40 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the research is to explore and define the characteristic features and clothing components of the segment de luxe in the collections of world and Ukrainian brands of fashion clothing. The methodology of the research is based on the integrated use of general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, and comparison, which made it possible to fully define the concept of de luxe clothing. The scientific novelty of the obtained results consists of the process of structuring the theoretical positions regarding the definition of the characteristics of the class de luxe clothing, its segmentation, and the determination of tendencies in the use of artistic embellishment in the works of modern clothing designers, as a prospect of popularizing Ukrainian brands in the world fashion industry. Conclusions. The concept of "de luxe" has been analyzed and structured, and the characteristics of luxury goods, which differ from mass-market goods, have been determined. The characteristic features of the de luxe clothing in the collections of the FW18/19 pret-a-porter season of the world and Ukrainian brands are discovered. The principles of decoration adaptation and ornamentation in de luxe collections for ensuring their competitiveness on the fashion market are reviewed. The percentage of the use of decorative ornamentation in collections of global and domestic designers has been revealed. The Ukrainian brands, which belong to the luxury segment, and the reasons that hinder their development are analyzed. The analysis of well-known masters and design studios engaged in decorating clothes in Ukraine is presented and the author's works for Ukrainian designers are show

    The use of modern eco-friendly design trends in the development of a capsule collection of casual clothes for children

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    Light industry pollution is the urgent problem of our ecological planet situation. The annually percent of the clothes bought by people increased by 40% for the last decade with increasing using the internet and appearing the term of "fast fashion". The global fashion brands develop eco-friendly ways of optimising clothes production by recycling materials and using fabrics of new generation. The new conscious approach to clothes is developing among the producers and the customers. Thus the most important criteria for brands is to optimise the production, to use ecologically friendly fabrics and creating "smart" clothes that remains usable for a long time

    Constructing virtual mannequins with different postures for purposes of 3D design of the clothes

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    This article deals with the problem of constructing virtual mannequins with non-standard figures for the purposes of 3D design of clothes made of textiles. A definition of the notion “virtual mannequin” is suggested. The following classifying features of the virtual mannequin as a research model have been defined: according to the sphere of usage - scientific feature; to the form – information feature; to the development in time – static or dynamic; to the degree of reflecting basic features – parameterbased; to the degree of detailed representation – specified. The necessity of creating virtual mannequins with standard and nonstandard figures of consumers is established. Practical requirements for transforming informational surface of the mannequin have been introduced in the article. Suggested here is a new mathematical model for transforming virtual mannequin with a standard figure into the mannequin with a non-standard figure, different from the standard one in the “frame position” parameter

    The influence of the production and consumption process of fashionable goods on the ecological situation in the world

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    The process of creating clothes requires close cooperation between different industries, which greatly complicates the perfect determination of the scale of the impact of the fashion industry on the ecology of our planet. The work contains the results of the study of the ecological situation in the world under the influence of light industry enterprises reveals the possibility of greening the production process and the role of the consumer in the fashion industry

    Decoration trends in women's clothing in the collections of leading fashion brands

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    The paper presents the results of the analysis of the latest women's collections of leading fashion brands, such as: Dolce & Gabbana, Elie Saab, Georges Hobeika, Oscar de la Renta and others. The leading trends in clothing decoration and their forecasting for the next seasons are revealed

    The Use of Modern Digital Technologies in the Design and Technology VET in Ukraine

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    The objective of this paper is to substantiate the system of vocational education and training (VET) of fashion designers and technologists to perform computer modeling and design of the clothes. The use of the developed system of training specialists in fashion design, which provides for the use of CAD systems, contributes to the formation of readiness of future fashion designers to use specialized software in their professional activities. To increase the efficiency of VET, we used the following types of educational projects: development of creative collage, development of artistic sketches of clothes, design of templates for different sizes, use of programs for the 3D design of the clothes. A feature of this study is the selection of the software used in the design of the clothes, namely GraziaCAD and JULIVI CAD. The effectiveness of these types of tasks is confirmed by an experiment, in which 80 students from Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design took part (CG 44 students, EG 36 students). Comparing the results of incoming and outgoing control of the level of students’ readiness, a decrease in the number of students with a low level of readiness for the use of ICT in the professional activities was noted: from 22.7 % to 11.4 % in CG and from 22.2 % to 5.6 % in EG. At the same time, the percentage of students with a high level of readiness increased in both groups: from 29.5 % to 38.6 % in CG and from 25.0 % to 66.7 % in EG. Also, it should be noted that the biggest changes in the number of students with a high level of knowledge took place in EG. According to Pearson’s criterion, the compliance of CG and EG with the level of significance 0.05 was determined, and after the experiment, the difference between CG and EG with 95 % reliability was stated. The results of the study confirm the effectiveness of the generally accepted international practice of using digital design in VET in the field of fashion design and technologies

    Analysis of sustainability and environmental friendliness concepts in the modern fashion industry

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    The article considers such concepts as sustainable fashion and eco-fashion since the general aggravation of the world environmental problem caused their appearance. The analysis of the latest achievements in optimization of the clothes lifecycle was made in order to obtain environmental products of high quality which caused minimum damage to the environment. Based on the analysis, possible solutions for ecological problem in the fashion industry were proposed and it was determined that the use of the basic rules of sustainable fashion was not only environmentally friendly, but also cost-effective solution for the development of the companies of the fashion industry.У статті розглянуто такі поняття як стійка та еко-мода, причиною появи яких стало загальне загострення екологічної проблеми у світі. Проведено аналіз останніх досягнень з оптимізації життєвих циклів одягу з метою отримання якісного та екологічного товару з завданням мінімальної шкоди навколишньому середовищу. На основі проведеного аналізу запропоновано можливі шляхи вирішення проблеми екологічності в індустрії моди та визначено, що використання основних правил стійкої моди є не тільки екологічно безпечним, а й економічно вигідними для розвитку підприємств індустрії моди.В статье рассмотрены такие понятия как устойчивая и эко-мода, причиной появления которых стало общее обострение экологической проблемы в мире. Проведен анализ последних достижений по оптимизации жизненных циклов одежды с целью получения качественного и экологического товара с оказанием минимального вреда окружающей среде. На основе проведенного анализа предложены возможные пути решения проблемы экологичности в индустрии моды и определено, что использование основных правил устойчивой моды является не только экологически безопасным, но и экономически выгодным для развития предприятий индустрии моды

    Traditional elements of Chinese culture in logo design

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    China is rich in traditional culture elements, which have a long history. In this paper, they are divided into patterns, words, colors and so on according to the visual performance of the elements. The paper analyzes the combination of the traditional culture elements and modern culture with its modern symbols in outstanding works and personal logo designs. This article discusses the influence of the contemporary logo design on the inheritance, innovation and development of traditional culture, as well as on the culture characteristics of the logo design. The success of these designs, which are the essence of Chinese traditional culture, with the development of the enterpreneurship and brand all around the world, shows the deep and infinite charm of Chinese culture to the world

    Дизайн-концепція візуальних повідомлень на основі фірмового стилю міста

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    The purpose of the study is analysis and definition of the design concept of visual messages, which based on the development of city brand identity and the factors that influencing the development of city brand identity, and development of proposals for their design of modern solutions. Theoretical and practical research methods were used, namely analysis of scientific and popular literature on the research topic, generalization of approaches to functional-planning and stylistic solutions of city brand identity based on analysis of design experience. The results of the study can be used in their introduction into the modern practice of new city brand identity and in the development of the establishment of cultural image in local city.Метою дослідження є аналіз та визначення концепції дизайну візуальних повідомлень, яка базується на розробці фірмової ідентичності міста та факторів, що впливають на розробку фірмової ідентичності міста, та розробка пропозицій щодо їх оформлення сучасних рішень. Використовувалися теоретичні та практичні методи дослідження, а саме аналіз наукової та популярної літератури з теми дослідження, узагальнення підходів до функціонально-проєктного та стилістичного вирішення айдентики бренду міста на основі аналізу дизайнерського досвіду. Результати дослідження можуть бути використані при впровадженні в сучасну практику нової міської бренд-ідентичності та в робленні культурного іміджу міста

    Children's book illustration and interactive technology

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    The paper considers ways to combine multimedia technologies with children's book illustration, namely: - animation of illustrations or its parts; - sound effects that are activated when interacting with the illustration; - integration of AR-technologies; - adding mini-games to book applications. It was found that the inclusion of interactive technologies can be used to create new art forms, encourage learning or draw the attention of the readers to existing works of literature through a new, interactive form. It is established that children's illustration under the influence of design trends and mass culture acquires signs of animation, simplified, symbolic forms