12 research outputs found


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    Future stock price prediction is not easy, there are same methods and theories developed for that particular purpose. Dividend irrelevance theory is the theory argued that dividend payment and dividend policy has no significant effect, than it would be irrelevant. It was developed by Merton Miller (MM), the value of the firm depends only on the basic earning power and its business risk. The aim of this study is to determine the acceptance or in the contrarily rejection of the application of dividend irrelevance theory in Indonesia go public companies. The datas gathered by sampling of 50 emittens from The Jakarta Stock Exchange, from various industries We utilized dividend payout ratio to represent the dividend payment as an independent variable and the market price at the cum date following price as dependent variable The result is, with the significant level, a=0.05 and the degree of freedom 48, we have the our come of r = 0.242052165 it means the dividend payment has a positive and low influencing to the price of the stock in the market Further, from hypothesis test obtained Ho is rejected with determination coefficient 5.859% The implication is, dividend irrelevance theory is not fully accepted Keywords: Dividend irrelevance theory, dividend payout ratio, cum date


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    The proper implementation good corporate governance mechanisms in the company will increase the level of disclosure. The direct relationship between corporate governance and information asymmetry stated that the implementation of good corporate governance will lead to reduce information asymmetry. One of the most fundamental components to be considered in implementation of good corporate governance is the establishment of effective corporate hierarchy. The purposes of this study are to find out the effect of corporate governance structure on information asymmetry, to find out the effect of corporate governance structure on disclosure, and to find out the effect of disclosure on information asymmetry in Indonesia banking industry. This study used partial least square/ variance based statistical method, with descriptive analitical research method. At significance level (α) of 10% resulted that corporate governance structure has a significant impact on disclosure in Indonesia banking industry (corporate governance structure represented by the indicator of audit committee member and independen board commissioner) and disclosure has a significant impact on information asymmetry in Indonesia banking industry (disclosure represented by the indicator of percentage corporate governance items disclosed or as IPCG)


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    The aim of this study is to explore the effect of variable inflation, interest rates, foreign exchange reserves, money supply, exchange rate of USD-IDR to the price return of the stock on the the cement sub-sector of chemical industry sector in Indonesia, namely for cement companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period January 2009 to February 2013. The results show that there is a correlation correlation ( r) of 0.48388 , which means that there is a relationship being between the rate of inflation, foreign exchange reserves, USD-IDR exchange rate, interest rates and the money supply to the cement sector stock return means that the contribution of the relationship is of 23.4139 %. Shown also that the rate of inflation, the State reserves and the money supply has a significant influence on stock returns with t-statistics level consecutively is 6.064 for inflation, 4.914 fo foreign exchange reserves and 3.161 for the number of money supply, which is due to the value of t-statistic > 1.96. As for the interest rate and the exchange rate of USD-IDR does not have significant influence.Keywords: Consumer price index, interest, money flow index, forex, return and risk


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    The purposes of this study are to find out the effect of corporate governance structure on information asymmetry, to find out the effect of corporate governance structure on disclosure, and to find out the effect of disclosure on information asymmetry in Indonesia banking industry. This study used partial least square/ variance based statistical method.  The results of this study found out that good implementation of corporate governance structure will increase disclosure in Indonesia banking industry. The other result implied that the higher implementation disclosure will reduce information asymmetry in Indonesia banking industry (disclosure represented by the indicator of percentage corporate governance items disclosed or as IPCG)


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    Bank is the heart of the nation's  economy. Bank Health and its performance  should be maintained and enhanced in order to support  the stability of the business and the national economy.  This study aims to determine whether the implementation   of corporate governance, with indicators of transparency, independence,   accountability, fairness and responsibility affect the financial performance   of the two government-owned banks based in Bandung. The  results  showed that  the implementation   of good corporate governance   contributed 89% in the determination of the financial performance on two state-owned banks. From the test results also showed that the transparency had a significant effect on financial performance, responsibility had a significant effect on the financial performance and fairness had a significant effect on financial performance. Variable transparancy be the most decisive variable in performance improvement for both state-owned banks, followed by the variable fairness and variable responsibility

    The Study of Total Cash Dividend, Corporate Size, Audit Opinion and Share Price within Banking Companies in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of total cash dividend paid, corporate size and audit opinion on share prices within banking companies listed in Indonesian stock exchange (IDX) for the period 2012 - 2015. This study approach is descriptive verificative that describes the findings as what they are. The results shown that total cash dividend paid has significant effect on share price, while corporate size and audit opinion has no significant effect on share price. These findings support the results of studies stated that investors are less likely to consider upon audit opinion results and firm size in their short decisions on share investment

    Determinan Manajemen Laba Dengan Moderasi Komite Audit (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bei Tahun 2018-2020)

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    The purpose of this study is to see the effect of leverage, size and audit quality on earnings management by moderating the audit committee in manufacturing companies listed on the Stock Exchange, both partially and simultaneously. Profit administration is the impact of using pools in financial planning. The use of the collection premise in the setting of budget articulation does not indicate the possibility that this miracle of profit administration can occur in publicly traded companies around the world, both in the capital markets of developing countries and in the capital markets of countries. develop. The population of this study is a manufacturing company on the IDX for the 2018-2020 period, which is 177 companies and the sample uses a total of 204 units of analysis. The research method applies multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of the study mean that leverage and audit quality partially affect earnings management. Size partially has no effect on profit management. The audit committee can strengthen the correlation between leverage and profit management. The audit committee can strengthen the correlation between size and profit management. The audit committee could not strengthen the correlation between audit quality and earnings management.   Keywords : Leverage, Size, Audit Quality, Earnings Management, Audit Committe


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    The aim of this study is to examine the effect implementation of audit quality control system in audit engangement on audit quality. The data collected for processing is obtained from the questionnaires distributed to auditors who have performed their professional duties as auditors (with minimum as a senior auditor). Statistical data processing is carried out for hypothesis testing in making conclusions using a variance-based approach. The Audit quality control system is a crucial thing in increasing user confidence in the attestation services provided by public accounting firms. The standards of quality control are useful to ensure the quality of the resulting audit can meet the objectives and specifications that have been previously set. When quality control systems are implemented properly, it will have a significant effect on improving the resulting audit quality. The three most important things in determining an adequate quality control system are the attitude of auditor independence, continuing professional education and the principle of prudence in engagement. The results of this study will be very useful for auditors in carrying out their duties so that audit quality is properly maintained.The aim of this study is to examine the effect implementation of audit quality control system in audit engangement on audit quality. The data collected for processing is obtained from the questionnaires distributed to auditors who have performed their professional duties as auditors (with minimum as a senior auditor). Statistical data processing is carried out for hypothesis testing in making conclusions using a variance-based approach. The Audit quality control system is a crucial thing in increasing user confidence in the attestation services provided by public accounting firms. The standards of quality control are useful to ensure the quality of the resulting audit can meet the objectives and specifications that have been previously set. When quality control systems are implemented properly, it will have a significant effect on improving the resulting audit quality. The three most important things in determining an adequate quality control system are the attitude of auditor independence, continuing professional education and the principle of prudence in engagement. The results of this study will be very useful for auditors in carrying out their duties so that audit quality is properly maintained

    Exploration disclosures of internal control as the impact of earnings quality and audit committee

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    Information disclosure carried out by management as an appointed agent is increasing in importance and hence, a source of concerns to users. It is widely believed that information received by the stakeholders should be appropriate and sufficient for useful decision making, especially in the era of the Fourth industrial revolution. An appropriate and sufficient disclosure in the Annual report indicates a reflection of the effective implementation of the company's operational, strategic, financial and compliance objectives that have been carried out by the management. This study employed secondary data obtained from the annual report for the banks listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The data for internal control disclosure was observed through a content analysis approach by calculating the internal control system index obtained in the annual report. This study has shown that companies with high earnings quality report more openly convey the application of internal controls system disclosure. This study demonstrated that company with the high characteristics of the audit committee would significantly increase disclosure of internal controls system than a company without audit committee. Supervision, as one of the internal controls established by the management, enhances the performances of the audit committee in ensuring compliance through full disclosure of the financial statements. Thus, restoring users’ trust and confidence in making informed and useful decisions on information emanating from the management

    Hubungan Antara Dukungan Sosial Dengan Penyesuaian Diri Pada Mahasiswa Thailand Di Universitas Islam Riau

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    The number of Thai students at Riau Islamic University each year tends to increase . Riau Islamic University is one of the universities with the highest number of Thai students in Riau. As a student of foreign differences that exist between cultures , languages, ways of learning and different flavors of food in Indonesia and Thailand require Thai students to adapt . In the process of adaptation of students of Thailand has kemungki nan to undergo adjustment which can complicate the process of adaptation and socialization them . This study intends to examine scientifically the relationship between social support and adaptation to Thai students at Riau Islamic University . Subjects in this study were students / i which originated from Thailand who were taking education lectures at the Islamic University of Riau are still active college as many as 40 students / i by using the technique of sample saturated . The instrument for retrieving data in this study was the scale of social support and the scale of adjustment . Data were analyzed using product moment correlation analysis with the help of SPSS 20.0 for Windows . The results of product moment correlation analysis obtained correlation coefficient of 0.547 with a value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05) which indicates that there is a significant positive relationship between social support and adjustment , meaning that students who have high social support have the possibility of experiencing adjustment high self-esteem too, and vice versa in Thai students at Riau Islamic Universit