253 research outputs found

    Direct simulation of compressible reacting flows

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    A research program for direct numerical simulations of compressible reacting flows is described. Two main research subjects are proposed: the effect of pressure waves on turbulent combustion and the use of direct simulation methods to validate flamelet models for turbulent combustion. The interest of a compressible code to study turbulent combustion is emphasized through examples of reacting shear layer and combustion instabilities studies. The choice of experimental data to compare with direct simulation results is discussed. A tentative program is given and the computation cases to use are described as well as the code validation runs

    Prediction and control of combustion instabilities in real engines

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    This paper presents recent progress in the field of thermoacoustic combustion instabilities in propulsion engines such as rockets or gas turbines. Combustion instabilities have been studied for more than a century in simple laminar configurations as well as in laboratory-scale turbulent flames. These instabilities are also encountered in real engines but new mechanisms appear in these systems because of obvious differences with academic burners: larger Reynolds numbers, higher pressures and power densities, multiple inlet systems, complex fuels. Other differences are more subtle: real engines often feature specific unstable modes such as azimuthal instabilities in gas turbines or transverse modes in rocket chambers. Hydrodynamic instability modes can also differ as well as the combustion regimes, which can require very different simulation models. The integration of chambers in real engines implies that compressor and turbine impedances control instabilities directly so that the determination of the impedances of turbomachinery elements becomes a key issue. Gathering experimental data on combustion instabilities is difficult in real engines and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) has become a major tool in this field. Recent examples, however, show that LES is not sufficient and that theory, even in these complex systems, plays a major role to understand both experimental and LES results and to identify mitigation techniques

    Curvature and confinement effects for flame speed measurements in laminar spherical and cylindrical flames.

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    This paper discusses methods used to obtain laminar flame speeds in spherical laminar premixed flames. Most recent studies express the laminar flame consumption speed as ρb/ρudR/dt, where R is the flame radius and ρb/ρu is the ratio of the burnt to the fresh gas density (ρb is evaluated at chemical equilibrium and supposed to be constant). This paper investigates the validity of this assumption by reconsidering it in a more general framework. Other formulae are derived and tested on a DNS of cylindrical flames (methane/air and octane/air). Results show that curvature and confinement effects lead to variations of ρb and ρu and to significant errors on the flame speed. Another expression (first proposed by Bradley and Mitcheson in 1976) is derived where no density evaluation is required and only pressure and flame radius evolution are used. It is shown to provide more precise results for the consumption speed than ρb/ρudR/dt because it takes into account curvature and confinement of the flame in the closed bomb

    Experimental and numerical study of the accuracy of flame-speed measurements for methane/air combustion in a slot burner

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    Measuring the velocities of premixed laminar flames with precision remains a controversial issue in the combustion community. This paper studies the accuracy of such measurements in two-dimensional slot burners and shows that while methane/air flame speeds can be measured with reasonable accuracy, the method may lack precision for other mixtures such as hydrogen/air. Curvature at the flame tip, strain on the flame sides and local quenching at the flame base can modify local flame speeds and require correc- tions which are studied using two-dimensional DNS. Numerical simulations also provide stretch, dis- placement and consumption flame speeds along the flame front. For methane/air flames, DNS show that the local stretch remains small so that the local consumption speed is very close to the unstretched premixed flame speed. The only correction needed to correctly predict flame speeds in this case is due to the finite aspect ratio of the slot used to inject the premixed gases which induces a flow acceleration in the measurement region (this correction can be evaluated from velocity measurement in the slot section or from an analytical solution). The method is applied to methane/air flames with and without water addition and results are compared to experimental data found in the literature. The paper then discusses the limitations of the slot-burner method to measure flame speeds for other mixtures and shows that it is not well adapted to mixtures with a Lewis number far from unity, such as hydrogen/air flames

    Large-Eddy Simulation of combustion instabilities in a variable-length combustor.

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    This article presents a simulation of a model rocket combustor with continuously variable acoustic properties thanks to a variable-length injector tube. Fully compressible Large-Eddy Simulations are conducted using the AVBP code. An original flame stabilization mechanism is uncovered where the recirculation of hot gases in the corner recirculation zone creates a triple flame structure. An unstable operating point is then chosen to investigate the mech- anism of the instability. The simulations are compared to experimental results in terms of frequency and mode structure. Two-dimensional axi-symmetric computations are com- pared to full 3D simulations in order to assess the validity of the axi-symmetry assumption for the prediction of mean and unsteady features of this flow. Despite the inaccuracies in- herent to the 2D description of a turbulent flow, for this configuration and the particular operating point investigated, the axi-symmetric simulation qualitatively reproduces some features of the instability

    On the relative impact of subgrid-scale modelling and conjugate heat transfer in LES of hot jets in cross-flow over cold plates

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    This work describes numerical simulations of a hot jet in cross-flow with applications to anti-ice systems of aircraft engine nacelles. Numerical results are compared with experimental measurements obtained at ONERA to evaluate the performances of LES in this industrial context. The combination of complex geometries requiring unstructured meshes and high Reynolds number does not allow the resolution of boundary layers so that wall models must be employed. In this framework, the relative influence of subgrid-scale modelling and conjugate heat transfer in LESs of aerothermal flows is evaluated. After a general overview of the transverse jet simulation results, a LES coupled with a heat transfer solver in the walls is used to show that thermal boundary conditions at the wall have more influence on the results than subgrid scale models. Coupling fluid flow and heat transfer in solids simulations is the only method to specify their respective thermal boundary conditions

    Large Eddy Simulations of gaseous flames in gas turbine combustion chambers

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    Recent developments in numerical schemes, turbulent combustion models and the regular increase of computing power allow Large Eddy Simulation (LES) to be applied to real industrial burners. In this paper, two types of LES in complex geometry combustors and of specific interest for aeronautical gas turbine burners are reviewed: (1) laboratory-scale combustors, without compressor or turbine, in which advanced measurements are possible and (2) combustion chambers of existing engines operated in realistic operating conditions. Laboratory-scale burners are designed to assess modeling and funda- mental flow aspects in controlled configurations. They are necessary to gauge LES strategies and identify potential limitations. In specific circumstances, they even offer near model-free or DNS-like LES computations. LES in real engines illustrate the potential of the approach in the context of industrial burners but are more difficult to validate due to the limited set of available measurements. Usual approaches for turbulence and combustion sub-grid models including chemistry modeling are first recalled. Limiting cases and range of validity of the models are specifically recalled before a discussion on the numerical breakthrough which have allowed LES to be applied to these complex cases. Specific issues linked to real gas turbine chambers are discussed: multi-perforation, complex acoustic impedances at inlet and outlet, annular chambers.. Examples are provided for mean flow predictions (velocity, temperature and species) as well as unsteady mechanisms (quenching, ignition, combustion instabil- ities). Finally, potential perspectives are proposed to further improve the use of LES for real gas turbine combustor designs

    The actual impedance of non-reflecting boundary conditions : implications for the computation of resonators

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    Non-reflecting boundary conditions are essential elements in the computation of many compressible flows: such simulations are very sensitive to the treatment of acoustic waves at boundaries. Non-reflecting conditions allow acoustic waves to propagate through boundaries with zero or small levels of reflection into the domain. However, perfectly non-reflecting conditions must be avoided because they can lead to ill-posed problems for the mean flow. Various methods have been proposed to construct boundary conditions which can be sufficiently non-reflecting for the acoustic field while still making the mean-flow problem well posed. This paper analyses a widely-used technique for non-reflecting outlets (Rudy and Strikwerda, Poinsot and Lele). It shows that the correction introduced by these authors can lead to large reflection levels and non-physical resonant behaviors. A simple scaling is proposed to evaluate the relaxation coefficient used in theses methods for a non-reflecting outlet. The proposed scaling is tested for simple cases (ducts) both theoretically and numerically

    DNS and modeling of the turbulent boundary layer over an evaporating liquid film

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    In this paper, Direct Numercial Simulation (DNS) is used to study the boundary layer above an evaporating liquid film in the fully developed turbulent channel flow configuration. First, the numerical results of an isothermal flow are compared to the reference results of Kim et al. [1] to check the validity and the accuracy of the present approach. Next, the calculations are repeated for an anisothermal case where hot gas is flowing between cold walls. The numerical results corroborate those of Nicoud [2] and Huang & Coleman [3], introducing modified dimensionless variables. Finally, an evaporating liquid film is added at the walls. The complexity of the interaction between the evaporation process and the boundary layer structure, as well as its strong dependence on the transient thermophysical properties of the mixture are highlighted. As in the anisothermal case, the classical wall units are no longer adapted to build wall functions and new dimensionless variables are proposed. In addition a wall function must be developed for the evaporating species mass fraction, using a new dimensionless wall variable. It is shown that using these new variables allows to derive new wall functions for momentum, temperature and mass that lead to a correct description of the boundary layer when compared to DNS. These new wall functions may be directly implemented in CFD codes to take into account the impact of an evaporating liquid film

    The combustion program at CTR

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    Understanding and modeling of turbulent combustion are key problems in the computation of numerous practical systems. Because of the lack of analytical theories in this field and of the difficulty of performing precise experiments, direct numerical simulation (DNS) appears to be one of the most attractive tools to use in addressing this problem. The general objective of DNS of reacting flows is to improve our knowledge of turbulent combustion but also to use this information for turbulent combustion models. For the foreseeable future, numerical simulation of the full three-dimensional governing partial differential equations with variable density and transport properties as well as complex chemistry will remain intractable; thus, various levels of simplification will remain necessary. On one hand, the requirement to simplify is not necessarily a handicap: numerical simulations allow the researcher a degree of control in isolating specific physical phenomena that is inaccessible in experiments. CTR has pursued an intensive research program in the field of DNS for turbulent reacting flows since 1987. DNS of reacting flows is quite different from DNS of non-reacting flows: without reaction, the equations to solve are clearly the five conservation equations of the Navier Stokes system for compressible situations (four for incompressible cases), and the limitation of the approach is the Reynolds number (or in other words the number of points in the computation). For reacting flows, the choice of the equations, the species (each species will require one additional conservation equation), the chemical scheme, and the configuration itself is more complex