17 research outputs found


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    Autori predstavljaju rezultate modelskog istraživanja kojim se potvrđuje bioekonometrijski pristup upravljanja fondom srdele Sardina pilchardus (Walb.,1972) na istočnoj obali hrvatskog dijela Jadranskog mora. Nastojali su, metodološki i teoretski odraditi polazne scenarije za rješavanje aktualnih problema upravljanja fondom srdele te ih izvući iz dosadašnjeg, strogo, empirijsko-prakticističkog konteksta. U tom smislu, za hrvatske prilike kreirana je stanovita istraživačka paradigma, sjedinivši kvantitativni i kvalitativni pristup upravljanja fondom srdele. Uzimajući biološke parametre fonda kao polazne veličine interaktivno se izvodio ekonometrijski dio spajajući ga time u cjeloviti bioekonometrijski model. Model je definiran kroz tri pretpostavljena scenarija, i to: (1) demisiju i prenamjenu manje učinkovitog dijela ribarske flote iz profesionalnog ribarstva, (2) uvođenje mreža veće selektivnosti ulova i (3) promjenu razine troškovno-cjenovnog poticanja ulova. Koristeći programski paket Mefisto došlo se do zaključka da svaki od izvedenih scenarija pokazuje polarizirajuću prednost u biološkim i ekonomskim veličinama u odnosu na postojeće stanje. Tražeći među scenarijima optimalnu biološko-ekonomsku kombinaciju prednosti, scenarij demisije i prenamjene postojeće ribarske flote, pokazalo se najprihvatljivijom strategijom u odnosu na polazište problema. Dugoročno sagledavanje optimalne veličine fonda srdele, na istočnom dijelu Jadranskog mora, upućuje da treba voditi računa o broju ribarske flote odnosno demisiji manje učinkovitijih brodova iz profesionalnog ribarstva.The results of a model research to affirm the bioeconometrica approach to sardine stocks management on the eastern coast of the Croatian part of the Adriatic sea are presented. The aim was to define methodologically and theoretically the starting scenarios for solving current problems in sardine stocks management extracting them from strictly empirical context. With this in mind a research pattern for Croatian conditions was created integrating quantitative and qualitative approach to sardine stocks management. Taking biological stock parameters as the starting value econometric part was carried out thus interactively integrating it into the complete bioeconometric model. The model was defined in three presumed scenarios: 1) demission and conversion of sell efficient part of fishing fleet from professional fishing, 2) introduction of nets of higher catch selectivity and 3) changing the level of cost-expenses catch subsidizing. Using the Mephisto program package it was established that each of the scenarios applied showed a polarizing advantage in biological and economic values in relation to the existing status. Seeking among the scenarios the optimal biological and economic advantages the demission and conversion of the existing fishing fleet appeared to be the best acceptable strategy with respect to the problem. Long – term consideration of the optimal value of sardine stocks in the eastern part of the Adriatic sea indicates that the number of fishing fleet and demission of less efficient boats from professional fishing should be taken account of

    Your best day: An interactive app to translate how time reallocations within a 24-hour day are associated with health measures

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    Published: September 7, 2022Reallocations of time between daily activities such as sleep, sedentary behavior and physical activity are differentially associated with markers of physical, mental and social health. An individual's most desirable allocation of time may differ depending on which outcomes they value most, with these outcomes potentially competing with each other for reallocations. We aimed to develop an interactive app that translates how self-selected time reallocations are associated with multiple health measures. We used data from the Australian Child Health CheckPoint study (n = 1685, 48% female, 11-12 y), with time spent in daily activities derived from a validated 24-h recall instrument, %body fat from bioelectric impedance, psychosocial health from the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory and academic performance (writing) from national standardized tests. We created a user-interface to the compositional isotemporal substitution model with interactive sliders that can be manipulated to self-select time reallocations between activities. The time-use composition was significantly associated with body fat percentage (F = 2.66, P < .001), psychosocial health (F = 4.02, P < .001), and academic performance (F = 2.76, P < .001). Dragging the sliders on the app shows how self-selected time reallocations are associated with the health measures. For example, reallocating 60 minutes from screen time to physical activity was associated with -0.8 [95% CI -1.0 to -0.5] %body fat, +1.9 [1.4 to 2.5] psychosocial score and +4.5 [1.8 to 7.2] academic performance. Our app allows the health associations of time reallocations to be compared against each other. Interactive interfaces provide flexibility in selecting which time reallocations to investigate, and may transform how research findings are disseminated.Dorothea Dumuid, Timothy Olds, Melissa Wake, Charlotte Lund Rasmussen, Željko Pedišić, Jim H. Hughes, David JR. Foster, Rosemary Walmsley, Andrew J. Atkin, Leon Straker, Francois Fraysse, Ross T. Smith, Frank Neumann, Ron S. Kenett, Paul Jarle Mork, Derrick Bennett, Aiden Doherty, Ty Stanfor

    Are total, intensity- and domain-specific physical activity levels associated with life satisfaction among university students?

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    BACKGROUND: Thorough information about the relationship between physical activity (PA) and life satisfaction is still lacking. Therefore, this study examined the cross-sectional relationships between life satisfaction and meeting the World Health Organization (WHO) moderate to vigorous-intensity PA recommendations, total volume and duration of PA, intensity-specific PA (walking, moderate- and vigorous-intensity), domain-specific PA (work, transport-related, domestic, and leisure-time), and 11 domain and intensity-specific PA types among university students. Additionally, we examined the associations between life satisfaction and gender, age, disposable income, community size, smoking, alcohol intake, body mass index (BMI), and self-rated health. METHODS: The study included a random sample of 1750 university students in Zagreb, Croatia (response rate = 71.7%; 62.4% females; mean age 21.5 ± 1.8 years), using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-long form and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. RESULTS: Higher life satisfaction was associated with female gender (β = 0.13; p = <0.001), younger age (β = -0.07; p = 0.024), higher disposable income (β = 0.10; p = 0.001), and better self-rated health (β = 0.30; p = <0.001). No significant association was found between life satisfaction and size of community (p = 0.567), smoking status (p = 0.056), alcohol consumption (p = 0.058), or BMI (p = 0.508). Among all PA variables, only leisure-time vigorous-intensity PA was significantly associated with life satisfaction after adjustments for socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle and self-rated general health (β = 0.06; p = 0.045). CONCLUSIONS: This study indicated a weak positive relationship between leisure-time vigorous-intensity PA and life satisfaction, whilst no such association was found for other PA variables. These findings underscore the importance of analyzing domain and intensity-specific PA levels in future studies among university students, as drawing conclusions about the relationship between PA and life satisfaction based on total PA levels only may be misleading