23 research outputs found

    The Link between Culture and Economy. The Case of Spring Fiestas in Seville

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    Las Fiestas de Primavera de Sevilla (FPS) constituyen el principal evento cultural de la ciudad con importantes implicaciones sociales, turísticas y económicas. Nuestro trabajo analiza esta dimensión de la cultura de la ciudad en un doble plano. Por un lado, se lleva a cabo una caracterización de las FPS, prototipo de patrimonio cultural material e inmaterial. Por otro lado, se lleva a cabo un estudio de Impacto Económico, calculado a partir de la suma de tres efectos. En primer lugar, los efectos directos derivados del gasto necesario realizado por instituciones públicas y privadas para la celebración del evento. En segundo lugar, los efectos indirectos, producto del gasto efectuado por los participantes en los eventos. Por último, se estiman los efectos inducidos para la economía en su conjunto, mediante los multiplicadores calculados a partir de una tabla Input-Output. La principal contribución del artículo es abordar un estudio de impacto económico de un bien cultural complejo y de naturaleza compuesta, como ejemplo de valoriza-ción económica a través de la cultura. Los resultados muestran un impacto económico estimado para el año 2009 de 915,8 millones de euros, que representan un 4,66% del PIB de la ciudad de Sevilla.Spring Fiestas in Seville (SFS) constitute the main cultural event that takes place in the city, with strong social, economic and touristic implications. Our paper analyzes this cultural dimension of the city from two perspectives. First, we analyze the SFS as a model of cultural heritage, both material and immaterial. Secondly, we make an economic impact study estimated as an addition of three effects: Direct effect that derivate from private and public institution’s expenditures which are necessary in order to celebrate SFS; Indirect effect produced by expenditures of participants in the events and Induced effect estimated using multipliers derived from input-output tables. The main contribution of the paper is to analyze the economic impact of a complex cultural good of a mix nature, as an exam-ple of economic valuation through the culture. Results show an estimated economic impact for 2009 of 915.8 million of euros that means 4.66% of city of Seville GDP

    Audio-visual Production as a Path of Cooperation in Europe. Eurimages Funds

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse co-production in Europe through the funds of the Eurimages program from its origin, in 1989 to 2016, and to determine a pattern of co-production among the main film producer nations in Europe: France, Germany, Italy and Spain. For that purpose, a statistical analysis is carried out using several data sources: the Lumiere database, the reports from the European Audiovisual Observatory, as well as those from several national film institutions (such as the ICAA in Spain, or the CNC in France), or even the webpages of the Eurimages program and the Ibermedia one. Among the main results, it should be underlined that Eurimages has contributed to the increase of European films through co-production, but not to the increase of film audience, being far from that of American films. Nevertheless, if compared to national films, Eurimages has favoured both the transnational circulation of films and their consumption. Moreover, the main reasons to choose partners to co-produce are both cultural and economic, based on language, geographical proximity, common history and having a more developed film industry with a generous film support. With this article we want to contribute to update the literature about co-production in Europe using Eurimages funds.JEL Codes - L82; L88; Z1

    Productividad del trabajo en el sector industrial. Un análisis comparativo Andalucia España

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    El estudio que planteamos constituye una ampliación de un estudio anterior sobre la productividad del trabajo en el sector industrial de Andalucía. El trabajo parte de una breve caracterización del sector industrial andaluz en comparación con los de las comunidades en las que el sector industrial es de mayor peso (Cataluña, Madrid y Comunidad Valenciana), en términos de producción y empleo a partir de los datos aportados por la Encuesta Industrial de Empresas del INE. A partir de estos datos se realiza una aproximación a la productividad aparente del trabajo teniendo en cuenta el enfoque general de Griliches (2001). Posteriormente, se plantea el análisis de la evolución de la productividad del trabajo a partir de la metodología de Nordhaus (1972) aplicada por Maté (1995) y Alonso et al (1996) y se realiza un análisis comparativo que pretende caracterizar la diferente evolución de la productividad en las zonas geográficas consideradas. Se plantea la evolución de la productividad debido a cambios en la estructura intersectorial del empleo y cambios en las variaciones de la productividad de los sectores

    Globalization and migration flows. Some effects of immigration on the Spanish labour market in the last decade

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    one is related to positive gains in the host country in that migration is a source of invaluable human resources and contributes to increase the production of goods and services. The other side has to do with the impact of immigrants on the native labour market especially on wages and employment conditions. Both effects will have an influence on the native income distribution. The case of Spain is unique in the context of Europe. Spain has been a traditional emigration country with a long history of emigration. This tradition has changed in recent years and now Spain has become an important country for immigration such as Germany or the USA. The immigration process in Spain has been strongly concentrated especially in recent years. This large flow of immigrants, (over 5 millions in less than 15 years) has caused a strong impact on several political, social, demographic and economic aspects in Spain. One of the most important reasons for immigration into Spain is connected to the good evolution of the Spanish economy during the long period 1995-2007 and a similar evolution of the Labour Market. The impact of immigration flows is large, complex and shows different perspectives for the Spanish society and economy. In this paper we will consider some impacts of migration on the Spanish economy and the Spanish Labour Market. Having this objective in mind the paper is organized as follows. After this introduction, in section 2 we present some selected facts of the importance of migration flows into Spain as compared to other European countries. In section 3, we will estimate the impact of migration on Spain’s GDP over the last decade using a simple labour market model. In section 4 we will focus on the impact of immigration on the structure of the Spanish labour supply and especially on the participation of women in the Labour Market, which is one of the most outstanding events having taken place in the last decade. The paper finishes with some conclusions

    El flamenco como bien cultural. Una caracterización de la oferta de espectáculos en vivo y su evolución en la ciudad de Sevilla (Spain) 2006-2013

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    El Flamenco es uno de los principales exponentes de Patrimonio inmaterial en España y un importante campo de análisis en el ámbito de la economía creativa por su importante valor como capital cultural y por su consideración como factor estratégico para la generación de riqueza y empleo. El objetivo del paper que presentamos es doble. Primero, analizar el Flamenco como bien cultural desde la perspectiva de la Economía de la Cultura. Segundo, realizar una caracterización de la oferta de espectáculos en vivo en la ciudad de Sevilla, basándonos en dos variables: su naturaleza (pública, privada y sin ánimo de lucro) y su diversidad en función de los distintos componentes (cante, baile, mixto) que nos permita delimitar la tipología de empresas que ofrecen flamenco, al mismo tiempo que realizar un análisis dinámico de la oferta desde 1996 a 2013 .Para ello, nos basamos en una encuesta de elaboración propia realizada a los distintos oferentes desde septiembre a diciembre de 2013, a partir de la fuente de datos proporcionada por la Guía Flama, guía de carácter privado que recoge la agenda pormenorizada de todas las empresas y espectáculos en vivo ofrecidos con una periodicidad mensual desde el año 2006 . El artículo contribuye a la literatura sobre patrimonio inmaterial de dos formas: primero, al analizar desde la perspectiva de la economía de la cultura el Flamenco, que constituye un bien cultural complejo. Por otro, al realizar un análisis dinámico de la oferta de los espectáculos en vivo de Flamenco, ambos aspectos inexplorados hasta el momento en Economía de la Cultura. Los resultados obtenidos pueden arrojar luz a la hora de implementar políticas culturales que fomenten el turismo cultural y que por tanto, refuercen el tejido productivo de la economía no sólo de Sevilla sino a nivel regional.Flamenco has been considered one of the most important elements of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Spain. From this perspective, Flamenco constitutes an important field of research in the area of Creative Economics, not only from the Cultural Capital perspective, but also as a strategic factor that can generate wealth and employment. The purpose of the present work is twofold. On the one hand, we present the analysis of Flamenco as a cultural good from the perspective of Cultural Economics. On the other hand, a characterization of the supply of Flamenco performance in Seville (Spain) is offered. In this way, we can characterize the kind of firms that supply flamenco performance and we can develop a dynamic analysis of the supply of flamenco in Seville in the period 2006-2013. The major source of data is the guide Flama which collects detailed schedule of all the shows on a monthly basis that allow us to characterize suppliers according to 2 main variables: the nature of suppliers (public, private or non-profit institutions) and the nature and typology of the performance (cante, baile or both). In order to give a richer information, we use a sample of suppliers in the period September – December 2013. Two important contributions of the paper must be taken into account: firstly, the analysis of Flamenco as an example of Immaterial Heritage of Seville which constitutes a complex cultural good; secondly, the dynamic analysis of supply of Flamenco performance in a period of seven years. Both are unexplored features in Cultural Economics up toda

    A return to creativity: a measurement proposal for the case of Spain

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    En este trabajo se aborda la creatividad ligada al concepto de innovación pero fundamentada en la cultura y su principal objetivo es elaborar un índice de creatividad a partir de la propuesta realizada por el Informe KEA (2009), aplicable a España y sus Comunidades Autónomas, y que atendiendo a las circunstancias y condicionantes de nuestro territorio, pueda ofrecer algunas claves sobre las fortalezas y debilidades de España y sus territorios en este ámbito. Para ello se definen distintos indicadores representativos, agrupados en componentes que influyen en la creatividad: formativo, tecnológico y de innovación, de diversidad social, laboral, institucional, así como de oferta y demanda cultural. Mediante un análisis factorial por componentes principales se obtiene un índice global que permite comparar la posición relativa de cada comunidad Autónoma respecto a una media nacional. Las fuentes utilizadas proceden, fundamentalmente, del INE y del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, con un período de referencia situado entre 2005 y 2011. Los resultados indican que Madrid y Cataluña sobresalen como núcleos creativos pero que otras comunidades cuentan con potencial en diversos ámbitos. Este documento constituye una contribución a la literatura empírica sobre índices de creatividad en España, todavía escasa, que permita conocer más profundamente el componente creativo desde de una perspectiva integral, si bien desde un enfoque fundamentalmente cultural.In this work we deal with creativity linked to the concept of innovation but based on culture, and its principal objective is to elaborate an index of creativity from the proposal made by the KEA report (2009), applicable to Spain and its Autonomous Communities, and which, in line with the circumstances and determinants of our region, can offer some keys to the strengths and weaknesses of Spain and its territories in this field. In order to do this, different representative indicators are defined, grouped into components that have an influence on creativity: formative, technological and of innovation, of social, labour and institutional diversity, as well as cultural supply and demand. By means of a factorial analysis by main components, a global index is obtained which allows us to compare the relative position of each Autonomous Community with respect to the national average. The sources used come, fundamentally, from the INE (National Statistics Institute) and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, with a reference period from between 2005 and 2011. The results indicate that Madrid and Catalonia stand out as nuclei of creativity but that other communities have a lot of potential in various fields. This document constitutes a contribution to the empirical literature on creativity indices in Spain, still scarce, that allows us to understand the creativity component in more depth, from an integral perspective, although from a fundamentally cultural point of view

    Determinants of book reading and library attendance in Colombia. A microeconometric approach

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    The article explores the determinants of the decision to read books and visit libraries in a developing country, Colombia, based on data from the Encuesta de Consumo Cultural 2008 [Cultural Consumption Survey] (ECC2008). For this purpose, multilevel logistic regressions are estimated, results showing that a high level of education and a greater socioeconomic status have a positive and significant effect on the decision to read, whereas socioeconomic status does not prove significant vis–à–vis library visits. Moreover, the VPC (Variance Partition Coefficient), 5.33% (6.58%) of the residual variation in the propensity to read at least one book (visit a library), can be attributed to unobserved features of the neighbourhood

    El mercado del libro en España 1989-2006. Un análisis económico

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    Mientras la literatura económica ofrece diversos estudios sobre las características del mercado del libro en otros países europeos, no existen estudios recientes sobre el mercado del libro en España desde un punto de vista económico. El presente artículo, ofrece una breve perspectiva de la industria de la edición de libros en España, a continuación exponemos aspectos teóricos sobre las características del mercado del libro, para finalizar con un modelo explicativo de la demanda de libros en los últimos 18 años. Para ello, utilizamos los datos proporcionados por el Ministerio de Cultura, la Federación de Gremios de Editores de España y el Instituto Nacional de Estadística.Whereas, economic literature provides some studies of the Book Publishing Industry in some European countries, there are no recent studies of the Spanish Book Market from an economic point of view. In this article we offer, firstly, a brief overview about Spanish Book Publishing Industry, secondly, we study some theoretical approaches to book market and finally we analyze the main factors that have determined book demand in the last 18 years. In this paper, we use data sources from the Ministry of Culture, Spanish Publishers Association, and the National Statistic Institute