200 research outputs found

    Abdominal mass due to crossed renal ectopia and fusion

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    Background: A 22-year-old woman was referred to the department of Radiology, because of a painless mass at the right hemiabdomen

    Terson’s syndrome. M. Eyselbergs, M.H. Voormolen

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    A 55-year-old-woman suddenly woke up with the worst headache she ever experienced. The clinical picture deteriorated fast and by the time she was admitted to the emergency department, she developed anisocoria and was in a coma (Glasgow Coma Scale, 3/15). A non enhanced computed tomography of the brain was performed and revealed a subarachnoid hemorrhage (Fig. A) caused by a ruptured aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery (Fig. B, black arrow). The aneurysm was successfully treated by endovascular occlusion with coils

    Multicentric carpal-tarsal osteolysis

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    A 2.5-year-old girl presented with pain and reduced strength in hands and wristsand walking difficulties. Clinical examination revealed a position deformity of both hands and broad elbows with limited extension

    Developmental venous anomaly : MR and angiographic features

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    Developmental venous anomaly (DVA) is probably the most common anomaly of the intracranial vasculature. DVAs consist of multiple, radially oriented dilated medullary veins that converge into a transcerebral vein. We describe the imaging findings of this vascular anomaly in different patients and the role of different imaging modalities

    Lithium-Induced Nephropathy

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    Background: A 59-year-old man was referred for CT scan of the abdomen after repair of an eventrated appendectomy wound. The man had a known history of bipolar affective disorder, for which he had been on lithium therapy for many years. As an incidental finding, CT scan showed numerous small hypodense renal lesions. Subsequently a MRI examination was performed to further characterize these renal abnormalities

    Mastication Dyspraxia: A Neurodevelopmental Disorder Reflecting Disruption of the Cerebellocerebral Network Involved in Planned Actions

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    This paper reports the longitudinal clinical, neurocognitive, and neuroradiological findings in an adolescent patient with nonprogressive motor and cognitive disturbances consistent with a diagnosis of developmental coordination disorder (DCD). In addition to prototypical DCD, the development of mastication was severely impaired, while no evidence of swallowing apraxia, dysphagia, sensorimotor disturbances, abnormal tone, or impaired general cognition was found. He suffered from bronchopulmonary dysplasia and was ventilated as a newborn for 1.5 months. At the age of 3 months, a ventriculoperitoneal shunt was surgically installed because of obstructive hydrocephalus secondary to perinatal intraventricular bleeding. At the age of 5 years, the patient’s attempts to masticate were characterized by rough, effortful, and laborious biting movements confined to the vertical plane. Solid food particles had a tendency to get struck in his mouth and there was constant spillage. As a substitute for mastication, he moved the unground food with his fingers in a lateral direction to the mandibular and maxillary vestibule to externally manipulate and squeeze the food between cheek and teeth with the palm of his hand. Once the food was sufficiently soft, the bolus was correctly transported by the tongue in posterior direction and normal deglutition took place. Repeat magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) during follow-up disclosed mild structural abnormalities as the sequelae of the perinatal intraventricular bleeding, but this could not explain impaired mastication behavior. Quantified Tc-99m-ethylcysteinate dimer single-photon emission computed tomography (Tc-99m-ECD SPECT), however, revealed decreased perfusion in the left cerebellar hemisphere, as well as in both inferior lateral frontal regions, both motor cortices, and the right anterior and lateral temporal areas. Anatomoclinical findings in this patient with DCD not only indicate that the functional integrity of the cerebellocerebral network is crucially important in the planning and execution of skilled actions, but also seem to show for the first time that mastication deficits may be of true apraxic origin. As a result, it is hypothesized that “mastication dyspraxia” may have to be considered as a distinct nosological entity within the group of the developmental dyspraxias following a disruption of the cerebellocerebral network involved in planned actions

    Post-traumatic hepatic arterial pseudoaneurysm and arterioportal shunt

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    The authors report the case of a 21-year-old man who suffered from a blunt abdominal trauma. Initial imaging revealed a liver laceration at the right lobe, a perirenal hematoma of the right kidney and a hematoma of the right adrenal gland. Follow-up MDCT-scan on day 10 after admission showed at the arterial-phase contrast-enhanced study perfusion alterations and two hepatic pseudoaneurysms. The diagnosis of pseudoaneurysm was confirmed and treated angiographically with superselective coil embolization. A follow-up CT-scan on day 17 showed at a nontreated area an arterioportal shunt and a wedge-shaped transient hepatic parenchymal enhancement. This was confirmed angiographically and subsequently treated with coil embolization

    Septic Thrombophlebitis of the Right Ovarian Vein

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    Background: A 26-year-old woman presented at the emergency department with a painful abdomen and fever up to 39°C, despite antibiotics. She had given prematurely birth by caesarian section to a twin 8 days earlier. On clinical examination she had a diffuse painful and tender abdomen, especially on the right side and suprapubic region. Laboratory findings showed an increased c-reactive protein of 24 mg/dL (normal < 0,3) and increased white blood cell count of 13 Å~ 10E9/L (normal 4,3-10 Å~ 10E9/L). There was also a decreased hemoglobin level of 8,4 g/dL (normal 12-15 g/dL). An ultrasonography was performed by the gynecologist and revealed a large heterogeneous fluid collection anteriorly of the uterus
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