18,719 research outputs found

    Total ozone and surface temperature correlations during 1972 - 1981

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    Ten years of Dobson spectrophotometer total ozone measurements and surface temperature observations were used to construct monthly mean values of the two parameters. The variability of both parameters is greatest in the months of January and February. Indeed, in January there is an apparent correlation between high total ozone values and abnormally low surface temperatures. However, the correlation does not hold in February. By reviewing the history of stratospheric warmings during this period, it is argued that the ozone and surface temperature correlation is influenced by the advection or lack of advection of ozone rich arctic air resulting from sudden stratospheric warmings

    An evaluation of in situ ozone sensor performance during a cold frontal passage

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    The capabilities of the electrochemical concentration cell ozonesonde for measuring the vertical profile of atmospheric ozone were studied during a three day experiment at Wallops Island, Virginia, and Norfolk, Virginia. Using ancillary measurements at the surface and the spectrophotometer, it was concluded that the ozonesonde measures the total ozone overburden to within 10% of the real value. By releasing the balloon-borne instruments at a rate of four per day at each of the two sites, an indication was obtained of the temporal and spatial scales of atmospheric ozone variability. No significant effects of a weak cold front passage or of the loss of insolation at night were seen. An isolated incident of anomalously high ozone concentration at the peak of the profile was attributed to sporadic instrument performance effects. The data base currently available is not adequate for determining an exact cause of the anomaly

    Determining the operating characteristics of an ultraviolet interferometric spectrometer

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    A prototype interferometric spectrometer system is being built by NASA to explore the potential of the technique for applications involving the visible and near ultraviolet portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The system is limited only by the frequency bandpass of the optical components used in the system, the quality of the optical components, and ultimately by the memory capacity of the computer; tradeoffs between the wavenumber resolution of the produced spectrum, the bandpass limits of the optics, and the number of samples obtained from the interferogram must be delineated explicitly. The prototype Ultraviolet Interferometric Spectrometer (UVIS) instrument is expected to be configured several different ways to ascertain its suitability for various applications. To exploit its inherent flexibility, this reference document describes these parameter tradeoffs

    Correlative Measurements Program

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    The GSFC Correlative Measurements Program at the Wallops Flight Facility was represented on the Satellite/Satellite Intercomparisons Working Group. The Correlative Measurements Program uses the Rocket Ozonesonde (ROCOZ-A) and the Electrochemical Concentration Cell (ECC) balloon borne ozonesonde to measure the vertical profile of ozone amount in the atmosphere. The balloon work is described in a separate report. The ROCOZ-A instrument was used for many years to provide in situ truth data for various satellite ozone measuring systems, such as SBUV on Nimbus-7, SAGE-II, SBUV-II on the NOAA series of polar orbiting satellites, SME, LIMS, etc. The particular data sets of interest to the Ozone Trends Panel Working Group were collected at Natal, Brazil. The major results produced for and used by the Ozone Trends Panel are shown. The ROCOZ-A average ozone density profile is plotted versus altitude on the left. ECC ozonesondes were used for the portion of the profile below 20 km, the lower limit for ROCOZ-A. The difference between SAGE-II and ROCOZ-A average density profiles is shown

    IMP-I spacecraft magnetic test program

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    Magnetic test program for IMP-I spacecraf

    Observation of hypersonic phononic crystal effects in porous silicon superlattices

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    Brillouin light scattering experiments were carried out on porous silicon superlattices with modulation wavelengths in the range 37–167 nm. Phonon frequencies deduced from the Brillouin spectra show good agreement with those obtained from an elastic continuum model for a system with one-dimensional periodicity. Evidence for the existence of a hypersonic phononic bandgap and zone-folded longitudinal acoustic phonons is reported

    A Fourier transform spectrometer for visible and near ultra-violet measurements of atmospheric absorption

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    The development of a prototype, ground-based, Sun-pointed Michelson interferometric spectrometer is described. Its intended use is to measure the atmospheric amount of various gases which absorb in the near-infrared, visible, and near-ultraviolet portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Preliminary spectra which contain the alpha, 0.8 micrometer, and rho sigma tau water vapor absorption bands in the near-infrared are presented to indicate the present capability of the system. Ultimately, the spectrometer can be used to explore the feasible applications of Fourier transform spectroscopy in the ultraviolet where grating spectrometers were used exclusively

    Application of pushbroom altimetry from space using large space antennas

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    The capabilities of multibeam altimetry are discussed and an interferometric multibeam technique for doing precision altimetry is described. The antenna feed horn arrangement and the resulting footprint lube pattern are illustrated. Plans for a shuttle multibeam altimetry mission are also discussed

    Is a Higher Calling Enough? Incentive Compensation in the Church (CRI 2009-011)

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    We study the compensation and productivity of more than 2,000 Methodist ministers in a 43-year panel data set. The church appears to use pay-for-performance incentives for its clergy, as their compensation follows a sharing rule by which pastors receive approximately 3% of the incremental revenue from membership increases. Ministers receive the strongest rewards for attracting new parishioners who switch from other congregations within their denomination. Monetary incentives are weaker in settings where ministers have less control over their measured performance

    The Vagaries of Beryllium

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