3 research outputs found

    Indium in cassiterite and ores of tin deposits

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    The results obtained with LA-ICP-MS by less abundant lighter 113In isotope and EPMA show that in cassiterite of cassiterite-quartz veins the indium contents do not exceed 160 ppm, while cassiterite from Sn-sulfide veins is characterized by higher indium contents from 40 to 485 ppm; sulfides of Sn-sulfide veins unlike sulfides of cassiterite-quartz veins also have the highest indium contents: Fe-sphalerite (100-25000 ppm), chalcopyrite (up to 1000 ppm), stannite (up to 60000 ppm). Indium contents in the Sn-sulfide ore of the Tigrinoe and Pravourmiiskoe deposits obtained using SR-XRF, ICP-MS and atomic absorption methods range from 10 to 433 ppm with average values of 56 - 65 ppm. Indium-rich Sn-sulfide mineralization in five large Sn-Ag ore districts of the Far East Russia (Khingansky, Badzhalsky, Komsomolsky, Arminsky, Kavalerovsky) provides the impetus for further exploration of deposits with Sn-sulfide mineralization as the most promising indium resources in Russia. Empirical observations from geology and geochronology of cassiterite-quartz and Sn-sulfide mineralization show that the combined contribution from granite and alkaline-subalkaline mafic sources and multistage oreforming processes doubled indium resources of deposits being the main factors in the formation of high grade indium mineralization

    Indium in cassiterite and ores of tin deposits

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    The results obtained with LA-ICP-MS by less abundant lighter 113In isotope and EPMA show that in cassiterite of cassiterite-quartz veins the indium contents do not exceed 160 ppm, while cassiterite from Sn-sulfide veins is characterized by higher indium contents from 40 to 485 ppm; sulfides of Sn-sulfide veins unlike sulfides of cassiterite-quartz veins also have the highest indium contents: Fe-sphalerite (100-25000 ppm), chalcopyrite (up to 1000 ppm), stannite (up to 60000 ppm). Indium contents in the Sn-sulfide ore of the Tigrinoe and Pravourmiiskoe deposits obtained using SR-XRF, ICP-MS and atomic absorption methods range from 10 to 433 ppm with average values of 56 - 65 ppm. Indium-rich Sn-sulfide mineralization in five large Sn-Ag ore districts of the Far East Russia (Khingansky, Badzhalsky, Komsomolsky, Arminsky, Kavalerovsky) provides the impetus for further exploration of deposits with Sn-sulfide mineralization as the most promising indium resources in Russia. Empirical observations from geology and geochronology of cassiterite-quartz and Sn-sulfide mineralization show that the combined contribution from granite and alkaline-subalkaline mafic sources and multistage oreforming processes doubled indium resources of deposits being the main factors in the formation of high grade indium mineralization

    Determination of major and trace elements by inductively coupled mass-spectrometry in silicate rocks after fusion with LiBo₂

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    Оценена возможность одновременного определения широкого набора элементов методом масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно-связанной плазмой (ИСП-МС) в силикатных породах после сплавления с метаборатом лития. Работа выполнена на стандартных образцах состава естественных горных пород. Определение всех элементов осуществляется в рамках одного измерения в режимах низкого, среднего и высокого разрешения масс-спектрометра c магнитным сектором ELEMENT с использованием внешней градуировки по стандартному образцу BHVO-1 и применением внутреннего стандарта. Правильность разработанной методики подтверждена сравнением результатов, полученных для 9 стандартных образцов, с принятыми значениями. Погрешность определения всех элементов в установленном диапазоне концентраций существенно не различается и составляет менее 10 %.The ability of simultaneous determination of great number of elements by inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (ICP-MS) has been estimated in silicate rocks after fusion with LiBO₂. The objects of analysis were geological reference materials. Simultaneous determination of all elements is carried out in low, medium and high resolution using high resolution mass-spectrometer ELEMENT with external calibration of the reference material - BHVO-1 and the internal standard. The method has been validated through the analysis of nine geological reference materials. Relative standard deviations for all elements were lower than 10 % in the defined concentrations range and did not differ for the major and trace elements