214 research outputs found

    Effect of dietary turmeric powder (Curcuma longa L.) on cooked pig meat quality

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    The study was carried out on raw meat samples derived from pigs fed with a control diet and a diet supplemented with daily 4.5 g of turmeric powder per pig. After slaughter raw meat was stored for 7 days at 4°C. At Day 0 and Day 7 samples were cooked in a preheated oven at 163°C to the internal temperature of 71°C. Colour parameters, Warner Bratzler shear force, TBARS and antioxidant capacity (ABTS, DPPH and FRAP) were determined at Day 0 and Day 7. Dietary turmeric powder induced an increase in cooked meat of L* value (P < 0.001) and reductions in a*, b* indexes and in C* value (P < 0.01, P < 0.001 and P < 0.001, respectively). Colour modifications in cooked meat were correlated with colour parameters of raw samples. The Curcuma longa powder dietary supplementation did not affect lipid oxidation, Warner Bratzler shear force and antioxidant capacity of cooked meat (P > 0.05)

    A possible tremorgenic mycotoxicosis by Roquefortine C in a bovine herd

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    A total of 15 beef cows and calves were referred for history of neurological signs. The animals (12/15 Chianina breed, 3/15 Limousine) were grazing in 300 ha area, fed with grass and hay. Inspection of the hay reveled macroscopic alterations, consisting of diffuse and heavy mold contamination of many hay bales. Due to the not cooperative attitude, the animals were only visually examined in the field; the neurological signs observed were ataxia, intentional head tremors and muscle twitching. Only 3 calves with severe neurological signs were housed in a medication area and underwent a complete clinical exam. All 3 calves showed intentional head tremors and muscle twitching; 1/3 presented severe ataxia and stiffness gait, while 2/3 calves were recumbent and unable to rise. The most important clinical data were: hyperthermia, tachypnea, tachycardia and long capillary refill time. The neurological examination showed deficits of V and VII cranial nerves. Calves could swallow, but they were unable to grab the food. Based on history and clinical examination the following differential diagnoses were considered: tremorgenic mycotoxicosis, nervous ketosis, nervous BVD form, BHV1-5, Listeriosis and WMD. Blood samples were collected for CBC count and biochemistry panel (TP, urea, creatinine, total and direct bilirubin, GGT, AST, CPK, Mg, Se and vit E), urinalysis was performed for ketone bodies. Calves were also tested for infectious diseases (Listeriosis, BVD, BHV 1-5). Multiple samples of altered hay were analyzed for mycotoxins and hay balls were removed in all animals’ stock. The grazing animals recovered spontaneously within 1 week along with 2/3 hospitalized calves, while 1/3 calf was euthanized due to poor general conditions. CBC, biochemistry panel, vit E and oligo-minerals resulted within normal ranges and no positivity for infectious agents were detected. Food analysis showed high concentrations of roquefortine C (RC): 345 μg/kg DM. Presence of RC in livestock food is highly reported, in particular in visibly moldy areas (1). RC intoxication causes anorexia, paralysis and several reports attribute it neurotoxic properties (2). In mice experimental intoxications induced muscle contractions, ataxia, prostration and intermittent seizures. RC intoxication, resembling penitrem A (PA) intoxication, has been reported in dogs. Moreover, RC is considered a sensitive biomarker for PA exposure. PA is a tremorgenic fungal toxin which intoxication causes ataxia, tachypnea, and sustained tremors. The pathophysiological mechanism by which mycotoxins affect the CNS is unknown but the biochemical lesions are reversible. Diagnosis is based on the clinical signs, demonstration of the mycotoxins in the feed and identification of the fungal elements in blood and feces. Affected animals recover completely when they are removed from infected pastures. Based on neurological signs, recovery after altered food removing and results of food analysis, the diagnosis of tremorgenic intoxication was hypothesized. Limits of this report are: lack of PA dosage in the food and lack of RC and PA evaluation in blood and feces of affected animals

    Effect of diet energy source on weight gain and carcass characteristics of lambs

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    The effect of different sources of energy (lipids and carbohydrates) was studied on 36 Apennine male lambs divided by age, weight and paternity into three homogeneous groups receiving three different diets: lambs on diet 1 received ad libitum lucerne hay+concentrate supplemented with barley flakes (9%) (BC); lambs on diet 2 received ad libitum lucerne hay+concentrate supplemented with maize oil (5%) (MC) while lambs on diet 3 received only the concentrate given in diet 2 (MC). The two concentrates were isoenergetic and isonitrogenous. Lambs were slaughtered at 105 days of age. The conversion indices were similar (4.52, 4.77 and 4.61 Meat FU/kg gain) for the three treatments, but the diet 3 led to heavier carcasses (17.57kg), although with greater adipose covering, and better dressing percentages than the other two diets. The histological dissection of the proximal pelvic limb indicated a good tissue composition (total lean 56.16%) but confirmed the higher fat percentage (total fat 16.24%), particularly subcutaneous (11.44%), of the group receiving only MC. Animals on diet 3 gave carcasses with an adequate commercial weight at the age of 90–95 days and therefore it seems possible to anticipate slaughtering these animals earlier and perhaps obviate the excessive adiposity of the carcass. In general, this study further confirmed the good meat quality of Apennine carcasses slaughtered at 105 days

    Effects of bread in the diet of fattening pigs reared extensively

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    We evaluated the effects of adding unsold bread (i.e. a low-cost product) to the diet of fattening crossbreed pigs reared outdoors. A total of 27 Goland sows were allocated to three homogeneous groups and fed with different diets: A feed + 15% bread; B feed + 30% bread; C the control group (only feed). The pigs were weighed individually on arrival at the farm, at the start of the experiment, and at slaughter. Growth performance and carcass traits were evaluated. Two sections from the loin were taken from each animal and the following were analyzed: dry matter, crude protein, lipids, ash, fatty acids, pH, color, water-holding capacity, and lipid oxidation. Group B had higher gains and slaughter weights than group C, while group A showed intermediate values. The results show that a diet containing 30% bread facilitates weight gain of pigs, without affecting meat quality and nutritional value

    Effect of turmeric powder (Curcuma longa L.) and ascorbic acid on antioxidant capacity and oxidative status in rabbit burgers after cooking

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of turmeric powder and ascorbic acid on lipid oxidation and antioxidant capacity in cooked rabbit burgers. The burgers were derived from 3 different formulations (C, control, with no additives; Tu with 3.5% of turmeric powder and AA with 0.1% of ascorbic acid) and were stored at 4°C for 0 and 7 d and cooked. The lipid oxidation (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances [TBARS]) and antioxidant capacity (2,2-azinobis-[3 ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid] {ABTS}, 1,1-diphenyl-2-pircydrazyl [DPPH] and ferric reducing ability [FRAP]) were evaluated. A significant interaction between storage time and formulation (P<0.001) was observed for DPPH, FRAP and TBARS in cooked burgers. At day 0 and day 7, the DPPH value was higher in Tu and AA compared to C burgers. At day 0, C showed a lower level of FRAP than the Tu and AA burgers. At day 7, the FRAP values tended to decrease but remained significantly higher in Tu and AA compared to C burgers. Lipid oxidation at day 0 in Tu and AA showed lower TBARS values compared to C burgers. The addition of 3.5% turmeric powder in rabbit burgers exerts an antioxidant effect during storage and it seems more effective in controlling lipid oxidation than ascorbic acid after cooking.Mancini, S.; Preziuso, G.; Paci, G. (2016). Effect of turmeric powder (Curcuma longa L.) and ascorbic acid on antioxidant capacity and oxidative status in rabbit burgers after cooking. World Rabbit Science. 24(2):121-127. doi:10.4995/wrs.2016.4207SWORD12112724

    Genetic Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of Small Ruminant Lentiviruses Detected in Spanish Assaf Sheep with Different Mammary Lesions

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    [EN]Small Ruminant Lentiviruses (SRLVs) are widespread in many countries and cause economically relevant, slow, and persistent diseases in sheep and goats. Monitoring the genetic diversity of SRLVs is useful to improve the diagnostic tools used in the eradication programs. In this study, SRLVs detected in Spanish Assaf sheep with different grades of lymphoproliferative mastitis were sequenced. Genetic characterization showed that most samples belonged to type A and were closer to Spanish SRLV isolates previously classified as A2/A3. Four samples belonged to subtype B2 and showed higher homology with Italian B2 strains than with Spanish B2 isolates. Amino acid sequences of immuno-dominant epitopes in the gag region were very conserved while more alterations were found in the LTR sequences. No significant correlations were found between grades of mastitis and alterations in the sequences although samples with similar histological features were phylogenetically closer to each other. Broader genetic characterization surveys in samples with different grades of SRLV-lesions are required for evaluating potential correlations between SRLV sequences and the severity of diseases.SIThis work has been partially supported by the Spanish government (LE361A12-1 project and FPU13/01081 grant) and by the University of Camerino (FAR-Preziuso)

    Qualitative improvement of rabbit burgers using Zingiber officinale Roscoe powder

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    [EN] The object of this study was to evaluate the effect of Zingiber officinale powder on physical-chemical traits, microbiological growth and sensory properties of rabbit burger. Raw burgers (only meat and meat added with 1 and 2% w/w ginger powder) were stored at 4°C for 1, 4 and 7 d and then cooked. Ginger modified the colour of both raw and cooked burgers, leading to more yellow hue and reducing lightness. Aspect of burgers were affected by ginger powder addition, leading to a noticeable difference between the samples. During storage time, the highest modifications were recorded for control samples, followed by burgers with added ginger. Sensory evaluation highlighted that ginger enhanced the juiciness of the burgers; moreover, burgers with ginger powder presented a significant delay in microbial growth. Ginger powder might be considered as a potential ingredient in rabbit meat products to increase their quality and extend their shelf-life.Mancini, S.; Preziuso, G.; Fratini, F.; Torracca, B.; Nuvoloni, R.; Dal Bosco, A.; Paci, G. (2017). Qualitative improvement of rabbit burgers using Zingiber officinale Roscoe powder. World Rabbit Science. 25(4):367-375. doi:10.4995/wrs.2017.7656SWORD36737525


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    Canine distemper virus (CDV) is one of the most commonly virus implicated in outbreaks in wild and domestic carnivores. CDV causes severe systemic diseases which normally involves the respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous systems. To our knowledge the literature about the real incidence of such disease is scarce, particularly in wild animals population. Recently, outbreaks of CDV have been documented in Italian grey wolves (Canis lupus italicus) [1], a least concerned species in IUCN Red List. Therefore, the surveillance of CDV is a priority for the conservation of the wolves and, more generally, for the protection of wild carnivores which are widespread in Central Italy, especially in the National Parks. In total, 215 samples, belonging to 148 canids for CDV presence, were analysed from November 2012 to December 2016 in the laboratory of IZSUM. Of these, 37.2% were dogs, 33% wolves and 29.8% foxes. Animals were collected in 12 different provinces of 6 Regions: Umbria, Marche, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio and Apulia. All samples were collected from dead animals which were sent to the Diagnostic Units of Istituto Zoprofilattico Sperimentale Umbria e Marche and subjected to autopsy. The RNA was extracted from organ pools and swabs with a commercial kit, retrotranscripted to cDNA and amplified by the real time PCR with QuantiFast SYBR Green RT PCR kit (Qiagen GmbH, Hilden, Germany) using primers for a fragment of 278bp in CDV nucleoprotein (NP) gene [2]. Samples having a melting temperature (TM) value ±0.5°C versus TM value of positive control were considered positive. Moreover, samples were visualized by UV rays with GelRed TM (Biotium Inc.) after electrophoresis in agarose gels and bands of appropriate sizes were excised, extracted and sequenced. Sequences obtained (n=11) were aligned with NP gene sequences of CDV available in GenBank by MUSCLE. Molecular phylogenetic analysis (MEGA 7.0) was carried out by using Maximum Likelihood method based on the Tamura 3-parameter model. The CDV RNA was identified in 20.3% of the analysed animals. A high positivity rate was identified in dogs with 10.1% of 148 sample tested positive followed by wolves (6.08%) and foxes (5.11%). The Artic Lineage of CDV was identified in 9 out of 11 sequenced samples, in both wild and domestic canids. This strain was identified in 3 different provinces (PU, AP, PG), raising concerns given the vastness of the affected area. Two Onderstepoort strains were also identified. In conclusion, this study shows a wide CDV circulation involving different ecotypes and species in the investigated area. Further studies, based on epidemiological and genetic analysis, will be carried out in order to assess the phylogenetic correlation among the identified strains. This follow up will be important in order to highlight potential risk factors associated with the introduction of this new genotype and to better understand the role played by domestic and wild carnivores interactions in virus spreading. These additional studies should be carried out as soon as possible in order to prevent virus dissemination and to perform ad hoc vaccination campains

    Characterization of minimal lesions related to the presence of visna/maedi virus in the mammary gland and milk of dairy sheep

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    [EN] Background: In order to characterize the complete range of lesions, especially minimal, affecting mammary gland and viral antigen distribution and target cells using immunohistochemistry in naturally Visna/maedi (VM) 84 infected sheep were studied, forty-four from flocks with clinical cases (A) and 35 randomly sampled from two abattoirs (B) together with five negative controls (C). An immunocytochemistry technique was developed and further milk samples (n = 39) were used to study viral excretion, carrier cells and the role of milk and colostrum in the transmission of the disease. Results: All sheep from group C and three sheep from group B were negative to VM in tissue sections by histopathology, immunohistochemistry and PCR, and also in serum using ELISA. Several degrees of CD3 + lymphocytic interstitial mastitis were observed in groups A and B: minimal (+) n = 26 sheep; moderate (++), n = 32 and severe (+++), n = 12. No differences in lesion distribution were observed between groups A and B. Viral presence was confirmed by immunohistochemistry using two different antibodies and/or PCR in every tissue with lesions while serology was negative in six sheep with lesions. Two milk samples taken from milk tanks from two flocks from group A and fourteen milk samples from 29 infected sheep from group B were positive to VM (most of them from animals with moderate and severe lesions). Positivity was only found in macrophages, even in focal and minimal lesions, while no positivity was observed in epithelial or any other cells in either tissue and milk samples. Conclusions: This new observation of the minimal lesions described in this work increased the prevalence of VM lesions in mammary gland up to 90.9% and VM should be considered as a differential diagnosis when minimal interstitial lesions are detected. A high prevalence of VM was observed in intensive milk-producing sheep, ELISA serology did not detect as positivity all infected animals, while histology, IHC or PCR showed higher sensitivity. The cytological technique developed was very useful in milk-cell studies using hematoxylin and eosin and immunocytochemistry. Viral detection in milk samples (16/39) confirms a potential but limited role of milk/colostrum in viral transmissionSIThis work was supported by LE361A12–1 project of Castilla y León Government and FPU13/01081 grant of the Spanish Government. LE361A12– 1 project financed the materials necessary for collection, analysis and interpretation of data. FPU13/01081 grant financed the pre-doctoral contract of the main performer of experiments and manuscript writer E

    Small ruminant lentivirus genotype B and E interaction: Evidences on the role of Roccaverano strain on reducing proviral load of the challenging CAEV strain.

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    Live attenuated vaccines provide the most consistent protective immunity in experimental models of lentivirus infections. In this study we tested the hypothesis that animals infected with a naturally attenuated small ruminant lentivirus field strain of genotype E may control a challenge infection with a virulent strain of the caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV-CO). Within genotype E, Roccaverano strain has been described as attenuated since decreased arthritic pathological indexes were recorded in Roccaverano-infected animals compared to animals of the same breed infected with genotype B strains. Moreover, under natural conditions, animals double-infected with genotypes B and E appear less prone to develop SRLV-related disease, leading to a putative protective role of Roccaverano strain. Here we present evidence that goats experimentally infected with the avirulent genotype E SRLV-Roccaverano strain control the proviral load of a pathogenic challenge virus (CAEV-CO strain) more efficiently than naĂŻve animals and appear to limit the spread of histological lesions to the contralateral joints
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