2,295 research outputs found

    Leading large-x logarithms of the quark-gluon contributions to inclusive Higgs-boson and lepton-pair production

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    We present all-order expressions for the leading double-logarithmic threshold contributions to the quark-gluon coefficient functions for inclusive Higgs-boson production in the heavy top-quark limit and for Drell-Yan lepton-pair production. These results have been derived using the structure of the unfactorized cross sections in dimensional regularization and the large-x resummation of the gluon-quark and quark-gluon splitting functions. The resummed coefficient functions, which are identical up to colour factor replacements, are similar to their counterparts in deep-inelastic scattering but slightly more complicated.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure (.eps). DESY address until 31 August 201

    Benets of tight coupled architectures for the integration of GNSS receiver and Vanet transceiver

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    Vehicular adhoc networks (VANETs) are one emerging type of networks that will enable a broad range of applications such as public safety, traffic management, traveler information support and entertain ment. Whether wireless access may be asynchronous or synchronous (respectively as in the upcoming IEEE 8021.11p standard or in some alternative emerging solutions), a synchronization among nodes is required. Moreover, the information on position is needed to let vehicular services work and to correctly forward the messages. As a result, timing and positioning are a strong prerequisite of VANETs. Also the diffusion of enhanced GNSS Navigators paves the way to the integration between GNSS receivers and VANET transceiv ers. This position paper presents an analysis on potential benefits coming from a tightcoupling between the two: the dissertation is meant to show to what extent Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) services could benefit from the proposed architectur

    Occupations at risk and organizational well-being: an empirical test of a Job Insecurity Integrated Model

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    One of the more visible effects of the societal changes is the increased feelings of uncertainty in the workforce. In fact, job insecurity represents a crucial occupational risk factor and a major job stressor that has negative consequences on both organizational well-being and individual health. Many studies have focused on the consequences about the fear and the perception of losing the job as a whole (called quantitative job insecurity), while more recently research has begun to examine more extensively the worries and the perceptions of losing valued job features (called qualitative job insecurity). The vast majority of the studies, however, have investigated the effects of quantitative and qualitative job insecurity separately. In this paper, we proposed the Job Insecurity Integrated Model aimed to examine the effects of quantitative job insecurity and qualitative job insecurity on their short-term and long-term outcomes. This model was empirically tested in two independent studies, hypothesizing that qualitative job insecurity mediated the effects of quantitative job insecurity on different outcomes, such as work engagement and organizational identification (Study 1), and job satisfaction, commitment, psychological stress and turnover intention (Study 2). Study 1 was conducted on 329 employees in private firms, while Study 2 on 278 employees in both public sector and private firms. Results robustly showed that qualitative job insecurity totally mediated the effects of quantitative on all the considered outcomes. By showing that the effects of quantitative job insecurity on its outcomes passed through qualitative job insecurity, the Job Insecurity Integrated Model contributes to clarifying previous findings in job insecurity research and puts forward a framework that could profitably produce new investigations with important theoretical and practical implications

    On the next-to-next-to-leading order QCD corrections to heavy-quark production in deep-inelastic scattering

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    The contribution of quarks with masses m >> Lambda_QCD is the only part of the structure functions in deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) which is not yet known at the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) of perturbative QCD. We present improved partial NNLO results for the most important structure function F_2(x,Q^2) near the partonic threshold, in the high-energy (small-x) limit and at high scales Q^2 >> m^2; and employ these results to construct approximations for the gluon and quark coefficient functions which cover the full kinematic plane. The approximation uncertainties are carefully investigated, and found to be large only at very small values, x smaller about 10^-3, of the Bjorken variable.Comment: 62 pages, LaTeX, 13 figures. Erratum for eq.(B.7

    About the use of entanglement in the optical implementation of quantum information processing

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    We review some applications of entanglement to improve quantum measurements and communication, with the main focus on the optical implementation of quantum information processing. The evolution of continuos variable entangled states in active optical fibers is also analyzed.Comment: 8pages, invited contribution to Quant. Interf. IV (ICTP Trieste 2002

    Analysis of peripheral industrial areas via multidimensional scaling: the EU case

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    Nel presente lavoro si propone la tecnica del multidimensional scaling non metrico come strumento per evidenziare aree industriali dell'Europa dell'est che, per ragioni logistiche ed infrastrutturali, risultano essere particolarmente decentrate rispetto a quelle dell'Europa occidental

    Dynamic simulation of liquid molecular nanoclusters: structure, stability and quantification of internal (pseudo)symmetries

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    The atom\u2013atom intermolecular force field AA-CLP is applied to the molecular dynamics simulation of liquid nanoclusters of benzene, chloroform, methanol and pyridine. Bulk liquids are also simulated for validation and comparison with experimental data. The applied software has been produced de novo to deal with the unusual analytical form of the intermolecular potential, and it includes some novel features for the control of net rotational momenta in isolated systems. The nanoclusters have been studied as a function of size (150\u20131000 molecules) in relation to cohesion energies, rotational correlation, self-diffusion coefficients, and evaporation rates. Internal structure has been studied with traditional radial distribution functions, plus diagrams of the distribution of intermolecular vectors for flat compounds. In addition, a new algorithm for the quantification of pseudo- or near-symmetries between molecules in aggregates of any structure has been developed and tested, with reference to the inversion, mirror plane and rotation axis symmetries of organic crystals, with possible importance in the investigation of crystallization processes. The results confirm the reliability of the AA-CLP formulation for molecular dynamics simulation and throw some light on relationships between cluster and bulk properties. The computer codes are available for open-source download to ensure full reproducibility of all results

    A client loyalty model for services supplied for middle-long periods

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    The paper describes a standard model for customer loyalty evaluation of services based on a continuing relationship with the provider. The relationship terminates when the customer shows a clear unloyalty behavior (switching to another provider or not using the service). Two different dimensions of loyaltyare considered: Behavioral Loyalty and Attitudinal Loyalty, that are analyzed in relation to Trust, Convenience, Overall Satisfaction and Inertia. The methodology is based on the Structural Equation Models

    CLPdyn: a cheap and reliable tool for molecular dynamics studies of organic molecules in condensed phase

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    We present CLPdyn, a freely available code intended to perform Molecular Dynamics simulations of organic molecules in condensed phase.[1\u20133] CLPdyn can handle both continuous phases (liquids, crystals) and finite-size clusters (liquid droplets, nanoparticles), and exploits the thoroughly tested Coulomb-London-Pauli atom-atom intermolecular potential[4,5]. The implementation relies on standard MD algebra, but also includes new algorithms, specifically designed to deal with isolated clusters, to (i) suppress net overall translational and rotational momenta, (ii) handle the evaporation of molecules from the cluster surface, and (iii) measure the amount of residual symmetry from the number and kind of isometries present in the cluster. Application to organic solvents (benzene, chloroform, methanol and pyridine) [2] and crystals spanning very different intermolecular recognition patterns (maleic/succinic anhydrides, alanine/glutamic acid, methylurea, 1,4-cyclohexadiene and methyl-2-amino-5-hydroxybenzoate) [3], shows that CLPdyn reliably reproduces macroscopic thermodynamic quantities, and highlights the effect of the relative strengths of intermolecular forces on rotational correlation times, self-diffusion coefficients and pair distribution functions. Possible applications of CLPdyn to the molecular\u2013level study of non\u2013equilibrium solution chemistry, including the early stages of crystal nuclei formation, are also discussed. [1] A. Gavezzotti, CLPdyn, Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics modules, Description and user manual, www.angelogavezzotti.it (2018). [2] A. Gavezzotti, L. Lo Presti, New J. Chem., 2019,43, 2077-2084. [3] A. Gavezzotti, L. Lo Presti, in preparation [4] A. Gavezzotti, New J. Chem. 2011, 35, 1360\u20131368. [5] A. Gavezzotti and L. Lo Presti, Crystal Growth Des. 2016, 16, 2952\u20132962
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