year of life provides a new challenge inasmuch it is presently clear that it is possible to identify developmental anomalies in this window of time. Effecting early screening procedures could prove very useful, especially where we find genetic vulnerabilities in brothers and sisters of autistic subjects. Interventions of this kind, already practiced by some Public Health systems, can mean taking early action and primary protective measures with significant impacts not only on the subjects (babies and family members) concerned, but also on the public purse. It is, therefore, essential to provide for specific professionalized procedures for psychologists, pediatricians and neuropsychologists to be introduced through personnel highly specialized in interventions during the first year of life

    New Directions in Understanding Atopic March Starting from Atopic Dermatitis

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    Recent evidence showed that the postulated linear progression of the atopic march, from atopic dermatitis to food and respiratory allergies, does not capture the heterogeneity of allergic phenotypes, which are influenced by complex interactions between environmental, genetic, and psychosocial factors. Indeed, multiple atopic trajectories are possible in addition to the classic atopic march. Nevertheless, atopic dermatitis is often the first manifestation of an atopic march. Improved understanding of atopic dermatitis pathogenesis is warranted as this could represent a turning point in the prevention of atopic march. In this review, we outline the recent findings on the pathogenetic mechanisms leading to atopic dermatitis that could be targeted by intervention strategies for the prevention of atopic march

    Upper Limb Structural Anatomic Mechanisms of Protection (SAMPs)

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    Introduction Nature has provided living bodies with extraordinarily effective reparative mechanisms. Furthermore, the biological processes involved in anatomical structures are built-up to protect life against external injuries. A series of these protective systems in the upper limb are herein described. Material and Methods From 2009 to 2017, 864 fresh frozen cadaveric upper limbs were dissected from the axilla to the fingers during the Italian Hand Society surgical anatomy dissection course. Results Arrangement of anatomical structures in the upper limb is able to protect major life supporting organs. Conclusions External injuries affecting the upper limb may cause damage to many important structures resulting in severe functional impairments. The layout of the structures and the relationship between them are organized to preserve arteries integrity first, more than muscles and nerves. This means, in our opinion, that these structures are organized to preserve life even if this has functional cost
