160 research outputs found

    Molecular dissection of Phaseolus vulgaris polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein 2 reveals the presence of hold/release domains affecting protein trafficking toward the cell wall

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    The plant endomembrane system is massively involved in the synthesis, transport and secretion of cell wall polysaccharides and proteins; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying trafficking toward the apoplast are largely unknown. Besides constitutive, the existence of a regulated secretory pathway has been proposed. A polygalacturonase inhibitor protein (PGIP2), known to move as soluble cargo and reach the cell wall through a mechanism distinguishable from default, was dissected in its main functional domains (A, B, C, D), and C sub-fragments (C1–10), to identify signals essential for its regulated targeting. The secretion patterns of the fluorescent chimeras obtained by fusing different PGIP2 domains to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) were analyzed. PGIP2 N-terminal and leucine-rich repeat domains (B and C, respectively) seem to operate as holding/releasing signals, respectively, during PGIP2 transit through the Golgi. The B domain slows down PGIP2 secretion by transiently interacting with Golgi membranes. Its depletion leads, in fact, to the secretion via default (Sp2-susceptible) of the ACD-GFP chimera faster than PGIP2. Depending on its length (at least the first 5 leucine-rich repeats are required), the C domain modulates B interaction with Golgi membranes allowing the release of chimeras and their extracellular secretion through a Sp2 independent pathway. The addition of the vacuolar sorting determinant Chi to PGIP2 diverts the path of the protein from cell wall to vacuole, suggesting that C domain is a releasing rather than a cell wall sorting signal

    Vacuolar system distribution in Arabidopsis tissues, visualized using GFP fusion proteins

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    Green fluorescent protein (GFP) allows the direct visualization of gene expression and the subcellular localization of fusion proteins in living cells. The localization of different GFP fusion proteins in the secretory system was studied in stably transformed Arabidopsis plants cv. Wassilewskaja. Secreted GFP (SGFP) and GFP retained in the ER (GFP‐KDEL) confirmed patterns already known, but two vacuolar GFPs (GFP‐Chi and Aleu‐GFP) labelled the Arabidopsis vacuolar system for the first time, the organization of which appears to depend on cell differentiation. GFP stability in the vacuoles may depend on pH or degradation, but these vacuolar markers can, nevertheless, be used as a tool for physiological studies making these plants suitable for mutagenesis and gene‐tagging experiment

    Arabidopsis subtilases promote defense-related pectin methylesterase activity and robust immune responses to botrytis infection

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    Plants involve a fine modulation of pectin methylesterase (PME) activity against microbes. PME activity can promote the cell wall stiffening and the production of damage signals able to induce defense responses and plant resistance to pathogens. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying PME activation during disease remain largely unknown. In this study, we explored the role of subtilases (SBTs) as PME activators in Arabidopsis immunity. By using biochemical and reverse genetic approaches, we found that the expression of SBT3.3 and SBT3.5 influences the induction of defense-related PME activity and resistance to the fungus Botrytis cinerea. Arabidopsis sbt3.3 and sbt3.5 knockout mutants showed decreased induction of PME activity and increased susceptibility to the fungus. SBT3.3 expression was stimulated by oligogalacturonides. Overexpression of SBT3.3 overactivated PME activity during fungal infection and enhanced resistance to B. cinerea. A negative correlation was observed between SBT3.3 expression and cell wall methyl ester content in the genotypes analyzed after B. cinerea infection. Increased expression of defense-related genes, including PAD3, CYP81F2 and WAK2, was also revealed in SBT3.3 overexpressing lines. We also demonstrated that SBT3.3 and pro-PME17 are both secreted into the cell wall using distinct protein secretion pathways and different kinetics. Our results propose SBT3.3 and SBT3.5 as modulators of PME activity in Arabidopsis against Botrytis to promptly boost immunity limiting the growth-defense trade-off

    Fractionate analysis of the phytochemical composition and antioxidant activities in advanced breeding lines of high-lycopene tomatoes

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    The results of the first study characterizing new high-lycopene tomato advanced breeding lines, to determine the phytochemical content as well asin vitroantioxidant activities of peel, pulp and seed fractions are presented.</p

    Analysis of the phytochemical composition of pomegranate fruit juices, peels and kernels: A comparative study on four cultivars grown in Southern Italy

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    The increasing popularity of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.), driven by the awareness of its nutraceutical properties and excellent environmental adaptability, is promoting a global expansion of its production area. This investigation reports the variability in the weight, moisture, pH, total soluble solids, carbohydrates, organic acids, phenolic compounds, fatty acids, antioxidant activities, and element composition of different fruit parts (juices, peels, and kernels) from four (Ako, Emek, Kamel, and Wonderful One) of the most widely cultivated Israeli pomegranate varieties in Salento (South Italy). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematic characterization of different fruit parts from pomegranate cultivars grown simultaneously in the same orchard and subjected to identical agronomic and environmental conditions. Significant genotype-dependent variability was observed for many of the investigated parameters, though without any correlation among fruit parts. The levels of phenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, and ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acids of all samples were higher than the literature-reported data, as was the antioxidant activity. This is likely due to positive interactions among genotypes, the environment, and good agricultural practices. This study also confirms that pomegranate kernels and peels are, respectively, rich sources of punicic acid and phenols together, with several other bioactive molecules. However, the variability in their levels emphasizes the need for further research to better exploit their agro-industrial potential and thereby increase juice-production chain sustainability. This study will help to assist breeders and growers to respond to consumer and industrial preferences and encourage the development of biorefinery strategies for the utilization of pomegranate by-products as nutraceuticals or value-added ingredients for custom-tailored supplemented foods

    Functional, textural and sensory properties of dry pasta supplemented with lyophilized tomato matrix or with durum wheat bran extracts produced by supercritical carbon dioxide or ultrasound

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    A study was carried out to produce functional pasta by adding bran aqueous extract (BW) and bran oleoresin (BO) obtained using ultrasound and supercritical CO2, respectively, or a powdery lyophilized tomato matrix (LT). The bioactive compounds, hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant activity (HAA and LAA) in vitro, were evaluated. BW supplementation did not improve antioxidant activity, whilst LT pasta showed unconventional taste and odor. BO pasta had good levels of tocochromanols (2551ÎŒg/100g pasta f.w.) and carotenoids (40.2ÎŒg/100g pasta f.w.), and the highest HAA and LAA. The oleoresin altered starch swelling and gluten network, as evidenced by scanning electron microscopy, therefore BO pasta had structural characteristics poor compared with the control (4.8% vs. 3.2% cooking loss), although this difference did not affect significantly overall sensory judgment (74 vs. 79 for BO and control, respectively). BO supplementation was most effective for increasing antioxidant activity without jeopardizing pasta quality

    Increase of multidrug-resistant bacteria after the COVID-19 pandemic in a major teaching Hospital in Sicily (2018-2021)

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the continuing threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to global health and economic development. In the last two decades, AMR has raised increasing concern, with an estimated 4.95 million deaths globally due to bacterial AMR in 2019 alone. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of the pandemic on the spread of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) using data from the Hospital "P. Giaccone" in Palermo, comparing pre-pandemic and pandemic periods. Methods: This observational study involved adult patients who were discharged from the hospital between 01 January 2018 and 31 December 2021. Hospital Discharge Cards were linked with microbiological laboratory reports to assess MDRO isolations. SARS-CoV-2 positivity during hospitalisation was evaluated using the National Institute of Health surveillance system. Results: A total of 58 427 hospitalisations were evaluated in this study. Half the patients were aged over 65 years (N=26 984) and most admissions were in the medical area (N=31 716). During the hospitalisation period, there were 2681 patients (5%) with MDROs isolations, and 946 patients (2%) were positive for SARS-CoV-2. Multivariable analyses showed that during 2020 and 2021, there was a significantly increased risk of isolation of Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Age, weight of the Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG), wards with higher intensity of care, and length-of-stay were associated with a higher risk of MDRO isolation. Conclusion: This study provides new insights into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on MDRO isolation and has important implications for infection control and prevention efforts in healthcare facilities. Age, DRG-weight, and longer hospital stays further increased the risk of MDRO isolation. Thus, it is imperative to improve and follow hospital protocols to prevent healthcare-associated infections

    vacuolar sorting mechanisms are differently influenced by detoxification processes

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    Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide that inhibits the shikimate pathway's enzyme EPSPS (5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase) preventing the production of aromatic amino acids. This herbicide is largely used and appreciated because it controls a wide range of annual and perennial weeds but it has a minimal environmental impact when compared with other herbicides. Initially it was thought that resistance to glyphosate was not easy to evolve but the continuous applications, as it happened for other herbicides, have induced the development of several glyphosate-resistant weeds. Glyphosate resistance can be developed as target-site and non-target-site mechanisms. In the target-site mechanism of resistance, either a mutation on the EPSPS enzyme (enzyme modification) or the overexpression of the EPSPS enzyme have been found to confer resistance. In the non-target-site mechanism of glyphosate resistance, the herbicide translocation and neutralization is observed. Pumping glyphosate into vacuoles via membrane transporters has been suggested as a possible process involved in the restricted glyphosate translocation. As a consequence, a different vacuolar organization or plasticity could be an interesting character or marker to correlate to glyphosate resistance. Vacuolar markers AleuGFP (Sar1 dependent sorting) or GFPChi (Sar1 independent sorting) respectively can be used to monitor independent vacuolar sorting mechanisms during glyphosate induced stress. We observed that the adaptive reaction of tobacco protoplasts vacuolar system to the treatment with glyphosate, can be mimicked by the overexpression of a Triticum durum TdGST gene. Previous analysis evidenced that the herbicide glyphosate increased TdGST expression, confirming the role of GST in the protection against xenobiotics. Non-target-site glyphosate resistance mechanisms may correlate with an independent regulation of cell compartmentalization and herbicide induced genes may have a direct effect on it

    Comparative genomics reveals candidate carotenoid pathway regulators of ripening watermelon fruit

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    BACKGROUND: Many fruits, including watermelon, are proficient in carotenoid accumulation during ripening. While most genes encoding steps in the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway have been cloned, few transcriptional regulators of these genes have been defined to date. Here we describe the identification of a set of putative carotenoid-related transcription factors resulting from fresh watermelon carotenoid and transcriptome analysis during fruit development and ripening. Our goal is to both clarify the expression profiles of carotenoid pathway genes and to identify candidate regulators and molecular targets for crop improvement. RESULTS: Total carotenoids progressively increased during fruit ripening up to ~55 Όg g(-1) fw in red-ripe fruits. Trans-lycopene was the carotenoid that contributed most to this increase. Many of the genes related to carotenoid metabolism displayed changing expression levels during fruit ripening generating a metabolic flux toward carotenoid synthesis. Constitutive low expression of lycopene cyclase genes resulted in lycopene accumulation. RNA-seq expression profiling of watermelon fruit development yielded a set of transcription factors whose expression was correlated with ripening and carotenoid accumulation. Nineteen putative transcription factor genes from watermelon and homologous to tomato carotenoid-associated genes were identified. Among these, six were differentially expressed in the flesh of both species during fruit development and ripening. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together the data suggest that, while the regulation of a common set of metabolic genes likely influences carotenoid synthesis and accumulation in watermelon and tomato fruits during development and ripening, specific and limiting regulators may differ between climacteric and non-climacteric fruits, possibly related to their differential susceptibility to and use of ethylene during ripening
