10 research outputs found

    De kunstopvatting van Mir Iskoesstva

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    The thesis explores the ideas about art of Diaghilev and the Mir Iskoesstva (World of Art) movement as proclaimed in their journal, issued from 1899-1904. Within this context the thesis explores whether the movement's ideas on art centre on the 'art for art's sake' principle or whether it sees a role for art in society

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Comparative transcriptomic analysis of the evolution and development of flower size in Saltugilia (Polemoniaceae)

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    Phylogenetic information for each taxon, including number of nuclear and plastid genes, total bp for each data set, and SRA accession number. Voucher information denoted below (*) is from representatives of the geographic region sampled. (DOCX 104 kb

    Additional file 3: Table S3. of Comparative transcriptomic analysis of the evolution and development of flower size in Saltugilia (Polemoniaceae)

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    Number of raw reads, cleaned paired-end reads, cleaned singleton reads, and SRA accession number for three developmental stages for each individual for each taxon, as well as summary from mapping the cleaned reads to the de novo assembled master reference including percent mapped, total Trinity genes, total transcripts, N50 value, median contig length, and average contig length. (DOCX 152 kb

    Additional file 5: Figure S1. of Comparative transcriptomic analysis of the evolution and development of flower size in Saltugilia (Polemoniaceae)

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    Heatmap showing differential expression of transcripts between half, mid, and mature stages of development in each of the six taxa. Purple transcripts are downregulated, while yellow are upregulated. Cutoff values for differentially expressed transcripts were four-fold changes with a p-value less than 0.05. (PDF 1120 kb

    Effects of tissue type and age on metrics of RNA quality and sequencing.

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    <p>Significant effects (<i>P<</i>0.05) are shown in bold.</p>1<p>Measured as µg of total RNA isolated from a given tissue.</p>2<p>Numerator degrees of freedom (ndf) of F-statistic.</p>3<p>Denominator degrees of freedom (ddf) of F-statistic. ddf are low for RNA mass because an unequal variance model was used to account for heteroscedasticity in residuals among tissues.</p>4<p>F-statistic from analysis of variance (ANOVA).</p>5<p>P-value of F-statistic given ndf and ddf.</p

    Factors that significantly predicted the number of large scaffolds.

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    <p>Among our measures of RNA quality, (A) RNA integrity number (RIN) and (B) OD 260/230 ratio were the strongest predictors of the number of scaffolds ≥1000 bp. (C) Sequencing platform also had a strong effect on number of large scaffolds (<i>P</i><0.001, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0050226#pone-0050226-t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>; numbers at the base of bars show sample size), and (D) mass of RNA sequenced had a weak but detectable effect (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0050226#pone-0050226-t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>). Note, for most samples we used 20, 30 or 40 µg of total RNA for sequencing, but a few samples used intermediate or lower amounts.</p

    Schematic representation of the method used to assemble Illumina reads into contigs, and contigs into scaffolds.

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    <p>All reads were initially assembled into contigs using the de Bruijn graph method without using information about paired-end reads (shown by blue dashed lines). A contig’s sequence was resolved at every base. Contigs were then assembled into longer scaffolds by connecting contigs that contained paired-end reads assembled into separate contigs. Assembling scaffolds in this way allowed us to create longer sequences of known length, but sometimes there were gaps of unknown sequence. These gaps were constrained to represent <5% of total sequence length.</p

    Statistical significance of explanatory variables in the best-fitting models for the data set with OD ratios and without OD ratios.

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    <p>The best-fitting models were determined by comparing AIC values among models that considered all possible combinations of explanatory variables. Statistical significance was determined using an ANOVA model with type III sums-of-squares (SS). Variables with <i>P<</i>0.05 are shown in bold. Partial r<sup>2</sup> values (coefficient of determination) were determined by dividing SS values of each factor by total SS.</p>1<p>Numerator (first number) and denominator (second number) degrees of freedom (df) for F-test.</p>2<p>RNA integrity number (RIN).</p>3<p>Mass of total RNA sequenced.</p><p>Other abbreviations as per <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0050226#pone-0050226-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>.</p