91 research outputs found

    Unique hemoglobin dynamics in female Tibetan highlanders

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    Background: Tibetan highlanders have adapted to hypoxic environments through the development of unique mechanisms that suppress an increase in hemoglobin (Hb) concentration even in high-altitude areas. Hb concentrations generally decrease with increasing age. However, in the highlands, chronic altitude sickness is known to occur in the elderly population. To investigate how aging in a hypoxic environment affects Hb levels in Tibetan highlanders, we focused on the Mustang people, who live above 3500 m. We tried to clarify the pure relationship between aging and Hb levels in a hypoxic environment.Results: We found that the Hb concentration increased with increasing age in females but not in males. Multivariate analysis showed that age, pulse pressure, the poverty index, and vascular diameter were strongly correlated with the Hb concentration. Conclusions: We found unique Hb dynamics among female Tibetan highlanders. As seen in these Hb dynamics, there may be sex-based differences in the adaptive mechanism in Tibetan highlanders

    Epidemiology, impact and control of rabies in Nepal : a systematic review

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    Background: Rabies is a vaccine-preventable viral zoonosis belonging to the group of neglected tropical diseases. Exposure to a rabid animal may result in a fatal acute encephalitis if effective post-exposure prophylaxis is not provided. Rabies occurs worldwide, but its burden is disproportionately high in developing countries, including Nepal. We aimed to summarize current knowledge on the epidemiology, impact and control of rabies in Nepal. Methods: We performed a systematic review of international and national scientific literature and searched grey literature through the World Health Organization Digital Library and the library of the National Zoonoses and Food Hygiene Research Centre, Nepal, and through searching Google and Google Scholar. Further data on animal and human rabies were obtained from the relevant Nepalese government agencies. Finally, we surveyed the archives of a Nepalese daily to obtain qualitative information on rabies in Nepal. Findings: So far, only little original research has been conducted on the epidemiology and impact of rabies in Nepal. Per year, rabies is reported to kill about 100 livestock and 10–100 humans, while about 1,000 livestock and 35,000 humans are reported to receive rabies post-exposure prophylaxis. However, these estimates are very likely to be serious underestimations of the true rabies burden. Significant progress has been made in the production of cell culture-based anti-rabies vaccine and rabies immunoglobulin, but availability and supply remain a matter of concern, especially in remote areas. Different state and non-state actors have initiated rabies control activities over the years, but efforts typically remained focalized, of short duration and not harmonized. Communication and coordination between veterinary and human health authorities is limited at present, further complicating rabies control in Nepal. Important research gaps include the reporting biases for both human and animal rabies, the ecology of stray dog populations and the true contribution of the sylvatic cycle. Interpretation: Better data are needed to unravel the true burden of animal and human rabies. More collaboration, both within the country and within the region, is needed to control rabies. To achieve these goals, high level political commitment is essential. We therefore propose to make rabies the model zoonosis for successful control in Nepal

    Diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis by polymerase chain reaction of DNA extracted from Giemsa\u27s solution-stained slides.

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is caused by the protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani and is a potentially fatal disease in endemic areas of the world. Nepal is an endemic area in which VL causes major public health problems in the lowland areas of the southeast regions. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the sensitivity of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification for the detection of Leishmania DNA from Giemsa\u27s solution-stained bone marrow slides. Bone marrow samples were aspirated from a total of 115 VL suspected patients and used to prepare smears on glass slides and for the initiation of in vitro culture. Bone marrow slides were used for microscopic observation, DNA extraction, and subsequent PCR amplification. PCR analysis showed that all the positive samples were of Leishmania parasites. The PCR assay also showed a higher sensitivity (69%) than microscopic examination (57%) and culture (21%). In addition, PCR was able to detect VL in 12% of samples which were negative by microscopy. PCR of DNA extracted from Giemsa\u27s solution-stained bone marrow slides is a suitable tool for confirming diagnosis in patients with VL and may also be useful in the diagnosis of difficult cases. Bone marrow smears are easily stored and can be easily sent to research centers where PCR is available. This makes PCR a good option for diagnosis in the field

    Molecular detection of Leishmania parasites from whole bodies of sandflies collected in Nepal.

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    Visceral leishmaniasis is endemic in the southern part of the Terai region of Nepal. Natural infections of Phlebotomus species with Leishmania parasites in these endemic areas were analyzed by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification-based assay. A total of 401 Phlebotomus argentipes and 202 P. papatasi female sandflies were captured in the Dhanusa district from 2004 to 2006 and analyzed. It was found that 6.7% of P. argentipes, but no P. papatasi, were positive for Leishmania parasites, suggesting that P. argentipes is a major vector in these areas. The infectivity of P. argentipes with Leishmania was consistent with the infection rates reported from other areas of the world. This is the first report of naturally infected Leishmania parasites in sandflies collected from Nepal

    A major dengue epidemic in 2022 in Nepal: need of an efficient early-warning system

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    Dengue has become a recurrent and growing threat to public health in Nepal. The epidemic in 2022 was the largest ever reported, with cases being reported in all of the country’s seven provinces and 77 districts. Despite the establishment of an early-warning and reporting system (EWARS) in 1997, the lack of clear criteria for alarm signals and outbreak definitions in national guidelines delayed the epidemic declaration in 2022, which resulted in an increased number of cases and fatalities. For this article, we analyzed national data from previous years, which demonstrate that an epidemic could have been declared early in July, and that that would have resulted in fewer cases and fatalities if clear criteria for outbreak declarations had also been put in place. We also reviewed the existing national guidelines for dengue prevention and control, and propose recommendations to improve their implementation, particularly with regard to vector control measures. This article also highlights the need for a coordinated effort between multisector stakeholders, strengthened disease surveillance systems, and the establishment of predefined alarm signals and epidemic declaration criteria so that future epidemics are identified in a timely manner. The early outbreak warning system can potentially prevent future large outbreaks and minimize their negative impacts on the country’s health systems and economy

    High prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis and its risk factors among Tibetan highlanders living in Tsarang, Mustang district of Nepal

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    Background: In Tsarang (at 3560 m), which is located in Mustang, 62.7% of the residents answered that they had a subjective medical history of arthritis, and 41.1% of the residents answered that their families had a subjective medical history of arthritis on a survey conducted in 2017. The expression of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) and its efects are deeply involved in hypoxic adaptation in Tibetan highlanders. At the same time, HIF is also related to the onset of rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore, the adaptive mechanism acquired by Tibetan highlanders may promote the development of rheumatoid arthritis. The prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis is estimated to be approximately 0.5–1.0% worldwide. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in Tsarang residents using existing diagnostic criteria and to explore its risk factors. Methods: An epidemiological survey was conducted in Tsarang in 2019. Data obtained from anthropometry and questionnaires were statistically analyzed. Biochemical measurements using blood samples were also performed, and the results were used to assess arthritis status. Residents’ joint status was scored, and arthritis was assessed based on the clinical disease activity index and ACR/EULAR 2010 criteria.Results: Twenty-seven males and 50 females participated in this survey. In Tsarang, ACR/EULAR 2010 classifed 4.3% of males and 7.1% of females as having rheumatoid arthritis, indicating a very high estimated prevalence. We also performed a multivariate analysis to explore its risk factors, and two factors, older age (standardized parameter estimate= 4.84E−01, 95% CI = [9.19E−02, 8.76E−01], p = 0.0170) and a history of living in urban areas (standardized parameter estimate = − 5.49E−01, 95% CI = [− 9.21E−01, 1.77E−01], p = 0.0050), signifcantly contributed to the higher ACR/EULAR 2010 score in females. In addition, three factors, having no spouse (standardized parameter estimate = 3.17E−01, 95% CI = [5.74E−02, 5.77E−01], p = 0.0179), having a smoking habit (standardized parameter estimate = 2.88E−01, 95% CI = [1.71E−02, 5.59E−01], p = 0.0377), and a history of living in urban areas (standardized parameter estimate = − 3.69E−01, 95% CI = [− 6.83E−01, − 5.60E−02], p = 0.0219), resulted in signifcantly higher clinical disease activity index scores in females. Furthermore, smoking habits were found to signifcantly increase blood hyaluronic acid in both males (standardized parameter estimate = 6.03E−01, 95% CI = [3.06E−01, 9.01E−01], p = 0.0020) and females (standardized parameter estimate = 4.87E−01, 95% CI = [5.63E−02, 9.18E−01], p = 0.0291)

    Has COVID-19 suppressed dengue transmission in Nepal?

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    Following the report of the first COVID-19 case in Nepal on 23 January 2020, three major waves were documented between 2020 and 2021. By the end of July 2022, 986 596 cases of confirmed COVID-19 and 11 967 deaths had been reported and 70.5% of the population had received at least two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine. Prior to the pandemic, a large dengue virus (DENV) epidemic affected 68 out of 77 districts, with 17 932 cases and six deaths recorded in 2019. In contrast, the country's Epidemiology and Disease Control Division reported 530 and 540 dengue cases in the pandemic period (2020 and 2021), respectively. Furthermore, Kathmandu reported just 63 dengue cases during 2020 and 2021, significantly lower than the 1463 cases reported in 2019. Serological assay showed 3.2% positivity rates for anti-dengue immunoglobulin M antibodies during the pandemic period, contrasting with 26.9-40% prior to it. Real-time polymerase chain reaction for DENV showed a 0.5% positive rate during the COVID-19 pandemic which is far lower than the 57.0% recorded in 2019. Continuing analyses of dengue incidence and further strengthening of surveillance and collaboration at the regional and international levels are required to fully understand whether the reduction in dengue incidence/transmission were caused by movement restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Prevalence of dengue and diversity of cultivable bacteria in vector Aedes aegypti (L.) from two dengue endemic districts, Kanchanpur and Parsa of Nepal

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    Background: Dengue fever, an endemic arboviral disease, represents one of the major public health concerns in Nepal. It is transmitted by bites of infected Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus , the former being primary vector. The bacterial community plays a significant role in biology of mosquitoes; however, the bacterial communities of primary vector A. aegypti remain unstudied in Nepal. The study was designed to determine the rate of dengue seropositivity and to explore the bacterial diversity of A. aegypti from dengue endemic districts, Kanchanpur and Parsa of Nepal. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between June 2013 and November 2013 at two hospitals of Kanchanpur and Parsa. A total of 221 serum samples were collected from patients (inpatients and outpatients) suspected of suffering from dengue fever and attending Mahakali Zonal Hospital, Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur, and Narayani Zonal Hospital, Birgunj, Parsa. Detection of anti-dengue IgM was performed by using human dengue IgM capture ELISA. The larvae and pupae of mosquitoes (A. aegypti) were collected, reared, and emerged. Then, the bacteria were isolated and identified from the gut of identified mosquitoes by using standard methods. Results: Out of total 221 serum samples collected from patients suspected of suffering from dengue fever, 34 (15.38%) were positive for anti-dengue IgM. Gram-negative bacteria were isolated in largest proportion (63%) followed by gram-positive cocci (23.27%) and gram-positive rods (13.73%). The most common cultivable bacteria isolated were Staphylococcus spp., Pseudomonas spp., and Acinetobacter spp. The average bacterial load in the vectors was 3.91 7 104 cfu/ml. Conclusions: High rate of anti-dengue IgM seropositivity was reported in our study. The environmental bacteria were predominantly isolated and identified in A. aegypti. The paratransgenic approach to control vector might be possible by spreading the genetically modified bacteria in larval habitat or shelter of adult mosquitoes
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