36 research outputs found

    Cognitive, emotional, and behavioral reactions to service failures

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    Given the pervasive nature of service failures and their harmful consequences, it is important to understand how customers react to them. This doctoral dissertation addresses some of the customers’ cognitive, emotional, and behavioral reactions to service failures. More specifically, it investigates customers’ causal attributions, appraisals, and perceived control as cognitive reactions, as well as a wide range of emotional (e.g., regret, anger, disappointment, etc.) and behavioral reactions (e.g., switch, complaint, negative word-of-mouth, and others). This dissertation presents three different researches within the scope of customers’ reactions to service failure. The first research introduces the temporal model of perceived control from psychology to service research and compares its explanatory power for customer emotional and behavioral reactions with the ones of the widely used causal attribution and appraisal models. Three surveys and one experiment are conducted. The results show that for some customers’ reactions (e.g., regret and switch), the temporal model of perceived control has explanatory power over and above the traditionally used causal attribution and appraisal models. This research also shows that the temporal model of perceived control may be combined with the causal attribution and appraisal models to achieve higher explanatory power. The second research investigates whether failed co-produced services lead to more internal or external causal attribution (i.e., whether the blame is attributed to the customer or the service provider) and how it affects customers’ regret, disappointment, and dissatisfaction. Two experiments are conducted. The results indicate that failed co-produced services lead to more internal attributions than failed services that were not co-produced. Failed co-produced services also lead to lower levels of disappointment and dissatisfaction without elevating customer’s regret level. The results also show that in case of causal uncertainty (i.e., when the customer is not sure about who caused the failure), customers who co-produced experience the same high level of regret of customers who have caused the failure, contradicting the literature that states that causal uncertainty leads to reduced emotional intensity. The third research investigates whether customers’ thought speed affects causal locus attribution for services failures as well as customers’ emotional and behavioral reactions. Four experiments are conducted. The results suggest that customers who think faster make more external attributions for service failures (i.e., attribute more blame to the service provider) than customers who think slower. It seems that thought speed has no effect on customers’ emotional and behavioral reactions though. According to the results, the induced differences in thought speed tend to be short-lived. Overall, these three researches offer insights into some of the things that customers think, how do they feel and act in response to service failures. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed at the end of each research and recapitulated in the conclusions chapter.Devido à natureza onipresente das falhas de serviço e suas consequências nocivas, é importante compreender como os clientes reagem a elas. Esta tese de doutorado explora algumas das reações cognitivas, emocionais e comportamentais dos clientes em relação a falhas de serviço. De maneira mais específica, a tese investiga atribuições causais, avaliações e controle percebido dos clientes como reações cognitivas, assim como uma ampla variedade de reações emocionais (p.ex., arrependimento, raiva, decepção, etc.) e comportamentais (p.ex., troca, reclamação, boca-a-boca negativo, entre outros). Esta tese apresenta três diferentes pesquisas dentro do escopo de reações do cliente a falhas de serviço. A primeira pesquisa traz o modelo temporal de controle percebido da psicologia para a área de serviços e compara o seu poder de explicar reações emocionais e comportamentais do cliente com o poder explanatório dos modelos de atribuição e de avaliação amplamente utilizados. Três surveys e um experimento são realizados. Os resultados mostram que, para algumas reações dos clientes (p.ex., arrependimento e troca), o modelo temporal de controle percebido tem poder explanatório superior ao poder dos modelos de atribuição causal e de avaliação tradicionalmente utilizados. Esta pesquisa também demonstra que o modelo temporal de controle percebido pode ser combinado aos modelos de atribuição causal e de avaliação para atingir maior poder explanatório. A segunda pesquisa investiga se falhas em serviços coproduzidos levam a uma atribuição causal mais interna ou externa (i.e., se a culpa é atribuída ao cliente ou ao prestador de serviço) e como isto afeta arrependimento, decepção e insatisfação do cliente. Dois experimentos são realizados. Os resultados indicam que falhas em serviços coproduzidos levam a uma atribuição mais interna que falhas em serviços não coproduzidos. Falhas em serviços coproduzidos também resultam em menores níveis de decepção e insatisfação sem elevar o nível de arrependimento do cliente. Os resultados também apontam que, em caso de incerteza causal (i.e., quando o cliente não está seguro sobre quem causou a falha), clientes que coproduzem sentem o mesmo alto nível de arrependimento de clientes que causaram a falha, contradizendo a literatura que afirma que incerteza causal leva à redução da intensidade emocional. A terceira pesquisa investiga se a velocidade do pensamento dos clientes afeta a atribuição de lócus causal para falhas de serviço bem como as reações emocionais e comportamentais dos clientes. Quatro experimentos são conduzidos. Os resultados sugerem que clientes que pensam mais rápido fazem atribuições causais mais externas que clientes que pensam mais devagar. Aparentemente, a velocidade do pensamento não tem efeito nas reações emocionais e comportamentais dos clientes. De acordo com os resultados, as diferenças de velocidade de pensamento que foram induzidas tendem a ter curta duração. Em geral, estas três pesquisas oferecem insights sobre algumas das coisas que os clientes pensam, como eles se sentem e agem em resposta a falhas de serviço. Implicações teóricas e gerenciais são discutidas ao final de cada pesquisa e sintetizadas no capítulo de conclusões

    Trust recovery tactics after double deviation : better sooner than later?

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine when (i.e. after a shorter or longer length of time) organizations should offer an apology or a promise of non-recurrence of a failure to recover trust following a failed service recovery (a double deviation). Design/methodology/approach – This paper reports the results of a pilot study with a convenience sample and two experiments with samples from different populations, students and employees of a financial institution in one study and workers recruited through Mechanical Turk in the other. Findings – An apology was most effective to recover trust when offered shortly after the double deviation (e.g. Study 1: after two days; Study 2: immediately and after two days), while making a promise was most effective when offered at a later time after the double deviation (e.g. Study 1: after 30 days; Study 2: after 15 days). Consumers consider an apology offered shortly after the double deviation as a sign of integrity and a promise communicated sometime after the double deviation as a sign of competence. Originality/value – This paper complements prior research that demonstrates the effectiveness of apology and promise as trust recovery tactics. The findings show that managers should carefully consider the time at which they use these tactics to recover trust following a double deviation

    Efectos del control en las intenciones comportamentales de los consumidores insatisfechos

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    O controle tem sido citado como elemento essencial para o desenvolvimento de interações interpessoais satisfatórias, estando positivamente relacionado à satisfação e a respostas afetivas e comportamentais positivas na área do comportamento do consumidor. Este trabalho investiga o impacto dos controles comportamental, cognitivo e de decisão, representados respectivamente pelas variáveis coprodução, informação e opção de reembolso, nas intenções de recompra e de boca-a-boca positivo após compras insatisfatórias. Os resultados de dois estudos experimentais conduzidos indicam que coprodução e opção de reembolso são capazes de elevar os níveis de intenção de recompra e de boca-a-boca positivo após episódios de insatisfação, enquanto a informação não tem efeito nas intenções comportamentais, mas modera o efeito da coprodução nas intenções comportamentais.Control has been cited as an essential element for developing satisfactory interpersonal relationships, positively related to satisfaction and to emotional and behavioral responses in consumer behavior. This work investigates the impact of behavioral, cognitive and decisional controls, represented by co-production, information and refund choice, respectively, on repurchase and positive word of mouth intentions after unsatisfactory purchases. The results from two experimental studies indicate that co-production and refund choice lead to higher repurchase and positive word-of-mouth intentions after dissatisfaction episodes, while information do not affect behavioral intentions but moderates the effect of co-production on behavioral intentions.El control ha sido citado como elemento esencial para el desarrollo de interacciones interpersonales satisfactorias, estando positivamente relacionado a la satisfacción y a respuestas afectivas y comportamentales positivas en el área del comportamiento del consumidor. Este trabajo investiga el impacto de los controles comportamental, cognitivo y de decisión, representados respectivamente por las variables coproducción, información y opción de reembolso, en las intenciones de recompra y de boca a boca positivo después de compras insatisfactorias. Los resultados de dos estudios experimentales conducidos indican que coproducción y opción de reembolso son capaces de elevar los niveles de intención de recompra y de boca a boca positivo después de episodios de insatisfacción, mientras que la información no tiene efecto en las intenciones comportamentales, pero modera el efecto de la coproducción en las intenciones comportamentales

    A light in the dark: The benefits of co-production in service failures

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    Co-production is increasingly common but, at the same time, services failures are inevitable. Considering that previous studies are controversial about the effects of failed co-produced services, the goal of this research is to investigate the influence of co-production on causal locus attribution, in addition to emotional and attitudinal outcomes. Two experimental studies show that co-production reduces the self-serving bias, a result that brings implications for the services literature and practice. In addition to the positive effects of co-production, evidenced by previous studies, this research shows that companies and customers can benefit from co-production even when failures occur.</p

    The role of the temporal dimension of consumer perceived control in unsatisfactory episodes

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    O controle percebido tem efeitos importantes na saúde física e mental das pessoas bem como no comportamento dos consumidores. Os efeitos do controle percebido no comportamento do consumidor vêm sendo estudados há muitos anos, porém poucos estudos abordam seu papel após episódios de insatisfação e nenhum desses estudos investigou a dimensão temporal do controle percebido – percepção de controle em relação ao passado, ao presente e ao futuro. Tal dimensão temporal passou a ser investigada recentemente na área da psicologia e os resultados encontrados sugerem que a mesma poderia ser de grande valor para compreender e prever o comportamento dos consumidores em episódios de insatisfação. O presente artigo apresenta um modelo temporal de controle percebido desenvolvido na área da psicologia e propõe aplicações desse modelo no contexto de insatisfação do consumidor, contribuindo para a literatura ao ampliar o escopo de investigação do papel do controle percebido e adotar um modelo que não vem sido utilizado em estudos da área. O presente artigo também apresenta contribuições gerenciais, pois ao conhecer os possíveis efeitos da dimensão temporal do controle percebido, gestores podem decidir adotar táticas que influenciem a percepção de controle passado, presente e futuro de seus consumidores, tais como oferecer mais informação, permitir que os consumidores façam mais escolhas ou coproduzam aquilo que vão consumir. O artigo apresenta proposições de pesquisa para guiar pesquisas futuras e uma sugestão de adaptação do modelo original ao contexto de insatisfação do consumidor.Perceived control has important effects on people’s mental and physical health as well as consumer behavior. The effects of perceived control on consumer behavior has been studied for several years. However, a few studies addresses its role on unsatisfactory episodes and none of them has investigated the temporal dimension of perceived control – past perceived control, present perceived control, and future perceived control. Such temporal dimension has been recently investigated in psychology and the findings suggests that it may be of great value to understand and predict consumer behavior in unsatisfactory episodes. The present article presents a temporal model of perceived control developed in psychology literature and proposes how to apply this model in the consumer behavior context, contributing to the literature by broadening the scope of investigation regarding the role of perceived control and adopting a model that has not been used in this area. The present article also presents managerial contributions, because managers who know the potential effects of the temporal dimension of perceived control may decide to adopt tactics that influence consumers’ perceived past, present and future control, such as providing more information, allowing consumers to make more choices or co-produce what they will consumer. The article presents research propositions to guide future research and suggests how to adapt the original model to the context of consumer dissatisfaction

    Prevalence of cognitive impairment before prostate cancer treatment

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    Cognitive impairment is common among patients with different types of cancer, even before cancer treatment, but no data were reported among patients with prostate cancer (PCa), who may be at high risk due to advanced age. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of cognitive impairment before PCa treatment. Between February 2018 and April 2021, the NEON-PC cohort recruited 605 patients with PCa proposed for treatment at the Portuguese Institute of Oncology of Porto. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) was used to assess cognitive performance. Participants with a MoCA n = 351 men aged ≥40 years, evaluated in 2013–2015) were used for comparison. The prevalence of PCI was 17.4% in EPIPorto and 14.7% in NEON-PC (age- and education-adjusted odds ratio: 0.82, 95%CI: 0.58,1.18). Neuropsychological assessment was performed in 63 patients with PCa: 54.0% had cognitive impairment. These results suggest that the impact of PCa on cognitive performance could be negligible in the short term, contrary to what other studies have reported regarding other types of cancer.This study was funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program Competitiveness and Internationalization, national funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology-FCT (Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education) under the project ‘NEON-PC-Neuro-oncological complications of prostate cancer: longitudinal study of cognitive decline’ (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032358; Ref. PTDC/SAU-EPI/32358/2017), and the Unidade de Investigação em Epidemiologia-Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto (EPIUnit; UIDB/04750/2020) and ITR (LA/P/0064/2020), financed by national funds from FCT. A.C., C.L., and S.M. were funded under the scope of the project ‘NEON-PC—Neuro-oncological complications of prostate cancer: longitudinal study of cognitive decline’ (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032358; Ref. PTDC/SAU-EPI/32358/2017). S.M. also received funding under EPIunit-Junior Research-Prog Financing (UIDP/04750/2020). An individual PhD grant attributed to N.A. (SFRH/BD/119390/2016) was funded by FCT and the ‘Programa Operacional Capital Humano’ (POCH/FSE)

    Anxiety and depression in patients with prostate cancer, at cancer diagnosis and after a one-year follow-up

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most prevalent among men, and psychological symptoms may affect many patients. This study aims to describe the prevalence of probable anxiety and depression before PCa treatments and after one year and to identify sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with these outcomes. Between February 2018 and March 2020, 292 patients recently diagnosed with PCa were recruited at the Instituto Português de Oncologia—Porto. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used to define probable anxiety and depression (cutoff = 11). The prevalence of probable anxiety remained stable from baseline to one year (7.8% vs. 8.5%, p = 0.866) while there was an increase in probable depression (3.1% vs. 6.8%, p = 0.012). After one year, probable depression persisted in 55.6% of patients with probable depression at baseline and 47.8% of those with probable anxiety at the first assessment had normal anxiety scores. At baseline, anxiety was more frequent among dwellers in rural areas (adjusted odds ratio—aOR, 95%CI: 2.80, 0.91–8.58) and less frequent in patients with body mass index 25–29.9 kg/m2 (aOR, 95%CI: 0.33, 0.12–0.91) compared to 18.5–24.9 Kg/m2, while those living alone had higher odds of depression (aOR, 95%CI: 6.35, 1.43–28.30). The frequency of anxiety and depression fluctuated during the course of treatment. Monitoring these symptoms would identify the most affected patients, contributing for a better use of mental health services.This study was funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program Competitiveness and Internationalization, and national funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology—FCT (Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education) under the project “NEON-PC—Neuro-oncological complications of prostate cancer: longitudinal study of cognitive decline” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032358; Ref. PTDC/SAU-EPI/32358/2017), and the Unidade de Investigação em Epidemiologia—Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto (EPIUnit, UIDB/04750/2020; ITR, LA/P/0064/2020) financed by national funds from FCT. AC, CL, and SM were funded under the scope of the project “NEON-PC—Neuro-oncological complications of prostate cancer: longitudinal study of cognitive decline” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032358; Ref. PTDC/SAU-EPI/32358/2017). SM also received funding under EPIUnit—Junior Research—Prog Financing (UIDP/04750/2020). An individual PhD grant attributed to NA (SFRH/BD/119390/2016) was funded by FCT and the “Programa Operacional Capital Humano” (POCH/FSE)

    Retrato de 6 anos da morbidade hospitalar por fratura de crânio e ossos da face em caráter de urgência no Brasil

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    &nbsp; Trauma is a growing global issue, considered a pandemic disease, with around 1.2 million deaths annually worldwide. Facial trauma causes serious aesthetic, emotional and functional consequences, which can result in permanent deformities. This work aims to analyze the epidemiological profile of hospital morbidity due to skull and facial bone fractures in emergencies in Brazil. This study is quantitative and retrospective, using data from the SUS Hospital Morbidity Information System (SIH/SUS) from DATASUS. The variables considered were: region, age group, sex and color/race. Between 2018 and 2023, 133,687 emergency hospitalizations for skull and facial bone fractures were recorded in Brazil. The majority of patients were between 20 and 29 years old (30.10%). Males predominated with 81.91% of cases. In terms of color/race, 47.79% were brown, 26.22% white and 4.09% black. It is concluded that the highest frequency of hospitalizations was among male individuals, mixed race, aged between 20 and 29 years old, residing in the Southeast region. &nbsp;O trauma é uma questão global crescente, considerada uma doença pandêmica, com cerca de 1,2 milhões de mortes anualmente no mundo. O trauma facial causa sérias consequências estéticas, emocionais e funcionais, podendo resultar em deformidades permanentes. Este trabalho visa analisar o perfil epidemiológico da morbidade hospitalar por fratura de crânio e ossos da face em urgência no Brasil. Este estudo é quantitativo e retrospectivo, utilizando dados do Sistema de Informação sobre Morbidade Hospitalar do SUS (SIH/SUS) do DATASUS. As variáveis consideradas foram: região, faixa etária, sexo e cor/raça. Entre 2018 e 2023, foram registradas 133.687 internações por fratura de crânio e ossos da face em caráter de urgência no Brasil. A maioria dos pacientes estava na faixa etária de 20 a 29 anos (30,10%). O sexo masculino predominou com 81,91% dos casos. Em termos de cor/raça, 47,79% eram pardos, 26,22% brancos e 4,09% pretos. Conclui-se que a maior frequência de internações foi entre indivíduos do sexo masculino, de cor parda, com idade entre 20 e 29 anos, residentes na região Sudeste.&nbsp;&nbsp


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    Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney condition that causes a large loss of protein in the urine, leading to edema, hypoalbuminemia and other symptoms. Surgical treatment may be an option in specific cases to control proteinuria and preserve kidney function. Objectives: To evaluate the different surgical strategies used in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome, with a focus on controlling proteinuria and preserving renal function. Methodology: They consisted of a systematic literature review, where relevant articles were searched in academic databases. The inclusion criteria were defined to select studies that evaluated the surgical treatment of nephrotic syndrome and its strategies to control proteinuria and preserve renal function. For data collection, the following databases were used: Nursing Database (BDENF), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), PubMed and Latin American Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS). Various types of publications, such as scientific articles, monographs and magazines, were consulted to obtain relevant information on the topic. Results and Discussions: Surgical strategies used to treat nephrotic syndrome have demonstrated variable efficacy in controlling proteinuria and preserving renal function. Interventions are necessary to better understand the benefits and limitations of each surgical approach, considering the different patient profiles and characteristics of the disease. Conclusion: In conclusion, surgical treatment of nephrotic syndrome offers a range of strategies to control proteinuria and preserve renal function. However, the selection of the most appropriate surgical approach must take into account the severity of the disease, the response to conservative treatment and the individual characteristics of the patient. More studies are needed to validate the long-term efficacy and safety of these strategies.A síndrome nefrótica é uma condição renal que causa grande perda de proteínas na urina, levando a edema, hipoalbuminemia e outros sintomas. O tratamento cirúrgico pode ser uma opção em casos específicos para controlar a proteinúria e preservar a função renal. Objetivos: Avaliar as diferentes estratégias cirúrgicas utilizadas no tratamento da síndrome nefrótica, com foco no controle da proteinúria e na preservação da função renal. Materiais e Métodos: Consistiram em uma revisão sistemática da literatura, onde foram pesquisados artigos relevantes nas bases de dados acadêmicas. Os critérios de inclusão foram definidos para selecionar estudos que avaliassem o tratamento cirúrgico da síndrome nefrótica e suas estratégias para controlar a proteinúria e preservar a função renal. Para a coleta de dados, foram utilizados os bancos de dados: Base de dados Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), PubMed e Literatura Latino-Americana do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS). Diversos tipos de publicações, como artigos científicos, monografias e revistas, foram consultados para obter informações relevantes sobre o tema. Resultados e Discussões: As estratégias cirúrgicas empregadas no tratamento da síndrome nefrótica demonstraram eficácia variável no controle da proteinúria e na preservação da função renal. Sendo necessárias intervenções para compreender melhor os benefícios e limitações de cada abordagem cirúrgica, considerando-se os diferentes perfis de pacientes e as características da doença. Conclusão:&nbsp; Em conclusão, o tratamento cirúrgico da síndrome nefrótica oferece uma gama de estratégias para controlar a proteinúria e preservar a função renal. No entanto, a seleção da abordagem cirúrgica mais adequada deve levar em consideração a gravidade da doença, a resposta ao tratamento conservador e as características individuais do paciente. Mais estudos são necessários para validar a eficácia e segurança dessas estratégias a longo prazo