34 research outputs found

    Extracellular Hsp72 concentration relates to a minimum endogenous criteria during acute exercise-heat exposure

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    Extracellular heat-shock protein 72 (eHsp72) concentration increases during exercise-heat stress when conditions elicit physiological strain. Differences in severity of environmental and exercise stimuli have elicited varied response to stress. The present study aimed to quantify the extent of increased eHsp72 with increased exogenous heat stress, and determine related endogenous markers of strain in an exercise-heat model. Ten males cycled for 90 min at 50% O2peak in three conditions (TEMP, 20°C/63% RH; HOT, 30.2°C/51%RH; VHOT, 40.0°C/37%RH). Plasma was analysed for eHsp72 pre, immediately post and 24-h post each trial utilising a commercially available ELISA. Increased eHsp72 concentration was observed post VHOT trial (+172.4%) (P<0.05), but not TEMP (-1.9%) or HOT (+25.7%) conditions. eHsp72 returned to baseline values within 24hrs in all conditions. Changes were observed in rectal temperature (Trec), rate of Trec increase, area under the curve for Trec of 38.5°C and 39.0°C, duration Trec ≄ 38.5°C and ≄ 39.0°C, and change in muscle temperature, between VHOT, and TEMP and HOT, but not between TEMP and HOT. Each condition also elicited significantly increasing physiological strain, described by sweat rate, heart rate, physiological strain index, rating of perceived exertion and thermal sensation. Stepwise multiple regression reported rate of Trec increase and change in Trec to be predictors of increased eHsp72 concentration. Data suggests eHsp72 concentration increases once systemic temperature and sympathetic activity exceeds a minimum endogenous criteria elicited during VHOT conditions and is likely to be modulated by large, rapid changes in core temperature

    Country Concepts and the Rational Actor Trap: Limitations to Strategic Management of International NGOs

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    Growing criticism of inefficient development aid demanded new planning instruments of donors, including international NGOs (INGOs). A reorientation from isolated project-planning towards holistic country concepts and the increasing rationality of a result-orientated planning process were seen as answer. However, whether these country concepts - newly introduced by major INGOs too - have increased the efficiency of development cooperation is open to question. Firstly, there have been counteracting external factors, like the globalization of the aid business, that demanded structural changes in the composition of INGO portfolios towards growing short-term humanitarian aid; this was hardly compatible with the requirements of medium-term country planning. Secondly, the underlying vision of rationality as a remedy for the major ills of development aid was in itself a fallacy. A major change in the methodology of planning, closely connected with a shift of emphasis in the approach to development cooperation, away from project planning and service delivery, towards supporting the socio-cultural and political environment of the recipient communities, demands a reorientation of aid management: The most urgent change needed is by donors, away from the blinkers of result-orientated planning towards participative organizational cultures of learning.Des critiques croissantes de l'aide au dĂ©veloppement inefficace exigent de nouveaux instruments de planification des bailleurs de fonds, y compris les ONG internationales (ONGI). Une rĂ©orientation de la planification des projets isolĂ©s vers des concepts holistiques de la planification de l’aide par pays ainsi que la rationalitĂ© croissante d'un processus de planification orientĂ©e vers les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©s comme rĂ©ponse. Toutefois, si ces concepts de pays - nouvellement introduites par les grandes OING eux aussi - ont augmentĂ© l'efficacitĂ© de la coopĂ©ration au dĂ©veloppement est ouvert Ă  la question. Tout d'abord, il y a eu l’impact des facteurs externes, comme la mondialisation de l'entreprise de l'aide, qui a exigĂ© des changements structurels dans la composition des portefeuilles des OING vers la croissance de l'aide humanitaire Ă  court terme. Cela Ă©tait difficilement compatible avec les exigences de l'amĂ©nagement du territoire Ă  moyen terme. DeuxiĂšmement, la vision sous-jacente de la rationalitĂ© accrue de la planification, concentrĂ© sur les resultats, comme un remĂšde pour les grands maux de l'aide au dĂ©veloppement Ă©tait en soi une erreur. Un changement majeur dans la mĂ©thodologie de la planification, Ă©troitement liĂ©e Ă  un changement d'orientation dans l'approche de la coopĂ©ration au dĂ©veloppement, qui n’est pas concentrer sur planification du projet et la prestation de services, mais qui soutienne l'environnement socio-culturel et politique des communautĂ©s bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires, exige une rĂ©orientation de la gestion de l’aide: Le changement le plus urgent est un changement par les donateurs eux-mĂȘmes, qui devrait implanter des cultures de collaboration Ă©troit avec les partenaires et la population locale

    Process evaluation and proximal impact of an affect-based exercise intervention among adolescents

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the implementation and proximal impact of an intervention designed to enhance adolescents’ affective experience during Physical Education (PE). Healthy adolescents (N = 74) were randomly assigned to an affect-based or a traditional exercise prescription. Intervention logs, observations and interviews documented the implementation of the intervention. Participants completed a 30-min exercise task at an intensity that felt “good” to them before and after the intervention. Study procedures were implemented successfully and students enjoyed study participation. The intervention had no impact on exercise intensity during PE or during the “feels-good” exercise task. Among adolescents who manifested a negative affective response to moderate-intensity exercise at baseline, the selected intensity during the “feels-good” task increased over time. The intervention may have been too weak to impact behavior over and above a high-quality PE program. The results do suggest, however, that reluctant exercisers may choose to exercise at a higher intensity after experiencing a high-quality PE program in combination with heart rate monitoring