11 research outputs found

    Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons through landfarming: are simplicity and cost-effectiveness the only advantages?

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    The biological removal of petroleum products using landfarming has been applied commercially in large scale with relative success. The technology has been widely used due to its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. However, together with these advantages, there are physical, chemical and biological aspects of the technology that can hamper the remediation process. The dominant pollutant removal mechanisms involved in landfarming are volatilisation of low molecular weight volatile compounds during the early days of contamination or treatment, biodegradation and adsorption. However, volatilisation, leaching of the petroleum products and the remaining ‘recalcitrant’ hydrocarbon residues present both health and environmental challenges to the rehabilitation practitioners when designing the landfarming technology. Bioaugmentation and biostimulation are promising bioremediation approaches involving landfarming. However, due to the inherent problems related to bioaugmentation such as poor survival of augmented strains, biostimulation should be preferred in contaminated sites with indigenous pollutant-degrading bacteria. Although simplicity and cost-effectiveness are the major advantages for using landfarming, other factors generally regarded as disadvantageous to implementing the technology can be addressed. These includes requirements for large land area for treatment, availability of the pollutant degrading bacteria, effectiveness of the technology at high constituent concentration (more than 50,000 ppm), improved concentration reductions in cases requiring more than 95% of pollution reduction and the flexibility of the technology in integrating the removal of petroleum hydrocarbons with other contaminants that may occur with the petroleum products

    Evaluation of microbial communities colonizing stone ballasts at diesel depots

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    In this study, we evaluated the heterotrophic microbial communities colonising stone ballasts at diesel depots. The number of bacteria (both total culturable heterotrophic bacteria and hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria) was proportional to the level of hydrocarbon contamination. However, there was no significant difference in the level of total culturable heterotrophs (TCHs) and the hydrocarbon degrading bacteria. Addition of nutrients to the ballast stimulated the biological activity and possibly the removal of hydrocarbons. However, this was only evident in the highly contaminated stone ballasts samples. The biological activity was evaluated using CO2 production. The production of CO2 was higher in nutrient amended treatments in which high numbers of TCHs were present. Characterisation of heterotrophic communities using Biolog revealed differences in the microbial metabolic profiles for the different sites. The results suggest that the heterotrophic microbial communities at different diesel depots are different

    Germination of Lepidium savitum as a method to evaluate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) removal from contaminated soil

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    The sensitivity of Lepidium sativum germination to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was investigated in soil(s) artificially and historically contaminated with mixtures of PAH. The level of germination of L. sativum decreased with increasing concentration of the PAH in the artificially contaminated soil, while no germination occurred in the historically polluted soil. At a concentration of 1000 and 50ppm, the germination levels were 75%, respectively. The same germination levels, as a function of PAH concentration, were observed when a non-ionic surfactant was present in the soil(s). When used during phytoremediation of PAH, the germination level of L. sativum was inhibited during the first weeks, after which germination increased, possibly due to PAH dissipation from the soil. The data suggest that the germination of L. sativum can be used to monitor the removal of PAH pollutants from soil

    The use of biological activities to monitor the removal of fuel contaminants - perspective for monitoring hydrocarbon contamination : a review

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    Soil biological activities are vital for the restoration of soil contaminated with hydrocarbons. Their role includes the biotransformation of petroleum compounds into harmless compounds. In this paper, the use of biological activities as potential monitoring tools or bioindicators during bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil are reviewed. The use of biological activities as bioindicators of hydrocarbon removal in soil has been reported with variable success. This variability can be attributed partially to the spatial variability of soil properties, which undoubtedly plays a role in the exposure of organisms to contaminants. Widely used bioindicators have been enzyme activities, seed germination, earthworm survival and microorganisms or microbial bioluminescence. A mixture of some successful utilization of biological activities and several failures, and inconsistencies reported, show that at this stage there is no general guarantee of successful utilization of biological activities as monitoring tools. Wherever possible, the use of biological activities as bioindicators of hydrocarbon removal must be used to complement existing traditional monitoring tool

    Multispecies and monoculture rhizoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the soil

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    In this study, we investigated the potential of multispecies rhizoremediation and monoculture rhizoremediation in decontaminating polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminated soil. Plant-mediated PAH dissipation was evaluated using monoplanted soil microcosms and soil microcosms vegetated with several different grass species (Brachiaria serrata and Eleusine corocana). The dissipation of naphthalene and fluorene was higher in the “multispecies” vegetated soil compared to the monoplanted and nonplanted control soil. The concentration of naphthalene was undetectable in the multispecies vegetated treatment compared to 96% removal efficiencies in the monoplanted treatments and 63% in the nonplanted control after 10 wk of incubation. Similar removal efficiencies were obtained for fluorene. However, there was no significant difference in the dissipation of pyrene in both the mono- and multi-species vegetated treatments. There also was no significant difference between the dissipation of PAHs in the monoplanted treatments with different grass species. Principle component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis were used to evaluate functional diversity of the different treatments during phytoremediation of PAHs. Both PCA and cluster analysis revealed differences in the metabolic fingerprints of the PAH contaminated and noncontaminated soils. However, the differences in metabolic diversity between the multispecies vegetated and monoplanted treatments were not clearly revealed. The results suggest that multispecies rhizoremediation using tolerant plant species rather than monoculture rhizoremediation have the potential to enhance pollutant removal in moderately contaminated soil

    Evaluation of microbial diversity of different soil layers at a contaminated diesel site

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    In this study, we evaluated the hydrocarbon removal efficiency and microbial diversity of different soil layers. The soil layers with high counts of recoverable hydrocarbon degrading bacteria had the highest hydrocarbon removal rate compared with soil layers with low counts of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria. Removal efficiency was 48% in the topsoil, compared with 31% and 11% at depths of 1.5 and 1m, respectively. In the 1 and 1.5m soil layers, there was no significant difference between total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) removal in nutrient amended treatments and controls. The respiration rate reflected the difference in the number of bacteria in each soil layer and the availability of nutrients. High O2 consumption corresponded positively with high TPH removal. Analysis of the microbial diversity in the different soil layers using functional diversity (community-level physiological profile, via Biolog) and genetic diversity using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) of 16S rDNA revealed differences in, respectively, substrate utilisation patterns and DGGE profiles of 16S rDNA fragments. Microbial diversity as revealed by DNA fragments was lower in the highly contaminated soil layer (1.5m) than in the topsoil and at 1m

    Potential applications of bioprocess technology in petroleum industry

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    Petroleum refining is traditionally based on the use of physicochemical processes such as distillation and chemical catalysis that operate under high temperatures and pressures conditions, which are energy intensive and costly. Biotechnology has become an important tool for providing new approaches in petroleum industry during oil production, refining and processing as well as managing environmentally safe pollutant remediation and disposal practices. Earlier biotechnology applications in the petroleum industry were limited to microbial enhanced oil recovery, applications of bioremediation to contaminated marine shorelines, soils and sludges. The potential role of bioprocess technology in this industry has now expanded further into the areas of biorefining and upgrading of fuels, production of fine chemicals, control of souring during production and air VOC biofiltration. In this paper we provide an overview of the major applications of bioprocesses and technology development in the petroleum industry both in upstream and downstream areas and highlight future challenges and opportunities