27 research outputs found

    Chapter A proposito di quantificatori indefiniti di massa in polacco

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    The present paper examines substandard Polish constructions in which the quantifiers kupa ‘a lot’, masa ‘mass’ and połowa ‘a half’ in Subject function occur in the Accusative case (plus the referential noun in the Genitive) and take neuter singular verb agreement: Kupę ludzi zebrało się na placu, ‘a lot of people gathered in the square’. Drawing on a large amount of occurrences taken from two corpora a qualitative analysis of the construction is carried out, in order to highlight how the indefinite quantifier semantic characteristics predispose it to the thematic role of Patient

    Chapter “Куда бы тебя ни занесло…”. Connettivi concessivi o fraseologismi sintattici?

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    This paper analyses the concessive connectives – like, for example, “Куда бы тебя ни занесло/где бы она ни была…” – introducing universal concessive conditional clauses from the point of view of Construction Grammar. The analysis aims to account for the lexical, morphosyntactic and semantic-pragmatic conditions to be realized in order to show the phrasematic nature of this group of conjunctions. In doing so we address also the role of the expletive negation in this construction, which is of crosslinguistic relevance

    How to Behave at Home and in Society: Karion Istomin’s Domostroj and Its Possible Sources

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    <b>How to Behave at Home and in Society: Karion Istomin’s Domostroj and Its Possible Sources</b> <p> Among Karion Istomin’s pedagogical works, there is the so-called Domostroj, a sort of poetic book of good manners for children, written in the 1690s. Is it an original work or a translation? The question has interested scholars for decades. So far, the most convincing hypothesis is the one suggested by Agarkova (1967), that Domostroj might have arisen on the basis of Erasmus’ treatise De Civilitate Morum puerilium, known in 17th century Russia in Epifanij Slavineckij’s translation as Graždanstvo Obyčaev Detskich. Despite the correspondences between the two texts, one could hardly regard, as Agarkova proposed, Domostroj as a pereloženie of Erasmus’ treatise. In this article, I will consider another pedagogical work of the period, that is Comenius’ Praecepta Morum and try to compare the Latin text written by Comenius and Karion’s poetic text: the many correspondences seem to suggest that Comenius’ treatise should be considered one of the main sources of this Russian work

    Chapter A proposito di quantificatori indefiniti di massa in polacco

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    The present paper examines substandard Polish constructions in which the quantifiers kupa ‘a lot’, masa ‘mass’ and połowa ‘a half’ in Subject function occur in the Accusative case (plus the referential noun in the Genitive) and take neuter singular verb agreement: Kupę ludzi zebrało się na placu, ‘a lot of people gathered in the square’. Drawing on a large amount of occurrences taken from two corpora a qualitative analysis of the construction is carried out, in order to highlight how the indefinite quantifier semantic characteristics predispose it to the thematic role of Patient

    Chapter “Куда бы тебя ни занесло…”. Connettivi concessivi o fraseologismi sintattici?

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    This paper analyses the concessive connectives – like, for example, “Куда бы тебя ни занесло/где бы она ни была…” – introducing universal concessive conditional clauses from the point of view of Construction Grammar. The analysis aims to account for the lexical, morphosyntactic and semantic-pragmatic conditions to be realized in order to show the phrasematic nature of this group of conjunctions. In doing so we address also the role of the expletive negation in this construction, which is of crosslinguistic relevance

    How to Apply CxG to Phraseology: A Multilingual Research Project

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    In the present research project, we will set out to design and populate a multilingual database which lists and describes Italian, Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Russian and Spanish phraseologisms. We firmly believe that the multilingual database will prove particularly useful in second language teaching. We will endorse the holistic perspective of Construction Grammar as our theoretical and applied framework (Goldberg, 1995; Croft, 2001): we conceive of phraseologisms, in particular idiomatic expressions, as \u2018constructions\u2019, i.e., form-meaning pairings whose meaning is not compositional. With reference to Croft (2001), we will describe multi-word units in their phonological, morpho-syntactic, semantico-pragmatic and discursive aspects (Schafroth, 2013) with the aim of providing an updated tool for second language acquisition and teaching purposes