3,261 research outputs found

    Identification and management of the hyperactive child

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    It was the purpose of this paper to present and explore an overview of the hyperactive child, how he can be identified and possible means of managing his behavior to assure his development as a whole person and a contributor to society

    Running a traditional ‘textbook’ campaign, Rob Portman has a commanding lead in Ohio’s Senate race, in spite of Donald Trump.

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    As part of our series covering key Senate races in the 2016 election, Tom Sutton and Barbara Palmer take a close look at Ohio’s election, where former Governor Ted Strickland is challenging the incumbent Republican Senator Rob Portman. While Portman was initially considered to be vulnerable, he is now nearly 15 percentage points ahead of Strickland, a lead which may be down to the GOP Senator’s superior fundraising and the funding of attack ads by outside campaign groups

    A Safety Mnemonic for Pediatric Oncology Patients: Knowledge, Confidence and Skills Accuracy During Simulation

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    Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, surpassed only by heart disease [1]. Approximately 1.6 million Americans will receive treatment for a variety of cancers annually [2]. This increase in oncology nursing care opportunities highlights the need to ensure that nurses have the skills, knowledge, and tools that allow them to safely provide care. Because Undergraduate nursing education often does not provide in-depth coverage of the principles of safe oncology nursing care required for children or adults, this study addressed protocols used when caring for chemotherapy pediatric patients using a chemotherapy mnemonic. The purpose of this pilot study (N=85), using quasi experimental methods, was to investigate the effect of a teaching intervention using a “safety” mnemonic and high fidelity simulation to investigate the effect of the teaching intervention and mnemonic on students’ reported confidence, knowledge of oncology nursing care content, and skills accuracy. The CHEMO SAFE SOUND mnemonic was evaluated by oncology expert nurses for construct and content validity, and for accuracy of chronology (steps). Results demonstrated that students’ confidence was increased by the activity and the use of the mnemonic. Students scored high on the knowledge pre-test. Only 55% of the students (N=70) were able to perform a sterile procedures and 85% of the students (N=108) were able to state the full safety mnemonic accurately. Further research is needed to investigate how students perform on the skills prior to the simulation. An expansion of the methods should include a pre-intervention assessment of chemotherapy skills. A larger sample size should be used and repeated measures to capture retention should be implemented

    Utilizing the Power of Continuous Process Improvement in Technical Services

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    In summer 2003 the Lamar Soutter Library initiated a Continuous Process Improvement project. The project’s goal was to reduce time and/or save money by examining and improving work processes. The charge for the Technical Services team was to reduce turnaroud time of certain processes by 50% or more, including (1) book acquisitions (from order to shelving) and (2) implementation of serials title changes. The team utilized value-added flow analysis to examine the processes and then did a six-month pilot project testing their recommendations. The Team met weekly over four months to identify the specific steps involved in each process, review the time involved in completing each task, analyze whether or not the step added value, and suggest improvements to the process. Team members documented and timed current workflow in spreadsheets and flowcharts. The Team proposed a number of procedural changes and initiatives that were accepted by library management for the pilot project. Important components of the implementation were establishing procedures for better communication and additional staff training. The pilot project demonstrated that the streamlined workflow was much more efficient. Value-added flow analysis is a useful tool for continuous process improvement. Technical Services will be better able to serve its internal and external customers

    Coming Out of the Back Room: Technical Services Breaks Loose

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    Objective: Describe how technical services librarians at an academic medical center have embraced opportunities for campus outreach. The Library has long been committed to teamwork. As members of cross-departmental Library teams and campus-wide task forces, technical services librarians have utilized skills in information organization, integrated library systems, and problem solving to benefit colleagues, faculty, clinicians, students, and the public. Methods: Case study: Since the arrival of a new Director in 1998, much of the work of the Library is accomplished through cross-functional teams. Technical services librarians have contributed significantly to these teams and to campus-wide task forces. For a project to create a database of medical images, library catalogers performed crucial roles in developing a database and record structure, maintaining quality control, writing documentation, and training faculty members. This team is now collaborating with Academic Computing staff to develop an institutional repository. Within the Library, a cataloger joined an access services team charged with examining the problem of unreturned books, enhancing the team with skills in integrated library systems, problem solving, and report writing. Recognizing the importance of open access, a technical services librarian organized a well-attended forum and display for the campus and the public. Results: The positive impact of technical services outreach included new and enhanced services and products, professional satisfaction, improved communication among staff, and better access to library materials. Technical services librarians are better known to the larger campus community. Staff development, collaboration, and outreach were enhanced by a Library renovation that kept the Technical Services department in close proximity to public services areas and the Library training room. In the Library there is now a true partnership with public services staff, and an increased appreciation for the skill set of technical services librarians. Conclusions: Technical Services librarians should not hesitate to break out of the back room and participate in outreach activities. Their skills can be of tremendous value to cross-departmental library teams and broader efforts. This outreach benefits the librarians, the Library, and the user community. Presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, on May 15, 2005

    Black Students Get an Edge in Reading

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    The purpose of this article is not so much to report that minority children are having trouble in learning to read all kinds of children are for that matter·· but to point out that with the proper kind of instruction black children can do as well as other children. Consider briefly the findings of a few research studies documenting contentions about the reading acquisition problems that numbers of black children have