59 research outputs found

    A Note on Closed Subsets in Quasi-zero-dimensional Qcb-spaces (Extended Abstract)

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    We introduce the notion of quasi-zero-dimensionality as a substitute for the notion of zero-dimensionality, motivated by the fact that the latter behaves badly in the realm of qcb-spaces. We prove that the category QZQZ of quasi-zero-dimensional qcb0_0-spaces is cartesian closed. Prominent examples of spaces in QZQZ are the spaces in the sequential hierarchy of the Kleene-Kreisel continuous functionals. Moreover, we characterise some types of closed subsets of QZQZ-spaces in terms of their ability to allow extendability of continuous functions. These results are related to an open problem in Computable Analysis

    Above and Belowground Interaction, Root-Shoot Interaction, Chemical Signaling

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    Symposium 1 (Nematodes) Small molecule signals in nematodes - common motifs and species specific modifications Stephan H. von ReussOlfactory Plasticity in Entomopathogenic Nematodes Joon Ha Lee and Elissa HallemMultiple Consequences of Belowground Herbivore Induced Volatile SignalsJared G. Ali, Raquel Campos-Herrera, Hans T. Alborn, Larry W. Duncan, Lukasz L. StelinskiRoot Zone Chemical Ecology; New Techniques for Below Ground Sampling and Analyses of Volatile Semiochemicals Hans T. Alborn , Fatma Kapla

    Fungi 2

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    Rapid and simple method for overnight development of strain-specific markers: A case study with the commercial Beauveria bassiana strain, GHA. George Kyei-Poku, Shajahan Johny, Agathe Roucou and Debbie GauthierThe functions of two Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutases and a Fe-superoxide dismutase in regulating the growth, antioxidation, UV tolerance and virulence of Beauveria bassianaFang Li, Zheng-Liang Wang, Han-Qing Shi, Sheng-Hua Ying, Ming-Guang FengEffect of temperature, water activity and UV-B radiation on conidia germination and colony growth of Beauveria bassiana isolates from soil and phylloplane María Fernández-Bravo, Inmaculada Garrido-Jurado,Enrique Quesada-MoragaNon-target aquatic arthropods testing of Metarhizium strains and their crude extracts produced by solvent extraction and nanofiltration technology Inmaculada Garrido-Jurado, Steffan R. Williams, Ahmed Abdrahman, Darren L. Oatley-Radcliffe, Enrique Quesada-Moraga, Tariq M. ButtDevelopment of analytical methods for the analysis of Metarhizium brunneum metabolites in crop matrices Judith Taibon, Sonja Sturm, Christoph Seger, Hermann Stuppner, Hermann Strasserα-1, 2-mannosyltransferase ktr1, ktr4 and kre2 regulate positively growth, conidiation, viability, virulence, and multi-stress tolerances in Beauveria bassiana Juan-juan Wang, Lei Qiu, Sheng-Hua Ying, Ming-Guang Feng

    Microsporidiology: Advances in Europe

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    Symposium 2 (Microsporidia) A new intracellular parasite is a missing link between fungi and microsporidia Karen L. Haag, Timothy Y. James, Ronny Larsson, Tobias M. M. Schaer, Dominik Refardt, Dieter EbertParasite takes fly - A Drosophila model of Microsporidia infection Sebastian Niehus, Adrien Franchet, Frédéric Delbac, Michael Boutros, Dominique FerrrandonWhite Sea metchnikovellids: morphology, life cycles; potential ancestral features of microsporidiaYuliya Y. SokolovaMicrosporidia: Pathogens of OpportunityJames J. Becnel, Louis M. Weis

    Bacteria 4

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    Analysis of the bacterial community of the insect pest Lymantria dispar during its life cycle Zane Metla, Monika Maurhofer, Liga Jankevica Contacting microbe induce grooming behaviour in Drosophila Aya Yanagawa, Tsuyoshi Yoshimura, Hata Toshimitsu and Frédéric Marion-PollCultivable gut bacteria of scarabs inhibit B. thuringiensis multiplication Yueming Shan, Changlong Shu, Neil Crickmore, Chunqin Liu, Wensheng Xiang, Fuping Song, Jie Zhang Interactions between the Med fly Ceratitis capitata (Wied.)and a new Bacillus cereus sensu lato strain Luca Ruiu, Giovanni Falchi, Ignazio Floris, Maria G. Marche, Maria E. Mura, Alberto Satta Long-term effect of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis application on B. cereus group populations in Swedish riparian wetland soils Salome Schneider, Tania Tajrin, Niels B. Hendriksen, Jan O. Lundström, Petter Melin, Ingvar SundhProteomics of Brevibacillus laterosporus and its insecticidal action against noxious Diptera Maria G. Marche, Maria E. Mura, Giovanni Falchi, Luca RuiuOuter membrane vesicles are vehicles for the delivery of Vibrio virulence factors to oyster immune cells Audrey S. Vanhove, Marylise Duperthuy, Guillaume M. Charrière, Frédérique Le Roux, David Goudenège, Benjamin Gourbal, Sylvie Kieffer-Jaquinod, Yohann Couté, Sun N. Wai and Delphine Destoumieux-Garzó

    Nematodes 2

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    Entomopathogenic nematode behavioral responses to chemical cues from cadavers. Paige Redifer, Brittany Gale, Allison McLain, Glen Stevens, Laura GrochowskiThe Wolbachia Endosymbiont as a Nematode Drug Target for Control of Human Filariasis, a Neglected Tropical Disease and Other insect Borne Pathogens Barton E. SlatkoDifferential PirAB expression of the entomopathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens (Enterobacteriaceae) based on tissue association and portal of entry to the insect host Anaïs Castagnola, Nathaniel Davis, Belen Molina, S. Patricia Stock, John G. McMullen IICandidate Virulence Loci in Pan-Genome of the Entomopathogenic Bacterium, Xenorhabdus bovienii (Gamma-Proteobacteria: Enterobacteriaceae) John G McMullen II, Gaelle Bisch, Jean-Claude Ogier, Sylvie Pagés, Sophie Gaudriault, S. Patricia Stock Molecular mechanism of the nematicidal activity of Photorhabdus luminescens LN2 against Heterorhabditis bacteriophora H06 nematodes Xuehong Qiu and Richou HanNatural products from entomopathogenic bacteria: Understanding the interaction of bacteria, insects and nematodesHelge B. Bod

    Viruses 7

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    Lysine residues in N-terminal tail of a viral histone H4 are crucial in controlling host gene expressionRahul Hepat, Yonggyun KimHeat-shock protein 90 is a broadly active regulator for baculovirus infectionShufen Li, Dianhai Hou, Fei Deng, Hualin Wang, Manli Wang, Zhihong HuDevelopment and immunity-related microRNAs of the lepidopteran model host Galleria mellonellaKrihnendu Mukherjee and Andreas VilcinskasThe sf122 gene of Spodoptera frugiperda nucleopolyhedrovirus modulates key aspects of insect-toinsect transmission and post mortem host liquefactionInés Beperet, Oihane Simón, Trevor Williams, Sarah L. Irons, Leopoldo Palma, Miguel López-Ferber, Linda A. King, Primitivo CaballeroEffect of a Viral Encoded Protein Kinase on Gene Expression in Amsacta moorei Entomopoxvirus Infected CellsHacer Muratoglu, Remziye Nalcacioglu, Basil Arif, Zihni DemirbagFP25K acts as a negative regulator in the infectivity improvement of AcMNPV Budded virusesShufen Li, Manli Wang, Zhihong Hu, Fei Deng, Hualin WangThe leucines in the transmembrane domain of Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus Ac76 are important for intranuclear microvesicle formationDenghui Wei, Yan Wang, Xiaomei Zhang, Meijin YuanHigh-throughput purification of dsRNA against sacbrood virus disease in honey bees Apis cerana (Hymenoptera: Apidae)Jianqing Zhang, Yi Zhang and Richou Ha

    Microbial Control 1

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    Double trouble for thrips: Effective biopesticide combinations to control soil-dwelling stages in chrysanthemums Michael Brownbridge, Taro Saito and Paul CôtéLethal and sub-lethal impacts of fungal biopesticides on house fly populations in simulated field settings of biocosms Naworaj Acharya, Simon Blanford, Edwin G. Rajotte, Nina E. Jenkins, Mathew B. Thomas Management of Prostephanus truncatus (Horn.) on stored maize using Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Mavis A. Acheampong, Eric W. Cornelius, Vincent Y. Eziah, Ken O.Fening, Clare Storm, Dave Moore, Nick Jessops, Matthew Smith, Olivier Potin, Pierre Grammare and Belinda LukeLack of involvement of chitinase in direct toxicity of Beauveria bassiana exudates to the aphid Myzus persicae Peter Cheong, Travis R. Glare, Michael Rostas, Stephen Haines, Jolon Dyer, Stefan Clerens, Jenny Brookes and Stephen FordEntomopathogenic fungi for control of false codling moth in South African citrus orchards Candice A. Coombes, Martin P. Hill, Sean D. Moore, Joanna F. DamesWireworm control with entomopathogenic fungi and plant extracts Sonja Eckard, Sven Bacher, Jürg Enkerli, Giselher Grabenweger Long-term persistence of Beauveria brongniartii BIPESCO 2 used for cockchafer control in the Euroregion Tyrol Johanna Mayerhofer, Jürg Enkerli, Roland Zelger & Hermann Strasse

    Viruses 4

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    Mamestra configurata nucleopolyhedrovirus-A transcriptome from infected host midgut Martin A. Erlandson, B. Cameron Donly, David A. Theilmann, Dwayne D. Hegedus, Cathy Coutu and Douglas BaldwinGenomic adaptation to different hosts – Impact of genetic diversity on viral fitness Aurélien Chateigner, Cindy Pontleve, Carole Labrousse, Elisabeth Herniou Transcriptomic analysis of a host-parasitoid interaction between a Hymenoptera Cotesia congregata, a Lepidoptera Manduca sexta and a Polydnaviridae Germain Chevignon, Sébastien Cambier, Jean-Michel Drezen, Elisabeth Huguet, Sébastien Moreau Expressed viral ORF and new virus discovery from high throughput transcriptomes of non-model animal Diane Bigot, Marion Ballenghien, Vincent Cahais, Nicolas Galtier, Elisabeth Herniou, Philippe Gayral Population genomics supports baculoviruses as vectors of horizontal transfer of insect transposons Clément Gilbert, Aurélien Chateigner, Lise Ernenwein, Valérie Barbe, Annie Bézier, Elisabeth A. Herniou & Richard Cordaux Genomic analysis of five Lymantria dispar multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus isolates and biological activity against different host strains of Lymantria dispar Robert L. Harrison, Daniel L. Rowley, Melody Keena Phylogenomics reveals ecological factors that lead to speciation in Baculoviridae Julien Thézé, Carlos Lopez Vaamonde, Jennifer S. Cory, Elisabeth A Hernio

    Viruses 1

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    Investigation of Baculovirus RNA Polymerase Subunit Protein-Protein Interactions with in vivo Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation AssaysJessica Breznik, Nicola Johnson, Mustapha El-Ayoubi and Eric B CarstensCharacterization and Quantitative Analysis of Autographa californica Multiple Nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) FP25K Localization and Aggregate Formation During Cell Infection Tyler A. Garretson and Xiao-Wen Cheng Bracovirus-derived genes in the genome of Spodoptera exigua Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and their role in host susceptibility to pathogens Laila Gasmi, Agata K. Jakubowska, Juan Ferré, Salvador HerreroEntry of Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedroviruse (BmNPV) into BmN Cells by Macropinocytic Endocytosis Jinshan Huang, Bifang Hao, Chen Cheng, Fei Liang, Xingjia ShenNuclear translocation of Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus ME53 Yang Liu, Jondavid de Jong, Éva Nagy, Peter KrellNuclear localization and other domains of Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus DNA polymeraseGuozhong Feng, Peter Krell Investigations into the role of Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) AC141 (EXON0) and Trichoplusia ni kinesin-1 in budded virus nucleocapsid egress Siddhartha Biswas, Gary W. Blissard, David A. TheilmannThe Twist In Baculoviruses Loy Volkman