128 research outputs found

    First description of the helminth community in the Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida (Lariforma: Sternidae) in France

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    First description of the helminth community in the Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida (Lariforma: Sternidae) in France.- The degree of knowledge of the helminth community associated with bird members of the Sternidae family is largely limited and totally absent in some bird species such as the Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida. In the present study, the helminth community is described in this species for the first time from dead chicks collected in France (Lake Grand-Lieu). An analysis of the parasite load in relation to chick age and mortality causes was also performed. The helminth community was composed of five families of which Strigeidae were the most frequent (prevalence: 91.7 %) and abundant (mean intensity: 45.6 ± 10.1 parasites per infested chick). This is the first record of Strigeidae in the Whiskered Tern and also of Capillaridae and Plagiorchiidae in Sternidae. Whatever the chick age, the intensity of parasites in chicks dead from accidental causes (6-12 parasites per chick) was lower than that found in birds (mainly in older chicks, i.e. > 10 days old) whose mortality causes stayed unknown (78 ± 30 parasites per chick, and up to 107 parasites in one chick). Based on these results, we suggest that parasitism is a factor that might affect significantly survival of Whiskered Tern chicks

    Hydropériode des zones humides : un enjeu de gestion clé pour les poissons

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    National audienc

    Essais d’épuisement de stocks d’Ecrevisses de Louisiane par pièges passifs et bio-contrôle

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    Réserve naturelle régionale Pierre Constant (Brière)National audienc
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