5 research outputs found

    Depositional characterization of the Eau Claire Formation at the Illinois Basin - Decatur Project: facies, mineralogy and geochemistry

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    The Cambrian-age Eau Claire Formation serves as the primary seal at the Illinois Basin – Decatur Project (IBDP), a one million tonne carbon capture and storage demonstration project located in Decatur, Illinois. The Eau Claire Formation conformably overlies the Mt. Simon Sandstone, the reservoir for the IBDP. At the IBDP site, analysis of drill core and geophysical logs reveals the Eau Claire consists of two major lithostratigraphic units: a siliciclastic dominant lower unit and a carbonate dominant upper unit. Within the Eau Claire, four major depositional facies exist within a tidally influenced, shallow marine depositional environment. These include (Unit A) intertidal mixed sand/mud flats and tidal channels of the foreshore environment; (Unit B) subtidal deposits of the offshore transition zone; (Unit C) subtidal deposits of the upper shoreface environment; and (Unit D) subtidal mixed carbonate/siliciclastic deposits. An approximately +8‰ δ13C excursion (R2 = 0.97) defines the Eau Claire at the IBDP site, possibly correlative with the Steptoean positive carbon isotope excursion (SPICE) found worldwide 500– 495 Ma ago. This study aims to elucidate the depositional environment, seal quality, age and provenance of the Eau Claire Formation in central Illinois. The mineralogy of the four depositional facies varies widely throughout the Eau Claire, with a persistently high K-feldspar content. The K-feldspar mode averages 8.7% for the formation and reaches an average of 20.3% in Unit C. Unit A is approximately 30 ft. (9.1 m) thick and exhibits intense bioturbation, ripple beds, and flaser/lenticular bedding, with an average porosity and permeability (n = 20) of 6.7% and 8.6 mD. Unit B is an approximately 40 ft. (12.2 m) thick tight shale sequence, with thin siltstones interbedded throughout. Unit B represents the most desirable seal facies in the formation with an average porosity (n=9) and permeability (n=4) of 5.6% and 2.0x10-5 mD. Unit C is the largest siliciclastic unit in the formation, spanning an average of 95 ft. (29 m) in all three wells at the IBDP. Unit C exhibits the classic tidalite signature of rhythmically interbedded siltstones and shales, with an average porosity and permeability (n = 50) of 9.4% and 0.9 mD. Unit D spans approximately 345 ft. (105.2 m) and begins as a mixed siliciclastic/carbonate environment, slowly becoming a dolomitized carbonate shelf dominated by oolitic packstone and grainstone

    Guidance of loop ordering for reduced memory usage in signal processing applications

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    Data dominated signal processing applications are typically described using large and multi-dimensional arrays and loop nests. The order of production and consumption of array elements in these loop nests has huge impact on the amount of memory required during execution. This is essential since the size and complexity of the memory hierarchy is the dominating factor for power, performance and chip size in these applications. This paper presents a number of guiding principles for the ordering of the dimensions in the loop nests. They enable the designer, or design tools, to find the optimal ordering of loop nest dimensions for individual data dependencies in the code. We prove the validity of the guiding principles when no prior restrictions are given regarding fixation of dimensions. If some dimensions are already fixed at given nest levels, this is taken into account when fixing the remaining dimensions. In most cases an optimal ordering is found for this situation as well. The guiding principles can be used in the early design phases in order to enable minimization of the memory requirement through in-place mapping. We use real life examples to show how they can be applied to reach a cost optimized end product. The results show orders of magnitude improvement in memory requirement compared to using the declared array sizes, and similar penalties for choosing the suboptimal ordering of loops when in-place mapping is exploited.status: publishe