460 research outputs found

    Current sample size conventions: Flaws, harms, and alternatives

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The belief remains widespread that medical research studies must have statistical power of at least 80% in order to be scientifically sound, and peer reviewers often question whether power is high enough.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>This requirement and the methods for meeting it have severe flaws. Notably, the true nature of how sample size influences a study's projected scientific or practical value precludes any meaningful blanket designation of <80% power as "inadequate". In addition, standard calculations are inherently unreliable, and focusing only on power neglects a completed study's most important results: estimates and confidence intervals. Current conventions harm the research process in many ways: promoting misinterpretation of completed studies, eroding scientific integrity, giving reviewers arbitrary power, inhibiting innovation, perverting ethical standards, wasting effort, and wasting money. Medical research would benefit from alternative approaches, including established <it>value of information </it>methods, simple choices based on cost or feasibility that have recently been justified, sensitivity analyses that examine a meaningful array of possible findings, and following previous analogous studies. To promote more rational approaches, research training should cover the issues presented here, peer reviewers should be extremely careful before raising issues of "inadequate" sample size, and reports of completed studies should not discuss power.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>Common conventions and expectations concerning sample size are deeply flawed, cause serious harm to the research process, and should be replaced by more rational alternatives.</p

    Progression of Biopsy-Measured Liver Fibrosis in Untreated Patients with Hepatitis C Infection: Non-Markov Multistate Model Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Fibrosis stages from liver biopsies reflect liver damage from hepatitis C infection, but analysis is challenging due to their ordered but non-numeric nature, infrequent measurement, misclassification, and unknown infection times. METHODS: We used a non-Markov multistate model, accounting for misclassification, with multiple imputation of unknown infection times, applied to 1062 participants of whom 159 had multiple biopsies. Odds ratios (OR) quantified the estimated effects of covariates on progression risk at any given time. RESULTS: Models estimated that progression risk decreased the more time participants had already spent in the current stage, African American race was protective (OR 0.75, 95% confidence interval 0.60 to 0.95, p = 0.018), and older current age increased risk (OR 1.33 per decade, 95% confidence interval 1.15 to 1.54, p = 0.0002). When controlled for current age, older age at infection did not appear to increase risk (OR 0.92 per decade, 95% confidence interval 0.47 to 1.79, p = 0.80). There was a suggestion that co-infection with human immunodeficiency virus increased risk of progression in the era of highly active antiretroviral treatment beginning in 1996 (OR 2.1, 95% confidence interval 0.97 to 4.4, p = 0.059). Other examined risk factors may influence progression risk, but evidence for or against this was weak due to wide confidence intervals. The main results were essentially unchanged using different assumed misclassification rates or imputation of age of infection. DISCUSSION: The analysis avoided problems inherent in simpler methods, supported the previously suspected protective effect of African American race, and suggested that current age rather than age of infection increases risk. Decreasing risk of progression with longer time already spent in a stage was also previously found for post-transplant progression. This could reflect varying disease activity, with recent progression indicating active disease and high risk, while longer time already spent in a stage indicates quiescent disease and low risk


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    La grande diffusione negli ultimi anni di reti di stazioni GPS permanenti istituite per scopi commerciali come il posizionamento in tempo reale, può rappresentare un’importante integrazione alla già esistente rete scientifica di monitoraggio della deformazione crostale. Le stazioni commerciali sono solitamente equipaggiate con ricevitori a doppia frequenza e antenne tipo choke ring. Una possibile differenza fra queste e le stazioni scientifiche consiste nell’approccio utilizzato per la scelta del sito e per la monumentazione. Per questo motivo prima di utilizzare le osservazioni acquisite dalle stazioni commerciali per analisi di tipo scientifico bisogna verificare se i protocolli di installazione e gestione di questi non introducano nuove sorgenti di rumore nei dati o aumentino quelle già esistenti. In questo studio, abbiamo confrontato le caratteristiche principali delle serie temporali di 112 stazioni commerciali situate nell’Italia Centro–Settentrionale con quelle di 81 stazioni scientifiche presenti nella medesima zona (Fig. 1). Le osservazioni delle 112 stazioni commerciali prese in esame sono fornite dalle seguenti agenzie pubbliche e private: ASSOGEO, LABTOPO, Rete Regione Veneto, SOGER, IREALP, Rete Arpa Piemonte e Regione Abruzzo; e i dati delle 81 stazioni scientifiche sono stati invece acquisiti dagli archivi informatici di 5 diverse istituzioni pubbliche: ASI, INGV – RING, EUREF, FREDNET e Rete Toscana. Le osservazioni di tutte le stazioni considerate in questo lavoro sono state analizzate mediante il software GAMIT/GLOBK versione 10.34 e successive utilizzando la procedura denominata distributed processing (Dong et alii, 1998), che consente di analizzare reti con un alto numero di stazioni suddividendole in diverse sottoreti distinte, compensando successivamente i risultati ottenuti in un’unica soluz

    Early prediction of median survival among a large AIDS surveillance cohort

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>For individuals with AIDS, data exist relatively soon after diagnosis to allow estimation of "early" survival quantiles (<it>e.g.</it>, the 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.30 quantiles, etc.). Many years of additional observation must elapse before median survival, a summary measure of survival, can be estimated accurately. In this study, a new approach to predict AIDS median survival is presented and its accuracy tested using AIDS surveillance data.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The data consisted of 96,373 individuals who were reported to the HIV/AIDS Reporting System of the California Department of Health Services Office of AIDS as of December 31, 1996. We defined cohorts based on quarter year of diagnosis (<it>e.g.</it>, the "931" cohort consists of individuals diagnosed with AIDS in the first quarter of 1993). We used early quantiles (estimated using the Inverse Probability of Censoring Weighted estimator) of the survival distribution to estimate median survival by assuming a linear relationship between the earlier quantiles and median survival. From this model, median survival was predicted for cohorts for which a median could not be estimated empirically from the available data. This prediction was compared with the actual medians observed when using updated survival data reported at least five years later.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using the 0.15 quantile as the predictor and the data available as of December 31, 1996, we were able to predict the median survival of four cohorts (933, 934, 941, and 942) to be 34, 34, 31, and 29 months. Without this approach, there were insufficient data with which to make any estimate of median survival. The actual median survival of these four cohorts (using data as of December 31, 2001) was found to be 32, 40, 46, and 80 months, suggesting that the accuracy for this approach requires a minimum of three years to elapse from diagnosis to the time an accurate prediction can be made.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of this study suggest that early and accurate prediction of median survival time after AIDS diagnosis may be possible using early quantiles of the survival distribution. The methodology did not seem to work well during a period of significant change in survival as observed with highly active antiretroviral treatment, but results suggest that it may work well in a time of more gradual improvement in survival.</p

    Digital elevation models for landslide evolution monitoring: application on two areas located in the Reno River Valley (Italy)

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    GPS, digital photogrammetry and laser scanning techniques have been applied and compared in the frame of the studies of two complex landslides located in the Emilia-Romagna Region (Northern Italy). The three approaches, characterized by different accuracies, applicability and costs, have demonstrated to be efficient tools to define Digital Elevation Models computed in the same reference system and able to provide data on the landslide motion. The results described in the paper indicate the present low level of landslide activity in recent years. Reliability, costs and execution times of the applied surveying methods are shown and discussed in this paper

    Optimization and fabrication of programmable domains for soft magnetic robots: A review

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    Driven by the aim of realizing functional robotic systems at the milli- and submillimetre scale for biomedical applications, the area of magnetically driven soft devices has received significant recent attention. This has resulted in a new generation of magnetically controlled soft robots with patterns of embedded, programmable domains throughout their structures. This type of programmable magnetic profiling equips magnetic soft robots with shape programmable memory and can be achieved through the distribution of discrete domains (voxels) with variable magnetic densities and magnetization directions. This approach has produced highly compliant, and often bio-inspired structures that are well suited to biomedical applications at small scales, including microfluidic transport and shape-forming surgical catheters. However, to unlock the full potential of magnetic soft robots with improved designs and control, significant challenges remain in their compositional optimization and fabrication. This review considers recent advances and challenges in the interlinked optimization and fabrication aspects of programmable domains within magnetic soft robots. Through a combination of improvements in the computational capacity of novel optimization methods with advances in the resolution, material selection and automation of existing and novel fabrication methods, significant further developments in programmable magnetic soft robots may be realized