60 research outputs found

    Avaliação da fertilidade dos solos e adubação utilizada em algumas lavouras de soja.

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    Calagem para soja recomendacao para o Estado do Parana.

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    Natureza da acidez do solo; Acidez do solo e sua neutralizacao; Resultados e recomendacoes tecnicas.bitstream/item/35343/1/1984-Comunicado-Tecnico.n.28.Calagem-21x28-OK.pd

    Adubacao fosfatada e potassica em cultura de soja no Estado do Parana.

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    No periodo de 1974 a 1977, foram conduzidos varios experimentos de adubacao com a cultura da soja [Glycine max (L.) Merrill], no Estado do Parana, visando: a) estudar o efeito de niveis de adubacao fosfatada e potassica aplicadas no sulco de semeadura; b) determinar classes de resposta da soja em funcao dos teores de fosforo e potassio do solo, indicados pelo metodo de Mehlich. Os resultados evidenciaram: a) melhor resposta a adubacao fosfatada em solos de cultivo recente do que nos de cultivo antigo com a sucesso trigo-soja; comprova-se, assim, a capacidade da soja em aproveitar o fosforo residual de culturas anteriores; b) a adubacao potassica nao promoveu aumentos expressivos na producao de soja. Para os solos com baixos teores de P residual foram estabele-cidas as seguintes faixas de disponibilidade do nutriente, indicadas pelo metodo de Mehlich: muito baixo (inferior a 1,5 ppm), baixo (1,5 - 3,0 ppm), medio (3,0 - 6,5 ppm) e alto (superior 6,5 ppm); o metodo de analise empregado foi ineficiente para a avaliacao da disponibilidade de P residual

    Prescription errors in community pharmacies: a serious problem of public health

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    The aim of this study was both to analyze prescription errors involving clonazepam and suggest improvements for patient safety. A descriptive and observational study with retrospective data collection was conducted at 30 community pharmacies in Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil. Prescription notifications were analyzed for legible handwriting and completeness. A reviewer committee evaluated patient and purchaser’s identification, pharmaceutical form, dosing regimen, administration route, and prescription by generic name. Among the 313 collected notifications, 44.1 % were legible. A total of 55.91 % had at least one illegible item, 100 % contained incomplete information, and 97.12 % contained one or more abbreviations. The proportion of illegible handwriting related to the patient's identification was statistically significantly and greater than that related to the drug purchaser's identification. This study showed high percentages of prescribing problems, identified potential causes of them, and suggest future research about medication errors in Brazilian community pharmacies.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Indicações técnicas para o cultivo do girassol.

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    Preparo do solo; Semeadura: profundidade, espacamento e densidade, epoca de semeadura; Cultivares; Calagem; Nutricao e adubacao: nitrogenio, fosforo, potassio; Controle de plantas daninhas; Insetos-pragas; Doencas do girassol: mancha de Alternaria, podridao e murcha de Esclerotinia, ferrugem, podridao de Macrophomina, seca da haste por Phomopsis sp.; Colheita e armazenagem; Custo de producao.bitstream/item/60518/1/Documentos-3.pd

    An in vivo platform for identifying inhibitors of protein aggregation

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    Protein aggregation underlies an array of human diseases, yet only one small molecule therapeutic has been successfully developed to date. Here, we introduce an in vivo system, based on a β-lactamase tripartite fusion construct, capable of identifying aggregation-prone sequences in the periplasm of Escherichia coli and inhibitors that prevent their aberrant self-assembly. We demonstrate the power of the system using a range of proteins, from small unstructured peptides (islet amyloid polypeptide and amyloid β) to larger, folded immunoglobulin domains. Configured in a 48-well format, the split β-lactamase sensor readily differentiates between aggregation-prone and soluble sequences. Performing the assay in the presence of 109 compounds enabled a rank ordering of inhibition and revealed a new inhibitor of IAPP aggregation. This platform can be applied to both amyloidogenic and other aggregation-prone systems, independent of sequence or size, and can identify small molecules or other factors able to ameliorate or inhibit protein aggregation