1,750 research outputs found

    Isogeometric Analysis in advection-diffusion problems: tension splines approximation

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    We present a novel approach, within the new paradigm of isogeometric analysis introduced by Hughes et al., to deal with advection dominated advection-diffusion problems. The key ingredient is the use of Galerkin approximating spaces of functions with high smoothness, as in IgA based on classical B-splines, but particularly well suited to describe sharp layers involving very strong gradients

    Construction of planar quintic Pythagorean-hodograph curves by control-polygon constraints

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    In the construction and analysis of a planar Pythagorean–hodograph (PH) quintic curve r(t), t∈[0,1] using the complex representation, it is convenient to invoke a translation/rotation/scaling transformation so r(t) is in canonical form with r(0)=0, r(1)=1 and possesses just two complex degrees of freedom. By choosing two of the five control–polygon legs of a quintic PH curve as these free complex parameters, the remaining three control–polygon legs can be expressed in terms of them and the roots of a quadratic or quartic equation. Consequently, depending on the chosen two control–polygon legs, there exist either two or four distinct quintic PH curves that are consistent with them. A comprehensive analysis of all possible pairs of chosen control polygon legs is developed, and examples are provided to illustrate this control–polygon paradigm for the construction of planar quintic PH curves

    Unfreezing of molecular motions in protein-polymer conjugates: a calorimetric study

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    Protein-polymer conjugates are a promising class of biohybrids. In this work, the dynamics of a set of biodegradable conjugates myoglobin-poly(ethyl ethylene phosphate) (My-PEEP) with variations in the number of attached polymers and their molar mass in the dry-state, have been investigated to understand the role of polymer on protein dynamics. We performed Differential Scanning Calorimetry measurements between 190 and 300 K, observing the large-scale dynamics arising from reorganization of conformational states, i.e. within the 100 s timescale. The application of an annealing time during the cooling scans was used to investigate the non-equilibrium glassy-state of the samples, observing the relaxation enthalpy at different annealing temperatures. This procedure permitted to extensively describe the transition broadness and the system relaxation kinetics in the glassy state. The samples show an experimental behaviour different from the theoretical predictions, suggesting the establishment of interactions among the protein and the polymer chains. The different behaviour of the conjugates and the physical mixture (composed of the protein and the polymer physically mixed) highlighted the importance of the covalent bond in defining the system dynamics

    Hemp cakes composition and ruminal degradability as influenced by the cold pressing parameters

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    The growing consumers interest in the oil has made available several hemp by-products for animal feeding. The main of them are the cakes resulting from mechanical extraction of oil which may contain remarkable levels of protein, but also varying amounts of fibre and fat in relation to both seeds’ composition and extraction process. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the pressure and the botanical variety on hemp cakes composition. Seeds from Futura75 and Uso31 cultivars with rather similar composition (respectively, in percent of dry matter, Crude protein, CP, 20.9 vs. 19.9, fat 23.6 vs. 23.3, NDF 48.8 vs. 49.6) were pressed in an experimental mechanical screw press powered by 2.2 kW electric motor and equipped with temperature sensors to control the oil extraction temperature. Each hemp variety was pressed at growing extraction pressures gained by fitting four different nozzle diameters on the screw press (14, 12, 8, 6mm). For each pressure level, the seeds were pressed twice for a total of 16 cake samples which were analysed for chemical composition and in vitro digestibility of DM (IVDMD) and NDF (IVNDFD), determined based on a 48-h incubation in a Daisy II system. A two-way analysis of variance (proc GLM) was performed with variety (n=2), pressure (n=4), and their interaction as factors. Statistical significance was attained only between the extreme values of pressure (14 vs. 6mm) and resulted in an increment of the concentration of NDF, ADF and lignin (p < .05) as an effect of the reduction of the fat content (p < .05). Despite the small differences between the whole seed compositions, the Uso31 and Futura75 cakes diverged for the CP, ADF (p < .05), NDF and lignin (p < .001), whereas no differences were observed for fat. It is self-evident that the pressure worked differently on the two varieties, though no significant interactions pressure*- variety were highlighted. The IVDMD and IVNDFD were affected by both pressure and variety (p < .001) with the higher values observed for pressure at 14mm and the variety Uso31. Overall, the nutritional characteristics of hemp cakes can be strongly influenced by the botanical variety even regardless of the chemical composition whereas they can be significantly modified only by more than doubling the pressure applied to seeds

    The geological record of storm events over the last 1000 years in the Salerno Bay (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea): new proxy evidences

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    International audienceThe shallow marine Late Holocene wedge of the northern Salerno Bay shelf (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) discloses the presence of four decimetric shelf-tapering sand beds. Their internal features, depicted by cores analysis and their stratigraphic position, revealed by VHR seismic investigations, inferred sandy layers as being the result of flash deposition, storm controlled, thus episodic. Stratigraphic correlations among cores lead to constrain sandy layers deposition to storm events falling in the 11th, 16th, 19th and 20th centuries. A certain attribution of the most recent event bed to the major cloudburst that hit the Salerno region in 1954A.D. and resulted in a disastrous flood of the Bonea stream, was formerly achieved. A tentative link with two sea-storms that occurred in the 1544A.D. and in the 1879A.D. and well documented by historical sources is here proposed to explain the deposition of the two previous event beds. The deposition of these sandy layers must be related to major storm events, since their preservation in the stratigraphic record is not common. Lithostratigraphic and textural differences between flood and sea-storm emplacement emerge from the study of sandy layers in cores and point to a prevalence of sea-storm deposits in the middle shelf compared to flood deposits. Seismic stratigraphic evidence lead us to suppose that the style of episodic flash deposition has been running on for the last 2-3kyr and is probably linked to a climatic trend of the region

    Neuroendocrine tumour arising inside a retro-rectal tailgut cyst: report of two cases and a review of the literature

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    Tailgut cysts (or retro-rectal cyst-hamartomas (RCHs)) are developmental abnormalities consisting of multiloculated cysts lined by squamous, transitional or glandular epithelium which, albeit rarely, may give rise to malignant transformations. Carcinoid tumours arising in the presacral region are extremely rare and usually benign, and only a few are described in the literature. Case 1: A 63-year-old female diagnosed as having bilateral ovarian cysts underwent surgery to remove a right adnexial mass that was histopathologically diagnosed as a well-differentiated carcinoid tumour. She is currently disease free after 18 months of follow-up. Case 2: A 41-year-old-female diagnosed with hepatic metastases and a solid pelvic mass arising from a moderately differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma is currently alive with disease after having undergone surgical removal of the mass and several medical treatments. We here describe two different clinical histories of well- and moderately differentiated neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) arising from tailgut cysts in the prerectal space together with a review of the relevant literature

    Sisters in structure but different in character, some benzaldehyde and cinnamaldehyde derivatives differentially tune Aspergillus flavus secondary metabolism

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    Great are the expectations for a new generation of antimicrobials, and strenuous are the research efforts towards the exploration of diverse molecular scaffolds—possibly of natural origin – aimed at the synthesis of new compounds against the spread of hazardous fungi. Also high but winding are the paths leading to the definition of biological targets specifically fitting the drug’s structural characteristics. The present study is addressed to inspect differential biological behaviours of cinnamaldehyde and benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone scaffolds, exploiting the secondary metabolism of the mycotoxigenic phytopathogen Aspergillus flavus. Interestingly, owing to modifications on the parent chemical scaffold, some thiosemicarbazones displayed an increased specificity against one or more developmental processes (conidia germination, aflatoxin biosynthesis, sclerotia production) of A. flavus biology. Through the comparative analysis of results, the ligand-based screening strategy here described has allowed us to delineate which modifications are more promising for distinct purposes: from the control of mycotoxins contamination in food and feed commodities, to the environmental management of microbial pathogens, to the investigation of specific structure–activity features for new generation drug discovery

    Lung cryobiopsy for the diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases: A series contribution to a debated procedure

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    Introduction: Transbronchial cryobiopsy is an alternative to surgical biopsy for the diagnosis of fibrosing interstitial lung diseases, although the role of this relatively new method is rather controversial. Aim of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic performance and the safety of transbronchial cryobiopsy in patients with fibrosing interstitial lung disease. Materials and methods: The population in this study included patients with interstitial lung diseases who underwent cryobiopsy from May 2015 to May 2018 at the Division of Pneumology of San Giuseppe Hospital in Milan and who were retrospectively studied. All cryobiopsy procedures were performed under fluoroscopic guidance using a flexible video bronchoscope and an endobronchial blocking system in the operating room with patients under general anaesthesia. The diagnostic performance and safety of the procedure were assessed. The main complications evaluated were endobronchial bleeding and pneumothorax. All cases were studied with a multidisciplinary approach, before and after cryobiopsy. Results: Seventy-three patients were admitted to this study. A specific diagnosis was reached in 64 cases, with a diagnostic sensitivity of 88%; 5 cases (7%) were considered inadequate, 4 cases (5%) were found to be non-diagnostic. Only one major bleeding event occurred (1.4%), while 14 patients (19%) experienced mild/moderate bleeding events while undergoing bronchoscopy; 8 cases of pneumothorax (10.9%) were reported, of which 2 (2.7%) required surgical drainage. Conclusions: When performed under safe conditions and in an experienced center, cryobiopsy is a procedure with limited complications having a high diagnostic yield in fibrotic interstitial lung disease

    Surgical ‘damage control’ treatment of a large retroperitoneal liposarcoma encasing a horseshoe kidney

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    Damage control is a surgical strategy for severely compromised trauma patients based on speed control of life-threatening injuries that aims to rapidly resuscitate patients in an intensive care unit (ICU). We report on the use of such therapeutic strategy in a patient affected by a retroperitoneal sarcoma concomitant to a horseshoe kidney, a relatively rare anatomical malformation
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