173 research outputs found

    Description of two new Neotropical subgenera of Simulliidae (Diptera: Culicomorpha)

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    Zwei neue Untergattungen (Cerqueirellum :und Coscaroniellum) werden auf der Grundlage von Arten beschrieben, die bisher in die "amazonicum"-Gruppe gehörten. Die meisten dieser Arten werden revidiert und einige Synonyme hinzugefügt. Schlüssel zur Art- und Untergattungsunterscheidung werden vorgestellt

    Extrato de erva-de-rato (Palicourea marcgravii) como inseticida alternativo visando o controle do pulgão preto (Toxoptera citricida) dos citros.

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    Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a toxicidade de cinco concentrações de extrato de Palicourea marcgravii, aplicado por pulverização via contato sobre a mortalidade do pulgão preto, em condições de laboratório

    Extrato de Manihot esculenta como inseticida alternativo no controle de pulgão preto (Toxoptera citricida) dos citros.

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    Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a toxicidade de cinco concentrações de extrato de Manihot esculenta aplicado por pulverização via translaminar sobre a mortalidade de pulgão preto em condições de laboratório

    Potencial de manipueira de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) no controle de pulgão preto de citros (Toxoptera citricida Kirkaldy, 1907).

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    Esta pesquisa teve como principal objetivo, investigar o inseticida potencial inseticida do extrado de manipueira em, Pulgão preto dos citros, Toxoptera citricida Kirkaldy,1907

    Cytotaxonomy of Simulium cauchense Floch & Abonnenc and Simulium quadrifidum Lutz (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Brazilian Amazonia

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    Simulium cauchense Floch & Abonnenc and Simulium quadrifidum Lutz are widely distributed in the Amazon region and are morphologically similar at the larval and pupal stages. Chromosomally, these species are readily distinguished by the position of the nucleolar organizer, which is in the short arm of chromosome I in S. cauchense and in the long arm of chromosomes III in S. quadrifidum. They also differ by three fixed inversions. Sex chromosomes are undifferentiated in both species. Chromosomal resolution of the two species allowed us to evaluate four structural features previously used as diagnostic aids at the larval stage. Characters that distinguish larvae of the two species are the number of branches and branching patterns of the dorsal abdominal setae and the dark band on each primary fan. Branching patterns of the gill histoblasts were often diagnostic, with S. quadrifidum exhibiting more proximal branching and S. cauchense more distal branching. Sites where both species occurred sometimes had larvae with one petiole branching proximally and the other distally; in these cases examination of the chromosomes permitted assignment of the specimen to species. Pigmentation patterns of larvae, on the other hand, are highly variable. Color typically is sex linked in both species