438 research outputs found

    New plant breeding techniques: State of the art, potential and challenges

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    En la última década, gracias a los avances de la biología molecular, se han desarrollado nuevas técnicas de mejora genética de plantas (NPBTs, New Plant Breeding Techniques) con el potencial de convertirse en alternativas a los métodos de mejora convencional y a la ingeniería genética1. Entre estas nuevas técnicas de mejora se incluyen técnicas de mutagénesis dirigida2,3,4,5, técnicas que emplean transgénesis como paso intermedio de mejora para obtener plantas que no contienen genes exógenos6,7,8, técnicas de transformación de plantas con secuencias de ADN procedentes de especies compatibles9 y técnicas de injerto en las cuales la parte injertada no contiene ninguna nueva secuencia de ADN10. Debido a las características de estas técnicas y la naturaleza de los productos finales, no está claro si encajan en la definición legal de tecnologías de modificación genética o de plantas modificadas genéticamente (MG)11. La incertidumbre acerca de la situación legislativa de estas nuevas técnicas crea un estado de expectación entre los desarrolladores de muchas de estas técnicas, ya que su eventual clasificación como plantas MG implicaría para los desarrolladores la obligación de seguir todo el proceso de autorización de organismos MG, lo que implica una alta inversión en dinero y una gran incertidumbre sobre el tiempo necesario1. En la actualidad, se sabe muy poco sobre el estado actual de desarrollo de estas nuevas técnicas de mejora genética de plantas, sobre el potencial de ser adoptadas por la industria de la mejora genética de plantas, sobre las cuestiones normativas que estas técnicas plantean a nivel mundial y sobre la distribución de las actividades de investigación y desarrollo comercial de estas nuevas técnicas. 2.contenido de la investigación Esta tesis presenta una revisión de publicaciones científicas y patentes12 sobre nuevas técnicas de mejora de plantas, teniendo en cuenta distintas variables como son las instituciones involucradas en su desarrollo tanto en la Unión Europea como a escala global, el potencial para la aplicación de estas nuevas técnicas en cultivos comerciales y las características de interés adquiridas por las nuevas variedades. Asimismo esta tesis presenta una evaluación de la viabilidad de algunas de las nuevas técnicas analizadas. Para ello se han analizado distintos casos de estudio incorporando un análisis de los costes y beneficios de las nuevas técnicas en comparación con aquellos derivados de la mejora convencional. Finalmente, se presenta un análisis de cuestiones relacionadas con la propiedad intelectual de las nuevas técnicas, no sólo identificando todas las patentes necesarias para su desarrollo sino también analizando el nivel de libertad de operación en el uso práctico de estas nuevas técnicas. 3.conclusión De los análisis efectuados en esta tesis doctoral sobre nuevas técnicas de mejora de plantas se puede concluir que el desarrollo de estas técnicas es relativamente nuevo y revela un elevado potencial de crecimiento. La revisión de la literatura científica y de las patentes registradas muestra el elevado número de instituciones que están involucradas en el desarrollo de estas técnicas. Mientras algunas empresas son ya conocidas en el mercado de productos transgénicos, emergen también nuevas empresas e institutos académicos. El principal motivo que impulsa la adopción de estas nuevas técnicas es su potencial para la introducción de nuevas características de interés en una variedad de cultivos. No obstante, también cabe destacar que estas instituciones se enfrentan a inconvenientes como la incertidumbre sobre la clasificación de estos cultivos en el marco de la legislación sobre organismos modificados genéticamente y los límites de libertad de operación (Freedom to Operate) en el campo de la propiedad intelectual

    Proceedings of a Workshop on "Nanotechnology for the agricultural sector: from research to the field"

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    Innovation is at the centre of the EU's growth strategy for the coming decade (EU2020). New technologies and their adoption by EU farmers are essential in maintaining European agriculture competitive in a global world. Within this context, nanotechnology represents an innovative technology with great potentials in many areas of applications as diverse as medicine, biotechnology, electronics, materials science and energy technologies. Furthermore, nanotechnology is showing a great potential in the agricultural sector, in particular for the development of more precise and effective methods for disease diagnosis and treatment in crop plants. The purpose of the workshop "Workshop on nanotechnology for the agricultural sector: from research to the field", held at JRC-IPTS (Seville) on 21st and 22nd November 2013, is to review the state-of-the-art of R&D of nanotechnology for the agricultural sector and to analyse possible markets and commercial pipeline of products. The scope is on nanotech-based products with applications in crop production (e.g. applications in plant protection products, fertilisation, soil structure, nano-sensors for biotic and abiotic stresses). This workshop brought together leading scientists, key stakeholders and experts, in order to promote the presentation of research and industry results and the discussion of experiences.JRC.J.4-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom

    Biorefineries distribution in the EU

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    • 803 biorefineries have been identified in the EU, of which 507 produce bio-based chemicals, 363 liquid biofuels and 141 bio-based composites and fibres (multi-product facilities are counted more than once). • Of those facilities, 177 are reported as integrated biorefineries that combine the production of bio-based products and energy. • The location of most biorefineries shows correspondence with chemical clusters and ports. • Generally, the highest concentration of biorefineries is located in the central part of the EU, particularly in Belgium and the Netherlands. • Agricultural resources are the feedstock source used by most biorefineries in all EU countries with the exception of Finland, Sweden and Portugal. • Marine and waste resources are relevant in some countries but not yet highly exploited in biorefineries.JRC.D.4-Economics of Agricultur

    Agricultural Nanotechnologies: What are the current possibilities?

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    Nanotechnology is recognised by the European Commission as one of its six "Key Enabling Technologies" that contribute to sustainable competitiveness and growth in several industrial sectors. The current challenges of sustainability, food security and climate change are engaging researchers in exploring the field of nanotechnology as new source of key improvements for the agricultural sector. However, concrete contributions are still uncertain. Despite the numerous potential advantages of nanotechnology and the growing trends in publications and patents, agricultural applications have not yet made it to the market. Several factors could explain the scarcity of commercial applications. On the one hand, industry experts stress that agricultural nanotechnology does not demonstrate a sufficient economic return to counterbalance the high initial production investments. On the other hand, new nanotech regulation in the EU might create regulatory uncertainty for products already on the market and affect public perception. However, recent studies demonstrate that public opinion is not negative towards nanotechnology and that the introduction on the market of nanotech products with clear benefits will likely drive consumer acceptance of more sensitive applications. The rapid progress of nanotechnology in other key industries may over time be transferred to agricultural applications as well, and facilitate their development

    "EEG abnormalities" may represent a confounding factor in celiac disease. A 4-year follow-up family report

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    Objective: The occurrence of celiac disease (CD), electroencephalographic (EEG) abnormalities (with "subtle" seizures or even without any clinical seizures), and neurological disorders has been reported since the 1980s, though there has been no definitive consensus about the possible causal relationship. This topic is further complicated by the occurrence in infancy of 'clinical-EEG pictures' called 'benign epilepsy of infancy'. Methods and results: Here, we report a 4-year follow-up on two siblings with newly diagnosed biopsy-proven celiac disease showing EEG abnormalities not responsive to a gluten-free diet. Conclusions: This family report indicates that in patients with neurologically asymptomatic CD and EEG abnormalities, it is advisable to make a differential diagnosis between EEG abnormalities associated with CD and an incidental association with cortical hyperexcitability, with "subtle" seizures or even without any clinical seizures. Practice implications: A long follow-up may sometimes be required, as it was in the family described here, to clarify the etiopathogenetic and therapeutic relationships between clinical and EEG features in CD

    New plant breeding techniques. State-of-the-art and prospects for commercial development

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    Harmonised EU legislation regulating organisms produced by modern bio-techniques (GMOs) goes back to the year 1990 and the definition of GMOs was not up-dated since. During the last decade new plant-breeding techniques have been developed. The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission in cooperation with the JRC's Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (IHCP) has reviewed the state-of-the-art of these technologies, their level of development and their current adoption by the breeding sector and prospects for a future commercialisation of crops based on them. The technologies discussed included cisgenesis, intragenesis (technologies using transformation with genetic material restricted to the species' own gene-pool), emerging techniques to induce controlled mutagenesis or insertion (ODM, Zinc Finger Nuclease technologies 1-3) and other applications such as grafting on GM rootstocks or reverse breeding. The following methods were used in the study: literature and patent searches, search in a database of field trials, a survey directed to plant breeders and a workshop with participants from public and private sector. Additionally challenges for the detection of these techniques were evaluated. The study showed that the development of these techniques is differently advanced. Technical advantages, but also challenges for the commercialisation (technical constraints, acceptance and regulation) have been identified.JRC.DDG.J.5-Agriculture and Life Sciences in the Econom

    Producción y realización de contenidos audiovisuales desde el espacio universitario

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    El artículo propone una descripción y caracterización de los aspectos más relevantes de la producción audiovisual de "no ficción" realizada, entre los años 2001 y 2010, por distintos actores vinculados a la Escuela de Ciencias de la Información de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. También plantea la necesidad de recuperar, preservar y difundir estos materiales en tanto patrimonio cultural audiovisual de la institución mencionada mediante la creación de un Archivo Audiovisual. Al respecto, valoramos que la importancia de un archivo radica, fundamentalmente, en las posibilidades de reutilización presentes y futuras. Dentro del vasto campo que constituye el audiovisual, abordaremos únicamente producciones caracterizadas como de "no ficción" debido a que se trata de una categoría que posibilita incluir tanto producciones documentales clásicas como informes periodísticos, trabajos de archivo, testimoniales o educativos. Si bien el recorrido búsqueda del material tiene una complejidad laberíntica que aún nos encontramos desmontando, ya iniciamos una primera aproximación al mismo, abordando e esta oportunidad cinco producciones documentales realizadas por alumnos de la ECI-UNC.www.derecho.unc.edu.ar/revistas/revista-digital-del-departamento-de-estudios-basicospublishedVersionFil: Grzincich, Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Escuela de Ciencias de la Información; Argentina.Fil: Parisi, Mariela. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Escuela de Ciencias de la Información; Argentina.Estudios sobre Cine, Radio y Televisió

    Analysis of General Practitioners’ Attitudes and Beliefs about Psychological Intervention and the Medicine-Psychology Relationship in Primary Care: Toward a New Comprehensive Approach to Primary Health Care

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    The biopsychosocial paradigm is a model of care that has been proposed in order to improve the effectiveness of health care by promoting collaboration between different professions and disciplines. However, its application still faces several issues. A quantitative-qualitative survey was conducted on a sample of general practitioners (GPs) from Milan, Italy, to investigate their attitudes and beliefs regarding the role of the psychologist, the approach adopted to manage psychological diseases, and their experiences of collaboration with psychologists. The results show a partial view of the psychologist’s profession that limits the potential of integration between medicine and psychology in primary care. GPs recognized that many patients (66%) would often benefit from psychological intervention, but only in a few cases (9%) were these patients regularly referred to a psychologist. Furthermore, the referral represents an almost exclusive form of collaboration present in the opinions of GPs. Only 8% of GPs would consider the joint and integrated work of the psychologist and doctor useful within the primary health care setting. This vision of the role of psychologists among GPs represents a constraint in implementing a comprehensive primary health care approach, as advocated by the World Health Organization
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