4,317 research outputs found

    Neoadjuvant therapy for breast cancer

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    Objective: To evaluate the frequency of neoadjuvant therapy (NT) in women with stage I–III breast cancer in Italy and whether it is influenced by biological characteristics, screening history, and geographic area. Methods: Data from the High Resolution Study conducted in 7 Italian cancer registries were used; they are a representative sample of incident cancers in the study period (2009–2013). Included were 3546 women aged <85 years (groups <50, 50–69, 70–64, and 75+) with stage I–III breast cancer at diagnosis who underwent surgery. Women were classified as receiving NT if they received chemotherapy, target therapy, and/or hormone therapy before the first surgical treatment. Logistic models were built to test the association with biological and contextual variables. Results: Only 8.2% of women (290 cases) underwent NT; the treatment decreases with increasing age (14.5% in age <50 and 2.2% in age 75+), is more frequent in women with negative receptors (14.8%), HER2-positive (15.7%), and triple-negative (15.6%). The multivariable analysis showed the probability of receiving NT is higher in stage III (odds ratio [OR] 3.83; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.83–5.18), luminal B (OR 1.87; 95% CI 1.27–2.76), triple-negatives (OR 1.88; 95% CI 1.15–3.08), and in symptomatic cancers (OR 1.98; 95% CI 1.13–3.48). Use of NT varied among geographic areas: Reggio Emilia had the highest rates (OR 2.29; 95% CI 1.37–3.82) while Palermo had the lowest (OR 0.41; 95% CI 0.24–0.68). Conclusions: The use of NT in Italy is limited and variable. There are no signs of greater use in hospitals with more advanced care

    Slicing Cell Resources: The Case of HTC and MTC Coexistence

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    The Effects of Non-Indigenous Macrophytes on Native Biodiversity: Case Studies from Sicily

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    Biological invasions are widely recognized as a major threat to native biodiversity, ecosys tem functioning and services. Non-indigenous species (NIS) may in time become invasive (invasive alien species (IAS)), determining significant environmental, socioeconomic and human health impacts such as biodiversity loss and ecosystem service degradation. The Mediterranean islands, particu larly Sicily and the circum-Sicilian islands (northwestern Mediterranean Sea), which are important hotspots of biodiversity, are notably vulnerable to anthropogenic pressures such as biological in vasions. Therefore, monitoring NIS distribution as well as understanding their effects on native biodiversity is critical in these areas for planning effective conservation strategies. Here, we report four different case studies from Sicily that highlight how NIS may affect native biodiversity and habitats. The first three case studies were carried out within Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and highlight (1) the ability of Caulerpa cylindracea to promote the establishment of other NIS, including biofouling worms belonging to the genus Branchiomma; (2) how the shift in habitat from the native Ericaria brachycarpa to the invasive Asparagopsis taxiformis may drastically erode the primary producer biomass and associated biodiversity; and (2) that the presence of Lophocladia lallemandii can affect the molluscan assemblage inhabiting the canopy-forming Gongolaria montagnei. The fourth case study, performed along the northwestern coast of Sicily, shows how Halophila stipulacea can affect the growth of the co-occurring native seagrass Cymodocea nodosa. Overall, these case studies demonstrate various ways in which NIS can interact with native biodiversity and habitats. Furthermore, they emphasize that MPAs are ineffective at preventing the introduction and spread of NIS

    Understanding the purchasing behavior of consumers in response to sustainable marketing practices: An empirical analysis in the food domain

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    Sustainability has become an important driver in defining business strategies, affecting most critical corporate functions and changing the way in which value is created, communicated, and distributed. This is increasingly impacting marketing practices, in particular, through promoting the development of sustainable marketing in the food sector. In line with this, our study aimed to investigate if and how sustainable marketing practices affect consumer loyalty to a specific brand. To answer our research questions, we relied on the results of a survey submitted to a sample of 907 Italian consumers of biscuits. Results showed that the consumers’ attention to sustainable issues (in the absence of adequate information that can guide them in choosing a brand) did not result in brand loyalty. The same outcome was found when consumers were overloaded by marketing campaigns, which had the effect of confusing users and making them unfaithful. Ultimately, when consumers showed both engagement with sustainable concerns and sensitivity to marketing initiatives (i.e., they are sensitive to sustainable marketing practices), a positive effect on brand loyalty was observed. Our results contribute to the emerging stream of literature discussing the relevance and potential impact of sustainable marketing

    Conserving Marine Forests: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Marine Protected Area for Cystoseira sensu lato Populations in the Central Mediterranean Sea

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    Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are vital for biodiversity conservation, yet their effectiveness in preserving foundation seaweeds remains understudied. This study investigates the diversity and distribution of Cystoseira sensu lato (including Cystoseira, Ericaria and Gongolaria, hereafter referred to as Cystoseira s.l.) populations in an MPA located in the central Mediterranean Sea, comparing them with those in two unprotected sites. We hypothesized MPA Cystoseira s.l. populations would display higher diversity and structure compared to outside unprotected sites. Results revealed a total of 19 Cystoseira s.l. species at depths of 0-20 m, with the MPA exhibiting a higher diversity than unprotected sites. Thus, MPAs can play a crucial role in fostering the diversity of Cystoseira s.l. populations. However, no significant differences were observed among the MPA's protection zones, raising questions about the zoning effectiveness. Additionally, our survey uncovered a substantial presence of non-indigenous seaweeds within the MPA. In conclusions, while MPAs improved Cystoseira s.l. diversity compared to unprotected sites, the varying efficacy of protection within MPA zones suggested a necessity for site-specific conservation strategies. The presence of non-indigenous seaweeds emphasizes ongoing challenges. This study provides a baseline for understanding Cystoseira s.l. population dynamics, crucial for future monitoring and conservation efforts in the face of global change

    Optimizing critical illness outcomes through the family experience-A theoretical review

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    An estimated six to eight million patients are admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) in the United States every year [1, 2]. It is possible that new and innovative medical therapies have provided patients with treatment options that enhance survival of a critical illness and allow them go home with more medical support than previously available in earlier years. This may explain why there are now millions of ICU survivors are a result of declining mortality rates (8-19%) even though there are increased ICU admissions [3, 4]. This also indicates a change in direction of the attitudes and beliefs of the family unit today and their desire for the family member to return home after critical illness instead of moving to a tertiary facility for care

    Application of an artificial neural network (ANN) for the identification of grapevine genotypes

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    Neural networks were employed to distinguish between 15 accessions of "coloured" (fruit gives intense red colour to the wine) grapevines found in some viticultural zones of Tuscany. Our results enabled us to distinguish, with considerable certainty, between 9 accessions and to denote three pairs of synonyms. The use of neural networks opens interesting prospects for ampelography; its advantages over traditional ampelographic methods are demonstrated

    mtDNA diversity in rabbit population from Sicily (Italy)

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    The European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus (O.c) lives all over the world and it represents an important resource for many predators. It has been classified as a Near-Threatened species in the Red List of Vertebrates of Italy. It is present in mediterranean basin as two known subspecies: O.c. cuniculus and O.c. algirus. The mediterranean geographic distribution of the two subspecies is still not well known. In particular, in Sicily, lacking of deep studies, is based on the body size and morphological characteristics; there wasn’t a complete description of the actual existing subspecies and previous studies only reported the morphological characteristics of the sicilian rabbit population. In this study, we analyzed genetic data, mitochondrial (mt) cytochrome b (cytb), from the rabbit population in Sicily in a phylogenetic framework. This is the first study concerning the genetics of the sicilian rabbit, to reconstruct intraspecific phylogeny by comparing cytb mtDNA sequences of 13 newly isolated O.cuniculus haplotypes from Sicily and 7 individuals from other countries (Canada, France, Mexico, North Italy, South Africa, Spain, Sweden). Our results show that the rabbit population from Sicily has a mitochondrial type (Lineage B) that has been previously shown to be associated with O. c. cuniculus and is similar to sequences from rabbits in North-Est Spain, Southern France, Sweden and South Africa

    Effects of prism adaptation on reference systems for extrapersonal space in neglect patients

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    Up to now, rehabilitation of unilateral spatial neglect has focused on egocentric forms of neglect, whereas less is known about the possibility to improve allocentric deficits. The present study aimed to examine the efficacy of prism adaptation (PA) training on patients with different forms of neglect: egocentric, allocentric, or mixed. Twenty-eight patients were assessed with specific neglect tests before (T0) and after (T1) 10 sessions of PA training. Performance in the Apples Cancellation test was used to identify patients with egocentric (n = 6), allocentric (n = 5), or mixed (n = 17) forms of neglect. In the overall group of patients, PA training produced significant improvements in performance across different neglect tests. In terms of the egocentric–allocentric distinction, the training was effective in reducing omissions in the left part of space in the Apples Cancellation test both for patients with egocentric neglect and mixed neglect. By contrast, errors of commissions (marking the inability to detect the left part of the target stimulus, i.e., allocentric neglect) remained unchanged after PA in patients with allocentric neglect and actually increased marginally in patients with mixed neglect. The PA training is effective in improving egocentric neglect, while it is ineffective on the allocentric form of the disturbance. Notably, the allocentric component of neglect is frequently impaired, although this is most often in conjunction with the egocentric impairment, yielding the mixed form of neglect. This stresses the importance of developing exercises tuned to improving allocentric neglect
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