2,418 research outputs found

    When Did Cosmic Acceleration Start ?

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    A precise determination, and comparison, of the epoch of the onset of cosmic acceleration, at redshift z_acc, and of dark energy domination, at z_eq, provides an interesting measure with which to parameterize dark energy models. By combining several cosmological datasets we place constraints on the redshift and age of cosmological acceleration. For a Lambda-CDM model, we find the constraint z_acc=0.76\pm0.10 at 95% c.l., occurring 6.7\pm0.4 Gyrs ago. Allowing a constant equation of state but different from -1 changes the constraints to z_acc=0.81\pm0.12 (6.9\pm0.5 Gyrs ago) and z_eq=0.48\pm0.14(4.9\pm0.9 Gyrs ago), while dynamical models markedly increase the error on the constraints with z_acc=0.81\pm0.30 (6.8\pm1.4 Gyrs ago) and z_eq=0.44\pm0.20 (4.5\pm1.0 Gyrs ago). Unified dark energy models as Silent Quartessence yield: z_acc=0.80\pm0.16 (6.8\pm0.6 Gyrs ago).Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Including birefringence into time evolution of CMB: current and future constraints

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    We introduce birefringence effects within the propagation history of CMB, considering the two cases of a constant effect and of an effect that increases linearly in time, as the rotation of polarization induced by birefringence accumulates during photon propagation. Both cases result into a mixing of E and B modes before lensing effects take place, thus leading to the fact that lensing is acting on spectra that are already mixed because of birefringence. Moreover, if the polarization rotation angle increases during propagation, birefringence affects more the large scales that the small scales. We put constraints on the two cases using data from WMAP 9yr and BICEP 2013 and compare these results with the constraints obtained when the usual procedure of rotating the final power spectra is adopted, finding that this dataset combination is unable to distinguish between effects, but it nevertheless hints for a non vanishing value of the polarization rotation angle. We also forecast the sensitivity that will be obtained using data from Planck and PolarBear, highlighting how this combination is capable to rule out a vanishing birefringence angle, but still unable to distinguish the different scenarios. Nevertheless, we find that the combination of Planck and PolarBear is sensitive enough to highlight the existence of degeneracies between birefringence rotation and gravitational lensing of CMB photons, possibly leading to false detection of non standard lensing effects if birefringence is neglected.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. New version matching the one accepted by JCAP. Corrected typos in equations 2.17-2.1

    New constraints on primordial gravitational waves from Planck 2015

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    We show that the new precise measurements of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature and polarization anisotropies made by the Planck satellite significantly improves previous constraints on the cosmic gravitational waves background (CGWB) at frequencies f>10−15f>10^{-15} Hz. On scales smaller than the horizon at the time of decoupling, primordial gravitational waves contribute to the total radiation content of the Universe. Considering adiabatic perturbations, CGWB affects temperature and polarization CMB power spectra and matter power spectrum in a manner identical to relativistic particles. Considering the latest Planck results we constrain the CGWB energy density to Ωgwh2<1.7×10−6\Omega_{\rm gw} h^2 <1.7\times 10^{-6} at 95\% CL. Combining CMB power spectra with lensing, BAO and primordial Deuterium abundance observations, we obtain Ωgwh2<1.2×10−6\Omega_{\rm gw} h^2 <1.2\times 10^{-6} at 95\% CL, improving previous Planck bounds by a factor 3 and the recent direct upper limit from the LIGO and VIRGO experiments a factor 2. A combined analysis of future satellite missions as COrE and EUCLID could improve current bound by more than an order of magnitude.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, matching the version published on PL

    Constraints on Modified Gravity from ACT and SPT

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    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) and the South Pole Telescope (SPT) have recently provided new and precise measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropy damping tail. This region of the CMB angular spectra, thanks to the angular distortions produced by gravitational lensing, can probe the growth of matter perturbations and provide a test for general relativity. Here we make use of the ACT and SPT power spectrum measurements (combined with the recent WMAP9 data) to constrain f(R) gravity theories. Adopting a parametrized approach, we obtain an upper limit on the lengthscale of the theory of B_0 < 0.86 at 95% c.l. from ACT, while we get a significantly stronger bound from SPT with B_0 < 0.14 at 95% c.l..Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, some sentences correcte

    Constraints on cosmological parameters from future cosmic microwave background experiments

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    The Planck satellite experiment will soon let cosmologists to determine most of the cosmological parameters with unprecedented accuracy. In particular a strong improvement is expected in many parameters of interest, including neutrino mass, the amount of relativistic particles at recombination, the primordial Helium abundance and the injection of extra ionizing photon by dark matter self-annihilation. Here we review the constraints achievable by future experiments and discuss the implications for fundamental physics. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Cosmological constraints on the neutron lifetime

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    We derive new constraints on the neutron lifetime based on the recent Planck 2015 observations of temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB. Under the assumption of standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, we show that Planck data constrains the neutron lifetime to τn=(907±69) [s]\tau_n=(907 \pm 69) \, [\text{s}] at 68%68 \% c.l.. Moreover, by including the direct measurements of primordial Helium abundance of Aver et al. (2015) and Izotov et al. (2014), we show that cosmological data provide the stringent constraints τn=(875±19) [s]\tau_n=(875 \pm 19) \, [\text{s}] and τn=(921±11) [s]\tau_n=(921 \pm 11) \, [\text{s}] respectively. The latter appears to be in tension with neutron lifetime value quoted by the Particle Data Group (τn=(880.3±1.1) [s]\tau_n=(880.3 \pm 1.1) \, [\text{s}]). Future CMB surveys as COrE+, in combination with a weak lensing survey as EUCLID, could constrain the neutron lifetime up to a ∼6 [s]\sim 6 \, [\text{s}] precision.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Matching JCAP accepted versio

    Breaking Be: a sterile neutrino solution to the cosmological lithium problem

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    The possibility that the so-called "lithium problem", i.e. the disagreement between the theoretical abundance predicted for primordial 7^7Li assuming standard nucleosynthesis and the value inferred from astrophysical measurements, can be solved through a non-thermal BBN mechanism has been investigated by several authors. In particular, it has been shown that the decay of a MeV-mass particle, like, e.g., a sterile neutrino, decaying after BBN not only solves the lithium problem, but also satisfies cosmological and laboratory bounds, making such a scenario worth to be investigated in further detail. In this paper, we constrain the parameters of the model with the combination of current data, including Planck 2015 measurements of temperature and polarization anisotropies of the CMB, FIRAS limits on spectral distortions, astrophysical measurements of primordial abundances and laboratory constraints. We find that a sterile neutrino with mass MS=4.35−0.17+0.13 MeVM_S=4.35_{-0.17}^{+0.13}\,MeV (at 95%95\% c.l.), a decay time τS=1.8−1.3+2.5⋅105 s\tau_S=1.8_{-1.3}^{+2.5}\cdot 10^5\,s (at 95%95\% c.l.) and an initial density nˉS/nˉcmb=1.7−0.6+3.5⋅10−4\bar{n}_S/\bar{n}_{cmb}=1.7_{-0.6}^{+3.5}\cdot 10^{-4} (at 95%95\% c.l.) in units of the number density of CMB photons, perfectly accounts for the difference between predicted and observed 7^7Li primordial abundance. This model also predicts an increase of the effective number of relativistic degrees of freedom at the time of CMB decoupling ΔNeffcmb≡Neffcmb−3.046=0.34−0.14+0.16\Delta N_{eff}^{cmb}\equiv N_{eff}^{cmb}-3.046=0.34_{-0.14}^{+0.16} at 95%95\% c.l.. The required abundance of sterile neutrinos is incompatible with the standard thermal history of the Universe, but could be realized in a low reheating temperature scenario. We provide forecasts for future experiments finding that the combination of measurements from the COrE+ and PIXIE missions will allow to significantly reduce the permitted region for the sterile lifetime and density.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables, matching the published versio

    Constraints on the early and late integrated Sachs-Wolfe effects from the Planck 2015 cosmic microwave background anisotropies in the angular power spectra

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    The Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect predicts additional anisotropies in the Cosmic MicrowaveBackground due to time variation of the gravitational potential when the expansion of the universeis not matter dominated. The ISW effect is therefore expected in the early universe, due to thepresence of relativistic particles at recombination, and in the late universe, when dark energy startsto dominate the expansion. Deviations from the standard picture can be parameterized byAeISWandAlISW, which rescale the overall amplitude of the early and late ISW effects. Analyzing themost recent CMB temperature spectra from the Planck 2015 release, we detect the presence of theearly ISW at high significance withAeISW= 1.06±0.04 at 68% CL and an upper limit for thelate ISW ofAlISW<1.1 at 95% CL. The inclusion of the recent polarization data from the Planckexperiment erases such 1.5σhint forAeISW6= 1. When considering the recent detections of the lateISW coming from correlations between CMB temperature anisotropies and weak lensing, a value ofAlISW= 0.85±0.21 is predicted at 68% CL, showing a 4σevidence. We discuss the stability of ourresult in the case of an extra relativistic energy component parametrized by the effective neutrinonumberNeffand of a CMB lensing amplitudeA

    Blue Gravity Waves from BICEP2 ?

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    We present new constraints on the spectral index n_T of tensor fluctuations from the recent data obtained by the BICEP2 experiment. We found that the BICEP2 data alone slightly prefers a positive, "blue", spectral index with n_T=1.36\pm0.83 at 68 % c.l.. However, when a TT prior on the tensor amplitude coming from temperature anisotropy measurements is assumed we get n_T=1.67\pm0.53 at 68 % c.l., ruling out a scale invariant nT=0n_T=0 spectrum at more than three standard deviations. These results are at odds with current bounds on the tensor spectral index coming from pulsar timing, Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, and direct measurements from the LIGO experiment. Considering only the possibility of a "red", n_T<0 spectral index we obtain the lower limit n_T > -0.76 at 68 % c.l. (n_T>-0.09 when a TT prior is included).Comment: 3 Pages, 4 Figure

    Physically based approaches incorporating evaporation for early warning predictions of rainfall-induced landslides

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    Abstract. In the field of rainfall-induced landslides on sloping covers, models for early warning predictions require an adequate trade-off between two aspects: prediction accuracy and timeliness. When a cover's initial hydrological state is a determining factor in triggering landslides, taking evaporative losses into account (or not) could significantly affect both aspects. This study evaluates the performance of three physically based predictive models, converting precipitation and evaporative fluxes into hydrological variables useful in assessing slope safety conditions. Two of the models incorporate evaporation, with one representing evaporation as both a boundary and internal phenomenon, and the other only a boundary phenomenon. The third model totally disregards evaporation. Model performances are assessed by analysing a well-documented case study involving a 2 m thick sloping volcanic cover. The large amount of monitoring data collected for the soil involved in the case study, reconstituted in a suitably equipped lysimeter, makes it possible to propose procedures for calibrating and validating the parameters of the models. All predictions indicate a hydrological singularity at the landslide time (alarm). A comparison of the models' predictions also indicates that the greater the complexity and completeness of the model, the lower the number of predicted hydrological singularities when no landslides occur (false alarms)
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