173 research outputs found

    Final Project 3.0: A Student Virtual World Conference on the Future of Collaboration

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    There is currently little research of any kind on enterprise virtual worlds or using these collaborative tool ecosystems for geographically distributed education in organizational studies. In 2013, a group of multidisciplinary graduate students created and executed a conference in a 3D virtual world as a class project. The topics presented in the conference were crowdsourcing and mobile virtual worlds, but the overall experience resulted in learning well beyond those topics. The project team encountered a significant learning curve over planning and executing in person meetings as well as technical challenges that would threaten the success of the project. This paper describes the end-to-end process taken by the team to plan and execute the conference, and shows the challenges, successes, and the lessons learned that can be applied to future conferences in 3D virtual worlds, which promise incredible potential for improving collaboration across businesses

    Logique juridique et logique probabiliste à l'époque moderne

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    When I started to study the relationship between legal logic and probabilistic logic, I immediately realized that this relationship could not really be understood without investigating more specifically the link logic-rhetoric included in it. A long philosophical tradition has accustomed us to consider the legal logic as essentially tied to the rhetoric and the latter as completely detached from the logic.With the word "rhetoric" we usually refers to the '"art of speaking well." But ρητορική τέχνη (retoriké tekne) that arises in the fifth century BC on empirical grounds of the art court has, from its birth, a practical purpose : it wants to be an instrument of persuasion, and the medium he uses is the εικός (eikόs), the plausible. One of the foundations of Greek logic is thus to be found on the empirical grounds of judicial logic. But even if the rhetoric was born with practical and not theoretical purposes, however, this fact requires a study of argumentation theory and its evidence, apart from the prejudice that, even if logic and rhetoric are both related to the argument, the logic should deal with the correct arguments while rhetoric deals with only persuasive arguments.Through historical and logical analysis drawn from Aristotle and which comes to consider the positions of prominent contemporary scholars such as Giuliani, Taruffo, Capozzi, Cellucci, Spranzi, etc., in this article I will show that, instead, logic and rhetoric have a strong bond which should be rethought so as to better understand the essence of legal logic, but also because the break of dualism logical-rhetoric can open much wider perspectives of reflection. Particularly I refer to the reflection of logical and moral relationship that, in turn, would lead us to reflect on the opposition between mind and body. In fact, when we turn a look at the history of logic, we will realize that, since ancient times, there were no sharp and radicals divisions between logical and rhetorical field and that, even in modern times, it is possible to draw a line of continuity between the field of rigorous proof and the field of demonstration of rhetoric, thanks to the recognizable theoretical role of metaphor.Notre projet de recherche consiste à analyser les relations étroites qu’entretiennent la logique juridique et le raisonnement probabiliste dans la constitution du calcul des probabilités, c’est à dire depuis son origine au XVIIe siècle jusqu’au siècle des Lumières.L’étude de la logique juridique pousse inévitablement à examiner les rapports entre logique et rhétorique, et à repenser la rhétorique à la lumière de son incontournable rôle logique et, de même, à montrer que toute étude sur la logique juridique doit passer inévitablement par l’étude de la logique de l’argumentation.J'ai montré, contre la thèse qui réduit le raisonnement juridique à une simple rhétorique, que celui-ci répond à une exigence de vérité, ce qui exige de repenser la relation essentielle entre logique et rhétorique dans le champ juridique. La logique ici mobilisée est une logique de la probabilité, laquelle est appropriée à la rationalité pragmatique.C’est du même coup la relation entre logique juridique et logique probabiliste qui se trouve interrogée, à la fois dans une perspective historique, mais surtout du point de vue de philosophie de la science, puisque ces éléments constituent un bon point de départ pour se poser la question de la signification de la gnoséologie et, plus largement, de la validité des théories gnoséologiques. Mais pas seulement : en effet, nombre de philosophes contemporains des sciences ont mis l’accent sur le rôle des métaphores humanistes et des « sciences humaines » dans le développement des théories scientifiques.C’est en quoi consistent l’actualité de ces études et l’utilité de ces questions qui sont intéressantes parce qu’elles se posent à la limite entre la philosophie des sciences et la philosophie morale, brisant ainsi l’ancien dualisme qui a fait écran à la théorie de la connaissance pendant des siècles et qui a encore ses défenseurs dans le monde de certains philosophes analytiques.Nous avons donc montré que logique juridique et logique probabiliste peuvent être considérées comme des paradigmes gnoséologiques tout à fait nouveaux

    Cell Propagation of Cholera Toxin CTA ADP-Ribosylating Factor by Exosome Mediated Transfer

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    In this study, we report how the cholera toxin (CT) A subunit (CTA), the enzyme moiety responsible for signaling alteration in host cells, enters the exosomal pathway, secretes extracellularly, transmits itself to a cell population. The first evidence for long-term transmission of CT's toxic effect via extracellular vesicles was obtained in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. To follow the CT intracellular route towards exosome secretion, we used a novel strategy for generating metabolically-labeled fluorescent exosomes that can be counted by flow cytometry assay (FACS) and characterized. Our results clearly show the association of CT with exosomes, together with the heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) and Protein Disulfide Isomerase (PDI) molecules, proteins required for translocation of CTA across the ER membrane into the cytoplasm. Confocal microscopy showed direct internalization of CT containing fluorescent exo into CHO cells coupled with morphological changes in the recipient cells that are characteristic of CT action. Moreover, Me665 cells treated with CT-containing exosomes showed an increase in Adenosine 3',5'-Cyclic Monophosphate (cAMP) level, reaching levels comparable to those seen in cells exposed directly to CT. Our results prompt the idea that CT can exploit an exosome-mediated cell communication pathway to extend its pathophysiological action beyond an initial host cell, into a multitude of cells. This finding could have implications for cholera disease pathogenesis and epidemiology

    Clinical significance of rare serum autoantibodies in rheumatic diseases: a systematic literature review

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    The identification of serum autoantibodies is central in the diagnosis of systemic autoimmune rheumatic disease (SARD), and an increasing number of specificities have been detected in the past years. This allows an early diagnosis in the active phases of diseases, with the identification of specific disease subsets that may ultimately improve the disease outcomes. Thanks to the use of old and new laboratory techniques that are becoming increasingly available worldwide, the number of rheumatic patients with a specific autoantibody is increasing and this is improving also our knowledge of disease trigger mechanisms. The paradigmatic example is the plethora of serum autoantibodies described in polymyositis and dermatomyositis, coined myositis-specific antibodies (MSA) which include antibodies directed against tRNA synthetases, anti-SRP, anti-Mi-2, and anti-TIF-1γ and can discriminate disease subtypes, particularly when associated with the risk of cancer. As a further example, anti-HMGCR antibodies have been reported in several studies in association with necrotizing autoimmune myositis that may follow statin use. To clarify the current knowledge on these rare specificities, we performed a systematic literature review. We focused on the main features associated to specific autoantibodies that are rarely identified in rheumatic disease, to increase the awareness and scientific knowledge on these autoantibodies in different ethnic groups worldwide.Fil: Ceribelli, Angela. Humanitas Research Hospital; Italia. Università degli Studi di Milano; ItaliaFil: Isailovic, Natasa. Humanitas Research Hospital; ItaliaFil: De Santis, Maria. Humanitas Research Hospital; ItaliaFil: Generali, Elena. Humanitas Research Hospital; ItaliaFil: Gorlino, Carolina Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Investigaciones Biológicas de San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Investigaciones Biológicas de San Luis; Argentina. Humanitas Research Hospital; ItaliaFil: Palermo, Bianca. Humanitas Research Hospital; ItaliaFil: Selmi, Carlo. Università degli Studi di Milano; Italia. Humanitas Research Hospital; Itali

    Swapping of the N-terminus of VDAC1 with VDAC3 restores full activity of the channel and confers anti-aging features to the cell

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    AbstractVoltage-dependent anion-selective channels (VDACs) are pore-forming proteins allowing the permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane. The VDAC3 isoform is the least abundant and least active in a complementation assay performed in a yeast strain devoid of porin-1. We swapped the VDAC3 N-terminal 20 amino acids with homologous sequences from the other isoforms. The substitution of the VDAC3 N-terminus with the VDAC1 N-terminus caused the chimaera to become more active than VDAC1. The VDAC2 N-terminus improved VDAC3 activity, though to a lesser extent. The VDAC3 carrying the VDAC1 N-terminus was able to complement the lack of the yeast porin in mitochondrial respiration and in modulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This chimaera increased life span, indicating a more efficient bioenergetic metabolism and/or a better protection from ROS

    Application of machine learning algorithms to PM2.5 concentration analysis in the state of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Dados de monitoramento da qualidade do ar são úteis em diferentes áreas de pesquisa e aplicações, como por exemplo, no estudo da relação da poluição do ar com problemas respiratórios e outros prejuízos à saúde. Dentre os principais poluentes atmosféricos estão: ozônio (O3), dióxido de enxofre (SO2), monóxido de carbono (CO), dióxido de nitrogênio (NO2) e material particulado (MP). O MP é um dos principais objetos de estudos quando se pretende proteger as pessoas da exposição a poluentes. O presente trabalho contribui com a análise da concentração do poluente MP2,5, em 21 estações de monitoramento, observadas pela CETESB - Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo. Este estudo emprega mineração de dados por agrupamento, um método proeminente para reconhecer padrões e descobrir semelhanças, aspectos importantes para avaliar a poluição do ar, principalmente em uma área geograficamente vasta como o estado de São Paulo, que não segue um único padrão. A técnica de mineração por regras de associação, também aplicada, oferece suporte na análise da relação de poluentes com variáveis meteorológicas, por permitir identificar associações entre elementos que ocorrem juntos, em uma grande variedade de dados. Os objetivos incluem identificar estações com comportamentos semelhantes e explorar a variedade temporal do poluente relacionada aos fatores meteorológicos dominantes nos períodos de alta concentração. O algoritmo de agrupamento, separa de forma automática as estações a partir de médias mensais de concentração de MP2,5 nos anos de 2017 a 2019. Os grupos de estações com maiores índices encontrados do poluente foram os centros urbanos, com emissões por indústrias e veículos e, as estações com índices menores foram as localizadas mais ao interior do estado. Também houve a identificação de um ciclo sazonal nas variações do poluente nos três anos para os dois grupos. Para os meses de maior concentração de MP2,5 a técnica de regras de associação foi aplicada a fim de relacionar temperatura do ar, umidade relativa do ar e velocidade do vento, às concentrações dos poluentes MP2,5 e CO. Os resultados gerados são úteis na análise do perfil temporal e por geolocalização da poluição por material particulado e identifica o comportamento dos fatores meteorológicos que predominam nos períodos de maior concentração.Air quality monitoring data are useful in different areas of research and have varied applications, especially with a focus on the relationship between air pollution, respiratory problems, and other health hazards. The main atmospheric pollutants are: ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and particulate matter (PM). PM is one of the main objects of study when one intends to protect people from exposure to pollutants. This study contributes to the analysis of PM2.5 in 21 stations in the state of São Paulo monitored by the Environmental Company of São Paulo State (CETESB). It employs cluster analysis, a prominent data mining method for detecting patterns and discovering similarities which is important for assessing air pollution, especially in a geographically vast area such as that of the state of São Paulo, which does not follow a single pattern. Another data mining technique (association rules) supports the analysis of the relationship between pollutants and meteorological variables, as it allows identifying changes between elements that occur together, in a wide variety of data. Our objectives include determining stations with similar behaviors and exploring the temporal variety of the pollutant as it relates to the dominant meteorological factors in the periods of high concentration. The clustering algorithm automatically separates stations according to their monthly averages of PM2.5 concentration between 2017 and 2019. The clusters of stations that showed the highest pollution rates essentially included urban centers with emissions by industries and vehicles, while those with the lowest rates were located further inland. A cyclical behavior in pollutant variation was also observed in the three years under study and for both clusters. For the months with the highest concentration of PM2.5, association rule learning was applied to connect air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed with PM2.5 and carbon monoxide (CO) concentrations. The obtained results are useful to analyze the temporal and geolocation profiles of pollution by particulate matter, since they identify the behavior of the meteorological factors that predominate in periods of greater concentration

    Impact of sleep disorders on behavioral issues in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder

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    BackgroundSleep disorders are one of the most common problems in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, they often tend to be underdiagnosed and incorrectly treated in clinical practice. This study aims to identify sleep disorders in preschool children with ASD and to explore their relationship with the core symptoms of autism, the child's developmental and cognitive level as well as the psychiatric comorbidities. MethodsWe recruited 163 preschool children with a diagnosis of ASD. The Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) assessed sleep conditions. Multiple standardized tests were used to evaluate intellectual abilities, the presence of repetitive behaviors (through the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised), as well as the emotional-behavioral problems and the psychiatric comorbidities (through the Child Behavior Checklist -CBCL 1(1/2)-5). ResultsThe results showed that poor disorders had consistently higher scores in all areas assessed by the CSHQ and on the CBCL across all domains. The correlational analysis showed that severe sleep disorders were associated with higher scores in internalizing, externalizing, and total problems at the CBCL syndromic scales, and in all DSM-oriented CBCL subscales. Moreover, we found that the association between sleep disorders and restricted and repetitive behaviors (RRBs) is explained by the anxiety-related symptoms. ConclusionBased on these findings, the study recommends that screening for sleep problems followed by early intervention should constitute a routine part of clinical practice for children with ASD

    Amino acid-driven adsorption of emerging contaminants in water by modified graphene oxide nanosheets

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    Graphene oxide nanosheets have shown promising adsorption properties toward emerging organic contaminants in drinking water. Here, we report a family of graphene oxide nanosheets covalently modified with amino acids and the study on their adsorption properties toward a mixture of selected contaminants, including pharmaceuticals, additives, and dyes. Graphene oxides modified with l-glutamic acid and l-methionine (GO-Glu and GO-Met) were synthesized and purified with a scalable and fast synthetic and purification procedure, and their structure was studied by combined X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and elemental analysis. An amino acid loading of about 5% and a slight reduction (from 27% down to 14-20% oxygen) were found and associated with the adsorption selectivity. They were compared to unmodified GO, reduced GO (rGO), GO-lysine, and to the reference sample GO-NaOH. Each type of modified GO possesses a higher adsorption capacity toward bisphenol A (BPA), benzophenone-4 (BP4), and carbamazepine (CBZ) than standard GO and rGO, and the adsorption occurred within the first hour of contact time. The maximum adsorption capacity (estimated from the adsorption isotherms) was strictly related to the amino acid loading. Accordingly, molecular dynamics simulations highlighted higher interaction energies for the modified GOs than unmodified GO, as a result of higher van der Waals and hydrophobic interactions between the contaminants and the amino acid side chains on the nanosheet surface

    Chemical Tailoring of β-Cyclodextrin-Graphene Oxide for Enhanced Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Adsorption from Drinking Water

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    We report on the synthesis of β-cyclodextrin (βCD) modified graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets, having different sized alkyl linkers (GO-Cn-βCD) and their exploitation as sorbent of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from drinking water. βCD were functionalized with a pending amino group, and the resulting precursors grafted to GO nanosheets by epoxide ring opening reaction. Loading of βCD units in the range 12 %–36 % was estimated by combined XPS and elemental analysis. Adsorption tests on perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA), a particularly persistent PFAS selected as case study, revealed a strong influence of the alkyl linker length on the adsorption efficiency, with the hexyl linker derivative GO-C6-βCD outperforming both pristine GO and granular activated carbon (GAC), the standard sorbent benchmark. Molecular dynamic simulations ascribed this evidence to the favorable orientation of the βCD unit on the surface of GO which enables a strong contaminant molecules retention