216 research outputs found

    Zinc increases the effects of essential amino acids-whey protein supplements in frail elderly

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    Abstract: Protein undernutrition is frequent in the elderly. It contributes to the development of osteoporosis, possibly via lower IGF-I. Dietary zinc can influence IGF-I production. Objectives: To determine the influence of dietary zinc addition on IGF-I and bone turnover responses to essential amino acids-whey (EAA-W) protein supplements in frail elderly. Design and setting: A daily oral protein supplement was given to hospitalized patients for 4 weeks. On a randomized, double-blind basis, patients received either an additional 30 mg/day of zinc or control. Participants: Sixty-one hospitalized elderly aged 66.7 to 105.8, with a mini-nutritional assessment score between 17 and 24 were enrolled. Measurements: Activities of daily living; dietary intakes; serum IGF-I, IGF-BP3, CrossLaps™, osteocalcin and zinc were measured before and after 1, 2 and 4 weeks of protein supplementation. Results: Serum IGF-I rapidly increased in both groups. Zinc accelerated this increase with changes of +48.2±14.3 and +22.4±4.7% (p<.05) by 1 week, in the zinc-supplemented and control groups, respectively. Zinc significantly decreased the serum bone resorption marker CrossLaps™ by already 1 week. Activities of daily living improved by +27.0±3.1 and +18.3±4.5% in zinc-supplemented and control groups, respectively. Conclusion: In the elderly, zinc supplementation accelerated the serum IGF-I response to EAA-W protein by 1 week and decreased a biochemical marker of bone resorptio

    Rejets radioactifs et environnement du CERN en 2003

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    La radioactivité de l’environnement autour de l’Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN) et les doses de rayonnements qui en résultent pour la population avoisinante sont contrôlées par la Commission de Sûreté du CERN et de manière indépendante par les autorités compétentes des deux Etats Hôtes, l’Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN) côté France et l’Office Fédéral de la Santé Publique (OFSP) côté Suisse. Dans ce rapport, les résultats de mesures concernent en particulier le territoire suisse. L’ensemble des mesures effectuées en 2003 prouve que le fonctionnement des installations du CERN était sans conséquence radiologique sur l’environnement et la population. Le contrôle des émissions montre que les rejets effectifs se situent également en 2003 nettement en dessous des limites réglementaires. Ce constat est confirmé par le contrôle des immissions dans l’environnement. Le CERN a bien respecté en 2003 comme dans les années précédentes la valeur directrice de dose liée à la source fixée à 0.3 mSv/an. L’impact réel représente en fait moins de 10% de cette valeur, comme l’indique l’estimation pour le groupe critique, qui est de l’ordre de 0.03 mSv/an

    Physical and rehabilitation medicine (PRM) care pathways: Adults with severe traumatic brain injury

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    AbstractThis document is part of a series of guidelines documents designed by the French Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Society (SOFMER) and the French Federation of PRM (FEDMER). These reference documents focus on a particular pathology (here patients with severe TBI). They describe for each given pathology patients’ clinical and social needs, PRM care objectives and necessary human and material resources of the pathology-dedicated pathway. ‘Care pathways in PRM’ is therefore a short document designed to enable readers (physician, decision-maker, administrator, lawyer, finance manager) to have a global understanding of available therapeutic care structures, organization and economic needs for patients’ optimal care and follow-up. After a severe traumatic brain injury, patients might be divided into three categories according to impairment's severity, to early outcomes in the intensive care unit and to functional prognosis. Each category is considered in line with six identical parameters used in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (World Health Organization), focusing thereafter on personal and environmental factors liable to affect the patients’ needs

    ELENA, a preliminary cost and feasibility study

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    To produce dense pbar beams at very low energies (100-200 keV), a small decelerator ring could be built and installed between the existing AD ring and the experimental area. Phase-space blowup during deceleration would be compensated by electron cooling in order to obtain final emittances comparable to the 5MeV beam presently delivered by the AD. This report describes preliminary machine parameters and layout of ELENA and also gives an approximate estimate of cost and manpower needs

    The CERN PS multi-turn extraction based on beam splittting in stable islands of transverse phase space: Design Report

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    Since 2001 considerable effort has been devoted to the study of a possible replacement of the continuous-transfer extraction mode from the PS to the SPS. Such an approach, called Multi-Turn Extraction (MTE), is based on capture of the beam inside stable islands of transverse phase space, generated by sextupoles and octupoles, thanks to a properly chosen tune variation. Both numerical simulations and measurements with beam were performed to understand the properties of this new extraction mode. The experimental study was completed at the end of 2004 and by the end of 2005 a scheme to implement this novel approach in the PS machine was defined and its performance assessed. This design report presents the outcome of the studies undertaken both in terms of technical issues as well as of resources necessary to implement the proposed scheme


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    The LHC will, in addition to proton runs, be operated with Pb ions and provide collisions at energies of 5.5 TeV per nucleon pair, i.e. more than 1.1 PeV per event, to experiments. The transformation of CERN's ion injector complex (Linac3-LEIR-PS-SPS) to allow collision of ions in LHC in 2008 is well under way. The status of these modifications and the latest results of commissioning will be presented. The remaining challenges are reviewed

    Limited Correlation of Shotgun Metagenomics Following Host Depletion and Routine Diagnostics for Viruses and Bacteria in Low Concentrated Surrogate and Clinical Samples

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    The etiologic cause of encephalitis, meningitis or meningo-encephalitis is unknown in up to 70% of cases. Clinical shotgun metagenomics combined with host depletion is a promising technique to identify infectious etiologies of central nervous system (CNS) infections. We developed a straightforward eukaryotic host nucleic acid depletion method that preserves intact viruses and bacteria for subsequent shotgun metagenomics screening of clinical samples, focusing on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). A surrogate CSF sample for a CNS infection paradigm was used to evaluate the proposed depletion method consisting of selective host cell lysis, followed by enzymatic degradation of the liberated genomic DNA for final depletion with paramagnetic beads. Extractives were subjected to reverse transcription, followed by whole genome amplification and next generation sequencing. The effectiveness of the host depletion method was demonstrated in surrogate CSF samples spiked with three 1:100 dilutions of Influenza A H3N2 virus (qPCR Ct-values 20.7, 28.8, &gt;42/negative). Compared to the native samples, host depletion increased the amount of the virus subtype reads by factor 7127 and 132, respectively, while in the qPCR negative sample zero vs. 31 (1.4E-4 %) virus subtype reads were detected (native vs. depleted). The workflow was applied to thirteen CSF samples of patients with meningo-/encephalitis (two bacterial, eleven viral etiologies), a serum of an Andes virus infection and a nose swab of a common cold patient. Unlike surrogate samples, host depletion of the thirteen human CSF samples and the nose swab did not result in more reads indicating presence of damaged pathogens due to, e.g., host immune response. Nevertheless, previously diagnosed pathogens in the human CSF samples (six viruses, two bacteria), the serum, and the nose swab (Human rhinovirus A31) were detected in the depleted and/or the native samples. Unbiased evaluation of the taxonomic profiles supported the diagnosed pathogen in two native CSF samples and the native and depleted serum and nose swab, while detecting various contaminations that interfered with pathogen identification at low concentration levels. In summary, damaged pathogens and contaminations complicated analysis and interpretation of clinical shotgun metagenomics data. Still, proper consideration of these issues may enable future application of metagenomics for clinical diagnostics
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