345,734 research outputs found


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    1. Introduzione p. 282 2. Determinazione dell\u2019azoto totale con analizzatore elementare p. 284 3. Determinazione dell\u2019azoto totale con metodo semi-micro-Kjeldahl p. 284 4. Determinazione dell\u2019azoto totale con metodo semi-micro-Kjeldahl modificato p. 287 5. Determinazione dell\u2019azoto totale estraibile con soluzione salina con metodo micro-Kjeldahl p. 291 6. Determinazione dell\u2019azoto totale estraibile con soluzione salina con metodo micro-Kjeldahl modificato p.294 7. Determinazione colorimetrica degli ioni ammonio estraibili p. 296 8. Determinazione colorimetrica degli ioni nitrato estraibili p. 298 9. Estrazione dell\u2019azoto totale idrolizzabile con acido cloridrico p. 300 10.Determinazione dell\u2019azoto totale idrolizzabile con acido cloridrico secondo il metodo micro-Kjeldahl p. 30

    A Comparison of Attitudes to Ipv6 in Three Countries

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    Internet Protocol (IP), the underlying protocol upon which the Internet is based, has a number of serious flaws, including limited address space, security and performance limitations. Since the early 1990s a new version of IP (IPv6) has been developed in which these problems are addressed. Yet despite years of “hype”, adoption of IPv6 has been minimal or non-existent. Many efforts have been made to encourage IPv6 adoption around the world but none have been widely successful.The decision to adopt is influenced by the information available to the decision maker. This paper reports the results of studies of attitudes and perceptions to IPv6 in three countries and determines that the prevalent information about the standard in each country is often scarce and inaccurate. This contributes to reluctance to adopt IPv6 and further exacerbates the problem. The paper concludes with recommendations to improve available information so as to increase IPv6 acceptance and adoption

    Glass Ceiling Commission - The Impact of the Glass Ceiling and Structural Change on Minorities and Women

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    Glass Ceiling ReportGlassCeilingBackground12StructuralChange.pdf: 9391 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Boston University Baroque Chamber Music, April 2, 2006

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    This is the concert program of the Boston University Baroque Chamber Music performance on Sunday, April 2, 2006 at 7:30 p.m., at the Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Avenue. Works performed were Cantata, "Diane et Acteon" by Joseph Bodin Boismortier, Madrigal, "O come sei gentile" (Book VII) by Claudio Monteverdi, Cantata, "Ihr Völker, hört" by Georg Philipp Telemann, Partita No. 2 in G major, from "Kleine Kammermusik" by G. P. Telemann, Cantata, "Nel dolce dell' oblio" by George Frideric Handel, and Trio Sonata i C major by Johann Sebastian Bach. Digitization for Boston University Concert Programs was supported by the Boston University Center for the Humanities Library Endowed Fund

    Space Platforms for NASA -Opportunity or Pitfall?

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    Described are the NASA efforts to determine if platform to pool payload services are cost effective. The platform concept originated from the short shuttle life on orbit, the shuttle capability to assemble aggregating structures, and the belief that economies might be obtained from shared services and repair. About eighty payloads in NASAs future were identified for consideration. Contractor and in-house studies have produced platform configurations. Comparative cost studies are currently being done. Results have been obtained, but enthusiasm is being reserved (as of March) until sufficient review has been achieved. The platform approach has a large intuitive following; if platforms appear to be cost effective, they are likely to become a very visible part of the NASA space effort

    The Impacts Of The War On Terrorism On Maritime Shipping

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    The terrorist acts that destroyed the World Trade Center and part of the Pentagon have, of course, changed much of the world in many ways since September 2001. Among those effects has been a pronounced and noticeable shift in airport and aircraft security.  Much less noticeable to most Americans has been the impact of added security and changed priorities on maritime transportation systems.  But maritime security actually has a far greater impact on commerce than does air security because most cargo moves worldwide via commercial ocean-going vessels.  Security requirements and wartime priorities are compelling the world’s governments to more closely monitor and inspect all vessels and cargo entering their nation’s ports.  The US Coast Guard’s inspections are forcing tremendous delays upon entering vessels.  The consequences of losing millions of dollars daily both for shipping companies and cargo interests create severe economic and logistical problems that impact all transportation modes.  The new US embargo on 24 small countries may force them into bankruptcy unless they comply with US requests to end terrorism.  These countries depend on exports and imports for a large portion of their GDP, which will be dramatically reduced unless they join the war against terrorism. This paper examines five impacts on the US and world shipping industry caused by the war on terrorism--those on:  1) vessel and port security; 2) transportation- and trade-related communications; 3) trade levels; 4) marine insurance; and 5) maritime and related freight rates.  Then the authors draw some conclusions regarding possibilities of reflagging of ships and effects on the status of the US merchant marine industry

    Valutazione delle competenze e lifelong learning: la creazione partecipata di rubriche per l\u2019autovalutazione della figura dell\u2019operatore di rete.

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    Il tema della valutazione delle competenze, legato a quello del lifelong learning, \ue8 in forte espansione, soprattutto grazie alla spinta dell\u2019Unione Europea. L\u2019esigenza di fare valutazione anche nei servizi alla persona si \ue8 fatta pi\uf9 premente con l\u2019arrivo della crisi, la contrazione di risorse e la crescita della complessit\ue0 e dell\u2019incertezza sociale. La ricerca qui presentata descrive e documenta un processo partecipato di mappatura delle competenze della figura dell\u2019operatore di rete in un servizio socio-sanitario, finalizzata alla creazione del profilo professionale di tale figura e d i u n o s t r ume n t o ( r u b r i c a ) p e r l\u2019autovalutazione delle competenze da adottare nei percorsi di riflessione e di crescita professionale

    Storia dell'italiano e forme dell'italianizzazione

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    Il maltese eassurto al rango di lingua degna di prestigio nazionale solo nel corso degli ultimi cinquanta anni circa. Bisogna, infatti, aspettare il 1934 prima che il maltese possa affiancare l'inglese come lingua ufficiale dell' isola, insidiando cosl il posto dell 'italiano che. per circa quattro secoli, aveva ricoperto il molo di lingua culturalmente egemone. La costituzione indipendentista del 1964 ha definitivamente sancito il primato del maltese che, benche affiancato daW inglese come lingua ufficiale, viene promosso a lingua nazionale dell' isola. La costituzione repubblicana del 1974 ha lasciato immutata la situazione linguistica. La prima grammatica della lingua maltese data aIle stampe e del 1750; il primo dizionario e del 1796. Si tratta rispettivamente del Della lingua punica presentemente usata da' maltesi di G. P. F. Agius de Soldanis e del Vocabolario Maltese, recato nelle lingue Latina e Italiana di M. A. Vassalli, ambedue pubblicati a Roma. II De Soldanis ci ha anche lasciato un vocabolario manoscritto che risale al 1750 ca.peer-reviewe
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