54 research outputs found

    Eficacia de un curso de entrenamiento en habilidades sociales mediante técnicas cognitivo-conductuales para un mejor manejo de las emociones alternativas a la agresión y la prevención de la violencia en niños de sexto de educación básica de una unidad educativa pública del sur de Quito.

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación se plantea medir, conocer y mostrar la eficacia de un curso de entrenamiento en habilidades sociales mediante técnicas cognitivo-conductuales para un mejor manejo de las emociones alternativas a la agresión y la prevención de la violencia. El grupo de participantes lo conformaron niños de sexto de educación básica de una unidad educativa del sur de Quito. La investigación realizada fue de cuatro fases. La primera consistió en evaluar mediante escalas psicométricas el grado de habilidades sociales que presentaban los participantes al inicio del programa. En segundo lugar, se aplicó una serie de técnicas cognitivo-conductuales al grupo de participantes a fin de modificar las variables seleccionadas. Al finalizar la intervención, como tercera fase, se aplicó nuevamente las escalas psicométricas utilizadas al inicio para conocer si hubo cambios en el nivel de las variables de interés. Finalmente se realizó un análisis estadístico con el fin de saber, acorde a los resultados de las escalas aplicadas, la eficacia de las técnicas cognitivo-conductuales para poder generar conductas pro-sociales. Para ello se utilizó la prueba t de student de medidas repetidas a fin de conocer si hubo un cambio significativo con respecto a la mejoría en habilidades sociales en los participantes.In this research work, it is considered to measure, know and show the effectiveness of a training course in social skills through cognitive-behavioral techniques for a better management of emotions other than aggression and violence prevention. The group of participants was made up of children in sixth grade of basic education of an educational unit in the south of Quito. The investigation was four phases. The first was to evaluate the degree of social skills presented by the participants at the beginning of the program through psychometric scales. Secondly, a series of cognitive-behavioral techniques was applied to the group of participants in order to modify the selected variables. At the end of the intervention, as the third phase, the psychometric scales used at the beginning were applied again to know if there were changes in the level of the variables of interest. Finally, a statistical analysis was carried out in order to know, according to the results of the scales applied, the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral techniques to generate pro-social behaviors. For this, the student's t test of repeated measures was used in order to know if there was a significant change with respect to the improvement in social skills in the participants

    Integration of statistical techniques to evaluate the fatigue of operators on the productivity of a company

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    The present study seeks to determine the influence of fatigue according to the Yoshitake’s physical, mental, and general classification on the percentage of performance in workers of an assembly line of energy accumulators in a plant located on the north coast of Colombia. The study shows that the type of fatigue affects the performance of workers and this effect varies depending on: the work shift (morning, afternoon, or evening), the position (operator, assistant, or packager), and the experience or the age of the worker. All relationships were established from multiple linear statistical models, applying a 95% of confidence in the models for the three studied shifts, presenting values of R squared above 76% showing that the models are highly explanatory and reliabl

    Prevalence of falls and intrinsic risk factors in older adults. Barranquilla (Atlántico), Colombia

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    Introduction: Fall risk can be related to multiple factors, whether they are of extrinsic or intrinsic nature. Falls are considered the main mechanism of accidental injury in the elderly. Objective: To determine the prevalence of falls and intrinsic risk factors in older adults in the city of Barranquilla (Colombia). Materials and methods: A descriptive correlation study was carried out on 98 institutionalized and community elderly adults from Barranquilla (Atlántico), Colombia. A survey on intrinsic risk factors was applied; the risk of falling was measured with the Berg scale and levels of Vitamin D in the blood were established. Results: The participant’s average age was 75 years old, considering that the oldest ages were in the institutionalized population. The general prevalence of falls was 49% in the last year, 68.8% of the population that presented falls were women, and the highest proportion of falls occurred with residents of geriatric homes (52,1%). Women coming from the community fell more than men(91,3%) showing statistical significance compared to falls (p-value of 0,002). The consumption of antihypertensive drugs was the one with the highest proportion (92%), which showed statistical significance for the institutionalized population (p-value of 0,0224). The high and moderate risk of falls was higher in the institutionalized population(32%). Insufficient vitamin D levels (79,2% of those that fell) had a higher prevalence in women, without statistical significance. Conclusion: The elderly population has a high prevalence of falls, especially in women and in the population institutionalized in geriatric centers. The facts that presented statistical significance were being a woman and coming from the community, along with the consumption of antihypertensives in the institutionalized population.Introducción: el riesgo de caídas es de carácter multifactorial, ya sea debido a factores extrínsecos o intrínsecos. Las caídas se consideran el principal mecanismo de lesión no intencional en los mayores. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de caídas y factores de riesgo intrínsecos en personas adultas mayores de la ciudad de Barranquilla (Colombia). Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo correlacional, realizado en 98 adultos mayores, tanto institucionalizados como en comunidad, residentes en Barranquilla (Atlántico), Colombia. Se aplicó una encuesta sobre factores de riesgo intrínsecos; el riesgo de caída se midió con la escala de Berg y se establecieron niveles de Vitamina D en sangre. Resultados: el promedio de edad fue de 75 años, con edades más avanzadas en poblacióninstitucionalizada. La prevalencia general de caídas fue de 49 % en el último año. El 68,8 % de la población que presentó caídas fueron mujeres, con mayor proporción de caídas en los residentes en hogares geriátricos (52,1 %). Las mujeres provenientes de la comunidad se cayeron más que los hombres (91,3 %) lo cual muestra significanciaestadística frente a las caídas (p = 0,002). El consumo de antihipertensivos fue el de mayor proporción (92 %), lo cual demuestra que es estadísticamente significativa para la población institucionalizada (p = 0,0224). El riesgo de caída alto y moderado fue mayor en la población institucionalizada (32 %). El 79,2 % de los individuos que presentaron caídas presentó niveles de vitamina D insuficientes. Conclusión: la población adulta mayor presenta una alta prevalencia de caídas, especialmente las mujeres y la población institucionalizada en centros geriátricos. Los hechos que presentaron significancia estadística fueron ser mujer y provenir de la comunidad, junto con el consumo de antihipertensivos en población institucionalizada.Introducción: el riesgo de caídas es de carácter multifactorial, ya sea debido a factores extrínsecos o intrínsecos. Las caídas se consideran el principal mecanismo de lesión no intencional en los mayores. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de caídas y factores de riesgo intrínsecos en personas adultas mayores de la ciudad de Barranquilla (Colombia). Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo correlacional, realizado en 98 adultos mayores, tanto institucionalizados como en comunidad, residentes en Barranquilla (Atlántico), Colombia. Se aplicó una encuesta sobre factores de riesgo intrínsecos; el riesgo de caída se midió con la escala de Berg y se establecieron niveles de Vitamina D en sangre. Resultados: el promedio de edad fue de 75 años, con edades más avanzadas en poblacióninstitucionalizada. La prevalencia general de caídas fue de 49 % en el último año. El 68,8 % de la población que presentó caídas fueron mujeres, con mayor proporción de caídas en los residentes en hogares geriátricos (52,1 %). Las mujeres provenientes de la comunidad se cayeron más que los hombres (91,3 %) lo cual muestra significanciaestadística frente a las caídas (p = 0,002). El consumo de antihipertensivos fue el de mayor proporción (92 %), lo cual demuestra que es estadísticamente significativa para la población institucionalizada (p = 0,0224). El riesgo de caída alto y moderado fue mayor en la población institucionalizada (32 %). El 79,2 % de los individuos que presentaron caídas presentó niveles de vitamina D insuficientes. Conclusión: la población adulta mayor presenta una alta prevalencia de caídas, especialmente las mujeres y la población institucionalizada en centros geriátricos. Los hechos que presentaron significancia estadística fueron ser mujer y provenir de la comunidad, junto con el consumo de antihipertensivos en población institucionalizada

    Addressing the permutational flow shop scheduling problem through constructive heuristics: A statistical comparison

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    Flow shop problem has been addressed by many researchers around the world. Different heuristic methods has been developed to deal with this kind of problems. Nevertheless, it is necessary to explore the impact that the bottleneck machine has on the performance of each heuristic. In this article an F6 || Cmax (Makespan) flow shop is tackled with different well-known heuristics in open literature, such as Palmer, Johnson, Gupta, CDS, NEH and PAS and their impact on Cmax was measure. The methodology used seeks to find the possible relationship between the different bottleneck machines and the result obtained from each of the heuristics. For this experiment, there were 302 scenarios with six machines in series, in which each machine had a parity number of scenarios in which it was the bottleneck. The values of Cmax obtained for each heuristic were compared against the result of corresponding MILP (Mixed Integer Liner Problem) problem. The results show that the performance of the NEH heuristic is superior in each scenario, regardless of the bottleneck, but also shows a variable behavior in each heuristic, taking into account the bottleneck machine

    A method for the prediction of the shrinkage in roasted and ground coffee using multivariable statistics

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    This study seeks to determine the influence of process variables: consumption percentage in the mixture, pasilla percentage in the mixture, storage time, humidity percentage in the product for consumption, humidity percentage in the pasilla, humidity percentage in roasted coffee, average humidity in finished product, average color in roasted coffee, and average color in finished product, for the shrinkage of packed coffee in a coffee processing plant of Arabica type. Using a multiple linear regression model, the study stated that the variables of humidity percentage of roasted coffee and color of roasted coffee have a statistically significant relationship with a confidence of 95% (p-value < 0.05). It was concluded that these variables explain 99.95% of the variability in the shrinkage, and the relation of the shrinkage with the humidity percentage is inversely proportional, but the relation of this variable with the color of roasted coffee is directly proportional. The tests applied to the model wastes proved that the model is suitable for predicting the shrinkage in the process

    Analysis of maturity level of the management system in hotel sector companies

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    The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the impact of maturity in quality management systems on assets, income and current ratio in companies of the hotel sector in the city of Barranquilla and its metropolitan area, based on the analysis of the level of maturity of the system and the application of multivariate statistical models. To achieve this, the Business Management strategies of this sector were characterized, based on a structured model of variables and based on field data referring to a representative sample of companies in the sector (n = 64). With this information, the determining factors in the level of maturity of the quality management systems were identified, which allowed to know if the processes developed in a management system, such as these, in the Hotel Sector, impact positively or negatively on the performance of the sector’s companies based on assets, income and the current ratio by means of a multiple regression model, since, although these processes are being implemented, there are no current studies that evidence the contributions to the performance of the sector’s companies

    Factors influencing concrete quality: a survey to the principal actors of the concrete industry

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    Concrete is the most used building material worldwide, involving thousands of field, academic and laboratory professionals in its production, transportation and its application, which creates a great margin of possible error that may yield in a poor quality concrete. Each professional takes care of the concrete quality according to his/her experience or academic knowledge/expertise. In order to analyze the factors that concrete workers in Barranquilla (Colombia) perceive as the most important for achieving a high-quality concrete, a survey was made to both academic and field experts with different years of experience and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was applied to weigh the perception of each factor in the concrete quality. Results have shown that for the survey respondents one of the most important factors is the environment; this may be associated with geographic location of the city, which is in a coastal region

    Methodology for measuring the level of collaboration in a supply chain by making surveys

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    Faced with uncertain environments, companies have strived to achieve greater collaboration in the supply chain, achieve alignment of actions, objectives, decisions and sharing of information. The objective of the study is to measure the level of collaboration in the supply chain by making use of a survey and designing a generic process for carrying out the measurement in any company, through a reliable and valid instrument for this construction. The data were collected through a survey of clients of the company chosen for research. Statistical methods used include reliability analysis and AHP analysis for obtaining and verifying results. The results show a medium-low level of collaboration in the supply chain of the company towards its customers and a collaboration efficiency of 69%. There were no significant differences in the scores on the level of collaboration of the different indicators, due to the versatile characteristics of the companies, such as: Size, market and differences of charge between the people surveyed

    Multi-antibiotic resistant bacteria in landfill bioaerosols: environmental conditions and biological risk assessment

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    Landfills, as well as other waste management facilities are well-known bioaerosols sources. These places may foment antibiotic-resistance in bacterial bioaerosol (A.R.B.) due to inadequate pharmaceutical waste disposal. This issue may foster the necessity of using last-generation antibiotics with extra costs in the health care system, and deaths. The aim of this study was to reveal the multi-antibiotic resistant bacterial bioaerosol emitted by a sanitary landfill and the surrounding area. We evaluated the influence of environmental conditions in the occurrence of A.R.B. and biological risk assessment. Antibiotic resistance found in the bacteria aerosols was compared with the AWaRE consumption classification. We used the BIOGAVAL method to assess the workers' occupational exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacterial bioaerosols in the landfill. This study confirmed the multi-antibiotic resistant in bacterial bioaerosol in a landfill and in the surrounding area. Obtained mean concentrations of bacterial bioaerosols, as well as antibiotic-resistant in bacterial bioaerosol (A.R.B.), were high, especially for fine particles that may be a threat for human health. Results suggest the possible risk of antibiotic-resistance interchange between pathogenic and non-pathogenic species in the landfill facilities, thus promoting antibiotic multi-resistance genes spreading into the environment

    Evaluation of the presence of bioaerosols in a neonatal intensive care unit

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    In this study, the emmission of the Bacterial bioaerosols in the different respiratory system in a neonatal intensive care unit (ICU). In this study, a six-stage Andersen impactor was used for the sampling of bioaerosols with a flow rate of 28.3 L / min. The concentrations obtained from bacterial bioaerosols ranged between 67 and 423 CFU / m3, with an average value of 110.13 CFU / m3, which can represent a possible threat to the health of the workers and neonates in the ICU. The results indicated than Staphylococcus saprophyticus and Staphylococcus epidermidis predominated, especially in the fifth and sixth stages, which means second bronchi and alveoli. While Staphylococcus was the most prevalent genus, Alloiococcus otitidis, Bacillus subtiles, Bacillus thuringiensis, Kocuria rosea and Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligene occurred in the alveoli